The London Plan (Official Plan)

The London Plan is the policy framework for all planning in the city.  

It emphasizes:

  • growing inward and upward to reduce the costs of growth
  • creating walkable communities
  • revitalizing urban neighbourhoods and business areas
  • protecting farmlands
  • reducing greenhouse gases and energy consumption

The plan sets out ways to conserve cultural heritage and protect environmental areas, hazard lands, and natural resources.  Through The London Plan, the community is planning for vibrant, healthy, safe and fulfilling neighbourhoods, attractive and viable mobility alternatives and affordable housing that is accessible to those who need it.

At the root of The London Plan is the goal of building a city that will be attractive as a place to live and invest in a highly competitive world and one that will offer the opportunity of prosperity to everyone.  The London Plan sets the stage for the next twenty years of city building in London.

The London Plan Status

The London Plan is in force as the new official plan for the City of London. 

The London Plan was adopted by City Council in June 2016 and approved by the Province in December 2016.  All of the City’s by-laws and public works must conform to the policies of The London Plan.

The 1989 Official Plan has been repealed by City Council. 

At the time of Provincial approval, The London Plan was appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT).  Through OLT decision May 25, 2022, the final phase of policy appeals have been resolved. Several site-specific appeals remain.  Those policies that remain under appeal are contained within a red box in the plan.  For more information about the appeals, please visit the Ontario Land Tribunals website.

The London Plan

The London Plan and attached maps are provided as a public service. In any situation where the printed London Plan text or maps of the city of London differ from electronic versions contained in the website, the official printed publications take precedence. Users of this electronic information should verify it with the printed official information before acting on it.

Content you access here is not necessarily an exact and/or current reproduction of official documents. For example, amendments to The London Plan may be in progress or Internet browser display capability may affect map presentation formats and The London Plan references policies which apply to specific areas. The City of London does not warrant accuracy of these electronic versions and accepts no responsibility for any damages suffered by any person as a result of decisions made - or actions based - on informational content accessed via its Internet site.

Official versions of all London Plan maps and related information can be obtained from the City of London Clerks Division by calling 519-661-2489 ext 5756.

©Copyright City of London 2016

Note: London Plan maps of the City of London are not to be distributed or used for commercial purposes but may be used for other purposes provided that the above disclaimer and copyright notice is presented. If you have any questions about the use, reproduction or distribution of London Plan maps and/or related London Plan information please call the City Solicitor's Office at 519-661-4940.


Last modified:Wednesday, March 12, 2025