
We host a variety of internships in many different areas of our organization, at different times of the year and for different lengths of time. Under our Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Plan, we offer two types of paid internships focused toward Indigenous persons, racialized persons/visible minorities, new immigrants, professionals with foreign training, persons with disabilities and recent post-secondary graduates. In partnership with Immigration Services, we also offer the International Student Graduate Internship Program focused toward international students who have graduated within the last year from a recognized post-secondary institution, currently hold a valid Post Graduate Work Permit, and have an English language benchmark of level 6 or above.

Up to 15 weeks internship
  • 6 positions per year
  • Intake typically January and September
  • Focused toward the following demographic groups:
  • Indigenous persons (identifying as Aboriginal, First Nations, Metis, Inuit and/or Indian)
  • Persons with disabilities, as defined under the Ontario Human Rights Code
  • Racialized persons/visible minorities (persons, other than Indigenous persons, who are non-Caucasian in race and those who have racial meanings attributed to them as a group in ways that negatively impact their work and social life)
  • New immigrants (those who have gained permanent residency status and/or naturalized citizenship, having arrived in Canada no more than 5 years ago)
  • Recent post-secondary graduate (London resident currently residing in or having left London within the last year ONLY and who have graduated from a recognized post-secondary institution)
  • 35 hours per week
International student graduate internship program
  • Up to 20 weeks internship
  • Up to 3 positions per year
  • Intake typically January
  • Focused toward international students who have graduated within the last year from a recognized post-secondary institution, currently hold a valid Post Graduate Work Permit, and have an English language benchmark of level 6 or above.
  • 30 hours per week
Up to 12 months internship
  • 2 positions per year
  • Intake typically January and September
  • Focused toward professionals with foreign training working toward obtaining their P. Eng. accreditation with the Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO)
  • Applicants must be a graduate of a recognized post-secondary education institute with Canadian equivalency, working on obtaining accreditation as a Professional Engineer, and have previous experience working as a Professional Engineer in their home country
  • 35 hours per week
Last modified:Wednesday, July 03, 2024