The next Municipal Elections take place on Monday, October 26, 2026.
Voters list and how to update your information
Elections Ontario maintains the Permanent Register of Electors for Ontario, commonly known as the Register or Voters List. This list includes individuals who are eligible to vote in provincial and municipal elections across Ontario.
You can use Elections Ontario’s Voter Registration application to confirm, update, or add your information if you:
- Have changed your name or address
- Own or rent a new property
- No longer own or rent a property
- Want to remove your information from the Register
Register today by visiting or call 1-866-242-3025.
Voting in Multiple Municipal Elections
If you or your spouse own or rent property in a municipality other than your primary residence, you may be eligible to vote in more than one municipal election.
For more information on updating your voter registration, removing a deceased person from the Register, or joining the Register of Future Voters, visit the Elections Ontario website.
Register of Future Voters
The Ontario Register of Future Voters allows eligible 16- and 17-year-olds to pre-register so they are automatically added to the Voters List when they turn 18. Visit to learn more about eligibility, identification requirements, and how to register as a future voter.
Students and Voter Registration
Students attending school away from home may be eligible to vote in multiple municipalities. If a student’s permanent residence and temporary student home are in different municipalities or a Territory Without Municipal Organization area, they can update or add their "home address" as their permanent family residence and list their student home as an additional property they, or their spouse, own or rent.
Updating Your School Support
As of January 1, 2024, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) is no longer responsible for collecting voter information for municipal elections. However, MPAC is required to collect school support information.
Property owners in Ontario must designate support for a school system, even if they do not have children or if their children do not currently attend school. This designation appears on your Property Assessment Notice.
You can update your school support designation through MPAC’s Online School Support Tool. To learn more about school support, visit the MPAC website.
Accessible voting
If you find voting using a paper ballot difficult, you can bring a friend or a relative to assist you with marking the ballot. When you arrive at the poll, be sure to tell the greeter you have someone assisting you. Your friend/relative will need to take an oath affirming they will mark the ballot according to your instructions, and they can then proceed with you through the polling station and behind the voters screen where the ballot is marked.
Please take a moment to watch the video Making Our Municipal Elections Accessible.
Accessibility Requests
For anyone requesting curbside voting or requiring other accessible options, please use the online form below, email, or call 519-661-4535 as early as possible in order for us to have time to make arrangements.
Alternate formats are available, upon request.
What to bring with you to vote
Identification is required when you vote. You will need to show ID which contains your name and address. You may have to show two pieces of ID to accomplish this.
Please bring an original, or certified/notarized copy, of any of the following documents:
- Ontario driver’s licence
- Ontario Health Card (photo card)
- Ontario Photo Card
- Ontario motor vehicle permit (vehicle portion)
- cancelled personalized cheque
- mortgage statement, lease or rental agreement relating to property in Ontario
- insurance policy or insurance statement
- loan agreement or other financial agreement with a financial institution
- document issued or certified by a court in Ontario
- any other document from the government of Canada, Ontario or a municipality in Ontario or from an agency or such a government
- any document from a Band Council in Ontario established under the Indian Act (Canada)
- income tax assessment notice
- child tax benefit statement
- statement of employment insurance benefits paid T4E
- statement of old age security T4A (OAS)
- statement of Canada Pension Plan benefits T4A (P)
- Canada Pension Plan statement of contributions
- statement of direct deposit for Ontario Works
- statement of direct deposit for Ontario Disability Support Program
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board statement of benefits T5007
- property tax assessment
- credit card statement, bank account statement, or RRSP, RRIF, RHOSP or T5 statement
- CNIB Card or a card from another registered charitable organization that provides services to persons with disabilities
- hospital card or record
- document showing campus residence, issued by the office or officials responsible for student residence at a post-secondary institution
- document showing residence at a long-term care home under the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007, issued by the Administrator for the home
- utility bill for hydro, water, gas, telephone or cable TV or a bill from a public utilities commission
- cheque stub, T4 statement or pay receipt issued by an employer
- transcript or report card from a post-secondary school
Who can vote?
In order to be eligible to vote, you must meet the Qualifications of Electors as listed in the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, s.17(2)
A person is entitled to be an elector at an election held in a local municipality if, on voting day, he or she,
- resides in the local municipality or is the owner or tenant of land there, or is the spouse of such owner or tenant;
- is a Canadian citizen;
- is at least 18 years old; and
- is not prohibited from voting under subsection (3) or otherwise by law.
All you need to do is show up to vote on Election Day at your designated poll with identification.
Student voting
Students are allowed to vote in both their home municipality and the municipality where they are attending school.
Who can make contributions to a candidate's campaign?
Any person who is a resident of Ontario can make a contribution to a candidate’s campaign or contribute to a third party advertiser to help fund their advertisements. You may contribute a maximum of $1,200 to a single candidate. You may also contribute a maximum of $1,200 to a third party advertiser. These amounts include the value of any goods or services donated to the campaign. You may not contribute more than $5,000 in total to candidates running for offices on the same council or school board, or to third party advertisers who are registered in the same municipality. If you want to contribute to a candidate or third party advertiser, you should make sure that you know what the contribution limits are and keep track of your donations to ensure that you don’t end up giving more than is permitted.
Groups, such as neighbourhood associations and clubs, or professional associations, such as fire or police associations, are not eligible to make financial contributions to candidates or third party advertisers. Members may contribute individually.
Voter's Guide
The Province of Ontario releases a Voters Guide for every municipal election. This guide provides information to voters for the 2022 municipal council and school board elections, and the information also applies to any by-elections that may be held during the 2022-2026 council and school board term.
Ward Map
Videos (please click on the thumbnail to start)

Transcript - Making Our Municipal Elections Accessible
The City of London offers many tools and services to make voting more accessible: an easy-to-read ballot with candidate names in large print, braille lists of candidates, voting instructions, and curbside voting. We try to make our polling stations accessible to all residents of London, but it's best to find out in advance if yours meets your needs. Before you go to vote, you can check the accessibility features available at your designated Voting Day polling station, or at any of our Advance Poll locations. Here’s where you’ll find that information: on your Voter Notification Card, which comes in the mail; at; by emailing us at; or by calling us at 519-661-4535. If your assigned polling station doesn't meet your accessibility needs, contact us. We’ll help you find an alternate polling station or discuss other ways you may be able to vote. If you need assistance marking your ballot, feel free to bring a friend or a relative to assist you with that. And remember, Election workers are there to help you. If you need anything to make your voting experience easier, just ask.

Transcript - Plan to Vote
The Voter’s List is a list comprised of all eligible voters in the city of London. To be an eligible voter you must be a Canadian citizen, 18 years of age on or before Voting Day, a resident of the city of London, or a non-resident but you or your spouse own or rent a property in the city of London, and not prohibited from voting under any law. Make sure your name is on the Voters' List. How do you get on the Voters List? This is easily done by visiting: Our office in person, our website at, or by calling us at 519-661-4535. You can also add yourself to the Voters’ List at the polling station when you go to vote. Being on the Voters' List means that you’ll receive a Voter Notification Card in the mail which you can take with you to the poll and will help to make voting faster. You can vote one of three ways: 1) Vote by mail (**must request in advance.), 2) vote on Elections Day, 3) vote on advance polling days. For more information, visit

Transcript - The Voting Process
When you arrive at the polling station, an election official will greet you and show you to a table>where you will be asked for your identification. Make sure you bring identification showing both your name and address in the city of London, and your Voter Information Card which you received in the mail. A complete list of acceptable ID is available at An Election Official will then check for your name on the Voters' List and cross your name off the list. If your name isn’t on the Voters’ List, no problem! An Election Official will help you complete a form, and then you’ll be able to vote. The Election Official will issue you a ballot for your ward and school trustee support in a secrecy folder, exposing the Election Official’s initials only. The Election Official will direct you to go behind the voting screen. Once you are behind the screen, read the instructions on your ballot. Mark your ballot by filling in the oval the right of the candidate of your choice. You can vote for one mayoral candidate and for one councillor candidate in your ward. If applicable for your ward, you can also choose to vote for the designated number of appropriate school board trustees. Once you are finished, place your marked ballot back into the secrecy folder to keep others from seeing who you voted for. Bring your ballot in the secrecy folder over to the election official at the Vote Tabulator station, who will insert it face-down into the tabulator. Once your Ballot has been read and accepted by the Tabulator, it will display a message saying you have successfully voted. You will now exit the Polling Station. Remember: Election workers are there to help you. If you need anything to make your voting experience easier, just ask.