Cargo power-assisted bicycles

Cargo power-assisted bicycle

Cargo power-assisted bicycles are a type of power-assisted bike, weighing more than 55 kilograms, with a large platform or box to carry items like packages and boxes for deliveries or transporting children. A power-assisted bicycle under 55 kilograms is not a cargo power-assisted bicycle and is not part of this provincial pilot program. Power-assisted bicycles under 55 kilograms are already legal to ride.  

Using cargo power-assisted bicycles for personal or commercial purposes has many benefits, including:

  • They have lower maintenance costs and do not use fuel like an automobile
  • They offer physical activity when traveling
  • They can be faster and more flexible than using a truck or other motor vehicle for deliveries
  • Using a cargo power-assisted bicycle instead of a motor vehicle is one way businesses and individuals can take action to support London's Climate Emergency Action Plan and reduce their carbon footprint
Provincial cargo power-assisted bicycle pilot program

The Province of Ontario has a cargo power-assisted bicycles pilot program to evaluate the use of cargo power-assisted bicycles and determine whether existing provincial rules of the road/rules of operation are adequate. As part of the pilot, Ontario municipalities can determine if and how cargo power-assisted bicycles can be used in their community. London City Council has authorized the use of cargo power-assisted bicycles for personal and commercial purposes. Please note that the pilot ends March 1, 2026.  

Where cargo power-assisted bicycles can be used

Cargo power-assisted bicycles can be ridden on roadways posted at 50 kilometers or less, in bike lanes, and on multi-use pathways including the Thames Valley Parkway following posted speed limits. Cargo power-assisted bicycles weighing more than 119 kg cannot operate on multi-use pathways. 

Cargo power-assisted bicycles cannot be used on sidewalks. However, children under the age of 14 can ride a bicycle on sidewalks in London. They also cannot be used on hiking trails or in Environmentally Significant Areas. 

All riders and passengers must wear a helmet.

Under the pilot program, the speed limit of a cargo power-assisted bicycle is set at 32 kilometers per hour (or posted speed limit along streets, multi-use pathways and the Thames Valley Parkway).

You can review the City’s Streets By-law, the City’s Traffic and Parking Bylaw, the City’s Parks and Recreation Area Bylaw, the City’s Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) Bylaw online, or the City's Electric Kick-scooter and Cargo Power-assisted Bicycle By-law

Parking a cargo power-assisted bicycle

Cargo power-assisted bicycles must be parked within spots for motor vehicles as these vehicles are not permitted to stop in places of passage for motor vehicles or pedestrians.

Where you can ride bikes, e-scooters, e-bikes, mopeds and motorcycles

 Roadway (vehicle lanes)Bike lanes and cycle tracksMulti-use pathways (including the Thames Valley Parkway)Sidewalks
Personal electric kick-scootersYes**YesYesNo
E-bikes and cargo power-assisted bicycles up to 119 kilogramsYes**YesYesNo
Motor assisted bicycles, mopeds and motorcyclesYesNoNoNo
Electric Personal Assistive Mobility DeviceNoYesYesYes

*Children under the age of 14 can ride bicycles on sidewalks in London.

**Personal electric kick-scooters and cargo power-assisted bicycles can only operate on roadways posted at 50km/hr or less. 

Last modified:Monday, June 10, 2024