Camp FFIT (Future Firefighters in Training)

London Fire Department, in partnership with the City of London, is pleased to announce applications for Camp FFIT (Future Firefighters in Training) 2025 are now being accepted. Young women, gender diverse youth and transgender youth between the ages of 15 and 19 who meet the application criteria are invited to apply. Applications for this program will be accepted until Friday, May 2 at 4:30 p.m. All applicants will be notified about their status in the program via email by May 30, 2025. Please find all the details below. 

About Camp FFIT

Camp FFIT (Future Firefighters in Training) is a week-long program that aims to show young women, gender diverse youth and transgender youth between the ages of 15 and 19 that firefighting is a viable career option. From a pool of applicants, 20 participants are selected to receive hands-on training they’d face as firefighters. The purpose of Camp FFIT is to encourage more gender diversity in the many branches of fire service.

Throughout the week, campers are trained on fire prevention, auto extrication, ladder operations, search and rescue, fire scenarios, fire dispatch communications and countless other skills that firefighters perform throughout their career. The training is valuable, yet extremely intense and physically demanding.

Participants will also have an opportunity to speak to London Fire Department staff to learn about firefighting as well as other fire service careers, including communications, investigations, fire prevention and public education. 

Camp FFIT is committed creating both a physical and emotionally safe camp experience that allows all participants to feel a sense of inclusion and belonging.

Camp Future Firefighters in Training

Camp FFIT 2025

This year's program will take place at the London Fire Department Training Complex behind Fire Station 9, located at 746 Wellington Road from Monday, July 7 to Friday, July 11, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Fill out the application form

Applications for this program will be accepted until Friday, May 2 at 4:30 p.m. 

Interested applicants are invited to attend an open house at Fire Station 9, located at 746 Wellington Road on Saturday, April 12 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., to learn more about the program, have their questions answered and see the training grounds.

All successful applicants will be sent a formal registration package with additional forms and a payment request in the amount of $200. This payment will cover all activities, a Camp FFIT t-shirt and other supplies for the program. Financial assistance is available for those who qualify through the Play Your Way fund. Payment details will be included in the formal registration package, if accepted into the program.

Training activities

All activities are led and supervised by qualified firefighters.

Activities participants will take part in include fire prevention, which includes public education, inspections, and fire investigations; portable fire extinguisher training; medical scenarios; ground ladder set-up and climbing; auto extrication; operating and controlling a hoseline; familiarization to ropes and knots; fire dispatch communications; and personal fitness training. 

In addition, participants will take part in full use of turnout gear and SCBA search and rescue techniques with a blacked-out face piece.

Equipment used during CAMP FFIT includes, but is not limited to a variety of hoses in various sizes and lengths (charged and uncharged); axes, pike poles, haligans, sledge hammers; a variety of ladders; Personal Protective Equipment weighing approximately 50 pounds; and SCBA (Self Contained Breathing Apparatus) weighing approximately 30 pounds.


To qualify, young women, gender diverse youth and transgender youth must be between the ages of 15 to 19 during the start of the program; be in good physical condition; and posses a valid OHIP or Provincial health insurance card. In addition, applicants must have a positive attitude and a genuine interest in a career in fire services. 

Those interested in joining Camp FFIT are required to complete the application form, including the essay portion; agree to follow all rules and regulations; and participate in all activities and classes. 

Those accepted to Camp FFIT are required to supply their own CSA-approved steel toe boots and leather work gloves to participate in fire-related activities, as well as running shoes for fitness exercises. Participants must also be able to wear all personal protective equipment provided for Camp FFIT. 

Camp FFIT participants, regardless of age, will not be permitted to leave the training grounds until the end of daily activities. Due to safety, spectators will not be allowed on the training grounds until the pick-up time.

Participants are responsible for their own transportation and, for out-of-town participants, accommodations throughout the week of the program. Recommendations can be made if participants require accommodations in London.

Medical and fitness consideration

The physical demands of a firefighter are characterized by strength, endurance, coordination agility and dexterity. Participants of Camp FFIT will experience the physical stresses of a firefighter, although to a much lesser degree.

All activities take place in a supervised and controlled environment. Tasks are broken down into manageable segments to avoid overloading the body.

All scenarios are done in a controlled training atmosphere. A camper may stop, if at any time they do not feel comfortable, and instructors will give additional direction and support. Instructors will stop activities if at any time there appears to be any risk of injury or danger.

The following is a list of factors that will increase the difficulty of the physical demands that are required during tasks:

  • Turn out gear and SCBA equipment restricts movement, adds weight to the individual and requires an increased respiratory effort while wearing the SCBA
  • Equipment used is often heavy and is frequently used in awkward positions
  • Environmental conditions, such as sun, humidity, or rain can add difficulty to tasks, which can cause fluctuations in body temperature
  • Darkness and/or smoke in a fire scenario decrease visibility, increasing the difficulty of the task
Financial support

All successful applicants will be sent a formal registration package with additional forms and a payment request in the amount of $175.

This payment will cover all activities, a Camp FFIT t-shirt and some other supplies for the program. Financial assistance is available for those who qualify through the Play Your Way fund. Please visit our programs, courses and registration page for financial assistance details. 

Payment details will be included in the formal registration package, if accepted into the program. 

Last modified:Monday, March 10, 2025