Good interview skills can mean all the difference between getting hired and being rejected. Good interview skills can also help you make a great first impression, allow the hiring manager to better understand you, and help you highlight your work experience. Below are some tips, resources, and links to help you improve your interview skills.

A Few Tips to Improve Your Interview Skills
Interview Skills: Tell Me About Yourself
Job interviews are both exciting and nerve-wracking. Understanding how to answer some of the most common questions effectively can set a positive tone for the entire conversation. This Tip Sheet will help you answer some of the most common interview questions, including the dreaded 'Tell Me About Yourself."
Interview Skills: Preparing for an Interview
Thanks to your great cover letter and resume, you now have an interview. Now it's time to land that job! This Tip Sheet will help you prepare for that interview and the questions that are coming your way.
Interview Skills: Salary Expectations
There are some hard questions that will be asked in an interview, including the tricky one about salary expectations. There are several important factors to consider when answering that question. This tip sheet will help you navigate this sticky question:
Resources and Links
We can all use some help during our job search. Below are resources to help with your interview skills.