In the event of an emergency, the City of London has an Emergency Response Plan in place, including trained emergency response teams ready to respond to an emergency at any time. In the case of a disaster, these teams are prepared to work together to deal with the emergency.
The City of London Emergency Response Plan outlines the roles and responsibilities of essential personnel to ensure that crucial services are provided to the community during an emergency. It also outlines how the City coordinates with community agencies, such as hospitals, schools, utilities, telephone services and volunteer groups, including Red Cross, Salvation Army and St. John Ambulance.
London's Emergency Response Plan 2023
City of London By-Law
In Ontario, the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act requires municipalities to develop, implement and maintain emergency management programs. This includes passing a by-law that authorizes its Emergency Management Program and Emergency Response Plan. London's by-law was passed by City Council and is included in the Emergency Response Plan.
Program Coordination
The Emergency Management and Security Services division is responsible for implementing and maintaining London’s Emergency Management Program. This division works closely with partner organizations and agencies to ensure that our program is comprehensive and collaborative.
Emergency Management Program Committee
The City of London has an Emergency Management Program Committee that includes representation from the following agencies:
- City of London
- London Fire Department
- London Health Sciences Centre
- London Hydro
- London Police Service
- London Transit
- Middlesex County
- Middlesex-London Health Unit
- Middlesex-London Paramedic Services
- St. Joseph's Health Care London
The Community Emergency Management Program Committee’s (CEMPC) mandate is to oversee and direct the implementation of emergency management standards.