Central Council
The Central Council is the governing body that oversees all of LMLIP’s activities and projects. The Central Council, led by the LMLIP Co-chairs, supported by LMIP Staff, is made up of the chairs of each area of focus, eight members-at-large with lived experience, representatives from the County, the Province, the Administrative Support Agency, Research Liaison, United Way Elgin Middlesex, and the Le Réseau en Immigration Francophone de la région Centre-Sud-Ouest de l’Ontario (RIFSCO).
Education Sub-Council
The Education Sub-council works to bring the voice of the immigrant experience to many areas of the education system. This includes increasing understanding of immigrant students’ needs and their inclusivity in elementary, secondary, post-secondary and non-credit education and providing information on credentialing supports.
An example is the creation of a position paper underscoring the need for pre-service teachers to receive diversity training.
LMLIP Employment Sub-council meeting agenda.
Employment Sub-Council
The Employment Sub-Council aims to facilitate the integration of newcomers into the labour force. This includes removing barriers to employment for immigrant job seekers and raising awareness of immigrant talent amongst employers to help job seekers achieve employment commensurate with their international skills and experience.
An example is the creation of fact sheets illustrating the need for immigrants in the workforce.
LMLIP Employment Sub-council meeting agenda.
Health & Well Being Sub-Council
The Health & Well Being Sub-Council seeks to support and improve access to services that improve the living conditions and quality of life of newcomers in the region. This includes, but is not limited to, mental health, physical health, impact of trauma/war, access to services for all groups, recreation, nutrition, access to interpretation and life skills.
An example is the creation of the Mental Health and Addiction Service Guide in London & Middlesex County; it includes information on mental health services available in the community and how to access them.
LMLIP Health & Well Being Sub-council meeting agenda.
Inclusion & Civic Engagement Sub-Council
The Inclusion & Civic Engagement Sub-council strives to increase immigrant social, community and civic engagement at all levels by sharing information on opportunities and access. The sub-council focuses on educating immigrants about their rights as residents and the significance of being engaged in the community. The sub-council educates the receiving community about the contributions of immigrants.
An example is the creation of events, such as the Ready to Volunteer event, to encourage immigrant volunteerism in the community and connect newcomers with volunteer opportunities.
LMLIP Inclusion & Civic Engagement Sub-council meeting agenda.
Settlement Sub-Council
The Settlement Sub-Council works to support the integration of newcomers to life in London and Middlesex County in a variety of areas. This includes education on housing issues, transitional services, information and referrals; building relationships between newcomers and the Indigenous Peoples by coordinating educational sessions on the History of Canada and the Indigenous Peoples.
An example of this group’s work is the education sessions for landlords and immigrant tenants about their rights and responsibilities while building understanding between both parties.
LMLIP Settlement Sub-council meeting agenda.
LMLIP Members
Abdulla, Susan
Abousaad, Sara
Ahmed, Asmaa
Al Sayyah, Eman
Al-Adeimi, Mohamed
Almayahi, Zaynab
Alnahdi, Samia
Antone, Janet
Aquino, Rose
Armistead, Robin
Atalla, Sahar
Atmani, Rosa
Ayoub, Farah
Bandola, Justine
Barnes, Kelly
Benny, Cicil Sandra
Bullock, Julie
Cantin, Jean-Pierre
Carson, Sheila
Castillo, Ana
Castro, Gerardo
Collins, Robert
Dam, Tam
Desjardins, Paulette
D'Souza, Arthur
Edgar, Mary
ElSheikh, Noha
Eltom, Dina
Esses, Vicki
Estrada, Grace
Farah, Filsan
Franco, Maria
Ghasemiyani, Mahin
Giroux-Patience, Rita
Guerrero, Margarita
Ho, Rachel
Hollis, Jennifer
Houssein, Ayan
Husain, Kash
Hussain, Rifat
Inguanse, Cecilia
Jaberi, Misaq
Jaberi, Mitra
Jerez, Marcella
Johnston, Tiffany
Kabongo, Didier
Kalyal, Adil
Kalyal, Hina
Kianfar, Cynthia
Kim, MinJeong
Koltun, Kinga
Lan, Flora
Leeming, Sarah
Liu, Fan
Longhurst, Arla
Lord, Christina
Lucan, Ramona
Macari, Karen
Madlol, Yusar
McSloy, Nancy
Mitchell, Beth
Morrice, Jesse
Mousavi, Fatmeh
Munro, Devin
Murdock, Keely
Ngatcha, Willy Tchuilen
Ochoa, Lisette
Palacio, Maria
Radhaa, Amani
Ravanera, Zenaida - Community Co-Chair
Riddell, Roxanne
Rojas, Ana
Rosas, Fanny
Rutagarama, Jerome
Shreshtha, Suresh
Skinner, Angela
Sompaseuth, Irena
Tansley, Jill – Co-Chair
Tobin, Danielle
Tobin, Delmar
Torrefranca, James
Winchester-Tucker, Lana
Winser, Joe
Yahya Ali, Ahmed
Zabian, Ziyad
Zeller-Beir, Jutta