Affordable Housing Development Programs

Financial incentive programs are available to reduce financial barriers to developing affordable housing units in London.

These programs encourage private, non-profit and cooperative sectors to construct new units and rehabilitate existing un-inhabitable properties and buildings for affordable housing.  

What is affordable housing? 

In Canada, housing is considered affordable if it costs less than 30% of a household’s before-tax income. Many people think the term affordable housing refers only to rental housing that is subsidized by the government. In reality, it’s a very broad term that can include all types of housing provided by the private, public and non-profit sectors.

Under City of London programs, affordable housing is a dwelling unit for which the rent is at or below 80% of Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s (“CMHC”) average market rent for a unit in the City of London. 

Housing that is affordable is a nation-wide issue and increasing the supply is one of Municipal Council’s strategic priorities. Affordable housing is in alignment with the City’s Housing Stability Action Plan (2019) and Roadmap to 3,000 Affordable Units Action Plan (2021).  

Dollars to Doors Affordable Units 

Program opens April 1, 2025

This program is designed to simulate the creation of new affordable rental housing and to offset the capital costs of developing new units. The maximum funding amount is $45,000 per affordable rental housing unit constructed. Units are capped at 80% CMHC Average Market Rent for a minimum affordability period of twenty-five (25) years. Tenants must be selected from the City’s Centralized Waiting List.  

  • The maximum funding amount is $45,000 per affordable rental housing unit constructed.
  • Eligible projects include new development, redevelopment, and/or renovation that create a minimum of five affordable rental units. Funding is per affordable unit created.
  • Program funding is available retroactively for permits issued after September 8, 2024 to align with Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) reporting requirements.
  • Eligible applicants are private for-profit organizations, charitable and non-profit organizations, and Indigenous-led housing providers.
  • Applicants must enter into a loan agreement registered on title for the units to remain affordable for a minimum period of 25 years. 
  • Units are capped at 80% of the CMHC Average Market Rent, as adjusted annually.
  •  Tenants must be selected from the City of London’s Centralized Wait List.
  • In the event of a default, the funding converts into a loan and becomes fully payable to the City on demand, along with accrued interest up to the default date.

Please see the Program Guidelines (will link to full guidelines) to learn more about eligibility, criteria and assistance.

How to Apply 

Applications are on first come first served basis provided they meet all the minimum criteria. Once you’ve read the program guidelines, please contact:

Highly Supportive Housing Units Program

Program opens April 1, 2025

This program is designed to assist with the creation of long-term, stable supportive rental housing supply for individuals at risk of homelessness and to offset the capital cost of developing new units. Eligible costs are the capital costs associated with development and development-related fees. Operation and service costs associated with highly supportive housing units are not eligible. Highly-supportive Housing Units must be constructed in accordance with the design and financial elements outlined in the London’s Health & Homelessness Response: Highly Supportive Housing Plan.

  • The maximum funding amount is $45,000 per highly supportive rental housing unit created.
  • Eligible projects are capital costs associated with development and/or redevelopment, as well as development-related fees associated with new highly supportive housing units.
  • Program funding is available retroactively for permits issued after September 8, 2024 to align with Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) reporting requirements.
  • Operations and services associated with highly supporting housing units are not eligible.
  • Highly supportive housing units must be constructed in accordance with the design and functional elements outlined in the London’s Health & Homelessness Response: Highly Supportive Housing Plan.
  • Applicants must enter into a loan agreement registered on title for the units to remain affordable for a minimum period of 25 years. 
  • Units are capped at 80% of the CMHC Average Market Rent, as adjusted annually.
  • Tenants must be selected from the City of London’s Centralized Wait List.
  • In the event of a default, the funding converts into a loan and becomes fully payable to the City on demand, along with accrued interest up to the default date.

Please see the Program Guidelines (will link to full guidelines) to learn more about eligibility, criteria and assistance.

How to Apply 

Applications are on first come first served basis provided they meet all the minimum criteria. Once you’ve read the program guidelines, please contact:

Development Charges (DC) Exemption 

Financial incentives under the Affordable Housing CIP may be combined with new affordable residential unit development charge exemptions under the Development Changes Act, 1997. Introduced by the Province and implemented by local municipal governments, these exemptions and discounts aim to encourage affordable and rental housing supply.

Please contact for more information. 

Additional Residential Unit (ARU) Loan

The Additional Residential Unit (ARU) loan offers financial assistance to property owners to help offset the costs of creating new additional residential units.

Property owners that create an ARU and agree to meet the conditions of the program can get funding. The funding options include forgivable loan incentives and non-repayable grants. If you receive a forgivable loan, you do not need to repay this loan if you continue to meet the program terms for five years. 

Visit Community improvement and incentives for more information. 

Last modified:Wednesday, March 19, 2025