Parking information for the City of London.
The official website for the City of London, Ontario
We have received reports of fraudulent text messages making the rounds, asking residents to pay a parking ticket via a link.
This is a scam.
The City of London, along with other levels of government, do NOT issue emails or text messages requesting payment for parking tickets. If you receive this type of message, do not click the link—delete it immediately.
The City of London has a wide range of parking regulations designed to provide safe streets and better traffic flow throughout the city. Parking Services monitors and enforces parking regulations on City streets to meet the needs of residents, businesses and visitors.
If you receive a parking ticket, you have 15 days to pay or request a screening to dispute your ticket. If you do not choose an option within 15 days, your ticket will be affirmed. This means the ticket will remain as is and additional fees will be added to the Penalty Notice.
You have three options for paying your Penalty Notice (parking ticket):
Make payable to the City Treasurer. Mail to the Corporation of the City of London, Parking Services, PO Box 5400, London, ON N6A 4L6. Do not send cash in the mail. Please ensure you mail your payment with sufficient time to reach the office by the 15 day deadline.
3. Pay in person at the Parking Services Office, 824 Dundas Street . Payment can also be placed in the drop box located at the east side of the front main entrance.
Due to COVID-19 dispute screening will only be done by phone or online.
If you are not the registered owner of the vehicle that was ticketed, the vehicle owner will have to sign off on a third-party agent authorization form, authorizing you to dispute the ticket on their behalf.
Screenings will be completed as soon as possible. You will be contacted by phone or e-mail to discuss the results.
View or download our Traffic and Parking By-law.
To report a parking issue, please use our online service portal.
Step 1: on the map, navigate to the location where the issue is occurring and click on that spot on the map to bring the address up.
Step 2: scroll down and describe the issue in the box provided.
Or contact us by:
When reporting a parking issue, leave a detailed description, including:
Parking Enforcement Officers will investigate all parking issues. A parking services staff member may call you for more information.
Your name will be kept confidential.
Parking Services 519-661-4537 Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. E-mail:
Please include the location and meter number, whenever possible. A photo is also helpful.
Parking regulations may be implemented on City streets to address safety and/or capacity problems, or at the request of property owners to address unique issues on their street.
Please email: