Child care supports

The London-Middlesex Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan serves as a road map for child care and early years planning, providing a picture of current services and opportunities for growth throughout the area between 2024-2028. The Plan was developed based on extensive engagement, feedback and data. Review the data regarding each of London’s Planning Districts.

For general community program information, health and family resources, visit

Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement

The Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) Agreement in London and Middlesex is a transformational investment in affordable licensed child care for families across our communities. Families with children under 6 years of age in a participating licensed child care have accessed to reduced child care fees by up to 52.75%. This means families are benefiting from cost savings that immediately impact the quality of their lives.  

Licensed child care operators interested in participating in the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement can enroll through an application process and agreement with  the City of London.  

Licensed child care providers must let parents know if they are either choosing to participate or choosing not to participate in the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement.   

The focus on affordability is great news for families. At the same time, the longer-term vision for the agreement goes beyond affordability to include quality, accessibility, inclusivity, and workforce support as vital components of a healthy child care and early years system in Ontario. 


Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement - FAMILIES

Participating Child Care Operators in London

As of January 2023, over 90% of licensed child care operators in London are participating the CWELCC system, including:

  • Acorn Christian Day Care Inc.
  • Arbour Glen Day Nursery
  • Blossoms Early Childhood Education Centre (East)
  • Blossoms ECE Centre (West)
  • Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Centre
  • Carrefour Communautaire Francophone de London
  • Chelsea Green Children's Centre Inc.
  • Children's Place
  • Faith Day Nursery
  • Gan-Gani Nursery School of London
  • Grand Avenue Children's Centre
  • Grosvenor Nursery School
  • Humble Beginnings Nursery School
  • Kidlogic London Inc.
  • Kids & Company Ltd.
  • KidZone Day Care Centre Inc.
  • Kinderville Gainsborough London Inc.
  • La ribambelle Centre Préscolaire francophone de London
  • LHCC Dream Weavers Day Care Inc. O/A Wee Watch
  • LHCC London Children's Connection Inc. (London and Middlesex)
  • LHCC London French Daycare
  • LHCC London Smiles Day Care Services Inc. O/A Wee Watch
  • London Bridge Child Care Services Inc.
  • London Children’s Academy 
  • London Children's Connection Inc.
  • London French Daycare Centre Inc.
  • London Gospel Temple Benevolent Corporation (Temple Tots)
  • London Muslim Mosque (London Islamic School)
  • Mulberry Bush Child Care Center
  • Noah's Ark Preschool
  • Nshwaasnangong Child Care & Family Centre
  • Oak Park Co-Operative Children's Centre Inc.
  • Orchard Park Nursery School Inc.
  • Parkwood Children's Daycare Centre of London 
  • Simply Kids Inc.
  • The governing Council of The Salvation Army in Canada
  • The Kangaroo's Pouch Daycare Inc.
  • The Western Day Care Centre Inc. - Blue Heron and Emery
  • Tiny Hoppers Early Learning Centers - London
  • Village Co-operative Preschool Inc.
  • Whitehills Childcare Association
  • YMCA of Southwestern Ontario

The City of London encourages families to reach out to their licensed child care provider with any questions they have about their participation in the CWELCC agreement. Licensed Child Care providers are required to inform families about their choice to participate or not participate in the CWELCC system.

The City of London is excited to be working with child care providers to support families accessing high-quality, affordable child care that supports healthy child development and makes the city of London the best place to raise a family


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the CWELCC System?
    1. The CWELCC System is part of an agreement with the federal and provincial governments to make child care more affordable for families. The program applies to eligible children under 6 years of age who are enrolled in participating licensed child cares.
  2. What does this mean for my family?
    1. If your family has an eligible child (under 6 years of age) enrolled in a participating licensed child care program, you will have a reduced rate for child care fees.
  3. How will I know if my child care is part of the CWELCC system?
    1. Child care providers are required to tell families if they are participating in the CWELCC system or if they are not participating.  
  4. How will I find out the what the reduced rate is for child care fees?
    1. The rates for child care fees will be provided to you by licensed child care providers, and you will pay the fees directly to them.
  5. When will the $10/day child care that has been shared in the news go into effect?
    1. The costs for licensed child care (for eligible children under 6 years of age) is expected to reach a provincial average of $10/day by March 31, 2026.
  6. What happens if I change to a different child care provider?
    1. It will be important to find out if the new child care provider is part of the CWELCC system and what rate they will charge for your child to attend their centre.  

      Not all licensed child care providers have opted into the program. This means that they will not have the same reductions that the CWELCC system is offering.

  7. How will families that are part of the Child Care Fee Subsidy program find out about their rebate?
    1. The City of London will send you a letter that outlines daily fee that you will pay to your child care provider.
  8. What happens when my child turns 6?
    1. Reduced fees are available for children until the end of the month they turn 6, or June 30 if they turn 6 before the end of their kindergarten school year and are in an eligible program.  Your child will be required to pay the non-CWELCC full fee the first of the month following their 6 birthday.
CWELCC Directed Growth Call Out (Closed)

We are no longer accepting applications for expansion of CWELCC participating spaces in London-Middlesex.  If future opportunities for growth become available, details will be posted to this website.  

Purpose of Directed Growth of the CWELCC program

The Ministry of Education has identified that the City of London and Middlesex County  are to create 2,889 new licensed child care spaces by 2026, focusing on access and inclusion for all children as part of the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement.

Role of the Service System Manager

The Directed Growth Call Out will identify child care spaces that are aligned with the Service System Plan of the London-Middlesex Service System for increased access to the CWELCC program. The Service System Manager, in partnership with Middlesex County, provides advice to the Ministry of Education during the child care licensing process regarding the likely eligibility of newly licensed child care operators for CWELCC funding. The City of London and the County of Middlesex do not approve child care licenses. 


Eligible applicants include:

  • Not-for-profit providers
  • School boards
  • Licensed home child care agencies
  • Current and new licensees

Assessment Criteria

The Service System Manager, in partnership with Middlesex County, will consider the following criteria when advising the Ministry of Education. Note that this advice does not guarantee funding.

  1. Commitment to Access, Inclusion, and Diversity: The applicant’s policies and practices demonstrate a commitment to these principles.
  2. Supportive Workforce Strategies: The applicant has implemented strategies to ensure a workforce capable of meeting the diverse needs of families.
  3. Understanding of Regulatory Requirements: The applicant shows a clear understanding of the Child Care and Early Years Act.
  4. Alignment with Community Needs: The proposal meets the needs of families and the community, based on demographic data.
  5. Operation in Underserved Areas: The applicant plans to operate in a district with low presence of child care indicators.
  6. Effective Business Practices: The applicant demonstrates financial viability and efficient business practices.
  7. Auspice of the Applicant: The organizational structure and governance of the applicant. London-Middlesex will not be evaluating applications of For-Profit operators for the 2024 Fall Directed Growth Call Out. 

Note: Applicants must provide clear evidence of meeting the above criteria.

Important Notes

  • Applications must be complete to be considered.
  • Funding is not guaranteed and is subject to eligibility, funds available, and alignment with the service system plan

Application Process

Interested parties should email to be notified of the next CWELCC Directed Growth Call Out (Not-for-profit only).

Review and Approval

Submissions are evaluated using the criteria identified above. Successful applicants for CWELCC funding will be required to meet provincial licensing requirements and provide additional information before entering a CWELCC agreement.

For more details, email

Child Care Fee Subsidy Program

Fee subsidy supports eligible families with the cost of child care expenses by paying all or a portion of the total cost, as funding permits. 


Child Care and Early Years Resources for Parents

Ontario Childcare Tax Credit Information

The Ontario Childcare Tax Credit was recently introduced by the Ontario government. This new tax credit will provide about 300,000 families with up to 75 percent of their eligible child care expenses, and allow families to access a broad range of child care options, including care in centres, homes and camps.

Visit the Ontario Childcare Tax Credit page on for to find out about eligibility requirements, eligible expenses, how to claim and to request more information.

This information is also available to you in French.

Questions about the Ontario Childcare Tax Credit should be directed to the Canada Revenue Agency:


Ministry of Education Early Years Resources


Middlesex London Health Unit Parenting Videos

Locally created short videos can help parents with a variety of topics that include: technology and your child, sexual health, mental health, growth and development, substance misuse, and family meals.  View them on the Middlesex London Health Unit website.


Last modified:Monday, February 24, 2025