The Community Grants Program is now closed for 2025.
Important resources
- City of London Community Grants Council Policy
- Find details related to the eligibility criteria, funding definitions, and granting processes.
- City of London Community Grants Administrative Procedures
- Find the principals of funding; the application review process; the roles and composition of the Community Review Panel; and details of the appeals process, the grant agreement and reporting requirements.
- City of London Community Grants Metric Tool
- This resource provides an overview of common measurements to demonstrate the impact of your project in the community.
- City of London Community Grants Evaluation Criteria
- This chart provides details related to how the Community Review Panel evaluates each application.
- City of London Strategic Plan
- All grant applications are assessed based on their alignment with the City’s Strategic Plan.
City of London Community Grants Program Allocations 2024-2027:
2024-2027 Multi-Year Funding Allocations
- 519Pursuit Umbrella Relief Programs Inc. - Funding will support wages for the Community Outreach Project supporting individuals facing extreme poverty and homelessness to reintegrate vulnerable members back into the community using a friendship-based approach. Funding allocated: $45,760
- Anova - Funding will support sexual assault programming which provides ongoing support and emergency intervention services to women, and non-binary individuals that have experienced sexual violence, as well as support for their families, and partners. Funding allocated: $188,000
- Atlohsa Family Healing Services - Funding will support education and training in London to enhance service agencies’ capacity to provide more effective care for Indigenous individuals and communities, elevating the reconciliation process. Funding will also support access to basic needs for Indigenous Londoners. Funding allocated: $560,000
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of London and Area - Funding will support the Newcomer 1:1 Mentoring Project which focuses on matching newcomer children, youth, and mothers with supportive mentoring relationships that meet their unique cultural needs. Funding allocated: $160,000
- Boys' & Girls' Club of London - Funding will support seniors programming, children and youth recreation, social, and nutrition programs, education, and leadership initiatives. Funding allocated: $1,200,000
- Changing Ways - Funding will support intimate partner violence intervention services for gender diverse and trans individuals. Funding will also support increasing awareness and prevention related to sexual exploitation, and sexual harm towards gender diverse and trans people. Funding allocated: $200,000
- Crouch Neighbourhood Resource Centre - Funding will support programs for children, youth, families, and older adults in the Hamilton Road area through community development, neighbourhood events, after school programming, and basic needs programs and supports. Funding allocated: $320,000
- Glen Cairn Community Resource Centre - Funding will support programs for youth, families, and older adults in the Glen Cairn/Pond Mills area through basic needs programs and supports, youth programming and leadership, and community development with a focus on food security and food literacy. Funding allocated: $240,000
- Growing Chefs! Ontario - Funding will support the Growing Communities program which encourages community members to cultivate a connection with the local food system, participate in activities to increase food literacy, cooking skills, and promote long-lasting healthy food choices in partnership with schools, neighbourhood centres, and community program providers in locations across the city. Funding allocated: $180,000
- L'Arche London - Funding will support a Program Coordinator to continue to grow day programming services, provide client intake, assessment, and match needs for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Funding allocated: $102,000
- Learning Disabilities Association of London Region - Funding will support programming, individual coaching, advocacy, and community resources for students aged 6-18 years with learning disorders, as well as support for their families. Funding allocated: $60,000
- LOLA (London Ontario Learning Apiary) Organization - Funding will support programming for children, youth, and families to provide education on pollinator species to foster environmental stewardship and conservation. Funding allocated: $40,000
- London & Middlesex Heritage Museum - Funding will support enhancing Community History Programming- Sharing Many Voices with an inclusive community focus, highlighting Black and Indigenous Histories and continued engagement and strengthening of relationships with equity denied communities. Funding allocated: $500,000
- London Abused Women's Centre - Funding will support the Urgent Support Program and Support Groups, which provide services to women and girls over the age of 12 who have been abused by an intimate partner, assaulted, sexually exploited, and/or trafficked. Funding allocated: $164,800
- London Children's Museum - Funding will support children, families and caregivers with access to affordable hands-on learning experiences, cultural exhibits and programs in a distinctly child-centered environment. Funding allocated: $400,000
- London Community Chaplaincy - Funding will support after school programming for children and youth and access to basic needs for families living in two community housing complexes in the Southdale and Limberlost areas to foster a nurturing, accessible environment in their neighbourhoods. Funding allocated: $200,000
- London Cycle Link Association - Funding will support the Ride to Thrive Cycling Education program to children in grades 5 and 6 to promote safe cycling. In addition, funding will support increased community engagement and knowledge of cycling through promotion, workshops, and events. Funding allocated: $120,000
- London Environmental Network - Funding will support Member Support Services which provides capacity building, outreach, and networking opportunities to the 46 environmental nonprofits with memberships and community groups in London. Funding will strengthen the operations and activities of organizations in the environmental sector and reduce barriers for environmental action. Funding allocated: $170,000
- London Food Coalition - Funding will support staffing to increase the growth and sustainability of the organization through capacity building activities to onboard more donors, expand membership, and implement fundraising strategies. Funding allocated: $100,000
- Low Income Family Empowerment * Sole-support Parents Information Network - Funding will support wrap around services to low-income Londoners, living with multiple and overlapping barriers to address their needs and increase self-advocacy. The program will also include the development of networks and information sharing through workshops, newsletters and other resources. Funding allocated: $104,000
- LUSO Community Services - Funding will support programs for children, youth, families, and older adults in the Carling/Huron Heights/Argyle area including basic needs programs and supports, community development, children and youth leadership and education, while increasing social connectedness, neighbourhood participation, and volunteerism. Funding allocated: $320,000
- Meals on Wheels London - Funding will support meal subsidies for low-income seniors and adults with disabilities . Funding will also support the Crisis & Compassionate Program, which provides no-cost services (meals and transportation) to individuals and families experiencing severe financial hardships or who are in a crisis. In addition, funding will support transportation programming to Londoners with mobility challenges. Funding allocated: $80,000
- Museum of Ontario Archaeology - Funding will support the broadening access to London’s cultural and natural heritage through staff employment of two Indigenous women to develop cultural and educational experiences, as well as develop additional community partnerships with LOLA Bees and the Friends of Medway Creek/Upper Thames River Conservation Authority, to expanded interpretive programming. Funding allocated: $200,000
- Muslim Resource Centre for Social Support & Integration (MRCSSI) - Funding will support the Strengthening Survivor Safety project which will enhance the safety of Muslim women and girls and gender diverse survivors of gender-based violence by implementing a survivor-centered culturally integrative system of response along the continuum of prevention and intervention. Funding allocated: $400,000
- Nokee Kwe - Funding will support the Positive Voice II program which provides programming, supports, and training for Indigenous women using art, culture, and creativity by fostering connections and resilience, challenging stereotypes, and promoting safety and support networks for Indigenous women. Funding allocated: $170,000
- Northwest London Resource Centre - Funding will support programs for youth in the Northwest neighbourhood through youth leadership, volunteer, and life skills readiness programs. Funding will also support basic needs programs, community support and outreach. Funding allocated: $320,000
- Now for Tomorrow: A South Sudanese Wellness Network - Funding will support the Youth Bridge-Intergenerational Project providing intergenerational opportunities of learning, experience exchange and mentorship for youths and adults within the South Sudanese Community through basketball, cooking, and community gathering programs. Funding allocated: $140,000
- Progressive Animal Welfare Services (PAWS) - Funding will support subsidies for veterinary care for low income and in-crisis families in the community to access care for their pets. Funding allocated: $60,000
- ReForest London - Funding will support The Westminster Ponds Centre for Environment and Sustainability (WPC)at improving sustainability and advancing climate action across London through activities related to increasing native tree and seed supply, solar energy generation, and public programming for engagement. Funding allocated: $240,000
- South London Neighbourhood Resource Centre - Funding will support programs for youth in the White Oaks/Westminster/Southcrest area through youth leadership, volunteer, and life skills readiness programs. Funding will also support basic needs programming and supports, including community support and outreach. Funding allocated: $480,000
- Southwest Aboriginal Health Access Centre - Funding will support program staff to increase access to traditional healthy Indigenous foods and provide educational lifestyle programs such as, traditional cooking and canning classes, delivery of weekly food boxes inclusive of traditional meats and herbs, and traditional food growing, harvesting, and preparation. Funding allocated: $356,700
- St. John The Baptist Melkite Catholic Church - Funding will support the Middle Eastern Community Integration Project which fosters the connection of Middle Eastern community with their culture and London through youth leadership programs, English conversations circles, and volunteering. Funding allocated: $60,000
- St. Mark's (The Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Huron) - Funding will support the food pantry program with an annual membership to the London Food Coalition. Funding allocated: $8,740
- Thames Talbot Land Trust - Funding will support Collaborative Programming for a Greener London related to biodiversity, nature conservation, climate action, climate change resiliency, and watershed health through activities such as community outreach, nature education for youth, and environmental skills development. Funding allocated: $120,000
- The N'Amerind Friendship Centre - Funding will support the Dorothy Day Resource Centre which offers a wide range of Indigenous teachings of cultural significance. Teachings include: making cultural products, learning cultural dances, and sharing through Knowledge Keepers. These programs support increasing awareness, self-esteem, wellness, and a sense of belonging of urban Indigenous people. Funding allocated: $240,000
- The Reimagine Institute for Community Sustainability - Funding will support program delivery of for waste reduction initiatives through the continuation and expansion of the London Thing Library, Repair Cafés, waste reduction workshops, and eco-markets. Funding allocated: $96,000
- Type Diabeat It - Funding will support the BPOC (Black People and People of Colour) Food Literacy Program promoting food literacy through teaching the health benefits of cultural eating, maintaining cultural food practices while making healthier choices, with an emphasis on flavours from the African diaspora. Funding allocated: $56,000
- University Students' Council of the University of Western Ontario - Funding will support the Early Outreach (REACH) program which provides educational programming, leadership activities, and social events at Western over three days for grade 7 and 8 students from low-income neighborhoods to explore post-secondary options in a safe and inclusive environment. Funding allocated: $38,000
- Urban Roots London - Funding will support food security in London with an increase in fresh produce and distribution across neighbourhoods through increasing local partnerships, providing produce to community pop-up markets for equity-denied groups, and other food support programming. Funding allocated: $120,000
- WeBridge Community Services - Funding will support the Voices of Wisdom Day Program for Black seniors providing supports through an Afrocentric model where seniors can congregate around activities such as digital literacy, group conversations, self-care, exercising, storytelling, arts and crafts, health checks, food preparation, excursions, and social gathering. Funding allocated: $120,000
- WIL Counselling and Training for Employment (on behalf of Immploy) - Funding will support the WIL Immploy Employer Roundtables project to facilitate connections between newcomer job seekers and employment opportunities by coordinating and delivering a series of employer roundtable events highlighting local companies. Funding allocated: $200,000
- Youth Opportunities Unlimited - Funding will support the Project Prideful Community program to engage with local schools and community groups, to provide education, information and awareness-building regarding 2SLGBTQ+ challenges and available community services. Funding allocated: $320,000
City of London Community Grants Program Grassroots, Innovation, and Capital Allocations (2024)
Grassroots Funding Allocations
- London's Queer Muslim Association- Hosted by Anova (Rainbow Ummah: A Safe Space for 2SLGBTQIA+ Muslims) - Funding will support London’s Queer Muslim Association to establish a safe social space for 2SLGBTQIA+ youth and adult Muslims, through regular social gatherings within the community in London to cultivate a sense of well-being, community, and belonging to combat social isolation. Funding allocated: $10,000
- Hindu Legacy (Hindu Resource Centre) - Funding will support the development of a Hindu Resource Centre to support newcomers to feel welcomed and connected to the London community. Funding allocated: $10,000
- Climate Action London- Hosted by London Environmental Network (Connecting with Diverse Londoners)- Funding will support the engagement and connection of Londoners with the Climate Emergency Action Plan at various environmental community events and expand outreach and communications to develop new connections with diverse communities. Funding allocated: $10,000
- London Venom Basketball Association (Basketball and Leadership Training Program) - Funding will support a basketball and leadership program for young adults, with emphasis on those from equity-denied groups such as Black youth and those from low socioeconomic backgrounds to develop life and leadership skills. Funding allocated: $5,000
- Arqam Social Innovation Lab- Hosted by Muslims For Humanity Inc. (Muslim Community Social Innovation Capacity Building) - Funding will support the Arqam Social Innovation Lab to develop a project that addresses social exclusion through a series of workshops and activities developed for and by local Muslims to empower connections within the Muslim and London community. Funding allocated: $10,000
- Pride 55 group- Hosted by Aeolian Hall Musical Arts Association (Pride55+ Inclusive, Safe Community)- Funding will support the Pride 55 group to foster community cohesion through facilitation of various activities for the 2SLGBTQIA+ older adult community in inclusive and affirming spaces. Funding allocated: $10,000
- Queer Intersections (Rainbow Family Program)- Funding will support the 2SLGBTQIA+ families and individuals in providing in a safe space to develop peer support groups, volunteer requirement and training, and intergenerational programming. Funding allocated: $30,000
- Kensington Village Association- Hosted by Thames Region Ecological Association (The Edible Neighbourhood project)- Funding will support the Kensington Village Association in various food security projects and events related to maintenance of food forests, pollinator gardens, vegetable gardens, the community food pantry and other activities that engage the neighbourhood in these greenspaces. Funding allocated: $10,000
Why We March LGBTQ (2SLGBTQIAPS+ Sharing Circle)- Funding will support experiential programs, provide resources and a safe space to build meaningful relationships and partnerships and create a supportive and inclusive space for 2SLGBTQIAPS+ individuals. Funding allocated: $5,000
Innovation Funding Allocations
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of London and Area (BBBS Summer Mentoring Program (in partnership with London and Middlesex Community Housing) - Funding will support programs, in partnership with London and Middlesex Community Housing to provide mentoring for youth with an intentional focus on prevention and early intervention for youth at risk of homelessness, personal challenges and other identified risk factors. Funding allocated: $19,890
- Boomerz Boxing (Boomerz Cares) - Funding will support at-risk youth to access fitness and boxing activities and mentoring to foster well-being and belonging in a safe, inclusive environment. Funding allocated: $33,000
- Canadian Mental Health Association Thames Valley - Addiction & Mental Health Services (Transforming service delivery and increasing housing stability through lived experience leadership)- Funding will support a new opportunity for women with lived experience of survival sex work and long-term chronic homelessness to contribute directly to the lives of the Street Level Women at Risk participants through peer mentoring, support and creating positive social and recreational activities, leading to increased housing stability. Funding allocated: $60,000
- Glen Cairn Community Resource Centre (Food For All) - Funding will support the purchase of a commercial composting unit to process unsalvageable rescued food in a timely manner, transforming otherwise wasted food into compost to support food insecurity. In addition this funding will support efficient waste management and provide compost for other community agencies use. Funding allocated: $10,000
- London Abused Women's Centre (London-Middlesex Community High-Risk Femicide Prevention Action Table) - Funding will support the London-Middlesex Community High-Risk Femicide Prevention Action Table, which engages multi-sectoral agencies to implement direct intervention, develop comprehensive safety plans to women and girls who are survivors and/or at risk of femicide. Funding allocated: $38,000
Oneida Nation of the Thames, hosted by Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians (Oneida London Connect) - Funding will support the engagement of Oneida Nation of the Thames community members living in London to strengthen ties between culture and language through workshops, community gatherings, and youth outreach activities, fostering a sense of community and cultural pride. Funding allocated: $79,000
Capital Funding Allocations
- Boys' & Girls' Club of London (BGC London Café Renovation Project) - Funding will support renovations to the BCG London Café to update kitchen cabinetry and counter tops to accommodate vulnerable children, youth and seniors with disabilities participating in programs and volunteering at the Club. Funding allocated: $40,000
- Jet Aircraft Museum (Enhanced Access for Mobility Challenged Visitors) - Funding will support the museum in adding accessible parking spaces for patrons, the addition of parking for buses to increase safety, allowing the organization to provide increased programming for children, seniors and individuals requiring accessible parking to access the facility. Funding allocated: $29,750
- Royal Canadian Legion Victory Branch 317 (Parking Lot Upgrades) - Funding will support the Legion’s parking lot resurfacing to enhance visitor safety, increase access for patrons, and increase opportunities and programming for veterans and community groups to access the facility. Funding allocated: $68,360
- Urban Roots London (Elevating Well-being and Safety through Accessible Infrastructure) - Funding will support installation of an accessible pathway to allow patrons and volunteers to participate in farming activities, as well as the purchase of a storage shed to house farming and food processing equipment supporting food security through urban farming. Funding allocated: $18,000
City of London Community Grants Program Allocations 2020-2023:
2020-2023 Multi-Year Funding Allocations
- Alzheimer Society London and Middlesex · Funding will support the Dementia Friendly Community Program which offers dementia training and resources across multi-sectoral areas including: retail, financial, recreation, municipal services, and healthcare etc. in order to educate the public of dementia awareness. Funding allocated: $152,000
- Anova · Funding will support sexual assault counselling which provides support and intervention services to women that have experienced sexual violence, as well as their families, and partners. Funding allocated: $190,000
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of London and Area · Funding will support the Community-Based Ethno-Racial Child & Youth Mentoring Project which focuses on matching newcomer children, youth, and mothers with supportive mentoring relationships that meet their unique cultural needs. Funding allocated: $190,000
- Boys & Girls Club of London · Funding will support seniors programming, children and youth recreation, social, and nutrition programs, children and youth education, and leadership initiatives. Funding allocated: $1,449,000
- Canadian Mental Health Association Middlesex · Funding will support the Coordinated Service Response for the Crystal Methamphetamine Project which will create a system of care, training, and resources for those servicing people involved with crystal methamphetamine such as first responders, health care and social service workers, enforcement personnel, and business owners. Funding allocated: $197,462
- Carolinian Canada Coalition · Funding will support the In Zone Climate-Smart Yards which will deliver a training program for businesses, neighbourhood leaders, green programs and ambassadors. The program will build capacity and provide tools and mentorship to increase the number of climate- smart people, businesses, and sites in London, as a model for the Carolinian Zone. Funding allocated: $51,000
- Craigwood Children, Youth and Family Services (hosting INsite Program) · Funding will support the INsite program providing immediate, onsite counselling and referrals to community resources and services. INsite serves individuals, parents, children, youth, couples or the entire family across the lifespan. As core partners work together, there are seamless transitions between agencies and across sectors. The clinic teams have integrated their knowledge, expertise, and capacity to achieve the INsite goal of system change. INsite is a partnership of six agencies: Anova, Craigwood Children, Youth and Family Services, Family Service Thames Valley, Vanier Children’s Services, WAYS Mental Health Support, and Women’s Rural Resource Centre. Funding allocated: $95,000
- Crouch Neighbourhood Resource Centre · Funding will support programs for children, youth, families, and older adults in the Hamilton Road area including basic needs programs and supports, community development, and youth leadership. Funding allocated: $418,000
- Daya Counselling Centre · Funding will support subsidies to individuals, couples, and families in financial need who are struggling with mental health related issues to access counselling services. Funding allocated: $95,000
- Glen Cairn Community Resource Centre · Funding will support programs for children, youth, families, and older adults in the Glen Cairn/Pond Mills area including basic needs programs and supports, community development, and youth leadership. Funding allocated: $238,000
- Goodwill Industries, Ontario Great Lakes · Funding will support the Impact Loan Program which is a microloan program that provides low-income entrepreneurs facing barriers to traditional financing, the opportunity to access capital and business knowledge in a supported environment in order to start and grow a business. Funding allocated: $21,575
- Growing Chefs! Ontario · Funding will support the Growing Communities program which encourages community members to cultivate a connection with the local food system, participate in activities to increase food literacy, cooking skills, and promote longlasting healthy food choices in partnership with schools, neighbourhood centres, and community program providers in locations across the city. Funding allocated: $133,000
- L'Arche London · Funding will support a Program Coordinator to build capacity and growth for day programming services, provide client intake, assessment and match needs for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Funding allocated: $102,000
- Learning Disabilities Association of London Region · Funding will support programming, individual coaching, advocacy, and community resources for children and youth with learning disorders. Funding allocated: $57,000
- London & Middlesex Heritage Museum · Funding will support Fanshawe Pioneer Village Community History Interpretive Program which offers community-focused historical exhibitions and instructive programs. Funding will also support the Museum to build Indigenous content and engaging and strengthening relationships with Indigenous leaders and communities. Funding allocated: $1,004,000
- London Abused Women's Centre · Funding will support a designated counsellor to address the increased number of walk-in, phone-in, and urgent support needs for abused, sexually-exploited, and trafficked women and girls. Funding allocated: $170,000
- London Children's Museum · Funding will support children, families and caregivers with access to affordable hands-on learning experiences, cultural exhibits and programs in a distinctly childcentered environment. Youth leadership programs provide opportunities to build skills and provide work related experience for future careers in education, child care and museum curating. Funding allocated: $631,124
- London Community Dental Alliance · Funding will support a not-for-profit dental clinic, offering oral health to low-income Londoners, scheduled to open in 2021 in the Glen Cairn neighbourhood. Funding allocated: $99,750
- London Cycle Link Association · Funding will support the Squeaky Wheel Bike Co-op which provides a bike repair shop, access to tools, and builds community through satellite community events, workshops, and volunteer opportunities. In addition, funding will support increased community engagement and knowledge through awareness, workshops, events, shared skills, and ridership. Funding allocated: $190,000
- London Environmental Network · Funding will support the Environmental Incubator which provides coaching and supports to organizations looking to improve their environmental outcomes related to waste reduction, recycling, protecting and enhancing waterways, wetlands, natural areas, energy reduction, and conservation. Funding allocated: $170,000
- London Youth Advisory Council · Funding will support the Youth Council to recruit, orient, and support elected youth who are engaged in municipal politics and grassroots community engagement. Funding allocated: $170,000
- Low Income Family Empowerment*Sole-support Parents Information Network (LIFE*SPIN) · Funding will support the Community Service Expansion project to increase service hours and provide enhanced programming, and counselling to low-income Londoners. Funding allocated: $34,200
- LUSO Community Services · Funding will support programs for children, youth, families, and older adults in the Carling/Huron Heights/Argyle area including basic needs programs and supports, community development, youth leadership while increasing social connectedness, neighbourhood participation, and volunteerism. Funding allocated: $285,000
- Nokee Kwe · Funding will support the Positive Voice Program which provides programming, supports, and training for women using art, culture, and creativity to generate positive conversations and displays as well as a safer experience for Indigenous women living in London. Northwest London Resource Centre · Funding will support programs for children, youth, families, and older adults in the northwest area including basic needs programs and supports, community development, youth leadership while increasing social connectedness, neighbourhood participation, and volunteerism. Funding allocated: $171,000
- Northwest London Resource Centre · Funding will support programs for children, youth, families, and older adults in the northwest area including basic needs programs and supports, community development, youth leadership while increasing social connectedness, neighbourhood participation, and volunteerism. Funding allocated: $204,252
- Pillar Nonprofit Network · Funding will support the Engaged Vibrant Community project which provides workshops, forums, and learning series' to the not-for-profit sector in order to build capacity around: Board Governance, Leadership Development, and communities of practice addressing emerging needs such as the Truth and Reconciliation Report Calls to Action. Funding allocated: $171,000
- ReForest London · Funding will support programs, workshops and volunteer skill development at the new four building, 14 acre, Westminster Ponds Centre for Environment & Sustainability. Funding allocated: $285,000
- SafeSpace London · Funding will support increased programming including: health promotion, harm reduction, peer support, basic needs resources, and support programs for Street-Level Sex Workers. Funding allocated: $57,000
- Satellite Project Space (hosted by Museum London) · Funding will support promotion, community outreach, audience development, and enhanced mentorship of a Satellite Project Space. In partnership with Fanshawe College, Museum London, and Western University, the Satellite Project Space provides a flexible space for new and temporary projects, collaborations, educational initiatives and experiments in arts and culture involving high school and post-secondary students, community members, curators, and professional artists. Funding allocated: $22,800
- South London Neighbourhood Resource Centre · Funding will programs for children, youth, families, and older adults in the White Oaks/Westminster/Westmount areas including basic needs programs and supports, community development, youth leadership while increasing social connectedness, neighbourhood participation, and volunteerism. Funding allocated: $452,000
- The London Cross-Cultural Learner Centre · Funding will support the “Neighbourhood Celebration of Nations”, a one day event of sports, music, food, and activities focused on civic engagement, improving health and well-being, and the inclusion and integration of newcomers into the London community. Funding allocated: $38,000
- The London Multicultural Community Association · Funding will support the London Multi-Cultural Festival which is a one day event showcasing London’s cultural communities and ethic talents. The event will increase community connections, and support a welcoming community. Funding allocated: $27,200
- The N'Amerind (London) Friendship Centre Inc. · Funding will support the Dorothy Day Resource Centre which offers a wide range of Indigenous teachings of cultural significance. Teachings include: making cultural products, learning cultural dances, and sharing through Knowledge Keepers. These programs support increasing awareness, self-esteem, wellness, and a sense of belonging of urban Indigenous people. Funding allocated: $340,000
- University Students' Council of the University of Western Ontario · Funding will support the annual Early Outreach Conference which supports Grade 7 and 8 students from low-income neighbourhoods attend Western and Fanshawe to learn about post-secondary education opportunities and supports. Funding allocated: $38,000
- Urban Roots London · Funding will support the new Urban Roots Farm Manager/Community Developer who will facilitate on-farm volunteering, educational programs, increased farm production, and build/manage a wholesale client base. Urban Roots is a not-forprofit urban farm on recuperated land that supplies healthy, local, and accessibly priced food. Funding allocated: $119,000
- Vanier Children's Services · Funding will support Integrated, Neighbourhood Based, School-Aged Mental Health Services which will provide informal mental health consultations to families and staff who are participating in school aged programs at Family Centres. Funding allocated: $152,000
- Victorian Order of Nurses for Canada (VON) · Funding will support the School Spring Vegetable and Fruit Delivery Program which provides bulk purchased and volunteer delivered fresh food, five days a week for eight weeks to targeted schools in need. VON is the lead organization for the Ontario School Nutrition Program in the Southwest Region of Ontario. Funding allocated: $133,000
- Western Education - Child and Youth Development Clinic, Western University · Funding will support subsidies so that low-income children, youth, and families can access clinical mental health assessment and intervention services. Funding allocated: $95,000
- WIL Counselling and Training for Employment (hosting Immploy) · Funding will support the Immploy Job Match program which provides London employers coordinated access to qualified immigrant talent for local job opportunities. Job Match recruits, screens, and matches immigrant job seekers to local employers seeking specialized skills. Funding allocated: $204,000
- WIL Counselling and Training for Employment Sector Council (hosting Employment Sector Council) · Funding will support the Employment Sector Council to share employment sector information, promote best practices, and support labour market development. The Job Developers Network shares information, resources, job opportunities and potential candidates across organizations connecting employers and job seekers to collectively strengthen community-based workforce development. Funding allocated: $119,825
- Youth Opportunities Unlimited · Funding will support programs that assist youth in exiting and/or diverting homelessness. Cornerstone Housing provides basic needs, primary health care, housing support, mental health services, and employment counselling in a safe and secure home for youth living on site and a safe space for youth seeking support. Funding allocated: $437,000
2023 Innovation & Capital Funding Allocations
Capital Funding Allocations
- Humana Community Services (Access to Education for Vulnerable Youth): Funding will support renovations to provide learning space on site at the treatment home. This space will provide access to education as an integral part of treatment plans for children and youth who cannot attend traditional school for a variety of reasons. The classroom will also serve as a meeting and training space and provide opportunities for quiet, one-to-one sessions with workers, families, and youth outside of school hours. Funding allocated: $60,794
- St. John The Baptist Melkite Catholic Church (Community Facility Improvement): Funding will support renovations to increase space for cultural events, activities and program delivery with community partners serving low income and newcomer residents. Funding allocated: $38,246
Innovation Funding Allocations
- Canadian Hearing Services (First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation [CPR] Training in American Sign Language [ASL]): Funding will support the delivery of first aid and CPR training to individuals who use ASL as their first language. Training will be delivered by specially trained ASL Deaf certified first aid instructors. This London program will be the first of its kind in Canada. Funding allocated: $8,209
- Gan-Gani Nursery School of London (Intergenerational Art Program for Seniors): Funding will support an intergenerational art program bringing together seniors and pre-school age children from the Gan-Gani daycare. The program will create a sense of community, build relationships and allow the sharing of life experiences through storytelling. Funding allocated: $15,000
- London Children's Museum (The Limberlost Road Outreach Initiative): Funding will support a new partnership with the London Community Chaplaincy and address access barriers for low-income, underserved families through neighbourhood-based delivery. Monthly programs will include hands-on STEAM activities, as well as private visits to the museum location. Funding allocated: $27,800
- London Community Chaplaincy (Boys Community Connecting and Mentoring Program): Funding will support a new partnership with Camp Kee Mo Kee to deliver a youth leadership and mentoring program at both Chaplaincy locations (Southdale and Limberlost). The program will provide activities, mentorship and new opportunities for tween boys who are struggling with behaviour in school and in the communities. Funding allocated: $14,500
- London Environmental Network (Sustainable Affordable Housing Feasibility and Design): Funding will support a feasibility study and design for a carbon-sequestering, sustainable and affordable 4 to 8 unit multi-plex. Working with community partners and education institutions the study and design project will provide a meaningful, leading green building template to be used for affordable student housing and community sustainability initiatives in the future. Funding allocated: $21,750
- Nokee Kwe (First Employ for Business Reconciliation): Funding will support a collaboration with local business and the London Chamber of Commerce to assess the current state of businesses’ reconciliation efforts and develop tools and resources to attract and retain Indigenous talent as a means of engaging in community reconciliation. The objective is to increase cultural safety for the Indigenous workforce through improved hiring and workplace practices with the lens of employment services providers. Funding allocated: $44,000
- Muslim Resource Centre for Social Support and Integration (Reclaiming Our Safety: Combating Gendered Islamophobia): Funding will support the development a group healing program for Muslim women/girls responding to harms of gendered Islamophobia including creating a space for personal and collective healing, as well as bystander intervention training specifically addressing Gendered Islamophobia for individuals who are not Muslim women/girls. Funding allocated: $80,998
- Muslim Wellness Network (Mentorship Program): Funding will support the implementation of a mentorship program providing a safe and nurturing environment to access supports and resources for Muslim youth experiencing social, economic and mental health challenges, often faced due to stigma, cultural barriers, and systemic discrimination. Funding allocated: $60,000
- Now for Tomorrow; A South Sudanese Wellness Network (Youth Programs): Funding will support the implementation of a music and dance program for South Sudanese youth providing a positive environment for participants to express themselves, engage in productive activities, celebrate culture, build confidence, and develop a sense of identity through belonging and community. Funding allocated: $66,657
- Participation House Support Services (London and Area PHSS Social 2.0): Funding will support a program for young adults with developmental, medical and complex physical needs to participate in a variety of community activities with support staff based on individual interests and abilities allowing them the opportunity to reach their full potential, build confidence, make friends and foster a sense of community. Funding allocated: $30,000
- WeBridge Community Services (Black Senior’s Day Program): Funding will support a weekly free adult day program for Black seniors providing supports from Black professionals from various areas of practice including social work, personal support, and nursing allowing seniors to participate in social, health and wellness activities. Funding allocated: $28,000
2022 Innovation & Capital Funding Allocations
Capital Funding Allocations
- John Howard Society of London and District (Enhancing Productivity and Confidentiality Project): Funding will support the installation of soundproof ceiling tiles, drywall and updated lighting in offices and meeting areas to provide greater access to confidential environments for clients and to increase volunteer and community engagement opportunities. Funding allocated: $24,000.
- ReForest London (Opening New Doors: Expanding Capacity at Westminster Ponds Centre): Funding will support renovations to the Bruce and Peth Pavilions, increasing program and accessible space for additional community workshops, presentations, and volunteer training. The project will also set the foundation for a new dedicated space for urban forestry programming and ReForest London operations at the Westminster Ponds Centre. Funding allocated: $132,000.
- The Reimagine Institute for Community Sustainability (Program Space Renovation): Funding will support renovations to the community hub and education space at Reimagine Co., which houses the Thing Library, environmental education, and Food Equity London programs adjacent to the Reimagine Co. package-free grocery store. Funding allocated: $24,500.
- Urban Roots London (Processing and Storage Infrastructure): Funding will support the purchase and retrofitting of a shipping container for a new processing facility with distinct cold storage sections and upgrades to the urban farm utility infrastructure (hydro and water). Funding allocated: $34,600
- YMCA of Southwestern Ontario (Centre Branch Gymnasium Refurbishment): Funding will support renovations to the gym floor providing a safe and accessible program space for numerous sport and recreational programs and expanded availability to other organizations. Funding allocated: $40,000
Innovation Funding Allocations
- Across Languages Translation and Interpretation Service (InterSight: Reinventing our Multilingual Community): Funding will support the development of an application that connects local InterSight interpreters virtually to clients engaging with emergency doctors, police officers, shelter and outreach workers, and mental health professionals. Funding allocated: $75,400.
- Alzheimer Society of London and Middlesex (Volunteer Collective): Funding will support community organizations to deliver the dementia training program to community volunteers supporting caregivers and individuals living with dementia to increase access to recreation and social programs. Funding allocated: $47,411.
- Centre Communautaire Regional De London (City of London Francophone Ethnocultural Activities): Funding will support Francophone Ethnocultural programs and access to community activities and services to assist local newcomers integrate into the London community. Funding allocated: $68,043.
- The London Coordinating Committee to End Woman Abuse, hosted by Anova (The Safe Haven Project): Funding will support a trauma and violence-informed training and support program for existing and non-traditional landlords, building awareness of the unique barriers faced by women escaping violence. The funding will also aim to increase safe and quality housing for women through relationship building with traditional and non-traditional landlords. Funding allocated: $50,000.
2021 Innovation & Capital Funding Allocations
Capital Funding Allocations
- Boys’ & Girls’ Club of London (Gym Improvement)Funding will support the refurbishing of the gymnasium floor, providing increased recreational opportunities for children, youth, seniors, families, and community partners. The new gym floor will offer more functional space that will allow more recreation and sport activities and increase physical activity participation of members and visitors. Funding allocated: $35,000
- Southwest Aboriginal Health Access Centre (Nshwaasnangong Child Care and Family Centre) Funding will support the installation of the security system at the Child Care and Family Centre, providing a safe and secure place for children and families to gather and learn. Funding allocated: $80,000
Innovation Funding Allocations
- Aeolian Hall Musical Arts Association / Black London Network (Black London Network Outreach Program) Funding will support virtual workshops and lessons for children and youth on Black confidence, leadership, current events, Black history, culture, and music. Sessions will feature Black leaders, historians, and activists, strengthening Black history education and fostering increased engagement and a sense of inclusion for London’s Black communities. Funding allocated: $87,511
- Nigerian Association of London and Area (Mental Health Programming for Racialized Londoners) Funding will support the delivery of a range of dignified, inclusive, and compassionate mental health and addiction services, supports, and educational programs for racialized communities. Community partnerships and referrals with service providers will be strengthened through collaboration and education opportunities. Funding allocated: $43,000
- Pillar Nonprofit Network (Mobilizing for an Inclusive Economy & Community) Funding will support the development of Equity & Inclusion Reflection and Framework and Toolkits. Resources will be co-created with equity serving organizations that have lived experience and systems expertise to develop, test, and implement a racial and gender+ equity lens framework and toolkits, which can be applied at the citizen, organizational, and community level. Funding allocated: $35,000
- ReForest London (Seed Hub & Community Tree Nursery Development) Funding will support the implementation of London’s first native tree seed program and community nursery. Based on best practices, the program develops the seed inventory, recruits and trains volunteers and conducts seeding activities across the city. Funding allocated: $32,350
- Thames Region Ecological Association (TREA) (The London Thing Library)The London Thing Library is a community space where Londoners can access household tools, equipment, and training to share, repair, create, and learn together. The library provides a low-cost, circular economy approach for residents, reducing barriers to accesses tools and workshops while increasing environmental awareness. Funding allocated: $34,500
- The Congress of Black Women Ontario Inc. (Future Smart Youth Program) Funding will support the development of a program for London youths to enhance social, personal, and career life skills. The program will be designed with the consciousness of the challenges that marginalized youth have experienced and will better equip them to be successful. Funding allocated: $33,000
- The London Cross-Cultural Learner Centre (Yazidi Children and Youth Peer Support Project) Funding will support a new locally created innovative peer support program addressing the needs of traumatized children and through peer support and mentorship. The program aims to improve the social, spiritual, and mental wellness of the Yazidi youth and children while considering non-westernized approaches, linguistic, and cultural background. Creating leadership and mentoring opportunities, empowering youth and creating a sense of belonging in a safe and welcoming community. Funding allocated: $84,518
- WeBridge Community Services (Voices: Black Seniors and Youth Educational Workshops) Funding will support Black identifying seniors and youth through educative sessions creating a space to meet, learn, and share experiences. Using an Afrocentric model will help to empower and strengthen intergenerational, community, and personal growth connections. Funding allocated: $31,075
2020 Innovation & Capital Funding Allocations
Capital Funding Allocations
- Aeolian Hall Musical Arts Association (Building and Property Purchase) · Funding will support the purchase of the Bishop Cronyn Church and land which will help grow and expand program and events across the community. The Aeolian Hall Musical Arts Association operates the El Sistema Aeolian program for children and youth to experience free, accessible after-school orchestral activities. Funding allocated: $90,000
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of London and Area (Program Space Renovation) · Funding will support the renovations to the Big Brothers Big Sisters of London and Area building in order to improve and expand the program space, kitchen, and eating area. Improvements will offer more functional space for matches to meet, to operate summer day camp programs, and conduct more trainings and community meetings. Funding allocated: $75,000
- Forest City Velodrome Association (Washroom and Club House Renovations) · Funding will support the Forest City Velodrome which is one of only three indoor velodromes in Canada. Funds will allow this cycling hub to utilize space better at the old London Ice House, adding a virtual training studio and renovations to the 70 year old washroom and change room facilities to increase accessibility. Funding allocated: $40,000
- John Howard Society of London and District (Roof Repair and Parking Lot Resurfacing) · Funding will support roof repairs and parking lot resurfacing which will improve accessibility and safety of program delivery. The John Howard Society of London and District offers social and justice related programs, helping individuals and families who are at risk of, or who have come into conflict with the law. Funding allocated: $25,000
- The N'Amerind (London) Friendship Centre Inc. (Roof Repair) · Funding will support roof repairs to the N’Amerind Friendship Centre which will improve safe delivery of activities and increase program space. The N’Amerind Friendship Centre offers cultural relevant programs that promote physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual well-being of Aboriginal people and in particular Urban Aboriginal people though recreation, education, leadership, and Aboriginal heritage. Funding allocated: $22,420
- Reforest London - Westminster Ponds Centre for Environment & Sustainability (Washroom Expansions to Increase Building and Programming Capacity) Funding will support renovations including increasing the number of washrooms in two buildings (Huron and Bruce) to maximize program space. The Westminster Ponds Centre, is set to become one of the largest community-based environmental centres in Canada, and is expected to serve over 15,000 visitors and program participants annually. Funding allocated: $90,000
- The Arts Project London (Washroom Renovation) · Funding will support a washroom renovation that will increase accessibility capacity and use for patrons and artists. The Arts Project London supports emerging and developing theatre, visual and performing artists. The centre features a gallery, black-box theatre, multi-use workshop space, and 10 resident artist studios in a heritage building in downtown London. Funding allocated: $35,500
- Youth Centre for Change (Washroom Renovation) · Funding will support upgrades and renovations to washroom facilities to accommodate the needs of 12 youth residing in two 100 year old homes. The Youth Centre for Change is a residential facility for teen male youth who have experienced trauma and abuse. Funding allocated: $52,000
Innovation Funding Allocations
- Across Languages Translation and Interpretation Service (Remote Interpretation Ontario Change Agent Project) · Funding will support a Change Agent to implement the Remote Interpretation Ontario service. Working with community partners and service providers through training, coaching, and team sessions, front line staff across London will understand the care paths and easily be able to access different modes of interpretation at the correct time, thus transforming service delivery across several sectors. Funding allocated: $65,623