More Homes

London’s Housing Pledge: A Path to 47,000 units by 2031 

The City of London is committed to accelerating housing supply and taking necessary steps to facilitate 47,000 new homes by 2031. 

To achieve this pledge, the City is working in collaboration with members of the development and building industry - which includes local and regional developers, homebuilders, infrastructure builders, real estate sector representatives and public sector agencies and private businesses that build housing to outline Targeted Actions to Increase London's Housing Supply.  

The housing pledge target cannot be accomplished by the City alone, it is going to take ongoing collaboration and a community-wide approach to achieve this target together!

The Housing Pledge is a roadmap to increasing housing supply, in response to the provincial More Homes for Everyone Act and More Homes Built Faster Act

Staff reports

How will London be impacted by the More Homes Built Faster Act? 

The Ontario government has committed to getting 1.5 million homes built over the next 10 years, and More Homes, Built Faster: Ontario’s Housing Supply Action Plan 2022–2023 is the next step to getting there.

There are fundamental changes to the land use planning system in Ontario through changes to the Development Charges Act, Planning Act, Municipal Act and others. 

The new legislation includes a significant number of legislative and regulatory changes related to planning,  infrastructure master plans, recreation, public engagement, built and natural heritage conservation and municipal finance.

Staff reports 

City Initiatives to Facilitate More Housing  

The City of London is undertaking a number of important initiatives that will support the creation of new housing opportunities across the city:

  1. Promote high-density development without the need for privately initiated rezoning (as-of-right zoning)
  2. Encourage Additional Residential Units
  3. Promote infill and higher density developments in neighbourhoods
  4. Encourage alternative forms of housing construction
  5. Create a process to develop City-owned land for affordable housing 
  6. Implement new and/or enhanced application processes 
  7. Increase affordable housing units
Last modified:Thursday, September 12, 2024