Plans and strategies

Learn more about the City's official plan, strategic plan and other supporting corporate plans and strategies. 

Strategic Plan

The 2023-2027  Strategic Plan sets our direction for the future. It identifies City Council's vision, mission, values and strategic areas of focus. It also identifies the specific outcomes, expected results, and strategies that Council and Civic Administration will deliver on together over the next four years.


London is a sustainable city within a thriving region, committed to culture, innovation and providing a safe, affordable, welcoming, and healthy future for today and for the next generation.


Improving quality of life and building a strong and vibrant community through bold, proactive, and accountable City services.


  • Inclusivity and Respect
  • Accountability and Trust
  • Compassion
  • Teamwork and Collaboration
  • Commitment and Drive
  • Learning
  • Financial Stewardship

Strategic Areas of Focus

  • Reconciliation, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion
  • Housing and Homelessness
  • Wellbeing and Safety
  • Safe London for Women, Girls, and Gender-Diverse and Trans People
  • Economic Growth, Culture, and Prosperity
  • Mobility and Transportation
  • Climate Action and Sustainable Growth
  • Well-Run City

2023-2027 City of London Strategic Plan

2024 to 2027 Multi-Year Budget

On Friday, March 1, the 2024 to 2027 Multi-Year Budget was deemed adopted as amended. 

The 2024 to 2027 Multi-Year Budget includes a four-year average tax levy increase of 7.4%, representing an average annual increase of $274 for municipal services based on an average residential property. The first year of this multi-year budget includes a tax levy increase of 8.7% in 2024, representing an average increase of $286 based on an average residential property.

Read the full 2024 to 2027 Multi-Year Budget here.

The London Plan (Official Plan)

The London Plan is our City’s new Official Plan.  You can consider it our future playbook for city-building over the next twenty years. The Plan was created after an extensive conversation with Londoners about their hopes, dreams and aspirations for London’s future – to the year 2035. This engagement program, called ReThink London, involved thousands of Londoners and over 100 different meetings and open houses in our community.

Two drafts of the London Plan were prepared and released to the Public for review and feedback.  Even more meetings were held after each of these drafts were released, so that Staff could provide information to members of the public and hear their suggestions for changes. Public meetings were also held at Planning Committee, allowing Londoners to give their input and suggestions directly to members of City Council. Taking into account the feedback that was received, many changes were made to the first and second drafts of The London Plan to arrive at a Plan that was adopted by City Council on June 23, 2016.

The London Plan sets out a new approach for planning in London.  It emphasizes growing inward and upward, so that we can reduce the costs of growth, create walkable communities, revitalize our urban neighbourhoods and business areas, protect our farmlands, and reduce greenhouse gases and energy consumption.  The plan sets out to conserve our cultural heritage and protect our environmental areas, hazard lands, and natural resources.  Through the London Plan our community is planning for vibrant, healthy, safe and fulfilling neighbourhoods, attractive and viable mobility alternatives and affordable housing that is accessible to those who need it.  At the root of The London Plan is the goal of building a city that will be attractive as a place to live and invest in a highly competitive world and one that will offer the opportunity of prosperity to everyone – one their own terms and in their own way.  

The London Plan will shape our city over the next 20 years. All of our by-laws and all of our public works must conform to the policies of this Plan. It sets the stage for the next twenty years of city building in London.

The London Plan

Secondary Plans

Where there is a need to elaborate on the parent policies of The London Plan, or where it is important to coordinate the development of multiple properties, a secondary plan may be prepared by the City of London.

Secondary plans allow for a comprehensive study and coordinated planning approach for the secondary plan area as well as the opportunity to provide more detailed policy guidance . 

Approved Secondary Plans

Active Secondary Plans

Byron Gravel Pit Secondary Plan 

White Oaks Dingman Secondary Plan 

Please contact to request an electronic or paper copy of any of the plans noted above.  

A London for Everyone: An Action Plan to Disrupt Islamophobia

On June 6, 2021, members of the Afzaal family were murdered in an act of Islamophobic hate. This act was set against a larger landscape of hate and systemic exclusion which continue to marginalize Muslims and other racialized peoples both in London and across Canada. 

There is a need to disrupt Islamophobia in all its forms as a step towards dismantling all acts of hate. The A London for Everyone: An Action Plan to Disrupt Islamophobia was developed and includes an action plan for the City and for community based and public sector organizations to disrupt Islamophobia and anti-Muslim racism.

Climate Emergency Action Plan

London’s Climate Emergency Action Plan is a fundamental and required response to the City’s climate emergency declaration. As part of this plan, the City has established  near-term and longer-term goals to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

The Climate Emergency Action Plan is a community-wide plan to achieve three main goals: 

  1. Net-zero community greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 
  2. Improved resilience to climate change impacts 
  3. Bring everyone along (e.g., individuals, households, businesses, neighbourhoods) 

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Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) Plan

On September 14, 2021 City Council adopted London’s first Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) Plan.

In keeping with the requirements outlined in the province of Ontario’s Bill 175, Safer Ontario Act, London’s CSWB Plan provides a framework to support a collective approach for community agencies working together to achieve sustainable communities where everyone feels safe, has a sense of belonging and can meet their needs for education, health care, food, housing, income, and social and cultural expression.

Corporate Asset Management Plan

The 2023 Corporate Asset Management (CAM) Plan outlines how London's City-owned assets, with a replacement value of $28.5 billion will be managed over the next 10 years and beyond to ensure we are capable of providing the levels of service needed to support the citizens of London, focusing on current levels of service, risk, lifecycle asset management planning and long-term financing.

Learn more

Cultural Prosperity Plan

London’s Cultural Prosperity Plan identifies current and future priorities for strengthening London's cultural sector, aiming to broaden understandings and collaborations across London, to deliver culture to all facets of our City, to incubate new ideas, and to enhance the City's reputation as a leading community for cultural workers to live and create in.

Cultural Prosperity Plan

Cycling Master Plan

London ON Bikes is the City of London’s primary cycling resource and action plan. This Master Plan is meant to be used as a guide and a blueprint for future planning, design, development and programming related to Cycling.

You can download an executive summary of the Cycling Master Plan here.

To receive a complete electronic or paper copy of the Cycling Master Plan, please connect with

Housing Stability for All Plan

The Housing Stability for All Plan sets a vision and defines a new direction for the collective work of the community to address housing stability, focused on four strategic areas, over the next five years. Each strategic area of focus has a goal, result, strategies, actions and measures that will guide the work of the community now and in the future.

The Housing Stability for All Plan

Industrial Land Development Strategy

The Industrial Land Development Strategy has been a tremendously successful strategy for the City of London. The economic impacts and employment creation that occur as a result of the ILDS can be observed directly and therefore allow the City to track desired outcomes. The ILDS has guided industrial land development over the past two decades and led to an increase in attracting supplier companies and other investments that generate spin-off benefits for those living and working in London.

Invasive Plant Management Strategy

With the help of the Ontario Invasive Plant Council’s (OIPC) strategic framework for developing a citywide Invasive Plant Management Strategy , London will continue to be a leader in Ontario in addressing invasive species control over the long-term. 

London Music Strategy

The London Music Strategy aims to promote culture as a key part of economic growth and quality of life as identified in Council's 2015 -2019 Strategic Plan and the Cultural Prosperity Plan for the City of London. In essence, the London Music Strategy aims to maximize the tremendous potential of London’s music sector.

London Music Strategy

London Strengthening Neighbourhoods Strategy

The heart and essence of every city are its neighbourhoods. London Strengthening Neighbourhoods Strategy is fundamentally a resident driven strategy that encourages resident participation and engagement to help make all of London’s neighbourhoods stronger. In total, over 4,500 Londoners contributed to the development of this Plan.

To receive an electronic or paper copy of the London Strengthening Neighbourhoods Strategy, please connect with

Our Move Forward: London's Downtown Plan (2015)

Through its discussions of the downtown revitalization incentives, design and heritage issues, Council identified a need for a new broadly based downtown plan. On April 14, 2015, Council adopted Our Move Forward: London’s Downtown Plan.

Please contact to request an electronic or paper copy of this plan.

Parks and Recreation Master Plan

The City of London offers high quality parks, recreation programs, sport services and facilities that engage residents of all ages and abilities. The Parks and Recreation Master Plan ensures that our services align with community needs, now and in the future. The Plan provides an overall vision, direction and guidance for planning and making decisions about parks, recreation programs, sport services and facilities. The Plan was last updated in 2019.

Report to the Community

 Released every November, the Report to the Community highlights key activities and accomplishments from the past 12 months.


60% Waste Diversion Action Plan

The 60% Waste Diversion Action Plan is a standalone plan and part of the larger Resource Recovery Strategy. The action plan proposes a set of actions to achieve 60% waste diversion of residential waste by the end of 2022. 

Get Involved

Strategic Advocacy Framework

The Strategic Advocacy Framework guides the City’s strategic advocacy approach, linked directly and intentionally with Council’s 2023-2027 Strategic Plan.

Read the Strategic Advocacy Framework

Strategic Financial Framework

The City of London’s Strategic Financial Framework is intended to provide a high-level summary of the strategic principles and practices that govern the long-term financial management of the Corporation of the City of London.

Transportation Master Plan

Completed in 2013, the Smart Moves 2030 Transportation Plan provides direction for transportation planning and decision making in the City.

You can download an executive summary of the Transportation Master Plan here.

To receive a complete electronic or paper copy of the Transportation Master Plan, please connect with

Tree Planting Strategy

The Tree Planting Strategy describes how the City of London will achieve its goal of increasing London's tree canopy cover to 34% by 2065. It outlines the first 5-year action plan from 2017-2021. It is a living document that will continue to be reviewed and revised.

Plant More: Tree Planting Strategy

Urban Forestry Strategy

The Urban Forest Strategy is a plan that engages citizens and outlines the necessary steps the City of London must take to protect, enhance, and monitor the urban forest that defines London as the “Forest City”. The Strategy provides the vision and strategic direction for long-term education, planning, planting, protection and maintenance of trees, woodlands, green space and related resources in the City of London. 

Urban Forest Strategy 

To receive a paper copy of the Urban Forest Strategy, please contact

Water system annual and summary reports, and financial plan

Each year, the City of London submits an annual and summary report to the Ministry of the Environment detailing the results of 1,000s of tests that were taken throughout the drinking water system that year. 

The City also prepares a financial plan as a summary of various capital and operational programs already approved by Council for the current budget year (2020) with an outlook of projected expenditures to 2026.

To receive an electronic or paper copy of the annual and summery reports, or a copy of the financial plan, please connect with Scott Koshowski at or call 519-661-2489 x 7503

Last modified:Wednesday, March 12, 2025