Election Signs

Election signs can only start to be put up after nomination papers have been filed and must comply with the City of London’s Election Sign By-law.

Election Sign By-law

Standards for the placement of election signs on public and private property are established in the City of London's Election Sign By-law and Regulation.

ELECTION SIGN BY-LAw and regulation 

Simplified Guide to Election Sign Placement



Who do I contact if I have general inquiries about Election Signs?

Please contact Municipal Compliance at 519-661-4660 or email enforcement@london.ca

When can I place an Election Sign for a Provincial Election?

You can place an Election Sign now, as the Writ of Election has occurred.

3.1 No person shall Place or permit to be Placed an Election Sign for a federal or provincial election or by-election earlier than the day the Writ of Election or by- election is issued.

Can an Election Sign be placed on City property, including Parks?

No.  Election Signs cannot be placed in any public parks or property owned or occupied by the City of London or any local board.  This includes in a boulevard along or beside a park.

4.1     No person shall Place or permit to be Placed an Election Sign on Public Property.

4.2     No person shall Place or permit to be Placed an Election Sign in a Park.

4.5 (h) No person shall Place or permit to be Placed an Election Sign in a Boulevard that abuts a Park.

Are Election Signs allowed in a polling/voting place?

No, they are not allowed.

2.5 No person shall place or permit to be placed an Election Sign on or in a Voting Place on any Advance Vote Day or Voting Day.

How far away do my Election Signs need to be from one another?

Election Signs cannot be placed within 100 metres of another Elections Sign of the same candidate.  Measurements will NOT be taken across an intersection or roadway.

4.5 No person shall Place or permit to be Placed an Election Sign:

(i) on a Street within 100 metres of another Election Sign of the same Candidate

How long after the election do I have to remove my Election Signs?

All Election Signs are required to be removed seventy-two (72) hours after Voting Day.

3.4 No owner shall fail to remove their Election Sign after the expiry of 72 hours immediately following 11:59 p.m. of the day of the election.

Can I remove an Election Sign myself if I think it is placed illegally?

No.  Please contact Municipal Compliance at 519-661-4660 or email enforcement@london.ca to report an Election Sign that you feel is in contravention with the current By-law.

How can I report an Election Sign that is in contravention of the By-law?

The City Clerk and/or an Enforcement Officer for the City of London is authorized to take down or remove or cause to be removed immediately an election sign that is placed in contravention of the Election Sign By-law and Regulation.

If you would like to report or inquire about the placement of an election sign in the city of London please email enforcement@london.ca or call 519-661-4660.

Signs that pose any risk to the health and safety of pedestrians or motorists will be removed immediately.

Will the City contact me prior to the removal of my Election Sign?

It is not a requirement of the By-law to do so. An Election Sign can be removed immediately by the City without notice or compensation.

5.1 The City Clerk and/or an Enforcement Officer may remove any Election Sign erected in contravention off this by law without notice.

How can I pick up Election Signs that were removed by the City?

Election signs that have been removed by the City of London will be stored at 663 Bathurst Street at A. J. Tyler Operations, Bathurst Works Yard. Signs may be picked up between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.

An election sign removed by the City of London will be stored for a period of not less than 30 days during which time the Owner or agent may retrieve the election sign.

The City of London is not responsible for the loss or damage of election signs.

Where an election sign has been removed by the City of London and has not been retrieved within 30 days, the election sign may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of by the City of London without notice.

My Election Sign has been removed by the City, how long do I have to retrieve my Election Sign?

Elections Signs that have been removed by the City of London will not be stored for a period of no more than 30 days and if such sign has not been retrieved, the Election Sign may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of by the City of London without any notice or compensation to the owner.

Can I post Election Signs and in parks?

No, the Election Sign By-law prohibits placing Election Signs in parks or on public property as defined under the Election Sign Bylaw.  Public property includes places like arenas, community centres, City Hall, etc.

Do I need a permit to hold a campaign event in a park?

If you have a campaign event organized in a park, please note that any gathering of 25 or more individuals requires a permit in accordance with our by-laws and policies.  For more information on this process, please contact Parks and Recreation at recreation@london.ca or 519 661-5575. Gatherings of under 25 individuals are subject to the Parks and Recreation Area By-law.


Last modified:Thursday, July 04, 2024