Mobility Master Plan
Help shape the future of mobility and transportation in London.
The official website for the City of London, Ontario
The City of London and its partners at London Transit and the Middlesex London Health Unit are developing a long-term plan to prepare London's mobility system for change and growth expected from now, to 2050. The Mobility Master Plan will be London’s first fully integrated mobility plan which considers all forms of mobility, including general traffic lanes, bus lanes, cycling facilities, sidewalks, and pathways.
The Mobility Master Plan will include:
London's mobility network is being developed to support our growing population and achieve our 2050 Mode Share Target. Transportation project recommendations as part of the third and final phase of the Mobility Master Plan, which are currently being reviewed and refined based on public feedback.
The Mobility Master Plan is recommending road projects that add capacity and improve traffic flow to better manage congestion and advance the implementation of sidewalks and bike facilities in areas lacking this essential infrastructure.
A draft transit priority network map illustrates proposed rapid transit corridors, as well as transit priority routes, and transit-friendly areas that will increase access to jobs, destinations, healthcare and other major institutions. It has been strategically designed to support London’s most densely developing areas and to significantly improve the reliability of cross-city trips.
A draft cycling network map has been created, showcasing modifications to the approved Cycling Master Plan and outlining priorities for the next decade to ensure safe, well-connected cycling routes. This is being complimented by policies and actions, such as developing a bike share business case and implementing more bike parking throughout the city.
Critical gaps in sidewalk infrastructure along major roads have been identified in addition to our existing City sidewalk programs, which implement sidewalks on neighbourhood streets based on community input.
Policies and Actions play a powerful role in shaping London’s mobility system, influencing where, how, when and why future projects get implemented and how the mobility system is used. They are also essential to meeting our new mode share target and providing the supporting people move around the city in a variety of ways. The City of London continues to collect feedback and ideas for policies and actions. Click on an Area of Focus listed below to learn more.
Feedback on Transportation Project Recommendations and Policies and Actions is being accepted until January 31, 2025. Any input provided after this date is welcomed and will be reviewed but may have reduced potential to influence the study.
The City of London provides updates about the Mobility Master Plan via email. Please subscribe to our email list if interested in receiving the latest information and feedback opportunities as they are released.
Development of the Mobility Master Plan has been ongoing for 2.5 years. The presentation linked below is a recording of a Community Conversation that took place in 2022. It provides an overview of London's unique needs and community feedback received during Phase 1 of the Mobility Master Plan.
Public Meetings:
The Mobility Master Plan outreach team will be hosting four public meetings and additional pop-up events this winter.
Other Pop-Ups:
The purpose of a Needs and Opportunities Report is to outline key mobility needs and opportunities in London based on analysis of London’s land use, population, employment and mobility trends, as well as policy direction and broader societal conditions. The report includes a comprehensive overview of the current mobility system in London, with a focus on identifying key trends, issues and constraints. It concludes with a summary of the key needs and opportunities identified throughout this phase of the study.
In April 2024, London City Council approved a mode share target for the Mobility Master Plan which sets a goal to increase the percentage of trips Londoners take using active modes of transportation and transit by 2050. The new mode share target – to be reviewed at least every four years and adjusted appropriately – would plan for an increase in the current walk, cycle, transit portion from 23% to 32.5% or greater and a decrease in the percentage of personal vehicle driving trips from 61% down to 52.5%.
The Mobility Master Plan will provide short and long-term infrastructure project recommendations through to 2050. All transportation related infrastructure projects will be evaluated as part of the Mobility Master Plan process to identify priority networks for infrastructure improvements across all modes. A draft project evaluation framework has been developed based on the guiding principles which were approved by Council in December 2022 based on community consultation.
Various communication and engagement activities were conducted as part of Phase 1 to build awareness of the study and invite people to share their experiences with mobility in London. The Phase 1 Consultation Report provides an overview of feedback collected about what the community cares about, uses, has challenges with and wants out of a future transportation and mobility system.
Londoners expressed strong support for transportation and mobility options that are environmentally sustainable, reliable and provide more convenient access to people, places, and services. Londoners have also expressed the importance of transportation being affordable and developing an MMP that furthers safety and comfort for all residents and users of the mobility system. These insights have helped shape our Vision and Guiding Principles for the Mobility Master Plan.
In 2050, Londoners of all identities, abilities and means will have viable mobility options to allow them to move throughout the city safely and efficiently. The movement of people and goods will be environmentally sustainable, affordable, and supportive of economic growth and development.
The Mobility Master Plan is being developed with the following Guiding Principles: