Western Road and Sarnia Road / Philip Aziz Avenue Environmental Assessment


Western Road between Huron College and Platts Lane is part of a busy transportation corridor serving Western University and other local institutions. Every day, Western Road and Sarnia Road respectively accommodate approximately 26,000 and 23,000 vehicles.

Within this corridor, the Western Road and Sarnia Road/Philip Aziz Avenue intersection supports a large volume of vehicles making turning movements, high pedestrian and cycling traffic and frequent transit services. This type of traffic is expected to increase in the future.

This Environmental Assessment was initiated to explore solutions to the challenges in this area, including looking at:

  • pedestrian passage across the Western Road / Sarnia Road intersection
  • curbs on Western Road to improve safety for pedestrians on the sidewalk
  • safe pedestrian passage along Philip Aziz Avenue
  • cycling facilities on Western Road and Philip Aziz Avenue
  • northbound and eastbound intersection turning movement improvements at the Western Road / Sarnia Road intersection
  • the stormwater drainage system on Western Road, including the outlet connecting to the Thames River via Philip Aziz Avenue.

Current status

This Environmental Assessment has resumed and registration for the Public Information Centre is now open.

Study area

The project study area covers the Western Road and Sarnia Road/Philip Aziz Avenue intersection and along the Western Road corridor between Huron University College and Platts Lane, and Sarnia Road east from Coombs Avenue. For more information, please contact Karl Grabowski at kgrabows@london.ca or 519-661-2489, extension 5071.


Project Timeline

2015: Environmental Assessment Begins

The City sent out a notice of commencement to residents, business owners and interested stakeholders to notify them of the Environmental Assessment's start.

June 2015: Public Information Centre #1

A Public Information Centre was scheduled for June 2015 at University Heights Public School - interested parties were encouraged to attend. They provided comments specific to the potential Western and Sarnia Road / Philip Aziz intersection improvements to the project team, which were critical to the development of this environmental assessment.

December 2021: Public Information Centre #2

Interested parties are invited to attend the upcoming Public Information Centre on Wednesday, December 1, 2021 to provide feedback to the project team. All feedback is vital in shaping the recommendations provided by the Environmental Study Report.

Last modified:Tuesday, April 09, 2024