Age Friendly London Network

The City of London supports multiple initiatives and resources to enhance seniors’ lived experience in our community.  

In 2010, the City of London became the first city in Canada to join the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Network of Age Friendly Cities.

The Age Friendly London Network is made up of over 100 volunteer older adults, caregivers, service providers and anyone with an interest in aging.  The Network is responsible for implementing strategies that make London a more age friendly city and support Londoners as they age.

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What is the network

There are 165 members and 80 local agencies that work to implement AFL Action Plan. Membership in the Network is open to anyone with an interest in supporting the London vision of an Age Friendly City: A diverse, vibrant, caring and healthy community which empowers all individuals to age well and have opportunities to achieve their full potential.

The Network is comprised of 8 Working Groups who are implementing the Plan's action steps.

Volunteer in the Community

The City of London has compiled a list of volunteer opportunities that have been identified by their respective organizations as meaningful opportunities for older adult volunteers. 

Current Volunteer Opportunities

Seniors Resources and Events

This Seniors' Resources information site was created in partnership with the Age Friendly London Network to help seniors in London and Middlesex find information and resources relevant to their needs.

Celebrate Every Day Heroes

London recognizes older adults in the community who dedicate their time and energy to helping others. Not only does the community benefit, but these 55+ adults express more confidence, fulfillment and enjoyment in their lives as they age.

Nominate an Every Day Hero:

For more information, please email

Last modified:Tuesday, June 18, 2024