The City of London has two municipally-owned industrial business parks that offer a range of vacant, serviced and industrial land available for sale.
As per the City’s Industrial Land Development Strategy, the parcels are available to targeted industries such as Advanced Manufacturing, Food Processing, Automotive Manufacturing, Renewable and Clean Technologies, Defence and Aerospace, Life and Health Sciences, and Research and Development.
The investments made by the City to develop high quality industrial parks is done to attract high quality work force and employment, capital investments, tax revenue, and to generate further direct and in-direct economic spin offs to the City.
London has the key elements to ensure the success of these new investments - a talented workforce, an outstanding research and development network, competitive business climate, and an exceptional support infrastructure.
To learn more about available parcels, please contact
The City’s current industrial land pricing is as follows:
Innovation Park (Phases 1 to 4) and Huron Industrial Park (all phases):
- Lots up to 4.99 acres: $325,000 per acre
- 5.00 acres and up: $300,000 per acre
Pricing for serviced industrial land in Trafalgar Industrial Park:
- All lot sizes: $300,000 per acre
Pricing for serviced industrial land in Innovation Park Phase V:
- All lot sizes: $400,000.00 per acre
Surcharges are as follows:
- Highway 401 Exposure – 15%
- Veteran’s Memorial Parkway Exposure – 5%
City-owned industrial parks
Huron Industrial Park
Available Parcels in C1
Parcel 1
- Acreage: 4 acres (gross)
- Estimated acreage: 3.26 acres (LI2) / 0.74 acres (OS4)
- Available: Sold
Parcel 2
- Acreage: 4.00 acres (gross)
- Estimated acreage: 3.16 acres (LI2) / 0.84 (OS4)
- Available: Under Contract
Price: $1,035,400
Parcel 3
- Acreage: 1.25 acres (gross)
- Estimated acreage: 0.98 acres (LI2) / 0.27 acres (OS4)
- Available: Sold
Parcel 4
- Acreage: 1.75 acres (gross)
- Estimated acreage: 1.38 acres (LI2) / 0.37 acres (OS4)
- Available: Sold
Parcel 5
- Acreage: 1.2 acres
- Price per acre: $325,000
- Available: Yes
- Price: $390,000
Parcel 6
- Acreage: 1.0 acres
- Price per acre: $325,000
- Available: Sold
Parcel 7
- Acreage: 2.88 acres
- Price per acre: $325,000
- Available: Sold
Parcel 8
- Acreage: 0.5 acres
- Price per acre: $325,000
- Available: Sold
Block 1
- Acreage: 10.69 acres (gross)
- Estimated acreage: 10.32 acres (LI2) / 0.43 acres (OS5)
- Available: Yes
- 5% VMP surcharge applicable.
- Price: $3,261,300
Block 2
- Acreage: 4.67 acres
- Price per acre: $325,000
- 5% VMP surcharge applicable.
- Price: $1,593,637.50
Huron Industrial Park C2
Available Parcel in C2
- Acreage: 35.45 acres (gross
- Zoning: GI1, HI1
- Price per acre: $315,000
- Available: Yes
- Price: $11,166,750
Note: Final area and price subject to new survey
Huron Industrial Park C3
Available Parcel in C3
- Acreage: 15.5 acres (gross)
- Zoning: GI1
- Price per acre: $315,000
- Available: Under Contract
- Price: $4,882,500
Note: Final area and price subject to new survey
Huron Industrial Park C4
Available Parcel in C4 (West Block)
- Acreage: 42.1 acres (gross)
- Zoning: GI1
- Price per acre: $315,000
- Available: Yes
- Price: $13,261,500
Note: Final area and price subject to new survey
Available Parcel in C4 (East Block)
- Acreage: 33.4 acres (gross)
- Zoning: GI1
- Price per acre: $300,000
- Available: Yes
- Price: $10,020,000
Note: Final area and price subject to new survey
Huron Industrial Park C5
Available Parcel in C5
- Acreage: 21.25 acres (gross)
- Zoning: h HI1
- Price per acre: $315,000
- Available: Yes
- Price: $6,693,750
Note: Final area and price subject to survey
Innovation Park
Innovation Park is a four phase City-owned park located north of Highway 401, west and east of of Veteran's Memorial Parkway and south of Hamilton Road. Sanitary sewers, storm sewers, and water services are available. Extending services from the road to the property line is the responsibility of the purchaser. The park is serviced by underground hydro. All proposed development in this park will be subject to Architectural Control Guidelines.
Parcels Available in Phase One
Parcel 1
- Acreage: 9.03 acres
- Price per acre: Sold
Parcel 2
- Acreage: 5.47 acres
- Sold
Parcel 3
- Acreage: 3.84 acres
- Price per acre: available $1,248,000/$325,000.00 per acre
Parcel 4
- Acreage: 4 acres
- Price per acre: Sold
Parcel 5
- Acreage: 8 acres
- Price per acre: Sold
Parcel 6
- Acreage: 12.02 acres
- Price per acre: Sold
Parcels Available in Phase Two
Parcel 7
- Acreage: 6 acres
- Price per acre: Sold
Parcel 8A
- Acreage: 8.5 acres
- Price per acre: available $2,550,000/$300,000 per acre
Parcel 8B
- Acreage: 5.5 acres
- Price per acre: available $1,650,000/$300,000 per acre
Parcel 8C
- Acreage: 5.0 acres
- Price per acre: Sold
Parcel 9
- Acreage: 23.2 acres
- Price per acre: available $6,960,000/$300,000 per acre
Parcels Available in Phase Three
Parcel 10(a)
- Acreage: 8.5 acres
- Sold
Parcel 10(b)
- Acreage: 8 acres
- Sold
Parcel 10(c)
- Acreage: 10.2 acres
- Sold
Parcel Available in Phase Four
Parcel 11 A
- Acreage: 14.0 acres
- Price per acre: $2,940,000/ $315,000 per acre
Parcel 11B
- Acreage: 6.0 acres
- Price per acre: $ 1,890,000/ $ 315,000 per acre.
Parcel 12A
- Acreage: 3 acres
- Sold
Parcel 12B
- Acreage: 5.14 acres
- Price per acre: available $1,542,000/$300,000 per acre
Parcel 13
- Acreage: 5 acres
- Sold
Parcel 14A
- Acreage: 25 acres
- Sold
Parcel 14B
- Acreage 29.02 acres
- Price per acre: available $8,706,000/$300,000 per acre
All available parcels in Phases one to three are zoned as LI 2(9). All available parcels in Phase four are zoned LI (23).
Zoning By-law Section 40 - Light Industrial (LI) Zone
Regulations for those properties adjacent to Old Victoria Road:
A minimum 10 metre wide buffer strip shall be retained along the eastern edge of the Old Victoria Road right-of-way. Fencing may only be permitted along the eastern edge of the landscaped buffer strip Rear yard setback shall be measured from the eastern limit of the landscaped buffer strip (10 metres east of the Old Victoria Road right-of-way). No loading and open storage is permitted in the required rear yard. Regard given to Ministry of the Environment MOE Guidelines D-6.
Regulations for those properties adjacent to Veteran's Memorial Parkway:
No loading and open storage is permitted in the required rear yard. Where a loading space and/or open storage area is located in a yard adjacent to Airport Road, lateral screening is required. Lateral screening shall be the full length of the loading space and open storage area and at least 3 metres in height above the finished grade to effectively conceal the view of these areas from Veteran's Memorial Parkway. The lateral screening shall be compatible with the colour and materials of the main buildings.
Landscaped Open Space:
A minimum 5 metre wide strip shall be located on the portions of any yard adjacent to the Veteran's Memorial Parkway corridor.
Regulations for those properties adjacent to the Bostwick Cemetery: Yards adjacent to a cemetery shall include a minimum 5 metre wide landscape buffer strip.
Easements and Encumbrances
The City of London Industrial Land Officer can be reached at 519-661-4546 to discuss any existing easements or encumbrances.
Skyway Industrial Park
Skyway Industrial Park is adjacent to the London Airport, located east of Veteran's Memorial Parkway, west of Crumlin Side Road and north of Oxford Street East.
Available Parcels
PT Block 3 - South
- Acreage: 12 acres
- Price per acre: Sold
PT Block 3 - Middle
- Acreage: 9.03 acres
- Price per acre: Sold
PT Block 3 - North Portion
- Acreage: 4.7 acres
- Price per acre: Sold
The Park is zoned General Industrial 1. It is necessary to refer to the zoning maps to determine the correct zoning of a parcel. uses permitted are:
General Industrial 1 - Auction establishments; automobile body shop; automobile repair garages; building or contracting establishments; commercial recreation establishments; dry cleaning and laundry plants; food, tobacco and beverage processing industries; manufacturing and assembly industries; printing, reproduction and data processing industries; private clubs; processed goods industries; repair and rental establishments; research and development establishments; service and repair establishments; service trades; storage depots; terminal centres; transport terminals; vehicle sales and service establishments; warehouse establishments; and wholesale establishments.
Zoning By-law Section 41 - General Industrial (GI) Zone
The park is fully serviced with sanitary sewers, storm sewers, and water.
Building Requirements
Minimum Lot Coverage - 15%
Easements and Encumbrances
The City of London Industrial Land Officer can be reached at 519-661-4546 to discuss any existing easements or encumbrances.
Height Restrictions
The London Airport Zoning Regulations apply to all the lands in the vicinity of the airport. Regulations impose height restrictions of 50 feet, 100 feet, and 150 feet from the approach surface of airport runways. Please contact the Industrial Land Office 519 661-4546 of the Realty Services Division for more information.
Trafalgar Industrial Park
Trafalgar Industrial Park, Phase III (A) is located north of Trafalgar Street, east of Veteran's Memorial Parkway, west of Crumlin Side Road, and south of Admiral Drive. Phase III (B) is located south of Dundas Street, east of Veteran's Memorial Parkway, west of Crumlin Side Road, and north of Admiral Drive.
Lots in Phase Three
Lot 3 & 4
- Acreage: 1.516 acres
- Price per acre: available $454,800/$300,000 per acre
12 Swiftsure Court - SOLD
- Acreage: 3.5 acres
The zoning is Light Industrial 1 and Light Industrial 2. It is necessary to refer to zoning maps to determine the correct zoning of a parcel. Permitted uses in these zones are:
Light Industrial 1
Bakeries; business service establishments; laboratories; manufacturing and assembly industries; offices, support; paper and allied products industries excluding pulp and paper and asphalt roofing industries; pharmaceutical and medical product industries; printing, reproduction and data processing industries; research and development establishments; warehouse establishments; and wholesale establishments.
Light Industrial 2
All uses included in the LI1 zone, and the following additional uses: dry cleaning and laundry plants; food, tobacco and beverage processing industries excluding meat packaging; leather and fur processing excluding tanning; repair and rental establishments; service trades; and textile processing industries.
Zoning By-law Section 40 - Light Industrial (LI) Zone
The Park has full municipal services under the street. The cost of connection from the street to the property line is the responsibility of the purchaser.
Price List for City-owned Serviced Industrial Parks
The City’s current industrial land pricing is as follows:
Innovation Park (Phases 1 to 4) and Huron Industrial Park (all phases):
- Lots up to 4.99 acres: $325,000 per acre
- 5.00 acres and up: $300,000 per acre
Pricing for serviced industrial land in Trafalgar Industrial Park:
- All lot sizes: $300,000 per acre
Pricing for serviced industrial land in Innovation Park Phase V:
- All lot sizes: $400,000.00 per acre
Surcharges are as follows:
- Highway 401 Exposure – 15%
- Veteran’s Memorial Parkway Exposure – 5%
The cost-of-service connections from the main services to the property line is the responsibility of the purchaser. Industrial lots are sold on a where is, as is basis, with grading, stripping and removal of excess topsoil being the purchaser’s responsibility and cost. The City will strive to provide grading of the municipal industrial parks on a level-graded basis. Site specific final grading is the responsibility of a purchaser.