Work Approval Permits

The City regulates work that occurs on, above, or below municipal roads, sidewalks, and boulevards. A work approval permit will need to be obtained prior to the start of work. Examples of work activities on city right-of-ways that require a work permit include material or equipment storage, excavation and roadway occupancy.

Applying for a work permit

When applying for a work approval permit, the City requires the following documentation to be submitted as a complete package:

Work approval permit application form with the proposed work fully described in writing

Drawings depicting described work and location within the road allowance

Traffic Control Plan (TCP) (if applicable)

  • Must conform to Ontario Traffic Control, Book 7

Standard Certificate of Insurance, if not already on file

Municipal Consent Authority (MCA) documents (if applicable)

Please note: any application package that is not complete will not be reviewed.  Application packages can be submitted to the Public Property Compliance team on the seventh Floor of City Hall or by e-mail to

Application timeline requirements

As per the Streets by-law, the applicant of a work approval permit shall submit a complete application package to the City of London at least seven days in advance of commencing occupancy or work on, above, or below City of London public property. While we make every effort to meet your scheduled timelines and business needs, please be aware we reserve the right to take seven (7) business days to review, coordinate, and issue a Work Approval Permit.

Securities and deposits

Securities and/or deposits are required for all works issued under a Work Approval Permit. The security/deposit amount is based upon the cost for the City to reinstate the street and for any other services if the applicant does not complete the job to the satisfaction of the work approval permit.

Acceptable forms of securities/deposits include:

  • letter of credit
  • surety bonds
  • cash deposit

Please be advise one of the three forms of securities will be required before a Work Approval Permit is issued. Please email Public Property Compliance at to determine the amount of security required by the City.


Full restoration to City specification of the work site is required to be completed on or before the expiration date of the issued work approval permit. The City does recognize at times there are unforeseen circumstances that prevent the completion of the work or restoration.

If this occurs it is your obligation to notify the City’s Public Property and Compliance team to discuss an extension or alternative solution. Within the upcoming construction season the City will be conducting random inspections to ensure work is completed within approved timeframes. If it is discovered the approved permit timeframes have not been adhered to and the Public Property and Compliance team has not been notified of a required extension, enforcement actions may be taken.

Late fall, winter and early spring (November 1 to April 30)

The City understands full restoration cannot typically be achieved in the winter due to temperature, weather conditions and restoration material constraints. It will be the obligation of the permit applicant to provide a detailed outline on the permit application, noting what temporary restorations will take place and will be the responsibility of the applicant to maintain these temporary restoration until the permanent full restoration is complete.  It will be required that the full restoration of any permit work issued between November 1 - April 30 will be completed no later than May 15. An additional permit will not be required for these restorations, however, coordination with the Public Property and Compliance team shall occur and street occupancy will not be permitted until an agreed upon time is established and written approval from the City is provided to the applicant.

Be advised failing to fully restore temporary restorations by May 15 may result in a permit application suspension until full restorations are complete, drawing on securities/deposits to restore works or enforcement actions.

Extensions and resubmissions

A work approval permit extension may be requested if the work has begun and is going to exceed the approved permit end date. The cost of an extension is $100 per day, alternatively, a new permit can be obtained with all new application fees.

If a work approval permit has been issued and work cannot start and finish within the approved dates provided the start date has not passed, notice can be provided to the Public Property and Compliance team and new dates will be scheduled at no additional cost.

If a work approval permit has been issued and the start and end date have passed with no work having taken place, the permit will be revoked and any future work will require a new work approval permit application and fees be submitted.

Traffic control plans

A Traffic Control Plan (TCP) is a Ministry of Labour and Ontario Traffic Manual (OTM) Book 7 requirement that effectively and safely harmonizes a project’s physical requirements with the operational requirements of the City of London and all of its right-of-way users. A TCP is required for any Construction Work Approval Permit per the description provided in the previous section. The TCP should be an electronically created drawing(s) that includes, at a minimum, the following:

  • provide a brief description of the work including the duration and the proposed time of working hours.
  • show the street names on the plan including cross streets/intersections and the TC #’s for the signs and the Typical Layout reference # from OTM Book 7.
  • quote the TL # used from OTM Book 7, and refer to Table A for short duration works and Table B for long duration works. The signage and distance between should reflect from the appropriate Typical layout figure and table (modified or not).
  • show the location of the building/driveways and the municipal address(es).
  •  show all the lanes for each road on the drawing and define the proposed lane widths.
  • state the impact on sidewalks/LTC bus stops and operations/school bus stops and operations/driveways, if any, and how they will be addressed.

Please note that the TCP should be a reflection (modified or not) of a suitable layout from the OTM Book 7, and must be legible. Strong consideration should be given to all road and facility users such as pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles.

Pavement degradation

A pavement degradation fee is required for any section of roadway or portion thereof where the roadway is removed. 

Licensing agreement

Where an applicant anticipates occupying a street or a portion of a street for more than 30 days, the applicant shall enter into a licence agreement with the City prior to issuance of a permit. Under that agreement, the applicant shall pay a fee as set out in Schedule 1 of the City of London’s Various Fees and Charges By-law.

Tree protection

Before starting, please take a moment to consider the impact the planned work will have on the surrounding plants and trees. For more information, review the Tree Protection By-law.

All documents


Last modified:Monday, June 10, 2024