
You next team member is out there. We have resources to help you find them!

We are here to help employers find skilled employees, enhance hiring and onboarding processes, deliver skills training to employees, and help you better understand our labour market. 

Connect with an employment expert today to discuss your employee needs.

Man in a factory pointing at a whiteboard as he talks to five of his staff members.

Helpful Tools for Employers

Use the websites and resources below to assist you with your recruitment efforts. Reach out to your local Employment Services provider when you're ready to connect.

Labour Market Information

Accessing labour market information will help you understand the current trends that are driving your future workforce. 

Workplace  Resources

There are lots of resources available for businesses when it comes to HR best practices, implementing company-wide training, and ensuring accessible workplaces. The LRES team has compiled several resources below, however; it is important to note that this is not an exhaustive list. We encourage you to continue researching additional resources for your organization.

Accessibility Resources

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) is the law that sets out a process for developing, implementing, and enforcing accessibility standards. Government, businesses, non-profits, and public sector organizations must follow the standards. Accessibility laws and standards help to reduce and remove barriers and make Ontario more inclusive for everyone. 

Resource:   Accessibility Standards Checklist


Implementing Accessible Employment Practices

Businesses are required to accommodate employees with disabilities throughout their employment under the Ontario Human Rights Code and the AODA employment standards.  This includes making recruitment processes accessible, informing your employees of supports, and providing individual accessible workplace emergency response information

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Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act  

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act website provides free online training on the AODA in an effort to expand the government’s mission to offer full accessibility to all disabled Ontarians by 2025. This free course will cover basic information about AODA, comprehensive details about its standards, and the benefits they offer Ontarians.


Health and Safety Resources

Health and Safety Policy

The Occupational Safety and Health Act requires employers with certain workplace hazards to have specific safety regulations in place. Aside from these legal requirements, it's a good idea to include emergency and safety procedures in your employee handbook. You might also detail the steps that employees must take if a workplace injury occurs and mention the expectation that all work-related accidents be reported.

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Small Business Infrastructure Health and Safety Association

The IHSA provides free tools and resources to help businesses protect their workers and meet their legal obligations under Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act. Visit their website to learn more.


Health and Safety for Small Businesses

Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, small business employers have many of the same duties as any other employer, including doing everything they reasonably can do to protect their workers, inform, instruct, and supervise workers to protect their health and safety and make sure the necessary training is delivered. Learn more about your health and safety responsibilities as a small business employer and how to keep your workplace safe.


Mental Health Resources

Providing a safe workplace includes more than just elimination slips, trips, and falls. A safe workspace also includes psychological safety and concern for the mental well-being of your employees.  Below are some resources to help you ensure your employees are safe at work.

Canadian Mental Health Association

CMHA is in 330 communities and offer a range of programs, services, supports and expertise, and work in mental health priority areas to learn more about the programming and services they offer, including mental health supports, online courses and how to reach a CMHA representative in your community.


Mental Health Commission of Canada

Ensuring good psychological health and safety (PH&S) in the workplace is vitally important for all Canadians. The National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (the Standard) – the first of its kind in the world, is a set of voluntary guidelines, tools, and resources intended to guide organizations in promoting mental health and preventing psychological harm at work.

Watch this video to learn more about the Standard and why it is important to take action today.

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Policy and Procedure Resources

Policies and procedures are guidelines that outline employee expectations, organizational obligations, disciplinary procedures, and behavioural standards. Each policy helps companies with a structure in which teams can work in a positive and productive way. Below are a few resources to help you.

How to Write Meaningful Company Policy and Procedures

Company policy and procedures guide employees and clarify the desirable behaviours, norms, and practices in a company.  Ensuring you have the right ones in place will help achieve maximum productivity and success for your business.

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How to Develop Policies and Procedures in Eight Easy Steps

Creating and implementing useful, resilient company policies is a vital task for anyone who wants to run a successful business with satisfied, compliant employees. Learn the eight steps you need to develop policies and procedures that will best fit your company’s needs.

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HR Guide Policy and Procedure Template

This template is provided as a tool to develop policies on all matters related to conditions of employment.

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Indigenous Resources for Employers

Indigenous peoples face distinct challenges entering the workforce, advancing in their career, and seeking out learning and professional development opportunities. This often results in an unequal distribution of income and opportunities across these communities.  Below you can find some resources to support the hiring and advancements of Indigenous talent.

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Last modified:Thursday, July 11, 2024