Making sure you properly set out your garbage on collection day will help collectors pick it up fast and efficiently in our neighbourhoods.
Review your collection schedule
Request pick up for large furniture and bulky Items
Beginning October 1, 2023, households need to book in advance the pick-up of large furniture and bulky items for collection on their garbage collection day.
Large furniture and bulky items are more than 1 metre wide and 1.5 metres tall. Examples include a couch, a mattress, or a large wooden bookshelf.
Please confirm your large furniture or bulky items meet all the requirements below. This booking service is for curbside residential households only. Businesses are not eligible to schedule a collection for large furniture or bulky items.
Request pick up for large and bulky items
To request pick up for large and bulky items:
- Submit a request online or call Service London at 519-661-2489.
- List your address, up to four large furniture or bulky items, and the preferred garbage collection date for your zone in your request
Staff will review submissions and may contact you if there is a problem with your request. Items set-out at the curb that are not in compliance will not be collected. Residents would be required to remove any non-compliant items from the curb, correct the issue, and book a request for another collection at least 5 business days in advance of their next scheduled garbage collection date.
Large furniture and bulky items - Require booking 5 business days in advance
- Collection is for accepted large items over 1 metre wide and 1.5 metres tall, generally requiring two or more people to safely place at the curb.
- Requests must be submitted at least 5 business days in advance of the request garbage collection date..
- Collection will occur on your next scheduled garbage collection day (unless otherwise noted).
- There is a 4-item limit per household per booking request for each garbage collection day.
- There is no annual limit on how many booking requests are submitted per residential address, or fee required to book.
Large furniture and bulky item set-out requirements:
- Unless specified below, do not break down or disassemble furniture or items; materials should be set out to the curb in one piece.
- Remove glass parts or inserts from large furniture.
- All mirrors, glass, or sharp items must be sealed separately in cardboard and labeled ‘Caution - sharps’ for collectors.
- Remove mattresses from sofa beds and tie springs down.
- Items that are soiled or contaminated with bed bugs must be wrapped and sealed in plastic. Plastic mattress covers may be purchased from hardware stores or self-storage locations.
- Set item(s) next to your garbage set out at the curb by 7 a.m. on collection day but no earlier than 6 p.m. the night before.
- Learn more about what is considered large furniture or bulky items at or use the Recycle Coach app
- The following items are not accepted at the curb for collection:
- Appliances & electronics
- Renovation materials
- Vehicle parts, batteries, tires
- Mostly metal items (e.g., bikes, metal furniture, scrap, etc.)
- Loose or improperly prepared items
Medium size items do not require booking
Medium size items up to 1 metre wide and 1.5 metres tall do not require booking in advance.
These items generally require one person to safely place at the curb. They may be set-out on your collection day and do not require booking.
There is a 2 cubic metre limit per collection (e.g., 2 kitchen chairs or 1 medium shelf).
New changes to collection frequency
As part of London’s new Green Bin program, the frequency of collection days is changing beginning the week of January 15, 2024.
Green Bins and recycling will be picked up at the curb every week. Organic materials such as food waste that can cause odours will be collected weekly in the Green Bin.
Garbage will be picked up at the curb every other week. This means that Londoners will be required to hold onto remaining garbage 4 to 6 additional days compared to the current system.
The collection day will remain on the same day each week between statutory holidays. Every statutory holiday, the schedule will move forward one day, meaning collection day will change about 10 times a year instead of every week.
Yard waste collection will still occur every five weeks during the spring and summer and every two to three weeks during the fall.
To help collect your garbage from your home, please review the following requirements:
- Set your garbage at the curbside by 7 a.m., but no earlier than 6 p.m. the night before.
- Use standard plastic garbage bags or metal or plastic cans.
- One container is equal to one garbage can or one bag of garbage.
- Maximum weight for a container is 20 kg (44 lbs).
- Minimum size of a can is 30 litres (7 Imperial gallons), maximum size of a can is 125 litres (28 Imperial gallons).
- Minimum size of a bag is 65 cm by 90 cm. Maximum size of a bag is 80 cm by 125 cm.
- Do not set out individual grocery or kitchen garbage bags, instead place in a larger bag or garbage can.
- Place bags and cans on level ground and near the curb.
- Do not place garbage bags on top of garbage cans. Contents of garbage cans must not extend above the rim of cans.
- Garbage can lids must easily detach from garbage cans - free of hinges, ropes, and bungee cords.
- Separate tank from two-piece toilets. Undamaged toilets can be collected at the curb. Cracked or broken toilets will not be collected at the curb and should be dropped off to be recycled at an EnviroDepot.
The Recycle Coach App can help answer questions about what goes where in our local waste and recycling program.
Garbage collection for businesses
The frequency of waste (garbage) and recycling collection is changing beginning the week of January 15, 2024.
Businesses who place their garbage and recycling to the curb as part of the collection system offered by the City of London will be impacted by these changes.
What’s changing?
- From January 15, 2024, to September 30, 2024, businesses may receive garbage collection each week.
- The collection day will remain on the same day each week between statutory holidays. Every statutory holiday the schedule will move forward one business day, meaning collection day will change about 10 times a year.
- If you are registered for curbside recycling collection, Blue Boxes will be collected weekly on the same day as garbage.
- London’s Green Bin program is available for households that receive curbside collection services. The service is not available for businesses.
Garbage collection for businesses
- Businesses are permitted to set out 12 garbage bags.
- Trade waste is not accepted.
- Place garbage at your collection point before 7 a.m. on the date fixed for collection but not before 6 p.m. the day before.
- Bags must weigh less than 20 kg or 44 lbs.
Your business is also permitted to set out curbside recycling if you are located on an existing residential collection route. The limit of recyclables for businesses is 10 ‘lifts’ per collection. One lift = one blue box, or one large see-through bag, or one bundle of corrugated cardboard.
To determine if you are located on an existing collection route, please contact
COVID-19: How you can help collectors
- Do not place waste loosely in garbage containers. Bag items before placing them in the garbage container, including:
- used tissues, wipes, napkins, paper towels
- used gloves and masks
- Please place COVID-19 rapid test kits in a sealed bag and then into a garbage container.
- If someone in your household is feeling unwell, bag any items that have been in contact with the mouth, nose or eyes before placing them into the garbage container. This includes items that you normally place into your Blue Box such as plastic bottles, pop cans and milk or juice containers.
- Please respect physical distancing with Sanitation and Recycling Operators and do not approach the vehicle.
Three-container limit
Each household is limited to three containers for each collection day.
One container is equal to one garbage can (which may be filled with multiple bags), or one bag of garbage (following the accepted weight and dimensions). A container of garbage in the form of a bag or can must not exceed 20 kilograms (44 pounds) in weight. The container volume must not exceed 125 litres and must be at least 30 litres.
If a garbage can is being used, the garbage inside must not come above the rim of the can.
Three-container exemption days
The three-container limit is not enforced on exemption days marked in the Collection Calendar. These three-container exemptions occur at the following times of year:
- Early September
- Collection following Christmas
- Early March
- Spring collection in late April/early May
Downtown and Core Area collection
Downtown and Core Area garbage collection – changes to garbage collection
In an effort to improve the cleanliness of downtown and a few other areas, the City of London is conducting a pilot project for garbage collection in the Core Area. The goal is to reduce the length of time that bagged garbage sits at the curb, reduce the amount of litter, and better meet the needs of businesses and those living in the core.
Core Area garbage collection zones and schedule

There is currently an east and a west collection zone, which are separated by Wellington Street. To ask questions about the garbage collection map, or to confirm if you are located in the collection zone, please contact
West zone
- West zone includes the area west of Wellington Street (including residents and businesses on Wellington Street in this area)
- Collection occurs on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights (changed from Tuesday and Thursday mornings) and on Saturday and Sunday mornings
- On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, please set garbage to the curb between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m.
- On Saturday and Sunday, please set garbage to the curb between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m.
When garbage bags can be placed at the curb (west zone)
Businesses and residents in the west zone can place garbage to the curb between these times.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. | No collection | 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. | No collection | 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. | 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. | 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. |
East zone
- East zone includes the area east of Wellington Street
- Collection occurs on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights (changed from Wednesday and Friday mornings) and on Saturday and Sunday mornings
- On Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, please set garbage to the curb between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m.
- On Saturday and Sunday, please set garbage to the curb between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m.
When garbage bags can be placed at the curb (east zone)
Businesses and residents in the east zone can place garbage to the curb between these times.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
No collection | 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. | No collection | 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. | 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. | 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. | 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. |
Please do not set out your garbage too far in advance of the set-out times. This will help keep streets free of litter and reduce the time that garbage sits out at the curbside or sidewalk.
Garbage preparation requirements for Core Area businesses
Garbage must be placed inside large, strong plastic bags (minimum size 30 litre, maximum size 125 litre). Bags must weigh less than 20 kg (44 pounds). Do not place small plastic grocery bags at the curbside. Place them in larger bags.
A maximum of 12 bags per business will be collected.
The City will collect “commercial” waste. This refers to waste produced from a retail activity (i.e., from the retail area and office area of the business) but shall not include “trade waste”. Furniture, equipment, wooden pallets, discarded inventory, machinery parts, are examples of materials that are not collectible and considered “trade waste.”
Garbage preparation requirements for Core Area residents
- There is a 3-container garbage limit per residential unit
- A container is a garbage can or a garbage bag of a size between 30 L (minimum) and 125 L (maximum)
- Each container of garbage must weigh less than 20 kg (44 lbs)
- Garbage must be placed inside large, strong plastic bags or in a can. Do not place small plastic grocery bags at the curbside.
COVID-19 precautions
To slow the spread of COVID-19 and reduce litter please ensure that items such as tissues, paper towel, wipes, used gloves and sanitary products and diapers are secured in plastic bags, and not placed loosely in a garbage can.
Needles and sharp items
To protect collection staff and the public, take precautions with broken glass and sharp metal objects. Place in a sealed cardboard box and label clearly as ‘glass’ or ‘sharps’.
Don’t put needles in the garbage. Place in a rigid container and contact your local pharmacy or visit or for safe disposal options.
Disposing of furniture and other bulky waste
Bulky waste includes furniture, carpet and mattresses. Some items require preparation (e.g., cut carpet into 3 foot lengths, roll and tie in bundles). Many items will not be collected at the curbside (e.g., appliances, electronics, scrap metal, tires, and renovation materials).
Check the Recycle Coach App for details on how to prepare waste, what will be collected at the curbside, and where to take items that will not be collected.
If you live on Dundas Place (Dundas Street between Wellington St and Ridout St.):
Check with your property manager or landlord for disposal options. Do not place bulky waste at the curbside.
If you live within the Core Area and not on Dundas Place:
Place bulky waste at the curbside at the same time as other garbage. Bulky waste is not counted as part of the 3-container limit.
Contact us about Core Area garbage collection
Email questions to, or call 519-661-CITY (2489)
What shouldn't go in the garbage container
The Recycle Coach App can help answer questions about what goes where in our local waste and recycling program.
Items that will not be collected with curbside garbage include:
- Construction and renovation materials such as drywall, fence boards, concrete, bricks, asphalt, bathtubs and cupboards.
- Appliances and electronics
- Scrap metals such as propane tanks, barbeques, bicycle frames, tire rims, swing sets, fences posts and car parts.
- Paint and stains and any material that is corrosive, flammable, ignitable or reactive.
- Needles - Please place your needles in a hard plastic container and contact your local pharmacy, the Middlesex London Health Unit (519-663-5317), or visit Health Steward website for information and locations on where to dispose them.
- Broken glass and sharp objects will be collected if properly prepared to protect collection staff: completely seal the pieces in a cardboard box and label as "Glass" or "Sharps" and set out with your garbage. Do not put these items in your blue box.
My garbage was not collected
Your garbage may not have been picked up for a number of reasons, including:
- It was not at the curb by 7 a.m. for collection
- Can or bag weighed more than 20 kg (44 lbs)
- Can was larger than 125 litres (33 US gallons) or bag was larger than 80 cm x 125 cm
- Can was smaller than 30 litres (8 US gallons) or bag was smaller than 65 cm x 90 cm
- It contained yard materials or other non-collectible items
- There were more than three containers and they did not have garbage tags affixed
- Garbage can lid did not detach from can or was tied down
- Garbage bags were placed on top of a garbage can
- Contents of garbage can extended above rim of can
- It was not placed on the curb (it was on private property)
- It was set out on a snow bank
- Mattresses or furniture was soiled or infested with bed bugs
- A broken or cracked toilet was set to the curb
Report a garbage issue
Garbage tags for extra garbage
If you have more than three containers, you will need a garbage tag ($2.00 each, tax included) for each extra container at the curb. Or you can bring extra garbage to an EnviroDepot ($2.00 per bag).
Garbage tags are available for purchase at these locations:
The locations of the sale of garbage tags is subject to change:
- Canada Games Aquatic Centre:1045 Wonderland Road North
- Citi Plaza: 355 Wellington Street
- City Hall: 300 Dufferin Avenue
- Clarke Road South EnviroDepot: 28 Clarke Road
- Clarke Road North EnviroDepot: 21463 Clarke Road
- East Lions Community Centre: 1731 Churchill Avenue
- Kiwanis Seniors Community Centre: 78 Riverside Drive
- North London Optimist Centre: 1345 Cheapside Street
- Oxford Street EnviroDepot: 1450 Oxford Street West
- Parking Office: 824 Dundas Street
- South London Community Pool: 585 Bradley Avenue
- South London Community Centre:1119 Jalna Boulevard
- W12A Landfill & EnviroDepot: 3502 Manning Drive
Garbage tags do not expire and there are no refunds provided.
Removing your Christmas tree and seasonal greenery
You can drop off your Christmas tree and greenery at a City of London EnviroDepot. Please remove all of your decorations and lights from your tree before visiting.
If you have space, you can also store your tree in your backyard. Your tree will become a habitat for birds. Wait until spring and place your tree and greenery out for Yard Waste Collection in the new year (only trees up to three meters in height will be collected).
Christmas trees are no longer collected at the curb.
Additional holiday recycling tips
- Put gift wrap, ribbons, bows, and bags in the trash can. These items are not recyclable.
- Break down, flatten and bundle your cardboard boxes or stack them flattened in your recycling bin.
- Things like take-out coffee cups, milk cartons, and juice boxes belong with other recyclable containers, and not paper. Here's a tip to help you sort it right: If you can drink out of it, it's a container.
- Avoid “Wishcycling.” Just because you “wish” you could recycle something, doesn’t mean you can. When in doubt, leave it out.
- Download the Recycle Coach app to help answer what goes where in our recycling program. Recycle Coach also includes personalized collection calendars, information on London’s recycling program, and collection reminders all accessible from your phone or device.