Community supports & services

Community supports and services

Individuals experiencing or facing homelessness or dealing with financial hardships in our city have access to a number of community services and supports to help with a variety of issues thanks to many community partners and agencies.

Emergency Shelter

Mission Services of London

Men’s Mission is Mission Services of London’s emergency shelter for men aged 16 and older. The Men’s Mission is a 111-bed facility that helps men experiencing homelessness obtain stable housing. You can contact Men’s Mission by phone at 519-672-8500 or visit the site at 459 York Street, London, Ontario. For more information, please visit Mission Services of London's website

Rotholme Family Shelter

Rotholme Family Shelter is Mission Services of London’s emergency shelter for families (two-parent and single-parent families, both male and female-led) who are at risk of experiencing or are experiencing homelessness. There is accommodation for approximately twenty families. In some cases, Rotholme Family Shelter is able to work with the family to divert a shelter stay and provide support while the family works towards stability through the Prevention of Homelessness Among Families (PHAF) program.

The focus of the PHAF program is proactive in connecting with families to keep them housed or find them housing so they can avoid coming into the shelter. And, if they need to come into emergency shelter, workers help to get families out of shelter and into their own housing as quickly as possible, while helping them maintain long-term housing through housing stability. To inquire about accessing Rotholme Family Shelter's services, please reach out to the City of London's Coordinated Access team by phone at 519-661-4663 from Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., via email by contacting, or in person at 355 Wellington Street, Suite 248 from Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

If you are in need of assistance outside of Coordinated Access' business hours, please call Rotholme Family Shelter's intake line at (519) 673-4114. Rotholme Family Shelter is located at 42 Stanley Street, London, Ontario. For more information, please visit Mission Services of London's website

Unity Project for Relief of Homelessness

Unity Project offers a home-like shelter environment for adults and youth of all genders, aged 16 and over. Life skills are embedded in participatory programming, where participants have personal accountability for cooking, cleaning and day-to-day maintenance – taking care of themselves, each other and community. We provide services and supports to over 1000 individuals annually across all programming.  The Unity Project is located at 717 Dundas Street. The team can be reached at 519-433-8700 and via email at

Zhaawanog Shelter

Zhaawanog Shelter provides emergency shelter and support for indigenous women and their children who are at risk of violence, abuse and/or homelessness.  You can reach the shelter team at 519-432-2270 or the crisis hotline toll free at 1-800-605-7477.

Salvation Army Centre of Hope

The Salvation Army Centre of Hope provides shelter and support for individuals 16 years and older. You can reach the Centre of Hope team at 281 Wellington Street or via phone: 519-661-0343.

Drop-In Centres

CMHA Middlesex - My Sisters' Place

My Sisters’ Place  is a safe, welcoming and inclusive centre that supports women through drop-in and wrap-around services. Many experience multiple vulnerabilities including gender based violence, trauma, chronic mental and physical health challenges, homelessness or housing instability, substance use, and extreme poverty. Reach the My Sisters' Place team by email at  In Crisis?: 519-433-2023 or 1-866-933-2023  Need to Talk?:   519-601-8055 or 1 (844) 360-8055

Youth Opportunities Unlimited -Youth Action Centre

Geared to youth between the ages of 16 and 24, the Youth Opportunities Unlimited  action centre is located at 332 Richmond Street, London.  Housing Needs: Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. for youth to meet with a housing case worker with regards to their housing needs (including food security and basic needs). Meal Drop In: Monday – Friday 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. for meal drop in. Dinner is served at 4:30 p.m.

Atlosha Family Healing Services

Located at 343 Richmond Street, Unit 109, the Atlohsa Family Healing Services are open Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

London InterCommunity Health Centre

London InterCommunity Health Centre has two locations:  659 Dundas Street, London  519-660-0875 and 1355 Huron Street, London  519-659-6399. Health Centre Hours: Monday to Wednesday: 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.,  Thursday: 10:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. and Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Ark Aid Street Mission

Ark Aid Street Mission is located at 696 Dundas Street East, London. Hours: Monday to Friday: 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.  Dinner:  Monday to Saturday at 6:45 p.m.

CMHA Middlesex - London Coffee House

CMHA Middlesex - London Coffee House is located at  371 Hamilton Road, London. Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday – 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Mental Health and Addiction Services Resources

Canadian Mental Health Association - Middlesex

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, visit any of the sites during open hours or call the Crisis Response Line – 519-443-2023 or 1-866-933-2023.

Kids Help Phone

Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7, national support service. They offer professional counselling, information and referrals and volunteer-led, text-based support to young people in both English and French.  Their service is completely confidential – you don’t even have to tell them our name! You can reach a Kids Help Phone counsellor 24/7 at 1-800-668-6868 or by texting CONNECT to 686868.

Reach Out

Reach Out is a bilingual 24/7 information, support and crisis service for people with mental health or addiction concerns living in Elgin, Oxford, Middlesex or London.  It is a free public service that quickly connects you with the help that you need.  Reach Out is available by phone at 1-866-933-2023

South West Health Line

Need help connecting to health services like alcohol and drug addiction assessment call 519-310-2222 or visit

Addiction Services of Thames Valley

If you have questions or concerns about substance use, internet, gaming disorder or problem gambling, you will find helpful information here. There are a variety of programs that are operated by Addiction Services of Thames Valley (ADSTV).  Reach the team at 519-673-3242 or via email at

Quintin Warner House

Mission Services of London’s Quintin Warner House site offers four-month, live-in addiction treatment to men aged 18 and older. Quintin Warner House is located at 457 York Street (West Entrance), London, Ontario. For more information, please visit Mission Services of London's website

Community Mental Health Programs (Streetscape):

Mission Services of London’s Streetscape team provides crisis intervention to participants who may be experiencing, or are at risk of experiencing homelessness, may be suffering from mental illness or a mental health crisis, and/or may be suffering from substance addiction. To get help from Streetscape, call 519-439-7700 from Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. For more information, including to access the self-referral form, please visit Mission Services of London's website

Community Resource Guide

The Help Yourself Through Hard Times is a guide that provides a listing of services to help you and your family navigate the challenges of financial hardships.

Street Level Women At Risk

The Street Level Women At Risk (SLWAR) Collaborative, which began operations in April 2106, assist women who are experiencing homelessness and engaged in street involved sex work to secure permanent housing with supports.

The Collaboration Advisory Group is the oversight body who guides, monitors progress and acts as a resource in the development and implementation of the model identified in the community plan regarding street level women at risk. If you are interested in viewing the approved policies of this group, please reach out to

SLWAR recently released it's three year evaluation report. This report reflects the most up-to-date information about women and their housing stability, changes experienced during their involvement with SLWAR and over all outcomes of the program over the past three and a half years.   If you would like an alternative format of this report, please reach out to Cathy Nolan, Managing Director of the program at 


Last modified:Thursday, March 13, 2025