Information for candidates

 The next Municipal Election is Monday, October 26, 2026.

The role of Council

The City of London has one Mayor, and one Councillor elected to represent each of the City's 14 wards.

Role of Council members

The Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MAH) has published a document called, "The Municipal Councillor's Guide." This guide provides an overview of the many duties and challenges elected officials at the municipal level face.


The MAH guide is the source of this abbreviated description for the role of head of Council, which in the City of London is referred to as the Mayor:

  • to act as the municipality's chief executive officer;
  • to preside over council meetings such that business is carried out both efficiently and effectively;
  • to provide leadership to the council;
  • to provide information/recommendations to council on policies, practices, procedures, to ensure transparency and accountability; and,
  • to represent the municipality at official functions.


This abbreviated description for the role of ward Councillor is based on the guide published by MAH:

  • to represent the public and to consider the well- being and interests of the municipality;
  • to develop and evaluate the policies and programs of the municipality;
  • to determine which services the municipality provides;
  • to maintain the financial integrity of the municipality;
  • to ensure that administrative policies practices are in place to implement the decisions of council; and,
  • to ensure the accountability and transparency of the operations of the municipality.

 Municipal councillors also sit as members of a number of Standing Committees. These committees carry out much of the work of council and then report back to council with recommendations. As a member of municipal council, you would be required to attend meetings of the Standing Committees on which you are a member, and also to attend meetings of the full City Council.

Running for Office


Qualifications for Mayor & Councillor

To run for mayor or city councillor in the City of London, on the day the nomination paper is filed, a person must be:

  • A Canadian citizen
  • 18 years of age or older
  • A resident of the City of London, or
  • An owner or tenant of land in the City of London, or the spouse of the owner or tenant
Qualifications for School Board Trustees

To run for any of the four school boards in the City of London on the day the nomination paper is filed, a person must be:

  • A Canadian citizen
  • 18 years of age or older
  • A resident in the area of jurisdiction of the school board
"Residence" definition

In accordance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 a person’s residence is “the permanent lodging place to which, whenever absent, he or she intends to return”.

The following rules apply in determining a person’s residence:

  • A person may only have one residence at a time
  • The place where a person’s family resides is also his or her residence, unless he or she moves elsewhere with the intention of changing his or her permanent lodging place
  • If a person has no other permanent lodging place, the place where he or she occupies a room or part of a room as a regular lodger or to which he or she habitually returns

Filing a nomination

The nomination period began on May 1, 2022.

The deadline to file a nomination to be a council or school trustee candidate is Friday, August 19, 2022 at 2 p.m.

The Election Office is located on the 2nd floor of City Hall, 300 Dufferin Avenue, London.

How to file a nomination

You must file in person at 300 Dufferin Ave in the Election Office on the Second Floor of City Hall.

You will need to pay the nomination fee and provide identification. You are also required to swear an oath at our office. You must complete the following forms:

  • Nomination Form
  • Signatures of 25 voters supporting the nomination (mayor and councillor candidates only).  Endorsement of Nomination form
  • Declaration of Qualifications for Municipal Candidates OR Declaration of Qualification for School Board Candidates

Nomination papers are also available at the Elections Office on the Second Floor of City Hall at 300 Dufferin Ave.

Withdrawing a nomination

If you no longer wish to run in the City of London’s municipal election, you must file a written withdrawal in-person before 2:00 p.m. on Nomination Day - Friday, August 19th.

Ward information

Ward map

The City of London consists of 14 wards.  View the ward map.

Knowing which ward to run in

A candidate can run for office in the ward of their choice.  You do not have to live in the same ward you are running in.  However, you do have to vote from the address at which you reside.

Knowing how many candidates are running in each ward

The City of London will post the names of the candidates online and at City Hall outside the Election Office on the Second Floor as candidates file their nomination papers.

Voter's list 

 The Voters’ List will be available to candidates on September 1, 2022.

How to obtain the Voter's List

The Voters’ List must be picked up in person or by an appointed representative at the Elections Office on the second floor of City Hall. The Voter’s List will be a paper copy, coil bound by ward. Candidates are entitled to two (2) copies for campaign purposes.

Election signs

Election signs can only start to be put up after nomination papers have been filed and must comply with the City of London’s Election Sign By-law.

Election Sign By-law

Standards for the placement of election signs on public and private property are established in the City of London's Election Sign By-law and Regulation.

Election Sign By-law

Simplified Guide to Election Sign Placement
How can I report an Election Sign that is in contravention of the By-law?

The City Clerk and/or an Enforcement Officer for the City of London is authorized to take down or remove or cause to be removed immediately an election sign that is placed in contravention of the Election Sign By-law and Regulation.

If you would like to report or inquire about the placement of an election sign in the City of London please email or call 519-661-4660.

Signs that pose any risk to the health and safety of pedestrians or motorists will be removed immediately.

When do Election Signs need to be removed?

Election signs must be erected and displayed in accordance with the prescribed time period as defined by the Election Sign By-law.

All election signs are required to be removed seventy-two (72) hours after Voting Day. If they are not removed from City property, a By-law Enforcement Officer may remove the signs.

How can I pick up Election Signs that were removed by the City?

Election signs that have been removed by the City of London will be stored at 663 Bathurst Street at A. J. Tyler Operations, Bathurst Works Yard. Signs may be picked up between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.

An election sign removed by the City of London will be stored for a period of not less than 30 days during which time the Owner or agent may retrieve the election sign.

The City of London is not responsible for the loss or damage of election signs.

Where an election sign has been removed by the City of London and has not been retrieved within 30 days, the election sign may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of by the City of London without notice.


Running an accessible campaign
What types of disability challenges will candidates face during the Election period?

Candidates will need to consider the needs of persons with disabilities that include, but are not limited to, deaf and hard of hearing; deaf-blind; blind or visually impaired; cognitive or mental; speech; mental illness; and mobility.

Why do extra measures need to be taken to reach out to persons with disabilities?

Extra measures need to be taken to communicate to persons with disabilities because not all persons are able to access information that is widely used. This could mean the elector with the disability may not be able to read a newspaper article either in print or on the internet; the elector may not be able to visually see the TV ad or media advertising; the elector may not be able to hear the radio commercial; or the elector may not be able to understand the information presented.

What barriers currently exist between the disabled and the Election?

Currently there are many opportunities for improving the involvement of the disabled and informing the disabled about candidates and election organizers.  Accessibility is an ongoing consideration, and ongoing efforts are being made to allow persons with disabilities the proper access to become involved with the Election.

In what ways can candidates reach out to persons with disabilities?

Candidates can visit group homes, old age homes, retirement homes, nursing homes and hospitals to inform the electors of their intentions while running for office.

Candidates can utilize the services of a sign language interpreter and/or a deaf-blind intervener when appropriate.

Written information, both on the internet and in hard copy, can be improved through the use of large print; colourful visuals; clear speech communication; and rephrasing when necessary.

Alternate forms of communication can be used such as braille, large print, captioning, electronic text, audio format, descriptive video service (DVS), and sign language video format.

A quiet meeting environment can also be helpful.

Are candidates running for Ward Councillor required to ensure persons with disabilities within their ward vote?

No, it is not a requirement that candidates ensure any person, disabled or not, within their ward vote. However, it is in the candidate’s best interest to reach out to all electors, including the disabled, to inform them of the various voting methods, such as vote by mail, advance voting, and proxy voting.

What accessibility resources are available to assist candidates in reaching out to persons with disabilities?

Candidates can utilize the following resources for assistance to reach out to those with disabilities

  • Spinal Cord Injury Ontario (formerly Canadian Paraplegic Association Ontario) – London Office

    111 Elias Street, Unit 3
    London ON N5W 5L1
    Phone: 519-433-2331
    Fax: 519-433-3987
  • CNIB – London Office
    749 Baseline Road
    London ON N6C 2R6
    Phone: 519-685-8420
  • Canadian Hearing Society – London Office
    181 Wellington Street
    London ON N6B 2K9
    TTY: 1-888-697-3613
    Phone: 519-667-3325
    Fax: 519-667-9668
  • Ontario March of Dimes – London Office

    920 Commissioners Road East
    London ON N5Z 3J1
    Phone: 519-642-3999
    Toll-free: 1-866-496-8603
    Fax: 519-642-7665
  • Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario – London-Middlesex Branch

    648 Huron Street
    London ON N5Y 4J8
    Phone: 519-434-9191
    Fax: 519-438-1167
  • Accessibility Directorate of Ontario

    College Park
    6th Floor, Suite 601A & Suite 601B
    777 Bay Street
    Toronto, ON M7A 2J4
    General Inquiry: 416-849-8276
    TTY: 416-326-0148
    Toll Free: 866-515-2025
    TTY Toll Free: 800-335-6611
    Web Site:
Candidate's Guide

The Province of Ontario releases a candidates' guide for every municipal election.  It tells you what you need to know to run as a candidate in Ontario municipal council and school board elections.

2022 Candidates’ Guide








Last modified:Thursday, July 04, 2024