Dearness Home, the City of London’s owned and operated 243 bed long-term care home, continues to address resident needs through a holistic approach that attends to mind, spirit and body. Staffed with knowledgeable and compassionate people, Dearness Home is a place where you can be sure your loved ones are treated like family. Dearness Home offers a variety of inclusive resident-centered programs and services designed to support and engage residents.

Complaints and concerns

If you have a concern or a complaint about the care or services your loved ones receive at Dearness Home, it is important that we hear from you. 

We suggest following the steps listed below to resolve your concerns quickly:

  • For all urgent issues, please first ask to speak to your Registered Nurse (RN). In many cases the RN is the best place to share your concern and more importantly, resolve your concern. They will also have the ability to escalate the matter as required.
  • If you feel your concern has not been addresses or would like to speak with the Dearness Home Administrator, Leslie Hancock, he can be reached at 519-661-0400  ext 8260. You can also send your concern via email to

If you are not satisfied with the resolution of your concern provided by Dearness Home or prefer to take the issue directly to the Ministry of Long-Term Care (MOLTC), you can contact the MOLTC's Action Line at 1-866-434-0144 or in writing care of the Director, Long-Term Care Inspections Branch, Long-Term Care Operations Division 438 University Ave, 8th Fl Toronto, ON M7A 1N3.