Warming centres

Each winter, London experiences periods of extreme cold. The Middlesex-London Health Unit issues cold alerts in the following conditions, when one or more of these criteria are met:

  • Environment Canada forecasts low temperature of -15 C or lower;
  • Environment Canada forecasts wind chill of -20 or lower; or if
  • Environment Canada issues a 'Cold Alert' or 'Cold Warning'. 

When a cold alert is issued, the City of London will initiate our extreme temperature protocol, which may include opening warming centres for residents who require temporary shelter from the cold.

Hours and locations of warming centres will be updated here when a cold alert is issued. Please note that no special programming is provided at warming centres and the hours of operation may vary.

For extreme cold weather information and tips to avoid the risks of cold-related illness, please visit www.healthunit.com/extreme-cold

Warming Centre Hours and Locations

During a cold weather alert, the following community centres will be available as warming centres  during regular operating hours. 

It's important to note that any City of London community centre can be used as a warming centre, when open, if Londoners need a reprieve from the cold.

The London Public Library Central Branch will also be available as a warming space during extreme weather alerts:  

  • Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m.-9 p.m.
  • Friday: 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
  • Saturday: 9 a.m.- 5 p.m.

The Central Branch is located at 251 Dundas Street.

Branch Library locations are open Tuesday – Saturday. Their hours can be found here

Additional Community Resources

Our community partners are a huge support for Londoners during cold weather alerts. Learn more about where and how to access these services below.

Additional Community Resources - Cold Weather Alert

Coordinated Informed Response:  As part of the this team's ongoing outreach, they will offer refreshments, snacks and warm clothing (socks, mitts, coats, blankets etc.) where needed. Learn more about the work this team does by visiting the Coordinated Informed Response page.

Outreach London Cares Street Outreach Team will assist street involved individuals within the City of London by conducting health and safety wellbeing checks, providing basic needs, warm gear, and connecting individuals to warming spaces, shelters, and services. London Cares will assist with transportation options for individuals who need assistance to get somewhere warm including those requiring assistance due to the elements. Phone: 519-667-CARE (2273).

Resting Spaces

  • Bishop Cronyn Church by Ark Aid overnight beds only by referral through the Ark,
    442 William St, 519-860-2932


Drop In Services/Warming Spaces

  • City of London Warming Centres
  • Ark Aid Street Mission 9:30pm-8am overnight drop-in beds and referral to other locations; daily access, warming, basic needs, meals and snacks, washroom access, 696 Dundas St, 519-667-0322 
  • London Public Library Central Branch Monday-Thursday 9am-9pm, Friday 10am-6pm, Saturday 9am-5pm, 251 Dundas St – Time limited warming space, no washroom access
  • London Coffee House Day Monday-Friday 9am-8:30pm, Weekends and Holidays 10am-1pm. Extended hours in extreme weather. Drop in, food & warming, washroom & laundry access - 371 Hamilton Rd, 519-204-4719
  • My Sisters’ Place Individuals who identify as women. Monday-Friday 9:30a.m.-4p.m., 4:30p.m.-9:30p.m., Weekends and Holidays 10:30a.m.-1:30p.m. Drop-in, snacks, warming, referral to night space – 566 Dundas St, 519-204-4719
  • The Commons Monday - Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. - 602 Queens Avenue, 519-667-2273

Emergency Shelters – 24hrs/day, 7 days a week London’s emergency shelters provide, at a minimum, emergency room and board to individuals and/or families who are experiencing homelessness and are aimed at meeting immediate, short-term needs.

  • Men’s Mission and Rehabilitation Centre – men 16 years and older, 459 York St, 519-672-8500 **additional 7 beds for extreme weather
  • Rotholme Family Shelter – families **may take single women in extreme weather
    42 Stanley St – 519-673-4114
  • The Salvation Army Centre of Hope individuals 16 years and older
    281 Wellington St – 519-661-0343 **additional 2 beds for extreme weather
  • YOU Youth Shelter  ages 16-24
    585 Clarke Rd – 519-686-1038 **shelter and hub, 4 additional beds

Violence Against Women Shelters – 24hrs/day, 7 days a week Emergency shelter and support for abused women and their children.

  • Anova – women identifying 101 Wellington Rd and 450 Clarke Rd – 519-642-3000 or 1-800-265-1576
  • Atlohsa Family Healing Services - Zhaawanong Shelter – Indigenous women and their children by referral 519-432-2270 or 1-800-605-7477


Last modified:Thursday, January 16, 2025