Rapid Transit

Rapid transit is a high-capacity public transportation system that operates on an exclusive right-of-way – such as bus-only lanes – connecting more people to more places, using frequent and more reliable service. 

Rapid transit in London

London’s rapid transit system has been designed to help ease traffic flow along major corridors while adding streetscape elements and enhanced stations. Three rapid transit projects are currently underway in London, representing approximately $454 million of work, and have contributions of $167 million from the Federal and Provincial Governments. 

The City of London is building various phases of rapid transit in 2024, including: 

  • Downtown Loop 
    • Phase 3: Wellington Street from Queens Avenue to York Street (surface paving and other finishing work)
  • Wellington Gateway 
    • Phase 1: Wellington Street from York Street to just north of the Thames River (surface paving and other finishing work)
    • Phase 3: Wellington Road from Wilkins Street to Harlech Gate (2024-2026)
    • Phase 4: Wellington Road from Harlech Gate to the Wellington Commons entrance (2024-2026)
  • East London Link 
    • Phase 2: King Street, Ontario Street, Dundas Street from Ontario Street to Egerton Street (surface paving and other finishing work)
    • Phase 3A West: Dundas Street from Egerton Street to McCormick Boulevard (2024, with some planned carry-over work in 2025)
    • Phase 3C: Highbury Avenue between Oxford Street and the north limit of the Highbury Avenue overpass (2024, with some planned carry-over work in 2025)

As the City of London builds these projects, new streetscape elements and urban design improvements will be installed, while also repairing and replacing aging underground infrastructure. 

London’s rapid transit system features both curbside and centre-running bus-only lanes, transit priority signals, red paint, and other enhanced pavement markings and signage for safety and smoother rapid transit operations. 

Rapid transit stops have been designed to accommodate large passenger loads with seating areas, route information, security cameras, enhanced lighting, and tempered glass for the safety and comfort of all passengers. Please visit London.ca/rtshelters to learn more.

Last modified:Monday, June 03, 2024