Start a development application
IMPORTANT: Requirements for planning application background reports and drawings submissions
Please be advised that as part of your development application all background documents and drawings that are to be posted on the City of London website for public viewing will be required to be in an accessible format. As part of a development application, the City requires the planning justification report and executive summaries for all other reports/studies to be in an accessible format.
If these documents are not in an accessible format it will result in an application that is deemed incomplete per the Planning Act and Policy 1612 of The London Plan.
The accessible document requirements are outlined in the Web Compliance Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 AA Standards as required by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) in the Information and Communications Standards of the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR).
For drawings, maps and information that are displayed visually, alternative text (alt-text) will be required to include a detailed description and provide context to ensure users of assistive technology can easily understand what the image is showing. For additional information on creating accessible Portable Document Format (PDF) files please refer to:
If you have any question or would like more information on additional reports, please contact
Development inspections and security releases
Submit subdivisions and site plan requests to
Onsite inspections will require supervision by the owner or its agent to ensure that health and safety measures are in place and maintained, including the use of personal protective equipment and appropriate physical distancing from Inspection staff. Should measures not be in place/be maintained, Inspection staff will leave the site and a new site inspection will need to be rescheduled once proper measures are in place.
Consents and severances
Once a development application has been submitted, Planning and Development will not accept any revisions to applications or submission materials once the application is deemed complete. This standard requirement has been implemented to ensure that the planning process is completed within the statutory timeline. If there are any major revisions to the application, such as increased height and density, the applicant will be directed to make a new application.
Applications are submitted to the London Consent Authority by emailing
It is recommended that prior to making your application you follow the procedure outlined below:
- Download an application form
- Read the detailed instructions (pages 1-2) regarding making an application and familiarize yourself with the process, expectations and requirements of the entire package.
- Submit your detailed conceptual site plan, survey and/or diagram (as outlined in Section 14, p.7 of the application form) by emailing so that they may complete a zoning referral record (APP-1, p.10 of the application form). If site plan approval is also required, a zoning referral record should be obtained through site plan consultation.
- Once you have obtained a complete and signed zoning referral record it is strongly recommended that you speak with a planner about the planning aspects of your potential application. At this stage the planner will identify (based on the zoning referral record completed and your supporting documents) issues, challenges or hurdles that your application may encounter. After speaking with a planner you may be advised to speak with an engineer or other authority.
- Once you are confident that your application is complete you can submit the zoning referral record, the application, supporting materials and documents and proof of payment of the applicable fee to (If files are too large, please email us to request a File Transfer Protocol (FTP)link).
- Once your consent has been granted the City and other public bodies may require additional plans and studies as a condition of approval. These requirements may include but are not limited to the following:
- Certificate fees
- Ontario Land Surveyor – Survey Fees
- Road widening
- Engineer design and submission (servicing and grading plans)
- Agreements and registration
- Permit of Approved Works (PAW)
- Demolition permit
- Archaeological and/or cultural heritage resources
- Tree preservation plan, tree removal and restoration
- Street tree planting
- Parkland Dedication
- Transfer fees
- Reference plans
- Traffic, transportation or parking studies
- Noise, nuisance or hazard studies
- Environmental studies
The cost and preparation of these studies by qualified professionals will be 100% the responsibility of the owner/applicant.
Minor variances
Once a development application has been submitted, Planning and Development will not accept any revisions to applications or submission materials once the application is deemed complete. This standard requirement has been implemented to ensure that the planning process is completed within the statutory timeline. If there are any major revisions to the application, such as increased height and density, the applicant will be directed to make a new application.
Applications are submitted to the Committee of Adjustment by emailing
It is recommended that prior to making your application you follow the procedure outlined below:
1. Download an Application Form
2. Read the detailed instructions (pages 1-3) regarding making an application and familiarize yourself with the process, expectations and requirements of the entire package.
3. Submit your detailed conceptual site plan, survey and/or diagram (as outlined in Section 9, p.4 of the application form) to so that they may complete a zoning referral record (APP-1, p. 7 of the application form). If site plan approval is also required, a zoning referral record should be obtained through site plan consultation.
4. Once you have obtained a complete and signed zoning referral record it is strongly recommended that you speak with a planner about the planning aspects of your of your potential application. At this stage the planner will identify (based on the zoning referral record completed and your supporting documents) issues, challenges or hurdles that your application may encounter. After speaking with a planner you may be advised to speak with an engineer or other authority.
5. Once you are confident that your application is complete you can submit the zoning referral record, the application, supporting materials and documents and proof of payment of the applicable fee to (If files are too large, please email us to request a File Transfer Protocol (FTP)link)
Official plan or zoning by-law amendments
Once a development application has been submitted, Planning and Development will not accept any revisions to applications or submission materials once the application is deemed complete. This standard requirement has been implemented to ensure that the planning process is completed within the statutory timeline. If there are any major revisions to the application, such as increased height and density, the applicant will be directed to make a new application.
The following outlines the initial steps involved in making an application :
- Prior to submitting an application, it is important to speak with a City planner and/or urban designer. These staff members will begin a dialogue with you to understand your application and provide you with information that will help you through the process. Please email or call 519-930-3500.
- Submit a proposal summary. As part of Council’s optional pre-application consultation process, you are encouraged to submit a proposal summary. The proposal summary includes a text description of your proposal as well as conceptual drawings to help staff to understand the specifics of your proposal. Using the proposal summary template and providing a quality proposal summary will ensure that staff fully grasp your proposal concept so that they can identify all of the issues that you will need to address and to avoid delays later in the process.
- Pre-application consultation meeting. Based upon the proposal summary that you submit, staff from Planning and Development and Environmental and Engineering Services reviews your proposal. They will identify, as completely as possible, issues that will need to be addressed and documents that will have to be submitted with your application. Urban design issues will also be addressed, if relevant, at this stage allowing for an early dialogue between you and Planning Staff on the built form of your proposed development. All of this information will be discussed in a Pre-application Consultation Meeting, allowing you the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification. Following the meeting, you will be provided with a written record of consultation that you can take away as a guide to submitting a complete application. You should realize that issues not addressed at the pre-application consultation stage may arise as a result of the planning process – as outside agencies, advisory committees and members of the public engage and potentially raise issues that were not considered at this preliminary stage.
Removal of Holding Provision Applications
To initiate a Removal of Holding Provision application applicants are encouraged to email or call 519-930-3500 to arrange an informal discussion prior to submission. This is an opportunity to discuss the proposal and process.
Site plan
To initiate the site plan approval (SPA) process (apply for a site plan) applicants are encouraged to email or calling 519-930-3500 to arrange an informal discussion. This is an opportunity to discuss the proposal and process. Subsequent to this meeting, a submission may be made for site plan consultation.
All site plans are processed internally by multi-disciplinary teams of planners, engineers, site development planners, landscape architects and technicians, not to mention the various departments and agencies that provide feedback throughout the consultation and application process.
Please note that as a result of Bill 23 receiving Royal Assent on November 28, 2022, Site Plan Control is no longer applicable to residential development consisting of 10 or less units on a parcel of land.
If you have any questions about this, please contact
Subdivision and condominium applications
To begin the process of subdividing six or more parcels of land, or creating a road to service new parcels, applicants are encouraged to contact Planning and Development staff by emailing to arrange an informal discussion.
Subsequent to this initial discussion, a Consultation Form submission may be made for consultation.
The Consultation Form is required to be completed to establish baseline requirements and provide a record of consultation for a complete subdivision application.
To speed the completion of the consultation request, a Consultation Form Guideline is available to assist applicants when completing the form.
Schedule of proposal review meetings and deadlines for 2025
Telecommunication facilities
Telecommunication facilities are regulated and approved by the federal government through Industry Canada. As they are approved at the federal level, Telecommunication facilities are not subject to regulation under the Ontario Planning Act through the City’s Official Plan, Zoning by-law, or site plan approval process. Industry Canada requires applicants for new Telecommunication facilities to consult with the City of London on the location of proposed facilities prior to the issuance of a license. The City of London has developed a Telecommunication Facilities Consultation Policy to institute a consultation procedure between telecommunication carriers, residents and the City. The procedure is intended to provide opportunities for public feedback regarding the site selection process of proposed Telecommunication facilities directly to the telecommunication carriers.
Find additional resource documents:
Planning application fees
Planning application fees are contained in the Fees and Charges By-law A-58. These fees are subject to change without notice and exclude applicable taxes.
Current fees
- Consultation - (applies to Vacant Land Condominiums, Subdivisions, Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments and Site Plans) - $384
- Amalgamated - $2,761, revisions to application or draft approval $306, draft approval extension $153
- Standard, phased, common element, leasehold - $6,902, revisions to application or draft approval $306, draft approval extension $153
- Vacant land ***- $11,502 plus $232 per unit, revisions to application or draft approval $1,535, draft approval extension $767
Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment
- Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment ***- $26,732
- Official Plan Amendment ***- $16,549
- Zoning By-law Amendment ***- $15,276
- Temporary Zoning By-law Amendment *** - $1,995
- Removal of Holding Provision - $1,535
- Deeming Bylaw - $1,535
Minor Variance and Consent:
- Accessory Structures (Category 1)- $614
- Yard Setbacks (Category 2)- $768
- Permissions re. Non-Conforming Uses (Category 3)- $1,382
- Lot/Yard Requirements (Category 4) - $1,841
- Consent - $2,301 for the first lot and $231 for each additional lot
- Other Consents - $1,535
- Certificate of Consent - $100 for first certificate and $200 for each additional certificate
Site Plan:
- Residential 1 – 5 units *** - $1,535
- Residential over 5 units *** - $1,535 plus $77 per unit
- Non Residential *** - $1,435 plus the variable fee of (total Gross Floor Area m2 minus 1,000m2 x $3.00)
- Fire Route - $1,151
- Site Plan Amendment - $1,151
- Application*** - $22,518 plus the variable fee of $231 per single family lot, plus $460 per block for multi family residential, commercial, industrial, institutional or park blocks
- Draft approval extensions:
Up to 6 months - $1,535
Longer than 6 months - $1,535 plus the variable fee of $68 per single lot, plus $134 per block for multi family residential, commercial, industrial, institutional or park blocks
Part Lot Control Exemption - $306
***These fees as shown are not adjusted for consultation fee deductions.
Other Applications and Fees:
- Municipal Street Number Change/Reassignment - $767
- Residential Boulevard Parking - $1,065
- Street Renaming - $767 plus cost of signage, installation, advertising and $200 per house
- Commemorative Streets -$767
- Compliance Re-inspections (Subdivisions, Condominium and Site Plan) – applies after second inspection - $384
Payment options
* When paying for securities, a certified cheque or Letter of Credit is required.
- Path 2 Approvals options - cash or cheque submitted to our Path 2 Approvals counter located on the second floor of City Hall during business hours.
- Online Banking
- Applicant must complete the request to submit payment through online banking form
- Applicant must register in the portal
- Email completed form to
- Upon receipt of a complete form and registration in the portal applicant will then receive instructions on how to proceed with online payment