Commemorative street signs

Old or new, small or large, every neighbourhood has a story to tell and an identity to celebrate. We can support you to discover your neighbourhood’s stories, create new ones and celebrate a shared identity that will bring neighbours together and connect them to where they live.

Residents or resident-led groups can apply for signs that reflect and strengthen their neighbourhood’s unique identity, as envisioned by the people who live there.

Apply now

London Knights Way Commemorative Street Sign

Who can apply for a commemorative street?

Residents, resident-led groups and neighbourhood-based groups can apply. Applicants are encouraged to gather as much support from people in the neighbourhood as possible. Broad-based community support is needed for agreement on the name and design, raising the necessary funds and celebrating the finished product.  

Groups based in Heritage Conservation Districts do not need to apply, as these districts already have unique signage in place.

This program works best for smaller neighbourhoods with clear boundaries, as opposed to large districts that may encompass several smaller neighbourhoods with their own unique identities.

How to decide on a design?

A professional graphic designer should be used to design the addition to the street sign. To start the process, interested community members should discuss their vision for the design and think about what text and imagery they would like included on the design.

How much does it cost?

The application fee is $500 plus tax and signs are approximately $200 each, including installation. A professional graphic designer may also charge a fee for their contribution to the project. This may range from $250 to $1,000. To cover these costs, groups may fundraise or apply for funding.

How to get started?

To begin the application process, please fill out this online form.  Staff will review the information provided and reach out to you to discuss next steps.

Depending on the context of the neighbourhood, a letter may need to be sent to all nearby properties to confirm support for the new street signs and neighbourhood name. Be advised that if consensus is not achieved, some of the streets may be exempt from the new signs.

If you have any questions or need support, please contact our team at 519-661-5336 or

Last modified:Tuesday, June 18, 2024