City Council is seeking applications from a youth representative (aged 15-24) interested in being considered for appointment to the Accessibility Community Advisory Committee for a 2-year term, April 1, 2025 to March 31, 2027.
Youth individuals interested in being considered for appointment are asked to complete the application no later than 9:00 a.m., Friday, March 14, 2025.
Meetings take place on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 12:00 p.m.
Below you will find the current advisory committees (term ending March 31, 2025)
Accessibility Community Advisory Committee
You can contact the Accessibility Community Advisory Committee by email at
The role of a Community Advisory Committee is to provide recommendations, advice, and information to the Municipal Council on those specialized matters which relate to the purpose of the Community Advisory Committee.
Terms of Reference
Up to 15 Members
- a majority of the members (minimum 8) shall be persons with disabilities
- a maximum of seven (7) additional members, as follows:
- one (1) member (parent) representing children with disabilities
- six (6) members-at-large, interested in issues related to persons with disabilities
Animal Welfare Community Advisory Committee
You can contact the Animal Welfare Community Advisory Committee by email at
The role of a Community Advisory Committee is to provide recommendations, advice, and information to the Municipal Council on those specialized matters which relate to the purpose of the Community Advisory Committee.
Terms of Reference
Up to 15 Members
- Nine (9) Members at Large with an interest or background in animal welfare
One (1) representative from each of the following general categories are desirable:
- Friends of Captive Animals
- London Dog Owners Association
- Wildlife Rehabilitator, including naturalists with either educational credentials or active involvement with wildlife through an organization
- Animal Rescue Group
- Veterinarian or Veterinary Technician
- Local Pet Shop/Supply Owner
Community Advisory Committee on Planning
You can contact the Community Advisory Committee on Planning by email at
The role of a Community Advisory Committee is to provide recommendations, advice, and information to the Municipal Council on those specialized matters which relate to the purpose of the Community Advisory Committee.
Terms of Reference
Up to 15 Members
- Three (3) members-at-large
- One (1) representative from a Youth-Oriented Organization (i.e. ACO NextGen)
- Appointments may include a representative of the following:
- Built Heritage (Architectural Conservancy Ontario London)
- Local History (London & Middlesex Historical Society)
- Archaeology/Anthropology (Ontario Archaeological Society, London Chapter)
- Natural Heritage (Nature London)
- Movable Heritage – Archives, (Archives Association of Ontario);
- Movable Heritage – Museums & Galleries
- Neighbourhood Organizations
- Development Community (London Home Builders Association/London Development Institute)
- London and area Planning Consultants
- Representative of the Indigenous Population
- Agricultural organizations
- London Society of Architects
Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Oppression Community Advisory Committee
You can contact the Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Oppression Community Advisory Committee by email at
The role of a Community Advisory Committee is to provide recommendations, advice, and information to the Municipal Council on those specialized matters which relate to the purpose of the Community Advisory Committee.
Terms of Reference
Up to 15 Members
- Fifteen (15) members-at-large
- a minimum of one (1) individual who is primarily French-speaking
Ecological Community Advisory Committee
You can contact the Ecological Community Advisory Committee by email at
The role of a Community Advisory Committee is to provide recommendations, advice, and information to the Municipal Council on those specialized matters which relate to the purpose of the Community Advisory Committee.
Terms of Reference
Up to 15 Members
- Members should have an interest in the matters included in the mandate. A professional designation, education or experience in related fields is a requirement based on the technical nature of the committee work. Areas of expertise may include the following: Biology, Ornithology, Geology, Botany, Zoology, Landscape Architecture, Forestry, Ecology, Resource Management, Hydrology, Geography, Environmental Planning, Limnology and Natural History
Environmental Stewardship and Action Community Advisory Committee
You can contact the Environmental Stewardship and Action Community Advisory Committee by email at
The role of a Community Advisory Committee is to provide recommendations, advice, and information to the Municipal Council on those specialized matters which relate to the purpose of the Community Advisory Committee.
Terms of Reference
Up to 15 Members
- Members should have an interest and/or background in environmental initiatives
Integrated Transportation Community Advisory Committee
You can contact the Integrated Transportation Community Advisory Committee by email at
The role of a Community Advisory Committee is to provide recommendations, advice, and information to the Municipal Council on those specialized matters which relate to the purpose of the Community Advisory Committee.
Terms of Reference
Up to 15 Members
Members should have an interest in the matters included in the mandate of the Integrated Transportation Community Advisory Committee
Members of the public wishing to observe a Community Advisory Committee meeting virtually must register with the City Clerk's Office no later than 9:00 a.m. the day of the meeting to receive a Zoom link OR can attend in person at City Hall, 300 Dufferin Avenue, 2nd Floor.
If you require an accommodation to attend, contact or phone 519-661-CITY (2489),
The personal information contained in communications directed to City Council and its Standing and Advisory Committees is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended. It will be used to assist Council and committee members in their deliberations. Questions about this collection should be addressed to the Manager, Records and Information Services, 300 Dufferin Avenue, London, ON N6A 4L9 or by telephone 519-661-CITY (2489) ext. 5590.
Communications addressed to City Council and to its Standing and Advisory Committees become part of the public record and will be published on a public agenda and made available electronically through the City of London public internet website. The City will not accept anonymous communications sent to Council or to its Committees.