Rental Unit Repair Licence By-law - Landlord Information

The information on this page is intended to help landlords and property managers understand their responsibilities and requirements under the new Rental Unit Repair Licence, which is now in effect as of March 1, 2025.

The Rental Unit Repair Licence is Schedule 23 of the Business Licensing By-law.  To review the new Schedule click here and scroll down to Schedule 23, near the bottom of the page.

It outlines the steps required to obtain a licence, as well as the obligations landlords must satisfy when performing extensive repairs or renovations that require the unit to be vacant during the work.

This licence is only required where an N13 Form is issued because you need the rental unit(s) to be vacant to do extensive repairs or renovations and you require a building permit.

Note: any reference on this page to an N13 Form or N13 Notice refers specifically to terminating a tenancy for repairs or renovations so extensive that they require vacant possession of the rental unit and a building permit.  N13s issued for demolition of a rental unit(s) or conversion to another use are not subject to the municipal Rental Unit Repair Licence.  However, they are still subject to the requirements of the Residential Tenancies Act.

Be aware that if you are issuing an N13 Form to terminate a tenancy, the tenant may choose to move back into the unit after the repairs or renovations are complete, at the same rent that was charged before the renovation took place. 

Rental Unit Repair Licence Application Form

Key definitions

Landlord means the owner of a rental unit, their heirs, assigns, personal representatives, and anyone who attempts to enforce any of the rights of a landlord under a tenancy agreement or the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, including the right to collect rent.

N13 Form means the Provincial Form N13, also known as the “Notice to End your Tenancy Because the Landlord Wants to Demolish the Rental Unit, Repair it, or Convert it to Another Use”. On this information page, reference to the N13 Form is specific to its use for vacant possession due to extensive repairs or renovations which require a building permit.  N13s for demolitions or conversions do not require a Municipal Licence.

Qualified Professional: An Architect or Engineer licensed in Ontario.

Rental Unit: A building or part of a building designed for use as a rented residential premises.

Tenant Information Package means a document produced by the City which provides information to Tenants about their rights and entitlements under the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, and this Schedule of the Business Licensing By-law.

Building Permit

A building permit is required before applying for a Rental Unit Repair Licence.  To apply for a building permit visit Building permits | City of London.

Do not issue an N13 Notice until you have a Building Permit in hand.  Please refer to the Residential Tenancies Act for more information.

Application for Licence
  • Landlords must apply for a Rental Unit Repair Licence within seven days of issuing a an N13 Form to a tenant.
  • Online Application Form: As of March 1, 2025, the application form will be made available online.  Applicant’s will be required to submit all documents electronically and provide sworn declarations and affidavits online, knowing that doing so is of the same force and effect as if made under oath.
  • Once issued, Licences will be valid for six (6) months.
  • One application must be made for each unit.
  • The application fee will be $600.00

Rental Unit Repair Licence Application Form

Complete Application Requirements

To apply for a Rental Unit Repair Licence, landlords must complete the online application form and submit the following information:

  1. A copy of the N13 Notice given to the tenant.
  2. Affidavits regarding the delivery of the Tenant Information Package (link to TIP).
  3. A copy of the residential tenancy agreement (Lease).
  4. A copy of the tenant’s written notice regarding returning to the unit, if provided.
  5. A report from a Qualified Professional stating the need for vacant possession.
  6. A copy of the building permit issued by the City of London.

Any additional information required by the Licence Manager.

Licence Renewal
  • Applications for renewal must be submitted at least five business days before the current licence expires.  The renewal application will require all the original information, and;
  • Evidence must be provided outlining the reasons the repairs or renovations have not been completed in the first six months of licensing.  You’ll be required to demonstrate show that you have taken all reasonable steps to complete the work.
Licence Specifics
  • A separate licence is required for each rental unit.
  • A “Notice of Application” must be posted on the building and/or each individual unit subject to licensing once an application has been submitted.
  • The physical Rental Unit Repair Licence issued by the City must be posted on the door of each unit and/or building exterior throughout the duration of the vacancy and repair.
  • A unique licence will be issued for each licenced rental unit vacated for repair.
Important Reminders
  • Landlords must not issue an N13 Notice without a Building Permit and, within seven days, a Rental Unit Repair Licence from the City of London.
  • Landlords must not terminate a tenancy using an N13 Notice in order to perform renovations without a licence.
  • Landlords must not fail to provide the Tenant with the Tenant Information Package [available March 1, 2025]
  • Landlords must not fail to post the required notices and licences.

If you require further information on licences, please contact the licencing department

Landlord Resources

By following this guide, landlords can ensure they comply with the requirements of the Rental Unit Repair Licence and fulfill their municipal responsibilities when performing extensive repairs or renovations that require vacant possession of the unit using an N13 Notice.

If discrepancies arise between the information provided here and the Business Licensing By-law, the By-law shall be considered first.

Nothing in this licensing process removes, replaces, nor absolves the Landlord any requirements or obligations under the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, S.O. 2006, c.17. 

More information about the use of Form N13 for repairs or renovations can be found on the Landlord Tenant Board webpage of Tribunals Ontario; Landlord and Tenant Board | Tribunals Ontario

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need a Rental Unit Repair Licence if I don’t need to end the tenancy using an N13 Form?

A: No; you are only required to get a Rental Unit Repair Licence if you end the tenancy using an N13 Form.

Q: What if I don’t need a building permit, but still need the tenant to move out?

A: As the Residential Tenancies Act states in Section 50(1)(c), “A landlord may give notice of termination of a tenancy if the landlord requires possession of the rental unit in order to do repairs or renovations to it that are so extensive that they require a building permit and vacant possession of the rental unit.”  Therefore, if a building permit is not required for the work, an N13 Form shall not be issued, and a Rental Unit Repair Licence is not required.

Q: Do I need a Rental Unit Repair Licence if I own an apartment building?

A: If you are using an N13 Form to terminate a tenancy for extensive repairs or renovations that require a building permit, then you will need a Rental Unit Repair Licence for each unit you intend to issue an N13 Notice to, regardless of the type of residential building or the number of units in that building.

Q: Do I need a Rental Unit Repair Licence if the tenant moves out of the unit and doesn’t provide written notice that they wish to return when the work is done?

A: If you issue an N13 Form to a tenant, you are required to get a Rental Unit Repair Licence.  The details of the Licence, the situation, and the potential renewal, will be considered once the application is made.

Q: What if the tenant indicates that they do not wish to return to the unit once I give them the N13?

A: If you issue an N13 Form to a tenant, you are required to get a Rental Unit Repair Licence.  The details of the Licence, the situation, and the potential renewal, will be considered once the application is made.

Q: What if I have already issued the N13 Form but don’t yet have a building permit?

A: You are required to have a building permit before you issue an N13 Form. If issued in error, take back the form and inform the Tenant as soon as possible of the error.  The Tenant will not be required to leave the unit on the date specified on the erroneous N13 Form, as the LTB will not issue an order terminating a tenancy unless you have obtained any permits that are required, according to the LTB instruction book (page 3, notes).

Last modified:Wednesday, March 05, 2025