The Business Licensing By-law is to be read in conjunction with the regulations that are captured at the end of each applicable schedule.
By-law No. L.-131-16
A by-law to provide for the Licensing and Regulation of Various Businesses.
WHEREAS subsection 5(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipal power shall be exercised by by-law;
AND WHEREAS section 9 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under the Municipal Act, 2001 or any other Act;
AND WHEREAS subsection 10(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality may provide any service or thing that the municipality considers necessary or desirable for the public;
AND WHEREAS subsection 10(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality may pass by-laws respecting: in paragraph 5, Economic, social and environmental well-being of the municipality; in paragraph 6, Health, safety and well-being of persons; in paragraph 7, Services and things that the municipality is authorized to provide under subsection (1); in paragraph 8, Protection of persons and property; in paragraph 11 Business Licensing;
AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of Part IV of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, a municipality may pass by-laws for licensing, regulating and governing businesses;
AND WHEREAS subsection 151(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that, without limiting sections 9 and 10 of the Act, a municipality may provide for a system of licences with respect to a business and may:
a) prohibit the carrying on or engaging in the business without a licence;
b) refuse to grant a licence or to revoke or suspend a licence;
c) impose conditions as a requirement of obtaining, continuing to hold or renewing a licence;
d) impose special conditions on a business in a class that have not been imposed on all of the businesses in that class in order to obtain, continue to hold or renew a licence;
e) impose conditions, including special conditions, as a requirement of continuing to hold a licence at any time during the term of the licence;
f) license, regulate or govern real and personal property used for the business and the persons carrying it on or engaged in it; and,
g) require a person, subject to such conditions as the municipality considers appropriate, to pay an administrative penalty if the municipality is satisfied that the person has failed to comply with any part of a system of licenses established by the municipality.
AND WHEREAS the Municipal Council for The Corporation of the City of London considers it necessary and desirable for the public to exercise its licensing powers for the purposes of:
a) Health and safety including health and safety of service providers and consumers and patrons; and/or
b) Nuisance control; and/or
c) Consumer protection; and/or
d) Suppressing conditions conducive to crime;
AND WHEREAS section 23.2 of the Municipal Act, 2001 permits a municipality to delegate certain legislative and quasi-judicial powers;
AND WHEREAS the Municipal Council for The Corporation of the City of London is of the opinion that the delegation of legislative powers under this by-law to the Licence Manager and the Hearings Officer including without limitation the power to issue, revoke, suspend and impose conditions on a licence and prescribe operational standards to be imposed on licensees, including without limitation operational standards such as signage requirements, advertising requirements, hours of operation and records that are to be kept by licensees and the form and content thereof, are powers of a minor nature having regard to the number of people, the size of geographic area and the time period affected by the exercise of the power in accordance with subsection 23.2(4) of the Municipal Act, 2001;
AND WHEREAS subsection 391(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality may impose fees and charges on persons:
a) for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of it;
b) for costs payable by it for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of any other municipality or any local board; and,
c) for the use of its property including property under its control.
NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of The Corporation of the City of London enacts as follows:
1.1 For the purpose of this By-law:
“Applicant” means a person applying for a licence under this By-law;
"Business" means any business wholly or partly carried on within the municipality even if the business is being carried on from a location outside the municipality and includes:
(a) trades and occupations;
(b) exhibitions, concerts, festivals and other organized public amusements held for profit or otherwise;
(c) the sale or hire of goods or services on an intermittent or one-time basis and the activities of a transient trader; and
(d) the display of samples, patterns or specimens of goods for the purpose of sale or hire;
but does not include:
(a) a manufacturing or an industrial business, except to the extent that it sells its products or raw material by retail;
(b) the sale of goods by wholesale; or
(c) the generation, exploitation, extraction, harvesting, processing, renewal or transportation of natural resources;
“Chief Building Official” means the Chief Building Official as appointed by Municipal Council pursuant to the Building Code Act;
“Chief of Police” means the Chief of the London Police Service or a person delegated by them;
“City” means The Corporation of the City of London;
“City Clerk” means the City Clerk for the City or a person delegated by them;
"Council" means the Municipal Council of The Corporation of the City of London;
“Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check” (CRJMC) means a Criminal record and judicial matters check under the Police Record Checks Reform Act, 2015, which has been obtained directly from the local police service where the person resides, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), or an RCMP accredited third party agency;
“Deputy City Manager, Planning and Economic Development” means the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Environment or their written designate;
“Enforcement Officer” means a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer appointed by the Municipal Council, a police officer with the London Police Service or an officer, employee or agent of the City whose responsibilities include the enforcement of this By-law;
“Fire Chief” means the Chief of London Fire Department or a person delegated by them;
“Hearings Officer” means a Hearings Officer appointed under the City’s Hearings Officer By-law, By-law No. A.-6653-121, as amended or any successor by-law;
“Licence Manager” means the Director, Municipal Compliance or a person delegated by them;
“Licensee” means a person licensed under this By-law;
“Medical Officer of Health” means the Medical Officer of Health for the Middlesex-London Health Unit or a person delegated by them;
“Municipality” means the geographic area known as the City of London;
“Owner” means:
(a) with respect to premises, the registered owner of the land on which the premises is situated and includes a trust acting on behalf of the registered owner, the estate of the registered owner and a person with a leasehold interest in the land or premises;
(b) with respect to a business, the person that carries on the trade, business, or occupation and whose name appears on the licence issued for such trade, business or occupation under this By-law; and
“Vulnerable Sector Check” means a “Vulnerable sector check” under the Police Record Checks Reform Act, 2015, which has been obtained directly from the local police service where the person resides, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), or an RCMP accredited third party agency.
2.1 The classes of licences that may be issued under this By-law in accordance with the provisions of this By-law and the corresponding Schedules are set out in the Schedules to this By-law.
2.2 Every Applicant and Licensee shall comply with all of the provisions of this By-law and the corresponding Schedules.
3.1 No person shall hold themselves out to be licensed under this By-law if they are not.
3.2 No person shall operate a business that requires a licence under this By-law while a licence issued under this By-law for the same premises, person or persons, corporation, or officers of a corporation is under suspension, has been withheld, or is under review.
3.3 No person shall operate a business that requires a licence under this By-law at a location other than the location for which a valid licence has been issued.
3.4 No person shall operate a business that requires a licence under this By-law under any name other than the name on the licence issued under this By-law.
3.5 No person holding a licence issued under this By-law shall fail to:
(a) with respect to premises, display the licence in a conspicuous place in or on the said premise; or
(b) with respect to a vehicle, display the licence in a conspicuous place in or on the said vehicle; or
(c) with respect to an individual, maintain the licence on their person while conducting the activity for which the licence was issued.
3.6 No person shall fail to keep any records required to be kept by them under the provisions of this By-law.
3.7 No person shall hinder or obstruct, or attempt to hinder or obstruct, any person who is exercising a power or performing a duty under this By-law, including carrying out an inspection.
4.1 Any exemptions regarding specific classes of licences or businesses shall be listed in the corresponding Schedules to this By-law, if applicable.
5.1 The administration of this By-law is assigned to the Licence Manager who shall generally perform all of the administrative functions conferred upon them by this By-law and without limitation may:
(a) receive and process all applications for all licences and renewals of licences under this By-law;
(b) issue licences in accordance with the provisions of this By-law;
(c) impose terms and conditions, including special conditions, on licences in accordance with this By-law; and
(d) refuse to issue or renew a licence or revoke or suspend a licence in accordance with this By-law.
6.1 Every application for a new licence, or renewal of an existing licence shall be made to the Licence Manager in the format specified herein. Without limitation every application for a new licence or licence renewal shall include the following:
a) the name, municipal address, email address and telephone number of each Applicant;
b) if the Applicant is a partnership, the name, address, email address and telephone number of each partner;
c) if the Applicant is a corporation, the address of its head office, the name, address, email address and telephone number of each director and officer;
d) the municipal address of the premises where the business is located, if applicable;
e) a sworn statement by the Applicant certifying the accuracy, truthfulness and completeness of the application;
f) if the Applicant is a partnership, a sworn statement by each partner certifying the accuracy, truthfulness and completeness of the application;
g) if the Applicant is a corporation, a sworn statement by an officer of the corporation duly authorized for that purpose certifying the accuracy, truthfulness and completeness of the application; and
h) proof satisfactory to the Licence Manager that the premises where the business is located is permitted and/or conforms with the uses and regulations as per the City of London’s Z.-1 Zoning By-law, or its successor.
6.2 Every person applying for or renewing a business licence shall provide in full at the time the application is submitted all the information requested on the application form as well as:
a) payment of the fee(s) prescribed in “Part 10 – Fees” of this By-law.
b) proof satisfactory to the Licence Manager that the Applicant or Licensee has contractual or proprietary interest in the land(s), building(s), vehicle(s), or other property, equipment, training, etc. which are, in the opinion of the Licence Manager, necessary to sufficiently carry on the business.
c) if the Applicant or Licensee is a corporation, provide;
(i) a copy of the articles of incorporation when applying for new licence applications;
(ii) at the time of licence renewal, a “Corporation Profile Report” dated no later than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the licence renewal application.
6.3 The Licence Manager may require affidavits in support of an application for a new business licence or the renewal of a business licence.
6.4 Every application may be subject to investigations by and comments or recommendations from the municipal or provincial department or agencies as the Licence Manager deems necessary including but not limited to:
(a) the Chief Building Official;
(b) the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Economic Development;
(c) the Fire Chief;
(d) Chief of Police; and
(e) the Medical Officer of Health.
7.1 Every licence issued under this By-law shall be in the form and manner as provided by the Licence Manager and without limitation shall include on its face the following information:
(a) the licence number;
(b) the name of the Licensee;
(c) the date the licence was issued and the date it expires; and
(d) the municipal address of the premises where the business is located, if applicable.
7.2 Every licence that is issued for the first time, and every renewal thereof, is subject to the following conditions for obtaining, continuing to hold, and renewing a licence, all of which shall be performed and observed by the Owner, Applicant, or the Licensee as required:
a) pay all licence fees prescribed in Section 10 of the By-law;
b) pay all fees, fines, and penalties owed by the Owner, Applicant, or Licensee to the City;
c) allow, at any reasonable time, the city to inspect the premises used for the business;
d) ensure that the premises and equipment used for the business are not constructed, installed, or equipped to hinder enforcement of this By-law;
e) ensure that their conduct, or the conduct of any partner, officer, director, employee, or agent for the Applicant or Licensee, shall not afford reasonable cause to believe that the operation of the business shall not be undertaken in accordance with all applicable laws, with honesty, and integrity;
f) maintain the premises where the business is located or operates, including all equipment used for the business, in accordance with the requirements of, but not limited to, the Building Code Act and its Regulations, the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 and its Regulations, the City’s Property Standards By-law No. CP-16, or any successor legislation or by-laws;
g) ensure that any alteration to the premises where the business is located or equipment used by the business is done in accordance with the Building Code Act and its Regulations, the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 and its Regulations, and the City’s Property Standards By-law No. CP-16, or any successor legislation or By-laws;
h) ensure that the Zoning By-law permits the use at the location that the business is licenced for, or that it is operating from;
i) ensure that the operation of any business licensed under this By-law complies with all federal and provincial laws and municipal By-laws;
j) be able to demonstrate contractual or proprietary interest in the premises where, or within which, the business is to be operated that is sufficient, in the opinion of the Licence Manager, for the Applicant or Licensee to carry on the business;
k) meet all requirements of this By-law.
7.3 A licence issued under this By-law shall be valid only for the period for which it is issued. Unless expressly stated on the face of the licence, all licences issued under this By-law shall expire annually on January 31 at 11:59 pm. An application for business license renewal shall submitted on or before the expiry date of the licence being requested for renewal.
7.4 The issuance of a licence or renewal thereof under this By-law is not intended and shall not be construed as permission or consent by the City for the Licensee to contravene or fail to observe or comply with any Federal, Provincial or Municipal law or By-law.
7.5 Every licence, at all times, is owned by and is the property of the City and is valid only in respect of the person and the premises or of the person named on it and for the business stated on it. A separate licence shall be required for each business location.
7.6 No licence issued under this By-law may be sold, purchased, leased, mortgaged, charged, assigned, pledged, transferred, seized, distrained or otherwise dealt with.
7.7 The Licensee shall notify the Licence Manager of any change to the name of the owner, the business name, or any information relating to their licence within fifteen (15) days following such change. Licences may be required to be returned to the City for amendment, at the discretion of the Licence Manager.
7.8 Where the Licensee is a corporation, the Licensee shall notify the Licence Manager of any changes to the names or addresses of the business offices, officers or directors, the ownership of shares, or any other information relating to the corporation or the licence within fifteen (15) days following such change by providing an updated Corporation Profile Report. Licences may be required to be returned to the City for amendment, at the discretion of the Licence Manager.
7.9 Where the Licensee is a partnership, an updated partnership agreement shall be provided to the Licence Manager if changes to the names or addresses of the partners, the composition of the partnership, or any information relating to the partnership occur by providing an updated partnership agreement within fifteen (15) days following such change. Licences may be required to be returned to the City for amendment, at the discretion of the Licence Manager.
8.1 The power and authority to issue or renew a licence, refuse to issue or refuse to renew a licence, to cancel, revoke or suspend a licence, to impose terms and conditions, including special conditions, on a licence, are delegated to the Licence Manager.
8.2 The Licence Manager shall issue a new licence or renew a licence when they are satisfied that all the requirements, terms, and/or conditions of this By-law have been fulfilled.
8.3 The Licence Manager may refuse to issue or renew, or revoke, or suspend a licence, and/or impose terms or conditions on a licence on the following groundss:
(a) the conduct of the Applicant or Licensee, or any partner, officer, director, employee or agent of the Applicant or Licensee, affords reasonable cause to believe that the Applicant or Licensee will not carry on or engage in the operation of the business in accordance with the law or with honesty or integrity;
(b) an Applicant or Licensee is carrying on activities that are in contravention of this, or any other Federal, Provincial, or Municipal Law or By-law;
(c) there is reason to believe that the application or any documents provided to the Licence Manager by, or on behalf of, the Owner, Applicant, or Licensee contains false information;
(d) that any information provided to the Licence Manager has ceased to be accurate and the Licensee has not provided current, accurate information to allow the Licence Manager to conclude that the licence should be issued or renewed;
(e) If at any time an Applicant or Licensee does not meet all the requirements of this By-law, or any conditions imposed on the licence;
(f) an Applicant or Licensee is not in compliance with any federal, provincial law or City By-law, including this By-law; or
(g) the Applicant or Licensee has been convicted of a criminal offence for which, in the opinion of the Licence Manager, it would not be in the interest of public safety to issue or maintain such a licence.
8.4 Notwithstanding any other provision of this By-law, the Licence Manager may impose terms and conditions on any licence at issuance, renewal, or any time during the term of the licence, including special conditions, as deemed necessary in the opinion of the Licence Manager to give effect to this By-law.
8.5 Where the Licence Manager is of the opinion that:
(a) an application for a licence or renewal of a licence should be refused;
(b) a reinstatement should not be made;
(c) a licence should be revoked;
(d) a licence should be suspended, or,
(e) a term or condition of a licence should be imposed;
the Licence Manager shall make that decision.
8.6 Where the Licence Manager has made a decision under section 8.5 of this By-law, the Licence Manager’s written notice of that decision shall be given to the Applicant or the Licensee by regular or electronic mail sent to the last address provided by the Applicant or Licensee and written notice of the decision shall be deemed to have been given on the third day after it is mailed. Service on a corporation may be affected by registered mail to the address of the corporation’s registered head office.
8.7 The written notice to be given under section 8.6 shall:
(a) set out the grounds for the decision;
(b) give reasonable particulars of the grounds;
(c) be signed by the Licence Manager; and,
(d) state that the Applicant or Licensee is entitled to a hearing by the Hearings Officer if the Applicant or Licensee delivers a notice of appeal to the City Clerk, within twenty (20) days after the notice in section 8.6 is served, and the appeal fee as set out in the City's Fees and Charges By-law, as it is amended or repealed and replaced from time to time.
8.8 Where no appeal is registered within the required time period, the decision of the Licence Manager shall be final.
8.9 Despite section 8.6 where a licence is voluntarily surrendered by the Licensee for revocation, the Licence Manager may revoke the licence without notice to the Licensee.
8.10 In addition to any other power, duty or function prescribed in this By-law or any Schedule to this By-law, the Licence Manager may make regulations under this By-law including:
(a) prescribing the format and content of any forms or other documents required under this By-law;
(b) prescribing the form of and minimum requirements for Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Checks (CRJMC), Vulnerable Sector Checks (VSC), and insurance policies as applicable; and
(c) prescribing criteria for any requirements or approvals not otherwise specified.
8.11 The City Clerk shall maintain a record of all regulations prescribed by the Licence Manager under this By-law and any Schedule under this By-law. The record of all regulations shall be available for public inspection at the office of the Licence Manager and the office of the City Clerk during normal business hours.
9.1 The power and authority to conduct hearings of appeals under this By-law are hereby delegated to the Hearings Officer.
9.2 The provisions of the City’s Hearings Officer By-law No. A.-6653-121, as amended and any successor by-law, apply to all hearings conducted by the Hearings Officer.
9.3 The Hearings Officer may uphold or vary the decision of the Licence Manager or make any decision that the Licence Manager was entitled to make in the first instance.
9.4 The decision of the Hearings Officer is final.
10.1 All licence fees related to this By-law shall be in accordance with the City's Fees and Charges By-law, as it is amended or repealed and replaced from time to time and shall be paid as required by this By-law.
10.2 Despite section 10.1, the Licence Manager may reduce a licence fee set out in the City's Fees and Charges By-law, as it is amended or repealed and replaced from time to time, by an amount up to 50 percent where the Applicant or Licensee is a charitable organization that is registered as such under the Income Tax Act, R.S.C. as amended.
10.3 All inspection fees related to this By-law shall be paid in accordance with thethe City's Fees and Charges By-law, as it is amended or repealed and replaced from time to time.
10.4 All fees related to this By-law and inspection fees related to this By-law shall be non-refundable.
11.1 This By-law may be enforced by an Enforcement Officer.
12.1 Any person who contravenes any provision of this By-law is guilty of an offence.
12.2 A director or officer of a corporation who knowingly concurs in the contravention of any provision of this By-law is guilty of an offence.
12.3 A person convicted under this By-law is liable to a minimum fine of $500.00 and a maximum fine of $25,000.00 upon a first conviction and a maximum fine of $50,000.00 for any subsequent conviction.
12.4 Despite subsection 12.3, where the person convicted is a corporation, the corporation is liable to a minimum fine of $500.00 and a maximum fine of $50,000.00 upon a first conviction and a maximum fine of $100,000.00 for any subsequent conviction.
12.5 In addition to the fine amounts set out in subsections 12.3 and 12.4 above, for each day or part of a day that an offence continues, the minimum fine shall be $500.00 and the maximum fine shall be $10,000.00 and the total of all daily fines for the offence is not limited to $100,000.00.
12.6 If this By-law is contravened and a conviction entered, in addition to any other remedy and to any penalty imposed by this By-law, the court in which the conviction has been entered and any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter may make an order:
(a) prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence by the person convicted; and,
(b) requiring the person convicted to correct the contravention in the manner and within the period that the court considers appropriate.
12.7 Each person who contravenes any provision of this By-law shall, upon issuance of a penalty notice in accordance with the Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-law A-54, be liable to pay the City an Administrative Monetary Penalty.
13.1 If any provision or part of this By-law is declared by any court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or inoperative, in whole or in part, or inoperative in particular circumstances, the balance of the By-law, or its application in other circumstances, shall not be affected and shall continue to be in full force and effect.
13.2 If there is a conflict between a provision of this By-law and a provision of any other City by-law, then the more restrictive provision shall apply.
14.1 The Business Licensing By-law, By-law No. L-6, passed on October 20, 2003, and all amendments are hereby repealed.
14.2 The Mobile Sign Business Licensing By-law, By-law No. L.-128-117, passed on April 30, 2007 and all amendments are hereby repealed.
14.3 Any new licence issued during the period from January 1, 2018 to April 2, 2018 for the 2018 licence year under the provisions of the Business Licensing By-law, By-law No. L-6 shall be deemed to have been issued under this By-law and will be valid until such licence is revoked, surrendered or until it expires on January 31, 2019.
14.4 Any new licence issued during the period from January 1, 2018 to April 2, 2018 for the 2018 licence year under the provisions of the Mobile Sign Business Licensing By-law, By-law No. L.-128-117 shall be deemed to have been issued under this By-law and will be valid until such Licence is revoked, surrendered or until it expires on January 31, 2019.
14.5 Any by-law number of the predecessor by-laws to this By-law that appears on an existing sign that was required to be posted in accordance with the provisions of the said predecessor by-laws is to be read and construed as having the same force, effect and validity as does the By-law number assigned to this By-law.
14.6 This By-law shall come into force and effect on April 3, 2018.
14.7 This By-law may be referred to as the Business Licensing By-law.
PASSED in Open Council on December 12, 2017.
Matt Brown, Mayor
Catharine Saunders, City Clerk
First, Second and Third Reading – December 12, 2017
BUSINESS LICENCE FEES (deleted by L.-131(g)-263)
As of January 1, 2023 Business Licence Fees are listed in the City of London's Fees and Charges By-law
1.0 Definitions
1.1 In this Schedule:
“Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour” means any premises or part thereof in which, in pursuance of a business, a Body-Rub designed to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites or inclinations is Provided, or solicited; but does not include any premises or part thereof where a Body-Rub is Provided for the purpose of medical or therapeutic treatment and is Provided by persons otherwise duly qualified, licensed or registered so to do under the laws of the Province of Ontario;
“Attendant” means a person who Provides a Body-Rub;
“Body-Rub” includes the kneading, manipulating, rubbing, massaging, or touching by any means, of a person’s body or part of a person’s body;
“Body-Rub designed to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites or inclinations” includes but is not limited to:
- a Body-Rub of which a principal feature or characteristic is the nudity or partial nudity of an Attendant; or
- a Body-Rub advertised by any means as “sensual”, “sexy” or by any other word or any depiction having like meaning or implication;
“Operator” means a person who, alone or with others, operates, manages, supervises, runs or controls an Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour, and “operates” has a corresponding meaning;
“Owner” means a person who, alone or with others, has the right to possess or occupy or actually does possess or occupy an Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour and includes a lessee of an Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour or of premises in which an Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour is located; and
“Provide” when used in relation to services in an Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour, includes to furnish, perform, give or offer such services, and “providing” and “provision” have corresponding meanings.
2.1 The following categories of licences are established:
(a) Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour Operator; and
(b) Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour Owner.
2.2 Every individual who is both the Owner and the Operator of an Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour:
(a) is required to be licensed as both an Owner and an Operator;
(b) shall pay the fee in respect of each licence respectively;
(c) shall be subject to the requirements and other provisions of this By-law in respect of their status as both an Owner and an Operator, and shall comply with all of the requirements of this By-law applicable to each.
2.3 No person other than an individual person may operate, or be licensed as an Operator of an Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour.
2.4 Where a person owns more than one Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour, a separate Owner licence is required for each Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour. Every Owner licence for an Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour shall have endorsed on its face by the Licence Manager the location of the premises to which it applies. The endorsement shall be for one location only and such licence shall be valid only for the location endorsed on it.
2.5 Where a person operates more than one Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour, a separate Operator licence is not required for each location operated by them.
3.1 No person shall own or operate an Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour except in a defined area or location shown on Schedule 2A of this By-law.
3.2 Not more than one Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour licence shall be issued for any separate area or location shown on Schedule 2A of this By-law.
4.1 Subject to section 4.2 the total number of Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour Owner licences authorized under this By-law is limited to five (5), and not more than one (1) licence shall be issued with respect to each defined area or location shown on Schedule 2A of this By-law.
4.2 The total number of Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour Owner licences shall be reduced as licences expire without renewal or as the Owner licences are otherwise surrendered or revoked until there are five (5) Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour Owner licences.
4.3 Where the total number of Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour Owner licences falls below the number five (5) by reason of the surrender or revocation of a licence, a licence may be issued to the first Applicant who makes application after the surrender or revocation and whose application complies with this By-law.
4.4 No person shall hold all of the Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour Owner licences issued under this By-law.
5.1 In addition to all the requirements of Part 6 of this By-law, every application for a new Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour Owner and/or Operator licence and/or application for licence renewal shall include the following:
(a) in the case of an Owner licence, whether the Applicant is a sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation;
(b) where the Applicant is a sole proprietorship or partnership, the full name, street address, mailing address, occupation, date of birth and citizenship or immigration status of the individual comprising the sole proprietorship or of each individual who is a member of the partnership;
(c) in the case of an Owner licence, where the Applicant is a corporation or a partnership of which a member is a corporation, the date and jurisdiction of incorporation, and the full name, street address, mailing address, occupation, date of birth and citizenship or immigration status of each officer, director and shareholder of record, the total number of shares held by each shareholder, and the number of voting shares held by each shareholder;
(d) particulars of the nature of business or employment during the previous three (3) years of the individual who is the sole proprietor or of each member of the partnership or of each officer, director and shareholder of the corporation;
(e) the full name and address of any individual or corporation whose name is not otherwise disclosed and who has any financial interest beneficially in or otherwise exercises control or direction over the Applicant;
(f) the name under which the Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour is to be operated;
(g) the municipal address of the location where the proposed Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour will operate;
(h) a Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check dated within sixty (60) days of the application for licence for the Applicant, for any partner if the Applicant is a partnership, and - in the case of an Adult Entertainment Body-rub Parlour Owner licence - for any officer(s), director(s), or shareholder(s) of the corporation if the Applicant is a corporation; and
(i) in the case of an Adult Entertainment Body-rub Parlour Owner licence, a floor plan, drawn to scale, of the premises, confirmed by inspection by the Manager, Municipal Compliance & Animal Welfare Services and approved by the Licence Manager, that clearly shows that the Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour, including any common areas, is not more than 225m² in size.
6.1 In addition to any other power, duty or function prescribed in this By-law, the Licence Manager may make regulations under this Schedule including:
(a) prescribing operational standards for Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour Owners and Operators;
(b) prescribing hours of operation for Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlours;
(c) prescribing signage and advertising standards for Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlours required under subsection 8.1(e) of this Schedule including, without limitation, the manner, form, size, media and content; and
(d) prescribing the manner, form, and content of records to be kept by Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour Owners and Operators under subsection 8.1(f) of this Schedule.
7.1 No person shall own or operate an Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour without a current valid licence issued under this By-law.
7.2 No Owner shall permit any person other than a licensed Operator to operate their Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour.
7.3 No person shall operate an Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour without the Owner holding an Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour licence issued under this By-law.
7.4 No Owner or Operator of an Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour shall permit or allow any person under the age of eighteen (18) to enter or remain in the Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour they own or operate.
7.5 No Owner or Operator of an Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour shall permit or allow any person under the age of eighteen (18) to Provide or offer to Provide a Body-Rub in the Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour they own or operate.
8.1 Every Owner of an Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour shall:
(a) ensure that at all times when the premises are open for business as an Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour or when a Body-Rub is Provided in such premises that a licensed Operator attends on the premises at the request of an Enforcement Officer;
(b) post within, and keep posted in a prominent location, at every entrance to the Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour, signs satisfactory to the Licence Manager which indicate clearly to any person entering, or already within the building, that no person under the age of eighteen (18) is permitted to enter or remain within the building or any part thereof;
(c) comply with all of the operational standards for Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlours prescribed by the Licence Manager;
(d) comply with the hours of operation for Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlours prescribed by the Licence Manager;
(e) comply with all of the signage and advertising standards for Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlours prescribed by the Licence Manager;
(f) maintain a detailed record of all Attendants employed by or within the Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour as prescribed by the Licence Manager.
8.2 Every Owner and Operator of an Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour shall ensure that:
(a) no services are visible from outside the premises in which the Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour is located;
(b) their Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour, including any common areas, is not more than 225m² in size; and
(c) no changes to the premises as shown on the floor plan submitted under subsection 5.1(i) of this Schedule are made without obtaining the prior written approval from the Licence Manager.
9.1 Council may, at any time, consider an application to amend Schedule 2A of this By-law to delete a location, to substitute a new location for an existing location, or to add a new location.
9.2(1) In addition to any other location and licensing requirements contained in this By-law in order for a licence to be issued, any new location for an Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour must conform to the following criteria:
(a) An Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour shall not be located in a premises where residential uses are permitted, according to the City of London’s Z.-1 Zoning By-law, or its successor;
(b) An Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour shall not be located within one hundred metres (100m) of lands which permit residential uses according to the City of London’s Z.-1 Zoning By-law, or its successor;
(c) Where an application for amendment to this Schedule has been made which seeks to add a new Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour location to the Schedule, the location shall not be located within one-hundred metres (100m) of a school, a day-care centre, or a place of worship, existing on the date the application for amendment is accepted as complete as per Section 5.0 of this Schedule;
9.2(2) Separation distances prescribed in subsections 9.2(1)(b) and (c) of this Schedule shall be measured in any direction by a straight line from the closest point on the perimeter of the lot of the proposed Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour to the nearest point on the perimeter of the lot where the residential uses are permitted, of the school, of the day-care centre, or of the place of worship.
9.3 Any request under section 9.1 of this Schedule shall be made to the Licence Manager and shall be accompanied by a complete application for an Adult Entertainment Body-Rub Parlour Owner licence.
9.4 The Licence Manager shall give notice of the application by mail to landowners and tenants within 120 meters of the proposed new location. A Notice of Application shall also be posted on the proposed premises. Public comments and recommendations shall be received by the Licence Manager in respect of the requested amendment. The public shall be granted a minimum of 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of the notice to comment on the application.
9.5 Comments and recommendations received by the Licence Manager in response to the notice in section 9.4 of this Schedule, together with the application material prescribed in Section 9.3, and any additional information that the Licence Manager considers necessary or useful to Council, shall be submitted to the Community and Protective Services Committee for use at the public participation meeting described Section 9.6 for the Committee’s recommendation to Council as per Section 9.7, and Council’s decision.
9.6 Before the Community and Protective Services Committee makes a recommendation as per Section 9.7 regarding the request to amend Schedule 2A of this By-law, the Committee shall hold at least one public meeting to allow the proponent, and any member of the public, to make written or oral submissions regarding the application.
9.7 Following the public meeting described in Section 9.6, the Community and Protective Services Committee shall make a recommendation to Council regarding the amendment application. The City Council shall make the final decision regarding amending Schedule 2A of this By-law.

Regulations pertaining to Schedule 2
Regulation 2/2018-2 made under the Business Licensing By-law
Schedule 2 – Adult Body Rub Parlour
1. Definitions
1.1 Terms used in this Regulation have the same meaning as in the Business Licensing By-law L.-131-16 as amended from time to time.
1.2 For the purpose of this Regulation “By-law” means the Business Licensing By-law L.-131-16, as amended from time to time.
2. Operational Standards
2.1 The following are prescribed operational standards for the purpose of section 6 of Schedule 2 of the By-law:
a) the following services and products must be provided for sanitary, hygienic and safety purposes:
i) laundry service;
ii) hand wash basins;
iii) hot and cold running water;
iv) hand washing products;
v) tables, mats and other such surfaces to be kept clean and in good repair;
vi) panic alarm system capable of being activated in each service room, that is
(i) clearly audible in all areas of the licensed premise; and
(ii) causes an electronic notification to be sent to the Operator(s) of the licensed establishment.
3. Signage and Advertising Standards
3.1 The following are prescribed signage and advertising standards for the purpose of section 6 of Schedule 2 of the By-law:
a) signage shall not include any photograph, drawing or any artistic rendering representing services designed to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites or inclinations.
4. Record Keeping Requirements
4.1 The following are prescribed record keeping requirements for the purpose of section 6 of Schedule 2 of the By-law:
a) the following records shall be kept on the premise and subject to inspection by an Enforcement Officer for each Attendant:
i) full legal name;
ii) current address;
iii) contact information (telephone number and/or email address);
iv) copies of two pieces of valid identification, including one containing a photo;
v) date of birth;
vi) the date of commencement and date of termination of Service contract.
1.1 In this Schedule:
“Adult Live Entertainment Parlour” means any premises or part thereof in which, in pursuance of a business, a live performance appealing to or designed to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites or inclinations is provided;
“Attendant” means any person, other than a licensed Owner or Operator, who provides services designed to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites or inclinations at an Adult Live Entertainment Parlour and shall include an entertainer;
“Entertainment Area” means the entertainment areas shown on the floor plan approved by the Licence Manager under subsection 5.1(i) of this Schedule;
“entertainment” means any dance, exhibition, concert, show, variety programme, motion picture showing, public luncheon or dinner, game or sporting contest;
“live performance” means any performance, exhibition or activity designed to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites or inclinations:
(a) of which a principal feature or characteristic is the nudity or partial nudity of any person; or
(b) in respect of which the word “nude”, “naked”, “topless”, “bottomless”, “sexy” or any other word or any picture, symbol or representation having like meaning or implication is used in any sign, advertisement or advertising device; and
without restricting the generality of the foregoing, includes any performance, exhibition or activity involving striptease dancers, exotic dancers and table dancers;
“Operator” means a person who, alone or with others, operates, manages, supervises, runs or controls an Adult Live Entertainment Parlour, and “operates” has a corresponding meaning;
“Owner” means a person who, alone or with others, has the right to possess or occupy or actually does possess or occupy an Adult Live Entertainment Parlour and includes a lessee of an Adult Live Entertainment Parlour or of premises in which an Adult Live Entertainment Parlour is located; and
2.1 The following categories of licences are established:
(a) Adult Live Entertainment Parlour Operator; and
(b) Adult Live Entertainment Parlour Owner.
2.2 Every individual who is both the Owner and the Operator of an Adult Live Entertainment Parlour shall:
(a) be required to be licensed as both an Owner and an Operator;
(b) pay the fee in respect of each licence respectively; and
(c) be subject to the requirements and other provisions of this By-law in respect of their status as both an Owner and an Operator, and shall comply with all of the requirements of this By-law applicable to each.
2.3 No person, other than an individual person, may operate or be licensed as an Operator of an Adult Live Entertainment Parlour.
2.4 Where a person owns more than one Adult Live Entertainment Parlour, a separate Owner licence is required for each Adult Live Entertainment Parlour. Every Owner licence for an Adult Live Entertainment Parlour shall have endorsed on its face by the Licence Manager the location of the premises to which it applies. The endorsement shall be for one location only and such licence shall be valid only for the location endorsed thereon.
2.5 Where a person operates more than one Adult Live Entertainment Parlour, a separate Operator licence is not required for each location operated by them.
3.1 No person shall own or operate an Adult Live Entertainment Parlour except in a defined area or location shown on Schedule 3A of this By-law.
3.2 Not more than one (1) Adult Live Entertainment Parlour Owner Licence shall be issued for any separate defined area or location shown on Schedule 3A of this By-law.
4.1 The total number of Adult Live Entertainment Parlour Owner licences authorized under this By-law is limited at any time to three (3) licences, and not more than one (1) licence shall be issued with respect to each defined area or location shown on Schedule 3A of this By-law.
4.2 No person shall hold all of the Adult Live Entertainment Parlour Owner licences issued under this By-law.
5.1 In addition to all the requirements of Part 6 of this By-law, every application for a new Adult Live Entertainment Parlour Owner and/or Operator licence and/or application for licence renewal shall include the following:
(a) in the case of an Owner licence, whether the Applicant is a sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation;
(b) where the Applicant is a sole proprietorship or partnership, the full name, street address, mailing address, occupation, date of birth and citizenship or immigration status of the individual comprising the sole proprietorship or of each individual who is a member of the partnership;
(c) in the case of an Owner licence, where the Applicant is a corporation or a partnership of which a member is a corporation, the date and jurisdiction of incorporation, and the full name, street address, mailing address, occupation, date of birth and citizenship or immigration status of each officer, director and shareholder of record, the total number of shares held by each shareholder, and the number of voting shares held by each shareholder;
(d) particulars of the nature of business or employment during the previous three (3) years of the individual who is the sole proprietor or of each member of the partnership or of each officer, director and shareholder of the corporation;
(e) the full name and address of any individual or corporation whose name is not otherwise disclosed and who has any financial interest beneficially in or otherwise exercises control or direction over the Applicant;
(f) the name under which the Adult Live Entertainment Parlour is to be operated;
(g) the municipal address of the location where the proposed Adult Live Entertainment Parlour will operate;
(h) a Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check dated within sixty (60) days of the application for licence for the Applicant, for any partner if the Applicant is a partnership, and - in the case of an Adult Live Entertainment Parlour Owner licence - for any officer(s), director(s), or shareholder(s) of the corporation if the Applicant is a corporation; and
(i) in the case of an Adult Live Entertainment Parlour Owner licence a floor plan drawn to scale of the premises, confirmed by inspection by the Manager, Municipal Compliance & Animal Welfare Services and approved by the Licence Manager, that clearly shows all patron area(s), walls, curtains, or other enclosures, and (maximum 2) designated Entertainment Areas.
(j) in the case of an application for an Adult Live Entertainment Parlour Owner licence, the class of any licence issued in respect of the premises under the Liquor Licence Act and particulars of any special terms and conditions attached thereto.
6.1 In addition to any other power, duty or function prescribed in this By-law, the Licence Manager may make regulations under this Schedule including:
(a) prescribing signage and advertising standards for Adult Live Entertainment Parlours required under subsection 8.1(c) of this Schedule including without limitation to, manner, form, size, media and content; and
(b) prescribing the manner, form and content of records required to be kept by an Adult Live Entertainment Parlour Owner under subsection 8.1(d) of this Schedule.
7.1 No person shall own or operate an Adult Live Entertainment Parlour without a current valid licence issued under this By-law.
7.2 No Owner shall permit any person other than a licensed Operator to operate their Adult Live Entertainment Parlour.
7.3 No person shall operate an Adult Live Entertainment Parlour without the Owner holding an Adult Live Entertainment Parlour Owner licence issued under this By-law.
7.4 No Owner or Operator of an Adult Live Entertainment Parlour shall permit or allow any person under the age of eighteen (18) to enter or remain in the Adult Live Entertainment Parlour they own or operate.
7.5 No Owner or Operator of an Adult Live Entertainment Parlour shall permit or allow any person under the age of eighteen (18) to provide any services or act as an Attendant in the Adult Live Entertainment Parlour they own or operate.
7.6 No Owner or Operator of an Adult Live Entertainment Parlour shall permit or allow any Attendant while they are performing services as an Attendant to touch or be touched by or to have physical contact with any person in any manner whatsoever involving any part of either person’s body.
7.7 No Attendant shall, while providing services in an Adult Live Entertainment Parlour, touch or have physical contact with any other person in any manner whatsoever involving any part of that person’s body.
8.1 Every Owner of an Adult Live Entertainment Parlour shall:
(a) ensure that at all times when the premises are open for business as an Adult Live Entertainment Parlour or when any services are provided in such premises that a licensed Operator attends on the premises at the request of an Enforcement Officer;
(b) post and keep posted at every entrance to their Adult Live Entertainment Parlour and in a prominent location inside such entrance, signs sufficient to indicate clearly to any person entering the premises or in the premises that no person under the age of eighteen (18) years is permitted to enter or remain in the premises or part thereof;
(c) comply with all of the signage and advertising standards for Adult Live Entertainment Parlours prescribed by the Licence Manager;
(d) maintain a record of all Attendants for their Adult Live Entertainment Parlour as prescribed by the Licence Manager.
8.2 Every Owner and Operator of an Adult Live Entertainment Parlour shall ensure that:
(a) no services are visible from outside the premises in which the Adult Live Entertainment Parlour is located;
(b) all services provided by an Attendant are within the unobstructed and unobscured view of an Entertainment Area;
(c) their Adult Live Entertainment Parlour is operated in accordance with the floor plan approved by the Licence Manager under section 5.1(i) of this Schedule;
(d) no changes to the floor plan required under section 5.1(i) of this Schedule are made without obtaining the prior written approval from the Licence Manager.
9.1 Council may, at any time, consider an application to amend Schedule 3A of this By-law to delete a location, to substitute a new location for an existing location, or to add a new location.
9.2(1) In addition to any other location and licensing requirements contained in this By-law in order for a licence to be issued, any new location for an Adult Live Entertainment Parlour must conform to the following criteria:
(a) An Adult Live Entertainment Parlour shall not be located in a premises where residential uses are permitted, according to the City of London’s Z.-1 Zoning By-law, or its successor;;
(b) An Adult Live Entertainment Parlour shall not be located within one hundred metres (100m) of lands which permit residential uses according to the City of London’s Z.-1 Zoning By-law, or its successor;
(c) Where an application for amendment to this Schedule has been made which seeks to add a new Adult Live Entertainment Parlour location to the Schedule, the location shall not be located within one-hundred metres (100m) of a school, a day-care centre, or a place of worship, existing on the date the application for amendment is accepted as complete as per Section 5.0 of this Schedule;
9.2(2) Separation distances prescribed in subsections 9.2(1)(b) and (c) of this Schedule shall be measured in any direction by a straight line from the closest point on the perimeter of the lot of the proposed Adult Live Entertainment Parlour to the nearest point on the perimeter of the lot where the residential uses are permitted, of the school, of the day-care centre, or of the place of worship.
9.3 Any request under section 9.1 of this Schedule shall be made to the Licence Manager and shall be accompanied by a complete application for an Adult Live Entertainment Parlour Owner licence.
9.4 The Licence Manager shall give notice of the application by mail to landowners and tenants within 120 meters of the proposed new location. A Notice of Application shall also be posted on the proposed premises. Public comments and recommendations shall be received by the Licence Manager in respect of the requested amendment. The public shall be granted a minimum of 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of the notice to comment on the application.
9.5 Comments and recommendations received by the Licence Manager in response to the notice in section 9.4 of this Schedule, together with the application material prescribed in Section 9.3, and any additional information that the Licence Manager considers necessary or useful to Council, shall be submitted to the Community and Protective Services Committee for use at the public participation meeting described Section 9.6 for the Committee’s recommendation to Council as per Section 9.7, and Council’s decision.
9.6 Before the Community and Protective Services Committee makes a recommendation as per Section 9.7 regarding the request to amend Schedule 3A of this By-law, the Committee shall hold at least one public meeting to allow the proponent, and any member of the public, to make written or oral submissions regarding the application.
9.7 Following the public meeting described in Section 9.6, the Community and Protective Services Committee shall make a recommendation to Council regarding the amendment application. The City Council shall make the final decision regarding amending Schedule 3A of this By-law.

Regulations pertaining to Schedule 3
Regulation 3 /2018-3 made under the Business Licensing By-law
Schedule 3 – Adult Live Entertainment Parlour
1. Definitions
1.1 Terms used in this Regulation have the same meaning as in Business Licensing By-law L-.131-16 as amended from time to time.
1.2 For the purpose of this Regulation “By-law” means the Business Licensing By-law L.-131-16, as amended from time to time.
2. Signage and Advertising Standards
2.1 The following are prescribed signage and advertising standards for the purpose of section 6 of Schedule 3 of the By-law:
a) signage shall not include any photograph, drawing or any artistic rendering representing a live performance.
3. Record Keeping Requirements
3.1 The following are prescribed record keeping requirements for the purpose of section 6 of Schedule 3 of the By-law:
a) the following records shall be on the premise and subject to inspection by an Enforcement Officer for each Attendant:
i) full legal name;
ii) address;
iii) contact information (telephone number and/or email address);
iv) copies of two pieces of valid identification, including one containing a photo; date of birth;
v) date of commencement; and
vi) date of termination of Service contract;
1.1 In this Schedule:
“Automotive Service Business” means a business that provides services involving motor vehicles including without limitation automobile body shops, motor vehicle repair garages, motor vehicle sales and/or service establishments, gas bars, automobile detailing, washing, window tinting, glass repair or electronic product installation and motor vehicle rental; and
“Motor Vehicle” means an automobile, motorcycle, motor assisted bicycle and any other vehicle propelled or driven otherwise than by muscular power.
2.1 No person shall operate an Automotive Service Business without holding a current valid licence issued under this By-law.
2.2 No Automotive Service Business shall charge any fee to an owner or for any motor vehicle that is kept, parked, or stored for the purposes of evaluation, repair, salvage, or other service(s) being performed, or to be performed, on a vehicle.
1.1 In this Schedule:
“Commercial Parking Facility” means a non-accessory parking area or structure, other than a street, used for the temporary parking of two or more vehicles for profit or gain. This does not include a parking facility used exclusively for the parking of motor vehicles of customers, visitors, patrons, employees, students, clients, or patients of a business, educational facility, hospital, medical clinic, nor dental clinic.
2.1 In addition to any other power, duty or function prescribed in this By-law, the Licence Manager may make regulations under this Schedule including:
(a) prescribing the manner, form, content and location of signage to be posted at the Commercial Parking Facility required under section 4.1 of this Schedule;
(b) prescribing standards for the maintenance of the Commercial Parking Facility required under section 4.2 of this Schedule.
3.1 No person shall operate a Commercial Parking Facility without holding a current valid licence issued under this By-law.
4.1 Every holder of a Commercial Parking Facility licence shall post in their Commercial Parking Facility signage as prescribed by the Licence Manager.
4.2 Every holder of a Commercial Parking Facility licence shall maintain their Commercial Parking Facility in accordance with the standards prescribed by the Licence Manager.
Regulations pertaining to Schedule 5
Regulation 5 /2018-5 made under the Business Licensing By-law
Schedule 5 – Commercial Parking Facility
1. Definitions
1.1 Terms used in this Regulation have the same meaning as in Business Licensing By-law L.-131-16 as amended from time to time.
1.2 For the purpose of this Regulation “By-law” means the Business Licensing By-law L.-131-16, as amended from time to time.
2. Operational Standards
2.1 The following are prescribed operational standards for the purpose of section 2 of Schedule 5 of the By-law:
a) the licensee must submit a plan indicating all parking spaces, including the dimensions of the spaces, all entrances and egresses, and proposed signage and lighting locations, to be approved by the Licence Manager;
b) during the winter season, the storage or piling of snow shall not be kept in pre-assigned/reserved parking spots or accessible parking spots.
c) Lighting, including floodlighting, shall be provided in a sufficient manner that enhances pedestrian safety and security, facilitates vehicular movement, and reduces or eliminates existing or potential adverse effects from lighting including, but not limited to, glare, light trespass, light clutter, and energy waste. To achieve this, the installation of lights and lighting facilities at Commercial Parking Facilities shall:
- Provide downlit lighting in a continuous manner throughout the property at locations and levels satisfactory to the Licence Manager or their designate;
- Ensure that all light is contained on the subject site, and that any light or lighting will not create glare and/or broadcast light onto adjacent properties or roadways;
- Ensure all light fixtures do not allow light to be emitted above the fixture and the fixture reduces glare by limiting the light output (or full cut off) and have zero up-lighting to reduce or eliminate skyglow and light pollution.
- Not exceed a maximum height of 15m;
- Provide a minimum level of illumination of 10 lux for all parking lots and walkways.
3. Signage and Advertising Standards
3.1 The following are prescribed signage and advertising standards for the purposes of section 2 of Schedule 5 of the By-law:
a) at least one sign must be posted at each entrance to the parking area;
b) the minimum sign face should be .7 meter x 1 meter (2 feet 3 inches x 3 feet 3 inches). The sign shall be on white reflective background with black lettering no smaller than 10 centimetres (4 inches); and
c) the content of the signs shall indicate parking fees and parking fines/notices.
1.1 In this Schedule:
“Contractor Business” means a Drainage Contractor, Driveway Contractor, Sign Contractor, Plumbing Contractor or a Pool Installer;
“Drainage Contractor” means a person engaged in the business of constructing, installing, repairing, cleaning or replacing drainage services;
“Driveway Contractor” means a person engaged in the act of laying asphalt, concrete, interlocking stone, or other similar material; sealing paved driveway surfaces; or maintenance or repair of existing driveways on privately owned property;
“Pool Installer” means a person engaged in the business of constructing or installing pools;
“Plumbing Contractor” means a person who, by themselves or their employees are engaged in the business of constructing, installing, repairing, cleaning or replacing of plumbing services;
“read-o-graph mobile sign” means a temporary sign designed to be readily removed from one location to another and which does not rely on a building or fixed foundation for its structural support in which the entire sign face is manual changing copy and include T-frame signs greater than 0.6 m2;
“Sign Contractor” means a person engaged in the business of installing read-o-graph mobile signs; and
“T-frame sign” means a temporary sign not anchored to the ground, where the sign structure resembles an inverted capital T and which is constructed in a manner, and of such materials, which permit it to be repositioned by an individual without mechanical aids.
2.1 In addition to all of the requirements set out in Part 6 of this By-law, every application for a Contractor Business licence and renewal shall include proof of insurance in respect of the Contractor Business that:
(a) is satisfactory to the Licence Manager;
(b) includes commercial general liability in an amount not less than $2,000,000; and
(c) requires that the Licence Manager be notified within sixty (60) days of its expiry.
3.1 In addition to all of the requirements set out in this By-law, every holder of a Contractor licence is subject to the following conditions of obtaining and continuing to hold a licence:
(a) maintain insurance as required under section 2.1 of this Schedule; and
(b) file with the Licence Manager at least five (5) days prior to the expiry date of any current insurance policy an insurance renewal policy or certificate of insurance.
4.1 No person shall operate a Contractor Business without holding a current valid licence issued under this By-law.
1.1 In this Schedule:
“Donation Bin Business” means a business that manages the distribution of one or more Donation Bins, including but not limited to the collection of contents, maintenance, and marketing of Donation Bins; and
“Donation Bin” means any receptacle used for the purpose of collecting items donated by the public including but not limited to clothing, shoes, books, toys, electronic products, and other household products.
2.1 In addition to all of the licensing requirements set out in Part 6 of this By-law, every application for a Donation Bin Business licence and renewal shall include the following:
(a) the Applicant or Licensee’s Canada Revenue Agency charitable registration number, if any;
(b) a plan or drawing of the property which clearly depicts where the bin(s) will be located on the premises, to the satisfaction of the Licence Manager; and
(c) written permission from the owner of every property on which a Donation Bin is to be located consenting to the placement of a Donation Bin on their property.
3.1 In addition to any other power, duty or function prescribed in this By-law, the Licence Manager may make regulations under this Schedule including:
(a) prescribing operational standards for Donation Bins required to be complied with under subsection 5.2(a) including without limitation standards for maintenance of Donation Bins and where Donation Bins may be located on a property; and
(b) prescribing the advertising and signage requirements for Donation Bins required under subsection 5.2(b) including without limitation the manner, form, media and content and information to be placed on Donation Bins.
4.1 No person shall operate a Donation Bin Business without holding a current valid licence issued under this By-law.
5.1 No holder of a Donation Bin Business licence shall:
(a) place a Donation Bin on any property within the exclusive zone classes of low density residential or industrial according to the City’s Z-1 Zoning By-law or any successor by-law;
(b) place a Donation Bin on any property without written authorization from the property owner;
(c) place a Donation Bin in any location other than as shown in the plan or drawing provided to the Licence Manager under subsection 2.1(b) of this Schedule.
5.2 Every holder of a Donation Bin Business licence shall:
(a) comply with all of the operational standards for Donation Bins prescribed by the Licence Manager;
(b) comply with the advertising and signage requirements for Donation Bins prescribed by the Licence Manager.
Regulations pertaining to Schedule 7
Regulation 7 /2018-7 made under the Business Licensing By-law
Schedule 7 – Donation Bin Business
1. Definitions
1.1 Terms used in this Regulation have the same meaning as in Business Licensing By-law L.-131-16 as amended from time to time.
1.2 For the purpose of this Regulation “By-law” means the Business Licensing By-law L.-131-16, as amended from time to time.
2. Operational Standards
2.1 The following are prescribed operational standards for the purpose of section 3 of Schedule 7 of the By-law:
a) Form and Operation
i) All donation bins must be of metal construction with a self-closing deposit door/hatch. Any other point of entry into the donation bin must be locked at all times when the donation bin is unattended.
b) Required Information
i) Every operator shall for each donation drop box obtain a sticker from the City bearing an identifying number and the licence year; the sticker shall be affixed and maintained in a conspicuous part of the donation drop box throughout the period for which the licence is valid;
c) Maintenance and Placement
i) The donation drop box shall be appropriately placed on a hard surface and located on the premise so as not to interfere with sight triangles, on-site circulations of vehicular or pedestrian traffic, required setbacks, parking, landscaping and other applicable requirements imposed on the property as part of any development approval to the satisfaction of the City.
3. Advertising and Signage Requirements
3.1 The following are prescribed advertising and signage requirements for the purposes of section 3 of Schedule 7 of the By-law:
a) Every operator shall display the name of the operator and the associated charity, community organization or religious institution, if applicable, on a sign, the sign face being no smaller than 30 centimetres x 10 centimetres in (11 inches x 3 inches) and of contrasting colour.
1.1 In this Schedule:
“Door to Door Sales” means to solicit, sell, offer or attempt to sell, take orders for or solicit orders for goods, services or any other thing on a door to door basis.
2.1 This Schedule does not apply to Door to Door Sales conducted for fundraising activities associated with youth activities including sports, education and community service.
3.1 In addition to all of the requirements set out in this By-law, every application or renewal for a Door-to-Door Sales licence shall include the following:
(a) a Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check for the Applicant, any partner if the Applicant is a partnership, or any officer and/or director of the corporation if the Applicant is a corporation dated no later than sixty (60) days prior to the application for a licence.
4.1 In addition to the grounds set out in section 8.3 of this By-law, the Licence Manager may refuse to issue, refuse to renew or revoke or suspend a Door to Door Sales licence or impose a term or condition on a Door to Door Sales licence on the following grounds:
(a) the Applicant or Licensee or any partner, officer or director of the Applicant or Licensee, or any person conducting Door to Door Sales on the Applicant’s or Licensee’s behalf has been convicted of an offence, for which a pardon has not been granted, pursuant to any one or more of Parts V (Sexual Offences), VIII (Offences Against the Person and Reputation) or IX (Offences Against Property) of the Criminal Code of Canada, R.S.C. 1985 c. C-46, as amended in the preceding five (5) years; or
(b) the Applicant or Licensee or any partner, officer or director of the Applicant of Licensee or any person conducting Door to Door Sales on the Applicant’s of Licensee’s behalf, has been convicted of an indictable offence under any Statue of Canada, including but not limited to the Criminal Code of Canada, the Narcotic Control Act, the Food and Drug Act, and the Controlled Drug and Substances Act during the preceding five (5) years.
4.2 In addition to any other power, duty or function prescribed in this By-law, the Licence Manager may make regulations under this Schedule prescribing the form and content of the registry of all persons conducting Door to Door Sales on behalf of a Door to Door Sales licence holder as required under subsection 6.1(a) of this Schedule.
5.1 No person shall carry on business in whole or in part through Door to Door Sales without a current valid licence issued under this By-law.
6.1 Every holder of a Door to Door Sales Licence shall:
(a) obtain a Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check each year for every person conducting Door to Door Sales on behalf of the Licensee;
(b) produce the registry required under subsection 6.1(a) of this Schedule to the Licence Manager or an Enforcement Officer immediately upon their request;
(c) obtain a Police Record Check for every person conducting Door to Door Sales on its behalf; and
(d) produce the Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check required under subsection 6.1(c) of this Schedule to the Licence Manager or an Enforcement Officer immediately upon request;
(e) ensure that every person conducting Door to Door Sales on behalf of the business carries with them proof of the corresponding City of London business licence including information on how to contact the Door-to-Door Sales Licensee, and that the information is made available to anyone who requests it.
Regulations pertaining to Schedule 8
Regulation 8 /2018-8 made under the Business Licensing By-law
Schedule 8 - Door to Door Sales
1. Definitions
1.1 Terms used in this Regulation have the same meaning as in Business Licensing By-law L-.131-16 as amended from time to time.
1.2 For the purpose of this Regulation “By-law” means the Business Licensing By-law L.-131-16, as amended from time to time.
2. Registry Requirements
2.1 The following are prescribed registry requirements for the purpose of section 4 of Schedule 8 of the By-law:
a) Every holder of a Door to Door Sales Licence shall maintain an up-to-date registry of each person conducting Door to Door sales on its behalf, containing the following information:
i) full legal name;
ii) date of birth;
iii) date of contract commencement; and
iv) date of contract termination.
- In this Schedule:
“Electronic cigarette” has the same meaning as in the Smoke Free Ontario Act, 2017 S.O. 2017, c.26, Sched. 3
“Electronic Cigarette Retail Business” means any person engaged in the business of selling electronic cigarettes, and/or e-substances;
“e-substance” has the same meaning as in the Smoke Free Ontario Act, 2017 S.O. 2017, c.26, Sched. 3 as amended, or any successor legislation.
“Tobacco retail business” means any person engaged in the business of selling tobacco products; and/or tobacco product accessories;
“Tobacco product” has the same meaning as in the Smoke Free Ontario Act, 2017 S.O. 2017, c.26, Sched. 3 or any successor legislation;
“Tobacco product accessories” has the same meaning as in the Smoke Free Ontario Act, 2017 S.O. 2017, c.26, Sched. 3 or any successor legislation;
2.1 The following categories of licences are established:
(a) Electronic Cigarette Retail Business; and
(b) Tobacco Retail Business.
3.1 No person shall operate an Electronic Cigarette Retail Business without holding a current valid licence issued under this By-law.
3.2 No person shall operate a Tobacco Retail Business without holding a current valid licence issued under this By-law.
1.1 In this Schedule:
“Food Premises” means any place where food or drink intended for human consumption is prepared for sale, offered for sale, sold, or stored, for immediate consumption within, on, or off the premises.
2.1 No person shall operate a Food Premises without holding a current valid licence issued under this By-law.
1.1 In this Schedule:
"Lodger" shall mean any person who pays rent, fees or other valuable consideration to a Lodging House Keeper for living accommodations in which kitchen or washroom facilities are shared with other persons;
"Lodging House" shall mean:
(a) a building in which residential accommodation is provided or is intended to be provided for hire or gain, and in which each Lodger does not have access to all of the habitable areas of the building consisting of:
(i) a dwelling unit together with more than three (3) Lodging Units, which Lodging Units individually or collectively do not constitute separate dwelling units; or
(ii) more than three (3) Lodging Units, which Lodging Units individually or collectively do not constitute a dwelling unit; or
(b) a building in which lodging is provided for more than three (3) persons with or without meals; and includes a nursing home, a rooming house, a boarding house and a fraternity or sorority house but shall not include a hotel, motel, hostel, hospital or nursing home if licensed, approved or supervised under any general or special Act other than the Municipal Act, 2001, or a residence of an educational institution;
"Lodging House Keeper" includes the owner, landlord, lessee, tenant or occupant responsible for the granting of permission for the occupancy of a Lodging Unit and for the collection of the fees or rent payable by the Lodger; and
"Lodging Unit" shall mean a room with sleeping facilities, and may include either a washroom or cooking facilities, supplied to a Lodger or Lodgers, for hire or gain, for the use of such person or persons.
2.1 In addition to any other power, duty or function prescribed in this By-law, the Licence Manager may make regulations under this Schedule prescribing the form and content of signs required to be displayed in a Lodging House under section 4.1 of this Schedule.
3.1 No person shall operate a Lodging House without holding a current valid licence issued under this By-law.
4.1 Every holder of a Lodging House licence shall prominently display in a location that is visible to a person immediately upon entering the Lodging House a sign in the form and containing the content as prescribed by the Licence Manager under section 2.1 of this Schedule with contact information to address any building or property maintenance and operational issues for the Lodging House.
Regulations pertaining to Schedule 11
Regulation 11/2018-11 made under the Business Licensing By-law
Schedule 11 – Lodging House
1. Definitions
1.1 Terms used in this Regulation have the same meaning as in Business Licensing By-law L.-131-16 as amended from time to time.
1.2 For the purpose of this Regulation “By-law” means the Business Licensing By-law L.-131-16, as amended from time to time.
2. Signage and Advertising Standards
2.1 The following are prescribed signage and advertising standards for the purpose of section 2.1 of Schedule 11 of the By-law:
a) the minimum sign face should be 0.2 m (8 inches) in width x 0.3m (12 inches) in height; and
b) the content of the signs shall indicate the telephone contact information for the Lodging House Keeper or agent of the Lodging House Keeper.
1.1 In this Schedule:
“borrower” means a corporation, partnership, sole proprietor, association or other entity or individual that receives a payday loan or indicates an interest in receiving a payday loan;
“payday loan” means an advancement of money in exchange for a post-dated cheque, a pre-authorized debit or a future payment of a similar nature but not for any guarantee, overdraft protection or security on property and not through a margin loan, pawnbroking, a line of credit or a credit card; and
“Payday Loan Business” means a business that makes a payday loan to a borrower or that holds itself out as available to make such a loan; or assists a borrower in obtaining a payday loan or that holds itself out as available to provide such assistance.
2.1 In addition to any other power, duty or function prescribed in this By-law, the Licence Manager may make regulations under this Schedule including:
(a) prescribing the form and content for signs providing information regarding interest required under subsection 4.1(a) of this Schedule; and
(b) prescribing the form and content for information regarding money management support and debt counselling required under subsection 4.1(b) of this Schedule.
3.1 No person or entity shall operate a Payday Loan Business without holding a current valid licence issued under this By-law.
4.1 Every holder of a Payday Loan Business licence shall:
(a) prominently display a sign providing information regarding the interest rates charged by it in the form and containing the content prescribed by the Licence Manager;
(i) in a location that is visible to a person immediately upon entering the premises; and
(ii) in all locations within the premises where transactions are negotiated;
(b) ensure that each person that attends at their premises is given, immediately upon that person expressing interest in a payday loan, information regarding money management support and debt counselling, in the form and containing the content prescribed by the Licence Manager.
Regulations pertaining to Schedule 12
Regulation 12 /2018-12 made under the Business Licensing By-law
Schedule 12 - Payday Loan Businesses
1. Definitions
1.1 Terms used in this Regulation have the same meaning as in Business Licensing By-law L-131-16 as amended from time to time.
1.2 For the purpose of this Regulation “By-law” means the Business Licensing By-law L.-131-16, as amended from time to time.
2. Operational Standards
2.1 The following are prescribed operational standards for the purpose of section 2 of Schedule 12 of the By-law:
a) every applicant for a Pay Day Loan Business licence shall provide a current and valid licence as a lender of a loan broker under the Payday Loans Act, 2008, or as amended; and
b) every holder of a Pay Day Loan Business Licence shall ensure that each person that attends at its premises expressing interest in obtaining a loan is provided information in the form of a pamphlet, regarding money management support and debt counselling, as approved by the Licence Manager.
3. Signage and Advertising Standards
3.1 The following are prescribed signage and advertising standards for the purpose of section 2.1 of Schedule 12 of the By-law:
a) every holder of a Pay Day Loan Business Licence shall prominently display a sign as approved by the Licence Manager:
i) measuring 18” in width x 24” in height (46cm x 61cm);
ii) providing information regarding applicable interest rates;
iii) in a location that is visible to a person immediately upon entering the premises; and
iv) in all locations within the premises where transactions are negotiated.
1.1 In this Schedule”
"Personal Services Business" means a business where Personal Services are provided;
"Personal Services" means any service where substances, instruments, tools or other equipment are applied to, any part of the human body for purposes of aesthetic, cosmetic or therapeutic treatment, where there is a risk of exposure to blood, or a public health risk including, but not limited to, hairdressing haircutting and barbering, tattooing and micropigmentation, body piercing, manicures, pedicures, tanning, hair removal; and
''tanning" means to provide for use of an area where ultra-violet or other light sources are used to radiate the skin in an attempt to produce changes in skin pigmentation.
2.1 This Schedule does not apply to a person who provides medical or therapeutic treatment and is a member of a College of Health profession set out in Schedule 1 to the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, S.O. 1991, c. 18, as amended.
3.1 No person shall operate a Personal Services Business without holding a current valid licence issued under this By-law.
1.1 In this Schedule:
“Pet Shop” means a shop, place or premise, where animals for use as pets are displayed, sold or kept for sale; and
“Animal” means any member of the animal kingdom other than a human.
2.1 In addition to any other power, duty or function prescribed in this By-law, the Licence Manager may make regulations under this Schedule including:
(a) prescribing the manner, form and content of records to be kept by a Pet Shop licence holder under section 4.4 of this Schedule;
(b) prescribing animals or classes of animals that are permitted to be displayed, kept, sold or offered for sale in a Pet Shop;
(c) prescribing the manner form and content of the list of animals or classes of animals prescribed under paragraph (b) that is required to be posted by a Pet Shop licence holder under section 4.3;
(d) prescribing the information that a Pet Shop licence holder is required under section 4.6 to provide to a person who purchases, acquires or obtains an animal from the Pet Shop licence holder; and
(e) prescribing a list of prescribed rescue groups for the purpose of section 4.1(d) of this Schedule.
3.1 No person shall operate a Pet Shop without holding a current valid licence issued under this By-law.
4.1 No holder of a Pet Shop licence shall acquire, display, keep, sell or offer for sale a dog or cat obtained from a source other than:
(a) a municipal animal shelter;
(b) a registered humane society;
(c) a registered shelter; or
(d) a rescue group prescribed by the Licence Manager.
4.2 Every holder of a Pet Shop licence shall post in a conspicuous place in their Pet Shop the list of animals or classes of animals prescribed by the Licence Manager that are permitted to be displayed, kept, sold or offered for sale in a Pet Shop.
4.3 No Pet Shop licence holder shall display, keep, sell, offer for sale or give to a person an animal that is not prescribed by the Licence Manager as permitted to be displayed, kept, sold or offered for sale in a Pet Shop.
4.4 Every Pet Shop licence holder shall maintain a record in the form and containing all of the information as prescribed by the Licence Manager relating to animals displayed, kept, acquired, offered for sale or sold by them.
4.5 No Pet Shop licence holder shall sell, offer for sale or give an animal to a person under the age of eighteen (18) years.
4.6 Every Pet Shop licence holder shall provide to a person who purchases or acquires an animal from them all of the information about the animal as prescribed by the Licence Manager.
Regulations pertaining to Schedule 14
Regulation 14 /2018-14 made under the Business Licensing By-law
Schedule 14 – Pet Shop Business
1. Definitions
1.1 Terms used in this Regulation have the same meaning as in Business Licensing By-law L.-131-16 as amended from time to time.
1.2 For the purpose of this Regulation “By-law” means the Business Licensing By-law L.-131-16, as amended from time to time.
2. Record Keeping Requirements
2.1 The following are prescribed record keeping requirements for the purpose of section 2 of Schedule 14 of the By-law:
a) every licensed Pet Shop Business shall maintain a log book containing the following information:
i) species of animal;
ii) general description;
iii) gender;
iv) age;
v) vaccination record; and
vi) where the animal was acquired from; and
b) the log book information should be maintained for two years from the date an animal was acquired.
3. List of Animals that are Permitted to be Displayed, Kept, Sold or Offered for Sale
3.1 The following list is the list of animals or classes of animals that are permitted to be displayed, kept, sold or offered for sale in a Pet Shop for the purposes of section 2 of Schedule 14 of the By-law:
Mammal (Captive-bred only)
Scientific Name | English Common Name |
Canis familiaris | Domesticated Dog (rescue source only) |
Cavia porcellus | Guinea Pig |
Chinchilla lanigera | Chinchilla |
Felis catus | Domesticated Cat (rescue source only) |
Lemniscomys barbarus | Zebra Mouse |
Meriones unquiculatus | (Mongolian) Gerbil |
Mesocricetus auratus | (Golden) Hamster |
Mus musculus | House Mouse |
Mustela putorius furo | Domesticated Ferret |
Octodon degu | Common Degu |
Oryctolagus cuniculus | European Rabbit (domesticated) (rescue source only) |
Phodopus campbelli | Campbell’s Dwarf Hamster |
Phodopus sungorus | Djungarian Hamster |
Phodopus roborovski | Roborovski Dwarf Hamster |
Rattus norvegicus | Norway (Common, Brown) Rat |
Rattus rattus | Black (Roof, White Laboratory) Rat |
BIRDS (Captive-bred only)
Scientific Name | English Common Name |
Agapornis fischeri | Fischer’s Lovebird |
Agapornis personatus | Yellow-collared Lovebird |
Agapornis roseicollis | Rosy-faced Lovebird |
Aidemosyne modesta | Cherry (Crimson) Finch |
Amadina fasciata | Cut-throat |
Amandava amandava | Strawberry Finch (Red Avadavat or Red Munia) |
Auripasser luteus | Golden Sparrow |
Chloebia gouldiae | Gouldian (Lady Gould’s) Finch |
Emblema oculta | Red-eared Finch |
Erythrura cyanovirens | Red-headed Parrot-Finch |
Erythrura trichroa | Blue-headed (Blue-faced) Parrot-Finch |
Estrilda rhodopyga | Crimson-rumped Waxbill |
Geopelia cuneata | Diamond Dove |
Hypochera chalybeata | Steel Finch (Senegal Combassou) |
Lonchura cucullata | Bronze (Winged) Mannikin (Hooded Weaver) |
Lonchura maja | White-headed Nun (Munia) |
Lonchura malacca | Tri coloured (Black-headed) Nun (Black-headed or Chestnut Mannikin or Black-head Munia or Chestnut Munia) |
Lonchura punctulata | Nutmeg Mannikin (Spotted Munia, Spice Finch, Ricebird or Scaly-breasted Mannikin) |
Lonchura (striata) domestica | Society (Bengalese) Finch |
Melopsittacus undulatus | Budgerigar (Budgie) |
Myiopsitta monachus | Monk Parakeet (Quaker Parrot) |
Neochia modesta | Plum-head Finch |
Neochmia phaeton | Crimson Finch |
Neochmia ruficauda | Star Finch |
Nymphicus hollandicus | Cockatiel |
Padda oryzivora | Java (Finch) Sparrow |
Poephila acuticauda | Shaft tail (Long tailed) Grassfinch |
Poephila acuticauda hecki | Heck’s Grassfinch (Coral-billed shaft tail) |
Poephila bichenovi | Bicheno (Owl) Finch |
Poephila guttata | Zebra Finch |
Poephila personata | Masked Grassfinch |
Pytilia melba | Melba Finch (Melba or Green-winged Pytilia) |
Serinus canaria | Canary |
Steganopleura (Emblema, Zonaeginthus) guttata | Diamond Sparrow (Finch) |
Streptopelia capicola | Ring-necked Dove |
Streptopelia risoria | Ringed Turtle Dove |
Uraeginthus bengalus | Red-cheeked Cordon-bleu |
Uraeginthus cyanocephala | Blue-capped Cordon-bleu |
Uraeginthus ianthinogaster | Purple Grenadier |
REPTILES (Captive Bred Only)
All current species allowed in the By-law PH3 – Animal Control By-law.
AMPHIBIANS (Captive Bred Only)
No amphibians due to threat of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans.
INVERTEBRATES (Captive Bred Only)
Scientific Name | English Common Name |
Insecta various sp. | Bees, Feeder insects such as crickets, mealworms, other worms, flies, cockroaches, etc. |
4. Requirements for List to be Posted by Pet Shop
4.1 The following are prescribed requirements for the form and content of the required posted list for the purposes of section 2.4(c) of Schedule 14 of the By-law:
a) the list must be posted on signage that measures at least 8” in width x 10” in height (20 cm x 25 cm);
i) the list must be posted in a conspicuous location within the Pet Shop; and
ii) the list must reference the City of London website where the lists of classes of animals permitted to be displayed in, sold or offered for sale is found.
5. Required Customer Information
5.1 The following information is required for the purposes of s. 2.1(d) of Schedule 14 of the By-law:
a) every customer who purchases a domestic dog or cat shall receive the following information from the Pet Shop Business:
i) breed of animal;
ii) general description;
iii) gender;
iv) age;
v) vaccination record; and
vi) where the animal was acquired from.
6. Approved Rescue Groups
6.1 The approved rescued groups for the purposes of s. 2.1(e) of Schedule 14 of the By-law are identified on the City of London website. As this is an evolving list, the updated information can be found on our website ( by searching: “adoptable pets”.
1.1 In this Schedule:
“Public Hall” means a building or part of a building, including a portable building or tent, with a seating capacity for over one hundred (100) persons, that is offered for use or used as a place of public assembly but does not include a theatre licensed under the Film Classification Act, 2005, S.O. 2005, c.17 or a building, except a tent, used solely for religious purposes.
2.1 This Schedule does not apply to buildings used for religious gatherings.
3.1 No person shall operate a Public Hall without holding a current valid licence issued under this By-law.
1.1 In this Schedule:
“Refreshment Vehicle” shall mean any vehicle from which refreshments are sold for public consumption including carts, wagons, trailers and trucks, irrespective of the type of motor power employed to move the refreshment vehicle from one point to another; and
“Refreshment Vehicle Plate” means a vehicle licence identification issued to a Licensee under this Schedule corresponding to their Refreshment Vehicle licence.
2.1 The following categories of licenses are established:
(a) Class 1 - A motorized Refreshment Vehicle from which prepackaged food products are sold or offered for sale, from place to place on public and/or private property;
(b) Class 2 - A non-motorized Refreshment Vehicle where food products, either pre-packaged or prepared on site, are sold or offered for sale on public and/or private property; and
(c) Class 3 – A motorized Refreshment Vehicle where food products are prepared on site, and sold or offered for sale from place to place on public and/or private property.
2.2 A person who is the owner or operator of more than one Refreshment Vehicle shall take out a separate licence for each Refreshment Vehicle.
3.1 In addition to all of the requirements set out in this By-law, every application for a Class 1 and Class 2 Refreshment Vehicle licence shall include proof of insurance in respect of their Refreshment Vehicle that:
(a) is satisfactory to the Licence Manger;
(b) is in an amount of not less than $2,000,000; and
(c) requires that the Licence Manager be notified within sixty (60) days of its expiry.
3.2 In addition to all of the requirements set out in this By-law, every application for a Class 3 Refreshment Vehicle licence shall include:
(a) proof of insurance in respect of their Class 3 Refreshment Vehicle that:
(i) is satisfactory to the Licence Manager;
(ii) is in an amount of $2,000,000; and
(iii) requires that the Licence Manager be notified within sixty (60) days of its expiry;
(b) proof of comprehensive general liability insurance that:
(i) is satisfactory to the Licence Manager;
(ii) is in an amount of not less than $5,000,000; and
(iii) requires that the Licence Manager be notified within sixty (60) days of its expiry;
(c) an operational plan indicating plans for signage, waste management including disposal of grease and grey water, and a list of types of food products to be sold or offered for sale; and
(d) proof that the vehicle to be used as a Class 3 Refreshment Vehicle is registered in the Applicant’s name or leased by the Applicant.
4.1 In addition to all of the requirements set out in this By-law, every holder of a Refreshment Vehicle licence is subject to the following conditions of obtaining and continuing to hold a licence:
(a) maintain insurance as required under Part 3 of this Schedule; and
(b) file with the Licence Manager at least five (5) days prior to the expiry date of any current insurance policy an insurance renewal policy or certificate of insurance.
5.1 In addition to any other power, duty or function prescribed in this By-law, the Licence Manager may make regulations under this Schedule including:
(a) prescribing the locations where a Class 2 Refreshment Vehicle may carry on business;
(b) prescribing the locations where Class 2 Refreshment Vehicle sites will be allocated solely to one Licensee;
(c) prescribing the process for allocating Class 2 Refreshment Vehicle sites to Licensees;
(d) prescribing the locations where a Class 3 Refreshment Vehicle may carry on business; and
(e) prescribing operational standards for Refreshment Vehicles and holders of Refreshment Vehicle licences under section 7.1 of this Schedule.
5.2 In order for a location to be prescribed by the Licence Manager as a location for Class 3 Refreshment Vehicles, the following criteria shall apply:
(a) a Class 3 Refreshment Vehicle shall be permitted to locate only on streets assumed as public highways and in designated locations in City Parks;
(b) a Class 3 Refreshment Vehicle shall be permitted to locate only on a street classified as an Urban Thoroughfare, Rapid Transit Boulevard, Civic Boulevard, Main Street, Neighbourhood Connector, and Rural Thoroughfare or Rural Connector, on Map 3-Street Classifications of the City’s Official Plan;
(c) a Class 3 Refreshment Vehicle shall not be permitted to locate within 25 metres of a Food Premise, as defined in Schedule 9 of this By-law, measured along the most direct road allowance route from nearest point of the Refreshment Vehicle and the nearest point of intersection of the perpendicular projection of the limits of the Food Premise property and the road allowance unless written permission to operate within the 25 metre buffer has been submitted to the Licence Manager by the Licensee of the Food Premise;
(d) a Class 3 Refreshment Vehicle shall not be permitted to locate on a street within 25 metres of property used for residential purposes measured along the most direct road allowance route from the nearest point of the property boundary to the nearest point of the Refreshment Vehicle; and
(e) a Class 3 Refreshment Vehicle shall not be permitted to locate where, in the opinion of the Licence Manager, it may impede the movement of vehicles or pedestrians along a street, boulevard or sidewalk, or create a public safety hazard.
6.1 No person shall operate a Refreshment Vehicle without holding a current valid licence issued under this By-law.
6.2 No person shall:
(a) operate a Class 2 Refreshment Vehicle at a location that is not prescribed by the Licence Manager;
(b) operate a Class 3 Refreshment Vehicle at a location that is not prescribed by the Licence Manager;
(c) operate a Class 3 Refreshment Vehicle within 100 metres of the boundary of a Special Event as defined in the City’s Special Events Policy and Procedure Manual measured along the most direct road allowance route from the nearest point of the Special Event boundary to the nearest point of the Refreshment Vehicle, except where the Refreshment Vehicle is approved as part of the Special Event;
(d) operate a Class 3 Refreshment Vehicle between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on any school day within 100 metres of any school under the jurisdiction of the Thames Valley District School Board or the London and Middlesex Roman Catholic School Board measured along the most direct road allowance route from the nearest point of the school property boundary to the nearest point of the Refreshment Vehicle;
(e) operate a Class 3 Refreshment Vehicle between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m.
6.3 No holder of a Class 2 Refreshment Vehicle licence shall operate at a location that has not been allocated to them by the Licence Manager.
7.1 Every holder of a Refreshment Vehicle licence shall comply with all operational standards prescribed by the Licence Manager.
7.2 Every holder of a Refreshment Vehicle licence shall operate their Refreshment Vehicle at all times in compliance with the City’s Traffic and Parking By-Law PS-113 or any successor by-law, including paying for the use of a parking space or spaces.
7.3 Every holder of a Refreshment Vehicle licence shall ensure that their Refreshment Vehicle Plate is:
(a) affixed to the rear exterior of the Refreshment Vehicle or to another location on the Refreshment Vehicle approved in advance by the Licence Manager; and
(b) plainly visible in its entirety at all times.
Regulations pertaining to Schedule 16
Regulation 16 /2018-16 made under the Business Licensing By-law
Schedule 16 – Refreshment Vehicles
1. Definitions
1.1 Terms used in this Regulation have the same meaning as in Business Licensing By-law L-.131-16 as amended from time to time.
1.2 For the purpose of this Regulation “By-law” means the Business Licensing By-law L.-131-16, as amended from time to time.
2. Class 2 Locations
2.1 The following sites are the only sites located on a municipal sidewalk from which a Class 2 Refreshment Vehicle shall operate:
a) the southeast corner of Dundas Street and Wellington Street;
b) the north side of Dundas Street between Clarence Street and Wellington Street, in front of 236 Dundas Street;
c) the south side of Dundas Street between Clarence Street and Richmond Street, in front of 189 Dundas Street;
d) the north side of Dundas Street between Clarence Street and Richmond Street, in front of 202 Dundas Street;
e) the south side of Dundas Street, west of Richmond Street at the pedestrian walkway to the Covent Garden Market;
f) the north side of Dundas Street, west of Talbot Street;
g) the north side of King Street, west of Clarence Street;
h) the northeast corner of King Street and Wellington Street; and
i) the southeast corner of Queens Avenue and Clarence Street.
3. Class 2 Site Allocation Process
3.1 An annual lottery process will be available to those wishing to locate Class 2 refreshment vehicles on city property. An outline of the lottery process is as follows:
a) Licensees with licensed refreshment vehicles will receive a lottery notice with their annual business licence reminder notice that is sent prior to the January 31st expiry date;
b) Licensees, or an authorized representative, attend City Hall where a random selection of an applicant’s name allows the selected individual to choose a pre-determined location as identified in subsection 2.1 of this Regulation; and
c) A second applicant’s name is then randomly selected and they are able to choose a location that has not yet been taken, and the process continues until all the participating Licensees have selected a location.
3.2 New locations that are requested and approved by the Licence Manager will remain with the licensee until such time as the licensee does not renew that location; when a licensee does not renew a location, the location will be added to the list of locations in subsection 2.1.
4. Class 3 Locations
4.1 The Licence Manager is authorized to designate locations where a Class 3 Refreshment Vehicle may carry on business.
4.2 The City Clerk shall maintain a record of all locations designated by the Licence Manager where a Class 3 Refreshment Vehicle may carry on business. The record shall be available for public inspection at the office of the Licence Manager and the office of the City Clerk during normal business hours.
5. Operational Standards
5.1 The following are prescribed operational standards for the purpose of section 7 of Schedule 16 of the By-law.
5.2 No person shall:
a) operate a refreshment vehicle without the vehicle having the name of the licensee displayed on each side thereof in letters at least 10 centimetres (4 inches) in height;
b) fail to affix a Refreshment Vehicle licence plate issued under the provisions of this Part of this by-law in a conspicuous place on a refreshment vehicle for which it was issued;
c) fail to display the Refreshment Vehicle Licence number in figures at least 15 centimetres (6 inches) in height on a refreshment vehicle;
d) operate a Refreshment Vehicle which uses propane fuel for the preparation and/or heating of food products without an annual safety certification of such propane components of the vehicle by a certified and registered gas fitter in accordance with the guidelines of the Technical Standards and Safety Authority.
1.1 In this Schedule:
“Seasonal Sales Business” means a business that exhibits, sells, or offers for sale on a temporary basis and from a location other than a building, products including but not limited to flowers, fresh produce, gardening products, Christmas trees, pumpkins and sporting memorabilia.
2.1 This Schedule does not apply to the occasional sale of products by a religious organization, a not for profit organization or a charitable organization that is registered as such under the Income Tax Act, R.S.C. as amended.
3.1 In addition to any other power, duty or function prescribed in this By-law, the Licence Manager may make regulations under this Schedule prescribing regulations for specific premises to ensure that the Seasonal Sales Business does not obstruct or hinder pedestrian or vehicular traffic under section 4.1 of this Schedule.
4.1 In addition to all of the requirements set out in this By-law, every holder of a Seasonal Sales Business licence is subject to the following condition of obtaining and continuing to hold a licence:
(a) compliance with all regulations prescribed by the Licence Manager for their premises to ensure that their Seasonal Sales Business does not obstruct or hinder pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
5.1 No person shall operate a Seasonal Sales Business without holding a current valid licence issued under this By-law.
1.1 In this Schedule:
“Acquire” means to purchase, receive directly or indirectly, take in exchange, accept, trade or otherwise deal with, and acquisition has a corresponding meaning;
“Dispose” means to sell, offer for sale, part with directly or indirectly, trade, exchange or otherwise deal with, and disposition and disposed have a corresponding meaning;
“Holding Area” means a part of a premises for a Salvage Yard or Second-hand Goods Business in which goods, articles or objects are retained and not offered or displayed for the purposes of disposition;
"Salvage Yard " includes but is not limited to a business where scrap metal, material from demolished buildings or structures, recyclable material, scrapped, demolished or inoperable motor vehicles or appliances or their parts, junk or salvage of any type is received, processed, stored or dismantled prior to being sold or Disposed, and includes an automobile wrecking yard, junkyard or scrap yard but does not include a Second-hand Goods Business; and
“Second-hand Goods Business” means a business where second-hand goods of any kind are Acquired or Disposed but does not include a Salvage Yard.
2.1 The following categories of licences are established:
(a) Salvage Yard; and
(b) Second-hand Goods Business.
3.1 This Schedule does not apply to:
(a) The sale of goods for charitable purposes;
(b) The sale of goods as part of a Household Sale/Garage Sale.
3.2 This Schedule does not apply to a business that primarily sells any of the following second-hand goods:
(a) auto parts other than vehicle stereo systems;
(b) books, magazines, comics, or other similar publications
(c) clothing;
(d) household goods, appliances, or furnishings;
(e) music or movie media such as vinyl records, compact discs (CDs), digital video discs (DVDs) cassettes, or other formats of music or movies;
(f) rugs or carpets;
(g) sports, or non-sports, trading cards, collectibles, or memorabilia
4.1 In addition to the licensing requirements of Part 6 of this By-law, every Salvage Yard and Second-hand Goods Business Licence application and application for Licence renewal shall include a Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check for each officer if the applicant is a Corporation, each partner if the applicant is a Partnership, or the proprietor of a Sole Proprietorship, dated no more than sixty (60) days prior to the licence application.
5.1 In addition to any other power, duty or function prescribed in this By-law, the Licence Manager may make regulations under this Schedule including:
(a) prescribing the form and content of the register of all goods, articles or objects Acquired by a Second-hand Goods Business or Salvage Yard licence holder that is required to be kept under section 7.1(a) of this Schedule;
(b) prescribing the types of goods, articles or objects required to be included in the report required under section 7.1 (c) of this Schedule;
(c) prescribing the form and content of the report to be made to the London Police Services that is required under section 7.1(c) of this Schedule;
(d) prescribing the specifications and standards for fences required under section 7.3 of this Schedule; and
(e) prescribing the types of goods, articles or objects which must be held in a Holding Area for the period of time specified under section 6.4 of this Schedule.
6.1 No person shall operate a Salvage Yard without a current valid licence issued under this By-law.
6.2 No person shall operate a Second-hand Goods Business without a current valid licence issued under this By-law.
6.3 No holder of a Salvage Yard or Second-hand Goods Business licence, or their employee(s), shall Acquire any goods, articles, or objects;
(a) on which the serial number has been obliterated, altered, mutilated, or removed without the prior written approval of the London Police Service;
(b) from any person without first verifying their identity using two pieces of authentic, valid, current, government-issued identification, one of which shall include a photograph, in the presence of the person being verified;
(c) from any person who is, or who appears to be, under the age of eighteen (18) years of age, or;
(d) from any person who appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
6.4 No holder of a Salvage Yard or Second-hand Goods Business licence shall alter, repair, or Dispose of any prescribed goods, articles or objects Acquired by them without:
(a) first keeping such goods, articles or objects within a Holding Area for a period of no less than five (5) business days from the date such goods, articles or objects were Acquired; and
(b) during the period prescribed in paragraph (a) of this section, ensuring that the goods, articles or objects have not been displayed, offered or visible for the purposes of Disposition.
6.5 No holder of a Salvage Yard or Second-hand Goods Business licence shall at any time, leave, place, store, exhibit or expose any goods, articles or objects in any place other than the premises so licensed.
6.6 No person shall be employed by a Salvage Yard or Second-hand Goods business for the purpose of acquiring or disposing of goods or materials without the Licensee acquiring a Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check related to that employee. The Licensee shall keep a record of all persons acquiring or disposing of second-hand goods, and a copy of their most recent CRJMC. The CRJMC shall be updated annually at the time of licence renewal.
7.1 Every holder of a Salvage Yard or Second-hand Goods Business licence shall:
(a) keep and maintain a register, in a form as prescribed by the Licence Manager, of all goods, articles or objects Acquired by them;
(b) open the register required under paragraph (a) of this section to inspection at all times during regular business hours to an Enforcement Officer;
(c) before noon of every business day make a report, in a form and including the content as prescribed by the Licence Manager to the London Police Service of every prescribed good, article or object Acquired the next previous business day.
7.2 Every holder of a Salvage Yard or Second-hand Goods business who has reasonable and probable grounds to believe that a person offering any goods, articles or objects is unable to satisfactorily account for them, or is wilfully giving false information as to the same, or that such goods, articles or objects are stolen or have been illegally obtained, shall refuse to Acquire such goods, articles or objects.
7.3 Every holder of a Salvage Yard licence shall erect and maintain, in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the Licence Manager, a fence on all boundaries of the premises from which the business is operated.
Regulations pertaining to Schedule 18
Regulation 18 /2018-18 made under the Business Licensing By-law
Schedule 18 – Second-Hand Goods Business and Salvage Yard
1. Definitions
1.1 Terms used in this Regulation have the same meaning as in Business Licensing By-law L.-131-16 as amended from time to time.
1.2 For the purpose of this Regulation “By-law” means the Business Licensing By-law L.-131-16, as amended from time to time.
2. Registry Requirements
2.1 The following are prescribed registry requirements for the purpose of section 7 of Schedule 18 of the By-law:
a)the registry should include the date and time the goods are acquired or received and a complete description of each good including, where applicable:
i) the make;
ii) the model;
iii) the serial number;
iv) the manufacturer's name; and
v) any distinguishing marks, if any.
3. Form and Content of Report
3.1 The following sets out the prescribed form and content of the report to be made to London Police Services for the purposes of section 5 of Schedule 18 of the By-law:
a) the report to be submitted to London Police Services shall include the following information:
i) the date and time the goods are acquired or received;
ii) a photograph of each good or lot of goods; and
iii) a complete description including, where applicable: :
- the make;
- the model;
- the serial number;
- the manufacturer's name; and
- any distinguishing marks, if any.
4. Types of Goods, Articles or Objects to be Included in the Report
4.1 The following are a list of goods, articles or objects that must be included in the report to the London Police Services for the purposes of section 5 of Schedule 18 of the By-law:
a) electronics;
b) jewellery;
c) sporting goods;
d) bicycles;
e) power tools;
f) musical instruments; and
g) collector coins and currency
5. Salvage Yard Fence Specifications
5.1 The following are prescribed specifications for the required salvage yard fence for the purposes of section 5 of Schedule 18 of the By-law.
a) every Salvage Yard shall erect and maintain a solid fence, having a minimum height of 2.5 meters (8 feet) on all boundaries of the Salvage Yard to obscure the view of the salvage materials.
This schedule repealed effective January 1, 2024 (By-law No. L.-131(j)-302)
This schedule repealed effective January 1, 2024 (By-law No. L.-131(j)-302)
This schedule repealed effective January 1, 2024 (By-law No. L.-131(j)-302)
Schedule ‘20’
This schedule repealed effective January 1, 2024 (By-law No. L.-131(j)-302)
Schedule 21
"Dwelling” means one or more habitable rooms designed, occupied or intended to be occupied as living quarters.
"Person” includes a corporation.
"Resident Address” means the place at which an individual habitually sleeps, eats, keeps their personal effects, and has a regular place of lodging; an individual may have only one Resident Address.
"Short-term Accommodation” means a temporary accommodation in all or part of a Dwelling that is provided for 29 consecutive days or less in exchange for payment including a bed and breakfast, but not including a hotel, motel, inn, resort, hostel, lodging house or rooming house.
"Short-term Accommodation Broker” means any individual, partnership, or corporation that, for compensation, markets and brokers the booking, reservation, or rental, of a Short-term Accommodation on behalf of a Short-term Accommodation Provider by means of a website or digital application.
"Short-term Accommodation Provider” means an individual who, for compensation, makes available Short-term Accommodation, but does not include a Short-term Accommodation Broker. For purposes of this definition, this does not include a corporation or partnership.
2.1 The following categories of licenses are established:
(a) Short-term Accommodation Provider Licence; and
(b) Short-term Accommodation Broker Licence.
3.1 In addition to any other power, duty or function prescribed in this By-law, the Licence Manager may, under this Schedule:
(a) Prescribe the manner, form, content and inspection protocol for records to be kept by the Short-term Accommodation Provider and by the Short-term Accommodation Broker;
(b) Prescribe the form and content of municipal information that is to be provided, displayed, and made available by the Short-term Accommodation Provider, and by the Short-term Accommodation Broker;
(c) Prescribe operational regulations regarding potential public nuisance, health and safety, and property standards matters for the Short-term Accommodation Provider, and for the Short-term Accommodation Broker.
4.1 For greater certainty, the following are not considered as Short-Term Accommodation for the purposes of this Schedule:
(a) accommodation provided by:
(i) a hotel; motel; inn; resort; hostel; lodging house; or rooming house;
(ii) a university or college of applied arts and technology and post-secondary institution;
(iii) a hospital under the Public Hospitals Act and every private hospital operated under the authority of a licence issued under the Private Hospitals Act;
(iv) a long-term care home as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007;
(v) a treatment centre that receives provincial aid under the Ministry of Community and Social Services Act;
(vi) a house of refuge, or lodging for the reformation of offenders;
(vii) a charitable, non-profit philanthropic corporation organized as shelters for the relief of the poor or for emergency;
(viii) a hotel or motel room used by the City of its agents for shelter accommodation purposes;
(ix) a campground, tourist camp, or trailer park;
(x) employers to their employees in premises operated by the employer.
5.1 In addition to all of the requirements set out in this By-law, every application for a Short-term Accommodation Provider Licence shall include the following:
(a) the Applicant's sworn declaration, satisfactory to the Licence Manager:
(i) attesting that the Applicant is an individual (and not a Corporation);
(ii) attesting that the Applicant is at least eighteen (18) years of age;
(iii) stating the municipal address where the Short-term Accommodation will be operated;
(iv) attesting that the municipal address where the Short-term Accommodation will be operated is also the the Resident Address of the Applicant;
(v) stating the number of units, and the number of bedrooms, that will be offered as Short-term Accommodations that will be operated by the Applicant;
(vi) including a copy of government-issued identification showing the Applicant's Resident Address, and;
(vii) attesting that the Short-term Accommodation complies with all applicable laws, regulations, and by-laws, including the Zoning By-law, the Property Standards By-law, the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, and The Building Code Act.
(b) where the Applicant owns the Dwelling in which the Short-term Accommodation is located, provide proof satisfactory to the Licence Manager that the Applicant owns the Dwelling;
(c) where the Applicant is a tenant in the Dwelling in which the Short-term Accommodation is located, provide proof satisfactory to the Licence Manager that the owner of the Dwelling permits the operation of the Short-term Accommodation;
(d) where the Applicant owns or is a tenant in a Dwelling that is a condominium unit, provide proof satisfactory to the Licence Manager that the condominium board permits the operation of a Short-term Accommodation in the condominium unit;
(e) the email address of the Applicant;
(f) original documents from the issuing agency outlining the results of a Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check, dated less that ninety (90) days prior to the date of application, and satisfactory to the Licence Manager;
(g) payment of any other applicable fees, taxes, outstanding Administrative Monetary Penalties or invoices;
(h) an insurance certificate demonstrating general liability insurance for the operations of the proposed Short-term Accommodation against claims filed against the applicant with respect to bodily injury, including personal injury and death, and property damage with a per occurrence limit of at least $2,000,000;
(i) the Applicant will provide an indemnity in favour of the City from and against claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suits, or proceedings that arise out of, or are attributable to, the Short-term Accommodation, which shall be in a form satisfactory to the Licence Manager, and conditional on a Licence being issues;
(j) if an agent is making the application on behalf of an Applicant, they must provide written proof satisfactory to the Licence Manager that the agent has been delegated the authority to act as the Applicant's agent; and
(k) any other information, affidavits or documents reasonably required by the Licence Manager;
6.1 In additional to all of the requirements set out in the By-law, every application for a Short-term Accommodation Broker Licence shall include the following:
(a) if the Applicant is a corporation, an updated copy of an annual return with a list of shareholders of the corporation;
(b) if the Applicant is an individual, original documents from the issuing agency outlining the results of a Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check, dated less than ninety (90) days prior to the date of application, and satisfactory to the Licence Manager;
(c) if the Applicant is an individual, proof that the Applicant is at least eighteen (18) years of age;
(d) the address of a place of business in the Province of Ontario, which is not a post office box, to which the Licence Manager may send any notice or documentation or communication that may be required under this By-law and at which the Applicant or the Applicant’s agent will accept receipt of such notice, documentation or communication;
(e) the name, telephone number and email address of a designated representative;
(f) if an agent is making the application on behalf of an Applicant, they must provide written proof satisfactory to the Licence Manager that the agent has been delegated the authority to act as the Applicant’s agent;
(g) an insurance certificate demonstrating general liability insurance for the operations of the proposed Short-term Accommodation Broker against claims filed against the applicant with respect to bodily injury, including personal injury and death, and property damage with a per occurrence limit of at least $5,000,000;
(h) the Applicant will provide an indemnity in favour of the City from and against claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suits, or proceedings that arise out of, or are attributable to, the Short-term Accommodation, which shall be in a form satisfactory to the Licence Manager, and conditional on a Licence being issued, and;
(i) any other information, affidavits or documents reasonably required by the Licence Manager.
7.1 In addition to all the requirements set out in this By-law, every holder of a Short-term Accommodation Provider Licence is subject to the following conditions of obtaining and continuing to hold a licence:
(a) shall ensure that the municipal address of the Short-term Accommodation is also the Resident Address of the Short-term Accommodation Provider;
(b) shall ensure that Short-term Accommodation is provided at the same municipal address for which the Short-term Accommodation Provider Licence was issued;
(c) shall not operate more than two Short-term Accommodations
(d) shall not offer more than five bedrooms as Short-term Accommodation;
(e) shall post and include the valid Short-term Accommodation Provider Licence number in a conspicuous place and within any medium or material used to market, advertise, or broker the Short-term Accommodation;
(f) shall provide to every guest staying in the Short-term Accommodation a local emergency contact of a person available during the guest's entire rental period;
(g) shall post any and all “Fire Safety” material, provided by the London Fire Department, within the Short-term Accommodation at the locations and in the manner specified;
(h) where a Short-term Accommodation Broker is not used, shall promptly issue an invoice, contract, receipt, or similar document to all guests that includes the Short-term Accommodation Provider’s valid licence number, the nightly and total price charged for each individual rental including any Municipal Accommodation Tax, and any other information prescribed by the Licence Manager;
(i) shall maintain insurance as required under section 5.1 of this Schedule, and file with the Licence Manager at least five (5) days prior to the expiry date of any current insurance policy an insurance renewal policy or certificate of insurance, and;
(j) shall provide an indemnity in favour of the City from and against claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suits, or proceedings that arise out of, or are attributable to, the Short-term Accommodation, which shall be in a form satisfactory to the Licence Manager.
7.2 In addition to all the requirements set out in the By-law, every holder of a Short-term Accommodation Broker Licence is subject to the following conditions of obtaining and continuing to hold a license:
(a) shall include in a conspicuous place on every listing of a Short-term Accommodation, the current and valid Short-term Accommodation Provider licence number issued with respect to the Short-term Accommodation;
(b) shall maintain insurance as required under section 6.1 of this Schedule, and file with the Licence Manager at least five (5) days prior to the expiry date of any current insurance policy an insurance renewal policy or certificate of insurance;
(c) shall provide an indemnity in favour of the City from and against claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suits, or proceedings that arise out of, or are attributable to, the Short-term Accommodation, which shall be in a form satisfactory to the Licence Manager, and;
(d) shall issue an invoice, contract, receipt, or similar document to all guests that includes the Short-term Accommodation Provider’s Licence number, the nightly and total price charged for each individual rental, including any Municipal Accommodation Tax, and any other information reasonably required by the Licence Manager.
8.1 No Person shall own or operate a Short-term Accommodation without holding a current valid Short-term Accommodation Provider Licence issued under this By-law.
8.2 No Person shall operate as a Short-term Accommodation Broker without holding a Short-term Accommodation Broker Licence issued under this By-law.
8.3 No Person shall operate, advertise, broker, carry on the business of, or permit the operation, advertising, brokering or carrying on the business of a Short-term Accommodation in a Dwelling unless it is the Person’s Resident Address.
8.4 No Person licensed as a Short-term Accommodation Provider shall operate, advertise, broker, carry on the business of, or permit the operation, advertising, brokering, licensing, or carrying on the business of more than two Short-term Accommodations at the same time.
8.5 No Person shall advertise, provide, broker, or market a Short-term Accommodation without prominently displaying the Short-term Accommodation Provider Licence number issued with respect to the Short-term Accommodation.
8.6 No Person shall advertise or offer Short-term Accommodation at a municipal address that is not the Resident Address of the Short-term Accommodation Provider.
8.7 No Person who advertises a Short-term Accommodation that is not in compliance with this By-law shall fail to forthwith cease to so advertise, and remove such advertising.
8.8 No Person who operates a Short-term Accommodation shall use the services of a Short-term Accommodation Broker that is not licensed in accordance with this By-law.
8.9 No Short-term Accommodation Provider and no Short-term Accommodation Broker shall:
(a) book or reserve more than two (2) unrelated or unassociated individuals as separate guests at the same Short-term Accommodation at the same time;
(b) offer or provide more than 5 bedrooms as Short-term Accommodations at the same Dwelling at the same time;
(c) contravene or fail to comply with a term or condition of their Licence imposed under this By-law; or
(d) operate or advertise a Short-term Accommodation while the Licence issued under this By-law is under suspension.
8.10 No Short-term Accommodation Broker shall advertise a Short-term Accommodation without prominently displaying the Short-term Accommodation Provider Licence number issued with respect to the Short-term Accommodation.
Schedule 22
Consumer Fireworks Sale Business
1.0 Definitions
1.1 In this Schedule:
“Consumer Fireworks” means low hazard fireworks generally used for recreation, which may be classified as type F.1 explosives under the Explosives Act but does not include crackers, caps or sparklers containing less than 2 mg of explosive substance;
“Consumer Firework Sales Business” means any person engaged in the business of selling Consumer Fireworks from a Property;
“Property” means a building or structure or part of a building or structure and includes the lands and premises appurtenant to the building or structure and all mobile buildings, mobile structures, tents, and vacant land.
2.0 Powers of Licence Manager
In addition to any other power, duty or function prescribed in the By-law, the Licence Manager may make regulations under this Schedule including:
2.1 Prescribing the manner, form, and content of information regarding the regulations of the Fireworks By-law including public safety information as outlined in the consumer information requirements of this Schedule.
3.0 Prohibitions
3.1 No person shall operate a Consumer Fireworks Sales Business without holding a current valid licence issued under this By-law.
3.2 No person shall possess for the purpose of sale, offer for sale, cause or permit to be sold, or sell Consumer Fireworks except on the following days:
(a) Victoria Day;
(b) Canada Day;
(c) the day that the Licence Manager annually determines is the Lunar New Year and publishes on the City’s website;
(d) the day that the Licence Manager annually determines is Diwali and publishes on the City’s website; and
(e) the five (5) day period immediately preceding each of the days listed in (a) to (d).
3.3 No person shall possess for the purpose of sale, offer for sale, cause or permit to be sold, or sell Consumer FIreworks to any person who is or who appears to be under the age of eighteen years without first verifying their age using two pieces of authentic, valid, current, government issued identification, one of which shall include a photograph, in the presence of the person being verified.
3.4 No person shall possess for the purpose of sale, offer for sale, cause, or permit to be sold, or sell Consumer Fireworks to any person without providing consumer information regarding the Fireworks By-law and any associated public safety information in the form and content prescribed by the Licence Manager.
Schedule 23
Rental Unit Repair Licence
Schedule 23 comes into Force and Effect March 1, 2025 (By-law No. L.-131(l)-232)
1.0 Definitions
1.1 For the purposes of this Schedule:
"Landlord” includes:
(a) the owner of a Rental Unit or any other person who permits occupancy of a Rental Unit, other than a Tenant who occupies a Rental unit in a residential complex and who permits another person to also occupy the unit or any part of the unit;
(b) the heirs, assigns, personal representatives, and successors in title of a person referred to in clause (a), and;
(c) a person, other than a Tenant occupying a Rental Unit in a residential complex, who is entitled to possession of the residential complex and who attempts to enforce any of the rights of a Landlord under a tenancy agreement or the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, including the right to collect rent.
"N13 Notice” means a notice of termination of a tenancy pursuant to subsection 50(1)(c) of the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006.
"Qualified Professional” includes an architect licensed by the Ontario Association of Architects or an Engineer licensed by the Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO).
"Rental Unit” means a building or part of a building;
(a) consisting of one or more rooms;
(b) containing a toilet and cooking facilities;
(c) designed for use as a single housekeeping establishment; and
(d) used or intended for use as a rental residential premises.
"Residential Tenancies Act” means the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, S.O. 2006 c.17, as amended from time to time.
"Tenant” includes a person who pays rent in return for the right to occupy a Rental Unit and includes the Tenant's heirs, assigns, and personal representatives.
"Tenant Information Package” means a document produced by the City which provides information to Tenants about their rights and entitlements under the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 and this Schedule of the Business Licensing By-law.
2.0 Powers of the Licence Manager
2.1 In addition to any other power, duty or function prescribed in this by-law, the Licence Manager may, under this Schedule:
(a) prescribe the form and content of the Tenant Information Package;
(b) prescribe the form and content of the report prepared by a Qualified professional that shall accompany a licence application;
(c) prescribe the form and content of the Notice of Application referred to in Section 5.7, and the way it shall be posted, and;
(d) prescribe the form and content of the Licence required by this Schedule and the way it shall be posted, as required in Section 5.8.
3.0 Administration of the By-law
3.0 This by-law shall apply to all Rental Units within the Municipality for which an N13 Notice has been given to a Tenant on or after the date this by-law comes into force.
3.1 This By-law shall not apply to any of the following:
(a) a hotel, motel, inn, bed and breakfast, or tourist home;
(b) a Lodging House, Short-Term Accommodation with a valid City of London Business Licence, or an Informal Residential Care Facility with a valid City of London Business Licence.
(c) any building to which any of the following statutes, or their regulations, apply:
- the Homes for Special Care Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.12;
- the Innkeepers Act, R.S.O. 1990, C. 17;
- the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021, S.O. 2021, c. 39, Sched. 1;
- the Retirement Homes Act, 2010, S.O. 2010, c.11;
- the Housing Services Act, 2011, S.O. 2011, c. 6, Sched. 1;
- social housing or affordable housing that is not subject to the Housing Services Act, 2011, but which is subject to an agreement with the City, and which has been approved for exemption by the Licence Manager.
4.0 Application for Licence and Renewal
4.1 Complete Application Renewal
In addition to all the requirements for an application set out in this By-law, an Applicant applying for a Residential Unit Repair Licence, or renewing a Residential Unit Repair Licence, shall include all the following in their application:
(a) the address and unit number of the Rental Unit for which the application is being made;
(b) a copy of the N13 Notice given to each individual Tenant for the Rental Unit;
(c) an affidavit from the person who gave the N13 Notice to the Tenant, which sets out the date the N13 Notice was given to the Tenant, the manner in which it was given to the Tenant, and by whom;
(d) an affidavit from the person who gave the Tenant the Tenant Information Package, setting out the date the Tenant Information Package was given to the Tenant, the manner it was given to the Tenant, and by whom;
(e) a copy of the residential tenancy agreement for the Rental Unit;
(f) a copy of the written notice (where applicable) from the Tenant indicating they wish to exercise their right of first refusal to reoccupy the rental unit following the renovations, pursuant to subsection 53(2) of the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006;
(g) a copy of the report prepared, stamped and certified by a Qualified Professional that states that repairs or renovations to each individual Rental Unit are so extensive that they require vacant possession of the Rental Unit and that includes all other information prescribed by the Licence Manager;
(h) a copy of the building permit issued by the Chief Building Official for the City of London with respect to the repair or renovation of the Rental Unit;
(i) any other information, affidavits, or documents as the Licence Manager may require.
4.2 Licence Renewal - Five (5) Business Days
An application to renew a Rental Unit Repair Licence must be submitted to the Licence Manager in the prescribed form no less than five (5) business days prior to the expiration of the previous Rental Unit Repair Licence.
4.3 Licence Renewal - Evidence Required
To apply to renew a Rental Unit Repair Licence, the Licensee must provide, along with all documents required for a complete application, evidence as to the reason the repairs or renovations have not been completed. This evidence shall be provided for each Licence for which renewal is sought, to the satisfaction of the Licence Manager. This mist be done each time a renewal application is made.
4.4 Licence Renewal Not Required
An application for renewal of a Rental Unit Repair Licence is not required where a Landlord provides evidence to the satisfaction of the Licence Manager that one of the following has occurred:
(a) the repairs or renovations to the rental Unit have been completed, and the Tenant has moved back into their Rental Unit;
(b) the Tenant did not provide written notice to the Landlord regarding their right of first refusal prior to vacating the Rental Unit;
(c) the Tenant has informed the Landlord in writing of a change of address since vacating the unit and therefore cannot be notified that the rental unit is ready for occupancy;
(d) that a minimum of sixty (60) days has passed since the Landlord notified the Tenant that the unit was ready for occupancy and the Tenant has not responded regarding their intent to re-occupy the unit.
5.0 Regulations
5.1 Tenant Information Package
A Landlord who gives an N13 Notice to a Tenant shall at the same time provide the Tenant a copy of the Tenant Information Package.
5.2 Application within Seven Days
A Landlord who gives an N13 Notice to a Tenant shall, within seven (7) calendar days of giving the N13 Notice, apply for a Residential Rental Repair Licence to the City of London pursuant to the requirements of the By-law.
5.3 One Licence per Rental Unit
A Landlord shall apply for a Residential Rental Unit Repair Licence for each Rental Unit that requires a Tenant be evicted for extensive repairs or renovations under subsection 50(1)(c) of the Residential Tenancies Act.
5.4 Licence Specific to a Single Unit
A Rental Unit Repair Licence shall be specific to a single Rental Unit and shall apply only to the Residential Unit for which it was issued. The Rental Unit Repair Licence shall set out on its face the Rental Unit for which it was issued.
5.5 Building Permit Required
A Landlord shall not be entitled to a Rental Unit Repair Licence if they do not have all necessary permits required to carry out the repair or renovation, including a building permit under the Building Code Act, 1992. An Application for Rental Unit Repair Licence shall not be accepted unless a building permit for the renovation or repair of the Rental Unit issued by the Chief Building Official for the City of London is included with the application.
5.6 Compliance with By-law
A Landlord shall not be entitled to a Rental Unit Repair Licence if they do not comply with this By-law and Schedule and shall not be issued a Rental Unit Repair Licence if they do not comply with this By-law and Schedule.
5.7 Notice of Application - Posted
Where the Landlord has given an N13 Notice to a Tenant and the property or premises has more than one Rental Unit, the Landlord shall post a notice of application stating that an application has been made to the City of London for a Rental Unit Repair Licence. This notice shall include a list of all the unit numbers subject to application until such time as the Licences are issued, the applications are withdrawn, or they are refused. This notice shall be posted in the site of the proposed renovation in a location visible to all the Tenants of the premises, to the satisfaction of the Licence Manager. Multiple notices may be required, depending on entries and common areas.
5.8 Rental Unit Repair Licence - Posted
If a Rental Unit Repair Licence is issued by the City of London, the Landlord shall post a copy of the Licence on the door of the unit where the repair is taking place, or on the exterior of the building where the unit is being renovated, to the satisfaction of the Licence Manager, until such time as the unit is repaired.
5.9 Licence Expiration
A licence issued under this By-law shall be valid for a period of one hundred and eighty (180) days from the date of issuance. If after 180 days the Rental Unit is not ready for occupancy, the licence expires. The Landlord may apply for a licence renewal in accordance with Section 4.0 of this By-law.
6.0 Prohibitions
6.1 Failure to Give Tenant Information Package
No Landlord who gives an N13 Notice to a Tenant shall fail to give the Tenant, at the same time, a copy of the Tenant Information Package.
6.2 Failure to Apply for a Licence within Seven Days
No Landlord shall fail to submit a complete application to the City of London for a Rental Unit Repair Licence within seven (7) calendar days of giving an N13 Notice to a Tenant for a Rental Unit.
6.3 Renovations Without a Licence - Landlord
No Landlord shall perform, or cause to be performed, renovations or repairs to a Rental Unit which requires vacant occupancy unless the person first confirms that the Landlord holds a Rental Unit Repair Licence for that Rental Unit.
6.4 Renovations Without a Licence - Person
No person shall perform or cause to be performed, renovations or repairs to a Rental Unit which requires vacant occupancy unless the person first confirms that the Landlord holds a Residential Unit Repair Licence for that Rental Unit.
6.5 Failure to Comply with the Licence Conditions
No Landlord who holds a Rental Unit Repair Licence shall fail to comply with the conditions of the issued licence.
6.6 Failure to Post Notice of Application
No Landlord shall fail to post a notice of application as per section 5.7 of this Schedule.
6.7 Failure to Post Licence
No Landlord shall fail to post a copy of the Rental Unit Repair Licence as per section 5.8 of this Schedule.
6.8 Advertise or Permit Occupancy of a Rental Unit Intended to be Re-Occupied
No person shall advertise, or cause to be advertised, or permit the occupancy of, a Rental Unit where a Tenant maintains their right of first refusal under the Residential Tenancies Act.
By-Law No. | Date Passed at Council |
L.-131-16 | December 12, 2017 |
L.-131(a)-51 | January 30, 2018 |
L.-131(b)-232 | August 27, 2019 |
L.-131(c)-215 | October 13, 2020 |
L.-131(d)-84 | March 23, 2021 |
l.-131(e)-300 | September 14, 2021 |
L.-131(f)-167 | June 14, 2022 |
L.-131(g)-263 | October 17, 2022 |
L.-131(h)-140 | June 27, 2023 |
L.-131(i)-270 | September 26, 2023 |
L.-131(j)-302 | November 7, 2023 |
L.-131(k)-76 | April 2, 2024 |
L.-131(l)-232 | September 24, 2024 |