Registration for our summer day camps will open March 19, 2025.
Day camps are a safe and fun way for kids to stay active and make friends. The City offers a limited number of day camps seasonally at select community centres. Find information related to our PA day, holiday, March break and summer day camps on this page.
Please visit the Day Camps program registration webpage or call 519-661-5575 to register for one of our day camp programs. If you require financial assistance, please visit our child care fee subsidy program page.
Register for a day camp session

Summer Programs
Keep checking for updates and information on locations and offerings for our summer day camp and neighbourhood playground programs for summer 2025.
Summer Day Camps
The City will offer a limited number of summer day camps at select community centres in July and August for children aged 4 to 12. Core program hours are Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Extended care is available at all summer day camp locations.
Summer neighbourhood day camps
General day camps are offered for campers ages 5 to 12. A full list of locations can be found below. Summer day camp is offered with senior and junior age-specific programming opportunities at select locations. Age requirements for Senior Camp and Junior Camp can be found below.
- Byron day camp (1308 Norman Avenue)
- Carling Heights day camp (656 Elizabeth Street)
- Earl Nichols day camp (799 Homeview Road)*
- East Lions day camp (1731 Churchill Road)*
- Glen Cairn day camp (360 Chippendale Crescent)
- Kinsmen day camp (20 Granville Street)*
- Lambeth day camp (7112 Beattie Street)
- Medway day camp (119 Sherwood Forest Square)
- Northridge day camp (25 McLean Drive)
- Oakridge day camp (550 Pine Tree Drive)
- South London day camp (565 Bradley Avenue)
- Stoney Creek day camp (1335 Nicole Avenue)
- Stronach day camp (1221 Sandford Street)*
- Summerside day camp (2541 Meadowgate Boulevard)
Please note: Day camp locations may change based on site availability. Families will be contacted in advance if this change occurs. The alternate site will be located as close as possible to the neighbourhood.
*Senior Camp
- For campers aged 7 to age 12.
*Junior Camp
- For campers aged 4-7. Campers must be “school ready” to register for camp, including being toilet trained. No age exceptions for this camp. No three-year olds are permitted.
Summer specialty day camps
The City of London will be offering a select amount of Specialty Day Camps. Core hours will be 9am-4pm with additional extended care available from 7:30-9:00am and/or 4:00-5:30pm. Children will participate in both regular day camp activities such as swimming and fieldtrips, as well as tailored themed specific active and quiet games, arts and crafts, nature-based activities, and outdoor activities when space and weather permit. Summer 2025. Specialty Camps include:
- Storybook Gardens' day camp at Byron Northview (1370 Commissioners Road West)
- Sports Day Camp at Kensal Park (328 Springbank Drive)
- Sports Day Camp at Boyle Memorial Community Centre (530 Charlotte Street)
- Ranger Series Day Camp at Fairmont Forest (155 Tweedsmuir Avenue) * Offered on select weeks. Please note that field trips and activities may be similar or repeated in all Ranger series day camps.
- Junior Forest Rangers
- July 7 – 11
- July 28 – August 1
- Eco- Rangers
- July 14–18
- August 5–8
- River Rangers
- July 21-25
- August 11–15
- Junior Forest Rangers
Summer day camp weeks
- Week 1 (Wednesday, July 2 to Friday, July 4)
- Week 2 (Monday, July 7 to Friday, July 11)
- Week 3 (Monday, July 14 to Friday, July 18)
- Week 4 (Monday, July 21 to Friday, July 25)
- Week 5 (Monday, July 28 to Friday, August 1)
- Week 6 (Tuesday, August 5 to Friday, August 8)
- Week 7 (Monday, August 11 to Friday, August 15)
- Week 8 (Monday, August 18 to Friday, August 22)
- Week 9 (Monday, August 25 to Friday, August 29)
Summer day camp costs
Neighbourhood Day Camps:
- 3-Day Week: $89.88
- 4-Day Week: $119.84
- 5-Day week: $149.80
Specialty Day Camp:
- 3-Day Week: $111
- 4-Day Week: $148
- 5-Day week: $185
Summer day camp activities
Each camper group will participate in a diverse selection of activities, including active and quiet games, arts and crafts, nature-based activities and outdoor activities when space and weather permit. In addition, we are excited to announce the return of field trips and swimming!
For field trips and swimming, parents or guardians will be notified ahead of time to grant permission for their camper to participate, and complete an associated form. Our camp coordinators are also excited to share fun on-site options like virtual field trips and virtual fitness activities.
Surprise Day Camps
Surprise day camp is a specialized summer day camp program to support youth between the ages of 12 to 21 years old with differing abilities. These programs operate in a 1:3 staff to camper ratio. Surprise day camp staff can support lifts/transfers, feeding, changing, and toileting. We cannot support GI tube needs.
Surprise day camp activities
Participants partake in several activities, such as crafts, movies, nature exploration, board games, and more! Seasonally, participants may also attend trips to local pools, splash pads, and other fun field trips. Core program hours are Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Extended care will be available at all summer day camp locations this year. Please see the FAQ for more information.
Surprise day camp costs
- 5-day week: $200 ($40/day)
Neighbourhood Playground Programs

The City offers a limited number of free neighbourhood playground programs at parks and schools in communities across London.
Neighbourhood playground programs are available for children aged 6 to 12. Core program hours are Monday to Thursday, running in either morning (AM) or afternoon (PM) half-day sessions during the months of July and August. Check back in spring 2025 for offering details and updates!
Day Camp inclusion support
Inclusion spots for Winter and Summer programs will be dependent on staff availability. At this time, we are accepting inclusion spot requests for PA Days and Holiday Camps. Please email and indicate the campers age as well as the site(s) and week(s) you would like your camper to be enrolled in, if a spot were to come available
Please note: the intent to register and inclusion waitlist process is NOT required for our Surprise campers. Those interested in Surprise are able to register their camper in the Surprise Day Camp programs when camp registration opens each session.
The City of London is pleased to provide inclusion staff and adapted program options to campers who require additional support. To be eligible for 1:1 designated inclusion support, your camper must meet at least one or more of the following criteria:
- Your camper is prone to running away from supervision/into danger/not following instructions to stop and/or prevent this behaviour.
- Your camper has a history of acting aggressively toward themselves, their peers, and/or their caregivers/guardians/teachers, etc.
- Your camper requires assistance with personal care and hygiene such as toileting, eating, dressing, etc.
- Your camper works with and/or is supported by an educational assistant at school.
Types of inclusion supports
The City of London offers three different designated inclusion support options at our group day camp locations.
- 1 to 1 designated inclusion support: Available for up to two weeks of camp.
- Family-hired support (City-funded): The City will accommodate and pay for a family’s support person for up to two weeks of summer camp and to attend any location (limited spots available). Some restrictions may apply; please contact our Camp Recreation Supervisors for details.
- Family-hired support (Family funded): If families are providing their own support worker, they can attend as many weeks of the summer as they would like at any location. Some restrictions may apply; please contact our Camp Recreation Supervisors for details.
Inclusion intent to register (summer 2025)
Inclusion intent to register survey
- The intent to register date for summer 2025 was Thursday, February 6, 2025, at 10 a.m., and all spots have now been filled. By filling out the survey in the link above, you will be placed on the waitlist. If a spot become available, someone from our team will reach out. The intake process for 1 to 1 designated inclusion support and family-hired city-funded campers will be completed in three steps for summer day camp programs in 2025. Please note that these spaces are limited and will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis based on the time of your survey submission. If the spaces are available, you will receive a phone call from our Camp Supervisors regarding placement opportunities. If the spaces are unavailable you will be notified via email that you have been placed on a waitlist.
- Once completed, you will hear from one of our camp supervisors regarding your camper’s status in the intent to register process; whether there is a spot in one of our camps, or whether your camper is on the waitlist.
- If assigned a space, families must complete the financial transaction and formal registration process with a member of our customer service team.
Please note: Families will be required to complete and submit a recent All Kids in Camp Form once registration is complete.
School Year Day Camps
Spring program registration will open Wednesday March 5, 2025.
We will be offering single day PA day programs to support school-age children (aged 5-12) throughout the academic year.
We are accepting waitlist applicants for 1-to-1 inclusion support during our school year day camp programs. Please send your registration request and information to to be added to the waitlist. You will be contacted by a day camp supervisor if a spot becomes available.
PA day camps
What is the cost for PA day camp?
- $32.50
What is the cost for extended care during PA day camp?
- AM (morning) care only: $4.94
- PM (afternoon) care only: $4.94
Where and when are the PA day camps offered?
Friday, April 11, 2025
- Locations: Kinsmen Arena and Carling Heights Optimist Community Centre
- Hours of operation: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Extended care hours: 7:30 a.m. to 8:50 a.m., and 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Friday, May 30, 2025
- Locations: Kinsmen Arena and Carling Heights Optimist Community Centre
- Hours of operation: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Extended care hours: 7:30 a.m. to 8:50 a.m., and 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
March break camp (registration opened Wednesday, December 11, 2024)
Day camp programs are offered during the March Break holiday that aligns with that of the Thames Valley District School Board, and London District Catholic School Board. These programs involve crafts, spring-themed activities, outdoor play, and more!
When will March Break camp be offered?
- Monday, March 10, 2025 to Friday, March 15, 2025
Where will March Break camp be offered?
- Locations: Kinsmen Recreation Centre, South London Community Centre, East Lions Community Centre, and Carling Heights Optimist Community Centre
- At this time, there will not be a Surprise March Break camp planned for the March Break. If this changes, updates will be found here!
- Hours of operation: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Extended care hours: 7:30 a.m. to 8:50 a.m., and 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Leadership Program
Leader in Training
The leader in training program is a three-tier program that focuses on building leadership in our teen community members, while also preparing them for child and youth recreation leadership opportunities. Please visit the Day Camps program registration webpage or call 519-661-5575 to register for our Leadership in Training programs.
Leader in Training 1
This program is the first step in the Leadership in Training continuum. The program consists of 14 in-class hours and 6 to 8 hours of placement experience in a City of London child and youth recreation program or day camp. In-class workshops include topics such as communication skills, leadership styles and child development, as well as a variety of team building exercises, exciting camp games and opportunities to create friendships with classmates! All placement hours can be used towards completing your high school volunteer hours. Participants must attend all classes to receive their certification. Get ready to make new friends, develop your potential and get involved in your community!
- Cost: $83.40
- Age: 13 to 18 years old
- The Leader in Training 1 program is a pre-requisite for Leadership in Training 2
Leader in Training 2
This program is the second step in the Leadership in Training continuum. The program consists of 16 in-class hours and 15 to 20 hours of placement experience in a City of London child and youth recreation program or day camp. In-class workshops will include topics such as organization skills, teamwork, and goal setting, plus exercises to further leadership skills both individually and in a team setting. Participants learn lots of camp related games and team building activities to prepare them for working with this age group. All placement hours can be used towards completing your high school volunteer hours. Participants must attend all classes to receive their certification.
- Cost: $152.40
- Age: 14 to 18 years old
- The Leader in Training 2 program is a pre-requisite for Leadership in Training 3
Leader in Training 3
This program is the final step in the Leadership in Training continuum. The program consists of 18 to 20 in class hours and 15 to 20 hours of placement experience in a City of London child and youth recreation program or day camp. Participants will have the opportunity to receive their HighFIVE® certification during in-class hours. In-class workshops will focus on building on the content learned in levels one and two in more detail. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with others in the program, learn lifelong skills, and build confidence in reaching their leadership potential. All placement hours can be used towards high school volunteer hours. Participants must attend all classes to receive their certification.
- Cost: $199.90
- Age: 15 to 18 years old
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What are the hours of operation for camp?
Core program hours are Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with drop-off occurring at 9 a.m. and pick-up at 4 p.m.
Will there be extended care offered?
Yes, extended care is currently being offered at five-day long camps during the following hours:
Before morning (AM) care:
- 7:30 to 9 a.m.
- $24.70
After afternoon (PM) care:
- 4 to 5:30 p.m.
- $24.70
Please visit the Day Camps program registration webpage or call 519-661-5575 to register for our extended care camp programs.
What is the refund policy?
In any instance where the City of London cancels a recreation program, a full credit or refund will be issued.
1. Registered Programs - Withdrawal & Refund Policy
Section 1.0 applies to all registered recreation programs including (but not limited to): Learn to Swim Programs, Aquatic Leadership, First Aid Programs, Learn to Skate Programs, Community & Seniors’ Centre Programs, Day Camp Programs and Storybook Gardens Programming.
The effective date of any withdrawal is the date the request is received by Recreation & Sport Customer Service, regardless of whether a participant attended the program.
- For withdrawal requests made before the start of the program your account will be credited in full. Customers can withdraw online before the start of the program.
- For withdrawal requests made after the start of the first class until the end of the program for compassionate reasons, you will be credited amount of remaining balance after a per class fee for program dates that have already occurred (regardless of attendance) have been deducted. All requests for compassionate withdrawals after the start of the program will require you to contact our customer service office at 519-661-5575.
2. Drop-In Programs - Withdrawal & Refund Policy
Section 2.0 applies to all drop-in (one time) programs offered at any City of London recreation facility.
- For withdrawal requests made prior to the start of the program, your account will be credited in full. Customers can withdraw online before the start of the program.
- No credits or refunds will be issued for withdrawal requests made after the start of the program, except in extenuating circumstances as approved by a supervisor. All requests for withdrawals after the start of the program will require customer to contact our customer service office at 519-661-5575.
Will I have the opportunity to speak to a staff member prior to the camp?
You will receive an email one week prior to the program start date with forms you will need to fill out, instructions on our drop-off and pick-up procedures, other program details and guidelines that you and your child need to be aware of as well as general information about the program. If you still have questions after reading through the information, the email will include an option to have a phone conversation with the Coordinator prior to the program start date. As our staff are busy with preparations and training, we ask that you wait to ask questions until you receive this email.
NOTE: Please ensure your Play Your Way Online registration account includes an email address you check frequently.
What are the staff ratios this year?
Our staffing model will be one leader for each group of eight to twelve children, with additional staff present for planning, oversight, coordination and cleaning.
I have an urgent question. Who can I contact?
Urgent questions can be forwarded to We will reply as soon as possible.