We have continued our commitment to creating a safe London for women, girls, and gender-diverse and trans individuals. We've also made progress through a combination of strategic initiatives, partnerships, and community engagement to ensure that all individuals, regardless of gender identity, can live free from violence, discrimination, and harassment.

Critical supports for survivors of gender-based violence
As part of this commitment, we continue to strengthen partnerships with community organizations through collaboration with the Middlesex-London Network to End Gender-Based Violence & Violence Against Women and Girls to ensure survivors have access to critical support services and resources.
Integrating gender equity in municipal programs and policies
We applied our Equity Tool across various municipal programs and policies to ensure that gender equity is integrated into decision-making processes. This tool helped to assess and improve approaches to violence prevention, housing access, and support services, specifically addressing the needs of women, girls, and gender-diverse individuals who have experienced violence or marginalization.
Additionally, we focused on enhancing access to safe housing for survivors of gender-based violence. Collaborations with local shelters, housing providers, and support services resulted in increased opportunities for survivors to find stable, secure housing and support during their recovery journey.
Improving public space safety for women and gender-diverse individuals
As part of ongoing safety initiatives, we conducted audits in public spaces to ensure they are safe and accessible for women and gender-diverse individuals. These audits identified areas for improvement in the design and use of public spaces and ensured that safety considerations are embedded in our urban planning and infrastructure projects.
Enhancing services to support survivors of gender-based violence
The London Police Service played an active role in improving safety for women and gender-diverse individuals, particularly through the implementation of the Reassurance Policy, which focuses on building trust and transparency in police interactions with survivors of violence. This policy ensures that survivors feel supported, heard, and empowered to come forward and seek help.
Ongoing commitment to safety and well-being for all
We continue to prioritize the professional development of our staff through comprehensive training initiatives aimed at cultivating a safer, more inclusive environment for women, girls, and gender-diverse and trans individuals. Bystander Awareness and Intervention Program reached over 600 of our employees, giving them with the knowledge and tools to recognize and respond to incidents of sexual violence and harassment. In addition, all current and new employees are required to participate in Responding to Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking training.
We have made progress on our Gender Equity and Inclusion Plan, aimed at addressing systemic barriers faced by women, girls, and gender-diverse individuals, particularly in the context of gender-based violence. This plan, which is scheduled to be published and begin implementation in 2025, will focus on ensuring that all policies, services, and programs are designed with a gender-conscious approach, establishing a more equitable and inclusive community for everyone.
Through these efforts, we continue to prioritize the safety, dignity, and well-being of all women, girls, and gender-diverse and trans individuals. The progress made in 2024 sets the foundation for ongoing work in the years ahead, ensuring that London remains a city where everyone can live free from violence, discrimination, and fear.
To learn more about progress we’ve made on creating a safe London for women, girls, and gender-diverse and trans people, review our Strategic Plan Dashboard.