OFFICE CONSOLIDATION (as of July 25, 2023)
A By-law prohibiting and regulating signs, and regulating the placing of signs upon highways and buildings.
WHEREAS subsection 5(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, c.25, provides that a municipal power shall be exercised by by-law;
AND WHEREAS subsection 8(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that the powers of a municipality under this Act shall be interpreted broadly so as to confer broad authority on the municipality to enable the municipality to govern its affairs as it considers appropriate and to enhance the municipality’s ability to respond to municipal issues;
AND WHEREAS subsection 8(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a by-law may regulate or prohibit respecting the matter, require persons to do things respecting the matter, and provide for a system of licences respecting the matter;
AND WHEREAS subsection 10(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality may provide any service or thing that the municipality considers necessary or desirable for the public;
AND WHEREAS subsection 10(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality may pass by-laws respecting: 5. Economic, social and environmental well-being of the municipality; 6. Health, safety and well-being of persons; 7. Services and things that the municipality is authorized to provide under subsection (1); 8. Protection of persons and property, including consumer protection; 10. Structures, including fences and signs;
AND WHEREAS sections 98, 99 and 99.1 refer to specific municipal powers under Part III of the Municipal Act, 2001 for structures, including fences and signs;
AND WHEREAS sections 9, 10 and 23.1 through 23.5 of the Municipal Act, 2001 authorize a municipality to delegate its powers and duties subject to restrictions;
AND WHEREAS section 63 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a by- law may prohibit or regulate the placing or standing of an object on or near a highway, and may provide for the removal and impounding or restraining and immobilizing of any object placed or standing on or near a highway;
AND WHEREAS section 445 provides that a municipality may make an order requiring a person who has contravened a by-law or who caused or permitted the contravention, or the owner or occupier of land on which the contravention occurred to do work to correct the contravention;
AND WHEREAS section 446 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that where a municipality has the authority to direct or require a person to do a matter or thing, the municipality may also provide that, in default of it being done by the person directed or required to do it, the matter or thing shall be done at the person’s expense, and that the municipality may recover the costs of doing a matter or thing by action or by adding the costs to the tax roll and collecting them in the same manner as property taxes;
AND WHEREAS sections 9, 10, 23.1 to 23.5 and 284.1 authorize a municipality to delegate its powers and duties, subject to certain restrictions, and authorize a municipality to provide for a review or appeal of a decision made by a person or body in the exercise of a power or duty delegated to them;
AND WHEREAS in the opinion of Council, the power being delegated to authorize minor variances is of a minor nature, having regard to the number of people, the size of the geographic area and the time period affected by an exercise of the power;
1.1 Short Title
This By-law may also be cited as the “Sign By-law 2017”.
1.2 Scope
1.2.1 This By-law regulates the location, size, number, construction, alteration, repair, and maintenance of all outdoor signs and signs visible from the exterior of premises, including signs located in windows.
1.2.2 All signs as described in 1.2.1, located on public and private property, are subject to the provisions of this By-law.
1.2.3 Signs may be subject to the provisions of By-laws in addition to this By-law, provincial or federal statutes or regulations, including, but not limited to: the relevant provisions of the Ontario Building Code, the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act requiring a Heritage Alteration Permit for the alteration of a Heritage Designated Property, or provisions of the City's Zoning By-law.
1.3 Intent
The purpose of this By-law is to regulate all signs in the City of London with the intent of authorizing signs that:
a) are proportionate to the property they identify and advertise and as such should be appropriate in size, number, and location to the type of activity or use to which they pertain;
b) provide reasonable and appropriate means for the public to locate and identify facilities, businesses, and services without difficulty or confusion;
c) are compatible with their surroundings, supplement the land use and do not dominate the landscape;
d) protect and enhance the aesthetic qualities and visual character of the property and promote the statement that “the visual quality of signs matter to the overall community image”;
e) are consistent with the City of London’s planning, urban design, and heritage objectives. One size does not fit all – some parts of the City have characteristics that warrant exemptions, limitations, experimentation, etc;
f) do not create a distraction or safety hazard for pedestrians or motorists. The cumulative effects of signage matter – sign clutter is a civic liability;
g) minimize adverse impacts on nearby public and private property.
In this By-law:
“A-frame sign” means a temporary sign not anchored to the ground with no more than two faces, each joined at their top along the straight line edge and constructed in a manner, and of such materials, which permit it to be repositioned by an individual without mechanical aid. This definition shall include signs commonly referred to as sandwich board signs and A-board signs;
“accessory structure” means a building or structure which is customarily incidental and subordinate to the main use of the lot. An accessory structure must be separate (detached) from the main building;
“advertising device” means any device or object, including a sign and sign structure, erected or displayed so as to attract public attention to any premises, business, enterprise, good, service, facility or event;
“advertising sign” in reference to sign classification advertises a business enterprise or the marketing or promotion of an activity, goods or services;
“alter” (including “altered”, and “alteration”) means any change to a sign or sign face, including the addition, deletion or re-arrangement of parts, but does not include;
a) the re-arrangement of numerals, letters or copy applied directly to a sign face that is specifically designed and intended to be periodically re- arranged, or;
b) maintenance;
“approved” means approved by the Chief Building Official;
“awning” means a space-frame system covered with non-rigid materials designed in a moveable, retractable or fixed position, which is attached to, and projecting from a building or structure, but not forming an integral part thereof. This definition does not include a canopy;
“awning sign” means a sign painted on, or otherwise affixed to, the surface of an awning and such sign does not project out from the awning in any direction;
“banner sign” means a temporary sign that is made from cloth or a similar lightweight non-rigid material which is secured or mounted to a building or permanent ground sign. This definition does not include a flag, awning sign, canopy sign, window sign or inflatable sign;
“billboard sign” means a third party ground sign or third party facial sign, which has changing copy and which is owned and maintained by a person engaged in the rental or leasing of the sign face area for advertising goods, products, services or facilities that are not present or sold on the property on which the sign is located;
“building” means a structure consisting of a wall, roof and floor or a structural system serving the function thereof;
“building frontage” means the horizontal distance, measured at grade, along a building wall that faces a street and includes the building wall which incorporates the main entrance(s) facing a parking area on the same premises. The main entrance to the building may include entrances to individual uses.
“building wall” means an exterior wall of a building that encloses the structure;
“canopy” means a roof-like structure, un-enclosed by building walls and designed to provide shelter for goods, materials, equipment, people or vehicles. It may either project outward from a building wall or be freestanding;
“canopy sign” means a wall sign with copy affixed flat on the surface of a canopy or hanging from the underside of a canopy;
“changing copy” means copy on a sign that can be periodically changed or rearranged;
“changing copy area” means the copy area on a sign face permitted for electronic, manual or rotating changing copy;
“charity” means a registered charity as defined in the Income Tax Act (Canada) or successor legislation, which has a registration number issued by the Canada Revenue Agency, or successor agency;
“Chief Building Official” means the person appointed by Council, pursuant to the Building Code Act. 1992, as amended, or their designate;
“City” means The Corporation of the City of London;
“City Engineer” means the Deputy City Manager, Environment and Infrastructure or their written designate;
“City-owned wayfinding signs” means any sign under the control of the City that identifies or gives direction to an attraction, event, business, institution or other physical location and may include a logo identifying the place of destination.
“clearance” means the vertical distance measured between the lowest horizontal element of a sign and the grade level;
“cm” when following a numeral means centimetre(s);
“congratulatory sign” in reference to sign classification means a temporary sign that promotes a private special occasion and does not contain a commercial message or direct persons to a commercial enterprise;
“construction sign” means a temporary sign that;
a) includes, in whole or in part, information promoting a development within the City of London, and;
b) relates to or advertises the location, construction of a building or structure in the process of being erected on a premises, or;
c) promotes a plan of subdivision, a plan of condominium, or the construction of a building or building complex on a premises zoned therefore, or;
d) promotes a bona fide model home for which an occupancy permit has not been issued, in a plan of subdivision, or a plan of condominium;
“contractor sign” means a temporary sign that advertises work being performed on the property by a trade, including but not limited to general contractors, painters and renovators;
“copy” means all letters, numerals, symbols, images and characters displayed upon, against or through a sign face. This definition does not include letters or numerals used to identify the municipal address;
“copy area” means the area of a single rectangle whose perimeter encloses letters, numerals, symbols, shapes or characters of a sign in their entirety;
“Council” means the Council of the City;
“days” shall mean calendar days;
“designated light standard” means a light standard owned by the City and fitted with a poster panel;
“directional sign” in reference to sign classification indicates directions to be followed to reach a destination. It may include a logo identifying the place of destination, instructions or warnings for the control of vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and entry and exit signage but contains no other advertising copy;
“display” includes authorizing, allowing or permitting the display of a sign;
“double” in reference to a sign face means a sign having two sign face planes with each sign face being of equal area and identical length and height, and the maximum interior angle between two faces of a double faced sign shall not exceed 90 degrees;
“Downtown Business Improvement Area” means those lands in the City designated as an improvement area to be known as the London Downtown Business Improvement Area by By-law C.P.-2, or any successor By-law thereto;
“Downtown Heritage Conservation District” means those lands identified through the Downtown Heritage Conservation District Plan and designated by By-Law L.S.P. 3419-124, or any successor By-law thereto;
“electronic” in reference to changing copy means copy that is changed or rearranged electronically, which may be computer controlled, which displays illuminated copy and graphic information in a programmed sequence for scrolling display, static copy or video;
“erect” (including “erected”, and “erection”) means to attach, build, construct, reconstruct, locate, or relocate any sign, and includes authorizing, allowing or permitting same. This definition does not include copy changes on any sign face or maintenance as set out in subsection 3.11 of this By-law;
“existing sign” means a lawful sign existing as of the effective date of this By- law, unless otherwise provided by this By-law;
“external” in reference to illumination means a light source directed towards a sign;
“facial sign” means a sign, which is painted on, affixed to or supported by an exterior building wall or structure attached to the building wall and erected in a predominantly parallel manner to that building wall. This definition does not include a banner sign or projecting wall sign;
“feather flag sign” means a temporary sign that is made from cloth or a similar lightweight non-rigid material which does not rely on a building or fixed foundation for its structural support and is typically supported with a base or stand on the ground, and can be easily carried or transported. This definition does not include a banner sign;
“first party” in reference to a sign means a sign which identifies or directs attention to a business, profession, commodity, service, event or other activity being conducted, sold or offered on the property on which the sign is located;
“first storey” is defined as the storey that has its floor closest to grade and its underside of finished ceiling more than 1.8m above the average grade;
“flashing” in reference to illumination means the internal or external illumination is varied or perceived to vary in intensity or design at periodic intervals;
“frontage” means the distance measured on a horizontal plane along the front lot line, between the side lot lines;
“grade” means the average surface elevation of the ground where the ground is in contact with any building, sign or other structure;
“ground sign” means a freestanding sign in a fixed location directly supported by the ground without the aid of any other building or structure other than the sign structure. This definition does not include a billboard sign, a mobile sign, read-o-graph mobile sign or an A-frame sign;
“group use” means the organization of land uses and related activities into groups, each of which require signs of similar characteristics to fulfil common needs of identification or advertising. Where a use is defined in the Zoning By-law Z-1, the same definition shall also apply to this By-law. Refer to Section 5 for Group Uses;
“Hearings Officer” means a Hearings Officer appointed under the City’s Hearings Officer By-law as amended;
“height” means the vertical measurement from the average finished grade at the base of the sign to the highest point of the sign structure, sign or sign face;
“height of sign face” means the maximum vertical limit between the extremities of the copy area, including individually installed letters, numerals, symbols, images or characters but excluding borders and frames.
“Heritage Alteration Permit” means a permit issued under Part IV or Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act;
“Heritage Conservation District” means a defined area or areas designated as a heritage conservation district under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act;
“Heritage Designated Property” means a property designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, or a property situated in a heritage conservation district designated under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act;
“hoarding sign” means a temporary sign attached to hoarding panels or fences which surround a construction site and provide information about the building or structure under construction and may include the builder or trades;
“identification sign” in reference to sign classification identifies the name, address or logo of a business enterprise;
“illumination” (including “illuminated”) when used in reference to a sign shall mean the act of lighting up a sign by way of an artificial light and shall include internal or external sources;
“incidental sign” in reference to sign classification is a first party, non- advertising sign of minor consequence and size, and includes a sign bearing a street name and municipal address, or one that is customarily located on a newspaper box, cornerstone, or grave marker;
“industrial park sign” means a ground sign which provides information related to the park and the tenants within it, where the sign information shall be limited to logos, directions or distances;
“inflatable sign” means a temporary sign filled with air or gas;
“information sign” in reference to sign classification provides information concerning public order or public safety or which provides for public education or enlightenment concerning an activity or the nature of their surroundings;
“intensity of illumination” means the brightness of the sign;
“interactive copy” means sign copy which specifically changes so as to communicate directly with a particular observer;
“internal” in reference to illumination means the sign is illuminated by light emitted from within the sign;
“lawful sign” means a sign that complies with the applicable regulations of this bylaw or with the applicable regulations of the governing By-law in force and effect at the time the sign was erected or displayed and if applicable a sign permit was issued for said sign;
“length of sign face” means the maximum horizontal limit between the extremities of the copy area, including individually installed letters, numerals, symbols, images or characters but excluding borders and frames;
“Licensing Agreement” means an agreement between the City and a person to permit the erection or display of a sign overhanging or on public property;
“logo” shall mean a graphic representation or symbol of a company name, trademark or abbreviation often uniquely designed for easy recognition. A logo may not be solely represented by the name of the company;
“lot” means a parcel or tract of land which:
a) is a whole lot or block as shown on a registered plan of subdivision but a registered plan of subdivision for the purposes of this paragraph does not include a registered plan of subdivision deemed not to be a plan of subdivision under a By-law passed pursuant to section 49 of the Planning Act, as amended from time to time, or;
b) fronts an open street and is a separate parcel of land without any adjoining lands being owned by the same owner or owners as at the date of the passing of this By-law, or;
c) the description of which is the same as in a Deed which has been given consent pursuant to section 52 of the Planning Act, as amended from time to time, or;
d) is the whole remnant remaining to an owner or owners after a conveyance made with consent pursuant to section 52 of the Planning Act, as amended from time to time;
“lot line” means the boundary of a lot and;
“front lot line” means the lot line(s) along a street;
“rear lot line” means the lot line which is located the farthest from the front lot line;
“side lot line” means lot lines other than the front lot line or rear lot line;
“m” when following a numeral means metre(s);
“m2 ” when following a numeral means square metre(s);
“manual” in reference to changing copy means copy that is changed or rearranged by manual means;
“maintain” means anything done to preserve, restore or repair an existing sign using identical components or materials and does not include sign replacement or substantial alteration;
“maintenance” means to maintain;
“menu board sign” means a sign erected as part of a drive-through facility used to display and order products and services available through a drive-through business;
“mobile sign” means a temporary sign designed to be readily moved from one location to another and which does not rely on a building or fixed foundation for its structural support. This includes but is not limited to such signs as feather flag signs and A-frame signs greater than 0.6m 2 but does not include read-o-graph mobile signs, inflatable signs or a sign attached to a vehicle where the principal use of the vehicle is the transportation of people, goods and other material;
“multiple” in reference to a sign face means a sign having two or more sign faces but does not include a double sign face;
“multiple occupancy building” means any building that contains two or more units for occupancy by residential, commercial, institutional or industrial uses, or a combination thereof;
“new home development sign” means a temporary sign that can be repositioned by an individual without mechanical aid, the purpose for which is to direct attention to the sale of new homes or developments;
“non-profit” means a club, society, or association that is not a charity and that is organized and operated solely for social welfare, civic improvement, pleasure or recreation or any other purpose except profit which has a registration number issued by the Canada Revenue Agency, or successor agency for a non-profit organization;
“occupancy” means the use or intended use operating from a building on a continuous basis or part thereof for the shelter or support of persons, animals or things;
“official sign” means a sign required by and erected in accordance with any statute, regulation, By-law or other directive of any federal or provincial government or agency, board or commission thereof, or the City;
“Officer” means a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer appointed by the City, a police officer with the London Police Service or an officer, employee, or agent of the City whose responsibilities include the enforcement and administration of this By-law;
“Old East Village Community Improvement Area” means those lands in the City designated as the Old East Village Community Improvement Plan by By-law C.P.- 4444-250, or any successor By-law thereto;
“owner” means all persons or their authorized agents in lawful control of the premises, building, occupancy or other structure or portion thereof under consideration;
“parapet” (including parapet wall) means that portion of a building wall, which rises above the roof level of the structure;
“permanent” in reference to a sign means a sign attached to a building, structure, or the ground so as to resist environmental loads, such as wind and preclude its ready removal or relocation and not limited as to the time it can be erected or displayed;
“person” (including persons) means any individual, association, proprietorship, partnership, association, syndicate, company, corporation, firm, authorized agent, trustee and the heirs, executors or other legal representatives, or any combination of the foregoing;
“poster” means a printed notice conveying information intended to be displayed for a temporary period of time and includes but is not limited to a bill, handbill, leaflet, notice and placard;
“poster board sign” means a temporary sign that is made from lightweight rigid material such as plastic, which is secured or mounted to a building or other structure. This definition does not include a banner sign, wall sign or poster; “poster panel” means a wooden panel provided and fitted by the City to a designated light standard;
“pre-menu board sign” means a sign erected as part of a drive-through facility and only used to display products and services available at the drive-through business;
“premises” means a specific property, private or public, under registered ownership, and includes all buildings and accessory structures thereon; except that multi-tenant buildings or groups of buildings containing two or more business establishments developed as a unit providing common open spaces, off-street parking facilities, driveways and other shared facilities shall constitute a single premises regardless of registered ownership;
“projecting wall sign” means a sign attached to and projects out horizontally from an exterior wall of a building in a predominantly perpendicular manner. This definition does not include awning sign, canopy sign or facial sign;
“property” means a lot which has specific boundaries and which is capable of legal transfer, and;
“public property” means property, lands, or buildings owned by the city, public authority, local board or utility as defined in the Municipal Affairs Act R.S.O. 1990, c.M.46, as may be amended from time to time. Public property also includes Public Road Allowance;
“public road allowance” means a highway under the City’s jurisdiction established under authority of any statute, and includes where applicable the curb, shoulder, boulevard, sidewalk and landscaping. A street is a public road allowance for the purposes of this By-law;
“private property” means property, lands, or buildings owned by a person, other than a public authority;
“Public Authority” means the City, the Provincial Government, the Federal Government and any board, commission, committee or body established or exercising any power or authority under a statute of Canada or Ontario with respect to any of the affairs or purposes, including school purposes, of the City;
“railway overpass sign” means a sign attached to a railway overpass structure;
“read-o-graph mobile sign” means a temporary sign designed to be readily moved from one location to another and which does not rely on a building or fixed foundation for its structural support in which the entire sign face is manual changing copy. This definition includes T-frame signs greater than 0.6m 2 ;
“real estate directional sign” means a temporary sign, not anchored to the ground, intended to provide direction to a building, property, premises or a portion thereof offered for sale, rent or lease and may indicate information as to the real estate agent and the name and location of the sales office. This definition shall include signs commonly referred to as real estate open house signs but does not include real estate signs;
“real estate sign” means a temporary sign that advertises a building, property, premises, or a portion thereof, offered for sale, rent or lease, and may provide information such as the agent’s name, the location of the sales office. This definition does not include a real estate directional sign;
“repair” means anything done to preserve, restore or maintain the sign according to the regulations of this By-law;
“roof sign” means any of the following:
a) A sign erected on or located wholly above the roof of a building;
b) A sign erected, constructed, attached to or located wholly or partially above the parapet wall of a building;
“rotating” in reference to changing copy means static copy that is changed or rearranged mechanically, commonly referred to as tri-vision;
“rotation” means the action of turning around an axis or center;
“sequential sign” means two or more signs used in series to convey a cohesive message related to the subject matter, each such sign message being dependent upon the other;
“sidewalk sign” means a temporary sign not anchored to the ground and constructed in a manner, and of such materials, which permit it to be repositioned by an individual without mechanical aid. This definition includes A-Frame signs not greater than 0.6m 2 and T-Frame signs not greater than 0.6m 2 ;
“sight triangle” means the triangular area within a property formed by the intersection of two streets, a street and a driveway or a street and a level railway crossing and may include projections thereof on the road allowance;
“sign” means any device, object or thing which directs attention to and which is designed to convey a message and that is placed for the purposes of advertising goods and services offered, identifying a business or enterprise or for conveying any other type of message and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, this definition includes but is not limited to, the types of signs specifically defined in this section;
“sign classification” refers to the general classification of signs by reference to their subject matter or purpose;
“sign face” means that portion of the sign, excluding the supporting structure, borders and frames, upon which, against, or through which copy is displayed or is capable of being displayed;
“sign face area” means the length of sign face multiplied by the height of sign face. In reference to;
a) Signs comprised of more than one part (individually installed letters, numerals, symbols, shapes or characters) Sign Face Area shall mean the same as the Copy Area;
b) a sign box, Sign Face Area will be determined by the area of the sign cabinet and the frame of the sign;
c) a Ground Sign, Sign Face Area shall include the sign face and all cladding;
d) a Double Sign Face, Sign Face Area, shall be calculated based on one sign face. For the purposes of calculating permit fees, both sides of the Double Sign Face shall be considered;
“sign owner” means the person who owns the sign. Where there is no known owner of the sign, or such person cannot be determined with certainty, the sign owner shall be deemed to be the person having authority over the associated use or deriving the major benefit from the sign. If such person is unknown, the sign owner shall be deemed to be the registered owner of the land upon which the sign is situated;
“sign permit” means a permit issued by the Chief Building Official pursuant to the provisions of this By-law or a previous By-law to erect or display a sign;
“sign structure” means a structure, framework or bracing, which supports, is constructed to support or did support a sign face or faces and in turn is supported by the ground, building or other structure not deemed to be an integral part of the sign;
“sign type” means a sign referenced by its means of support, manner of displaying information, or the information intended to be displayed;
“signage master plan” means a submission with drawings, text, and specifications setting out the location, arrangement, type and sign face area of all existing and proposed signs on a premises.
“single” in reference to a sign face means a sign having only one face plane;
“Special District” means a district as designated as such in subsection 10.1;
“static copy” in reference to electronic or rotating changing copy means copy that is static for durations set out in subsection 4.2 before, in the case of electronic changing copy, it instantaneously transitions, or in the case of rotating copy, scrolls or rotates to the next copy;
“street frontage” shall mean property that abuts a public road allowance or any 0.3m reserve;
“storey” means that part of a building between any floor and the floor, ceiling or roof next above;
“structure” means anything that is erected, built or constructed of parts joined together or any such erection fixed to or supported by or incorporated within the soil or any other structure;
“T-frame sign” means a temporary sign not anchored to the ground, where the sign structure resembles an inverted capital T and which is constructed in a manner, and of such materials, which permit it to be repositioned by an individual without mechanical aids;
“temporary” in reference to a sign, means a sign not intended or designed for permanent installation, to be erected or displayed for a limited time determined by the Chief Building Official;
“third party” in reference to a sign means a sign which identifies or directs attention to a business, profession, commodity, service, event or other activity not being conducted, sold or offered on the property on which the sign is located;
“unsafe” in reference to a sign, means a sign, or a sign structure, which is structurally unsound, which constitutes a fire, traffic, or pedestrian hazard, which impedes a means of egress from any building, or otherwise constitutes a risk to the safety of persons in, about or adjacent to the premises or the sign;
“use” when used as a noun in conjunction with the words zone, residential, employment, industrial, commercial, institutional, agricultural, open space, or similar words, shall mean such uses as may be permitted under the Zoning By-law of the City;
“wall area” means the total area, including all openings, of a building wall, upon which a sign is erected. In the case of an irregular building wall, which does not form a vertical plane, the wall area shall be the total area of a vertical plane projected from the wall;
“wall sign” includes an awning sign, canopy sign, facial sign and window sign;
“window sign” means any picture, image, symbol, or combination thereof painted, etched, or attached directly on glass and projecting no more than 1mm or placed inside a window and is intended to be visible from the exterior;
“zone” means any land use zone established in the Zoning By-law of the City and passed under the Planning Act or any predecessor or successor Act;
“Zoning By-Law” means a By-law of the City and passed under the Planning Act, or any predecessor or successor Act, and as may be amended from time to time.
3.1 Interpretation
Where a sign is defined in this By-law, the interpretation of that sign shall not include any other specifically referred to sign definition. Definitions of words and phrases used in this By-law that are not included in the list of definitions in subsection 2.1. and are not defined in another provision of this By-law shall have the meanings that are commonly assigned to them in the context in which they are used, taking into account the specialized use of terms by the various trades and professions to which the terminology applies. Where anything in this By-Law is prohibited, it shall not be authorized by way of minor variance.
3.2 Administration
3.2.1 The Chief Building Official shall be responsible for the administration and enforcement of this By-law on all public and private property within the City.
3.2.2 The Chief Building Official or an Officer may enter upon any property at any reasonable time to inspect a sign for the purpose of determining its compliance with this By-law.
3.3 Prohibited Signs
No person shall erect or display a sign that:
a) does not comply with all applicable By-laws, statutes or regulations including, but not limited to, the Ontario Heritage Act, or which is not in compliance with this By-law or the conditions of any variance granted under this By-law;
b) is not specifically permitted in this By-law;
c) interferes with any electrical or telephone wires or associated supports;
d) is attached, affixed to, or on any traffic signal or traffic control device or the supporting structure appurtenant thereto unless expressly permitted by the City;
e) obstructs the view of any driver of a vehicle, obstructs the visibility of any traffic signal or traffic control device, or interferes with vehicular traffic in a manner that could endanger any person;
f) bears or displays the City logo, crest or seal in whole or in part, without the express written permission of the City;
g) emits sound or odour, or discharges any gas, liquid, or solid;
h) features interactive copy;
i) is on a roof, except as otherwise permitted under this By-law;
j) is within a sight triangle except as otherwise permitted under this By-law;
k) is on a vehicle or trailer or painted thereon (except a temporary sales trailer for new construction located on the site of the construction) where the vehicle is not used in weekly operation for transportation and is parked or located in a manner so as to make the sign visible from a street for the purpose of acting as a sign;
l) obstructs or is within a parking space required by By-law or as part of a Registered Site Plan Agreement;
m) is attached to a tree, fence, gate, or railing unless otherwise permitted in this By-law;
n) is a sequential sign;
o) is on any accessory structure or painted thereon, except facial or projecting wall signs that relate solely to an occupancy or use carried out in conjunction with the accessory structure;
p) is primarily supported by cables or guy wires external to the sign face or sign box;
q) is located on a public road allowance and attached to any utility pole or official sign structure, unless such sign is erected by another authority having jurisdiction in the matter.
3.4 Signs Exempt from This By-Law
The following signs are exempt from this By-law:
a) a memorial sign or tablet, commemorative or Heritage Designation plaque, or corner stone denoting the date of erection of buildings or other related information;
b) a flag of patriotic, civic, educational or religious organizations;
c) signs that are regulated by City by-law with respect to elections under the Canada Elections Act, the Election Act (Ontario), or the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, or any successor legislation;
d) any sign located on a public road allowance, approved by the City Engineer;
e) official signs
f) signs within a building, not visible beyond any boundary of the property on which the sign is located;
g) incidental signs;
h) signs on City sports field fences, backstops and accessory structures pursuant to a contract with the City;
i) permanent third party signs on sports field fencing, backstops, and accessory structures so long as they are not visible off the premises;
j) posters affixed to a poster panel that are located on a public road allowance;
k) posters on City-controlled bike locker frames;
l) City-owned wayfinding signs.
3.5. Signs Not Requiring Permits
3.5.1 The following signs are permitted and may be erected, displayed, modified or restored without obtaining a sign permit:
a) information sign erected or displayed as:
i) a sign pertaining exclusively to public safety, not exceeding 0.35m 2 of sign face area;
ii) a sign exclusively indicating the maximum headroom, not exceeding 0.35m 2 of sign face area;
b) a non-illuminated “no trespassing” or other warning sign provided it is not greater than 0.2m 2 of sign face area;
c) a permanent, non-illuminated facial sign having no greater than 0.6m 2 of sign face area;
d) a flag of a corporate organization, not exceeding 7.5m in height, provided that no more than three flags are located on one premises and any such flag does not exceed 2.7m 2 of sign face area;
3.5.2 A permit is not required for the following signs, however these signs shall comply with all other requirements of this By-law, unless otherwise specifically provided:
a) real estate signs no greater than 5.0m 2 of sign face area;
b) real estate directional signs;
c) construction signs on private property having a sign face area not greater than 10.0m 2 of sign face area;
d) congratulatory signs displayed for a Group 1 use on private property for a period less than 72 hours;
e) window sign;
f) contractor sign;
g) hoarding signs, provided the signage does not extend beyond the structure of the hoarding;
h) sidewalk signs no greater than 0.6m 2 of sign face area;
i) a sign painted directly onto the exterior wall of a building.
3.6 Permits
1) Where a permit is required under this By-law, no person shall erect or display a sign without a permit.
2) A permit under this By-law is required for the erection or display of:
a) banner sign;
b) billboard sign;
c) construction sign greater than 10.0m 2 of sign face area;
d) ground sign;
e) industrial park sign;
f) inflatable sign;
g) menu board sign;
h) mobile sign (including feather flag sign, A-frame sign greater than 0.6m 2 of sign face area);
i) new home development sign;
j) pre-menu board sign;
k) poster board sign;
l) projecting wall sign;
m) railway overpass sign;
n) read-o-graph mobile sign;
o) real estate sign greater than 5.0m 2 of sign face area;
p) roof sign;
q) T-frame sign greater than 0.6m 2 of sign face area;
r) wall sign (including awning sign, canopy sign, facial sign), excluding window sign.
1) Where a permit is required under this By-law, no person shall substantially alter or repair a sign without a permit.
2) Except as provided for in 3.11.1(h), a permit under this By-law is required for the substantial alteration or repair of:
a) banner sign;
b) billboard sign;
c) construction sign greater than 10.0m 2 of sign face area;
d) ground sign;
e) industrial park sign;
f) menu board sign;
g) pre-menu board sign;
h) projecting wall sign;
i) railway overpass sign;
j) real estate sign greater than 5.0m 2 of sign face area;
k) roof sign;
l) wall sign (including awning sign, canopy sign, facial sign), excluding window sign.
3.6.3 Persons seeking to erect, display, replace, substantially alter or repair a sign when a permit is required shall provide to the Chief Building Official permit application materials which include:
a) a completed application form as prescribed by the Chief Building Official;
b) 2 copies of all plans, drawings and other materials in metric as required by the City;
c) applicable fees as set out in Schedule “A”, at the time of application;
d) written authorization from the owner of the property (where the person applying for the sign permit is not also the owner of the property) where the sign will be erected or altered;
e) if applicable, documentation required under the Ontario Heritage Act, and;
f) if applicable, authorization for the proposed sign from all Government authorities having jurisdiction, or necessary municipal departments.
3.6.4 As per 3.6.3 (b), an application for sign permit shall be accompanied by plans and drawings in metric that contain the following information:
a) A location plan, drawn to scale, which clearly identifies the property where the sign is to be displayed including the dimensions of the property, existing and proposed buildings, and the location, height, size and nature of existing and proposed signs on the same property dimensioned to clearly illustrate the shortest distance from the property line(s) for all existing and proposed structures and signs;
b) Information including but not limited to drawings, photos, artwork and specifications of the proposed sign, drawn to scale, which clearly demonstrates the sign and sign copy intended for display, and which includes construction details, supporting framework, foundations, materials, weight, cross section wall details, base details, illumination details, height of sign, sign area, length and width of sign;
c) Sufficient information for the Chief Building Official to determine that the sign has been designed and will be constructed/erected/suspended in compliance with the Ontario Building Code, and;
d) Further to subclause (b), drawings for the following signs shall be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer or Architect registered to practice in the Province of Ontario:
i) a ground sign that exceeds 7.5m in height above the adjacent finished ground;
ii) a projecting wall sign that weighs more than 115kg;
iii) a roof sign that has any face that is more than 10m 2 , or;
iv) a projecting wall sign attached or fastened in any manner to a parapet wall.
3.6.5 No person enjoys a vested right in the continuance of a permit and whether issued, expired, revoked or otherwise terminated, the permit and any value of such permit shall continue to be the property of the City. No person other than the City may assign a permit.
3.6.6 No person other than the City shall sell, purchase, lease, mortgage, charge, assign, pledge, transfer, seize, distrain or otherwise deal with a permit issued under this by-law.
3.7 Inspection
3.7.1 Notice to Chief Building Official – Where the Chief Building Official has prescribed inspections as part of the sign permit, the sign permit holder shall notify the Chief Building Official, at least 72 hours prior to the commencement of each stage of construction or erection of the sign to have the inspection(s) undertaken.
3.8 Sign Permit Refusal, Revocation and Cancellation
3.8.1 The Chief Building Official may refuse to issue a sign permit for any of the following reasons:
a) the proposed sign does not comply with this By-law, other City of London By-laws, or any applicable federal or provincial statute or regulation;
b) the proposed sign is to be displayed on private property, if any other sign displayed on said property does not comply with this By-law;
c) a Heritage Alteration Permit is required and not obtained.
3.8.2 The Chief Building Official may revoke a permit for any of the following circumstances:
a) the permit was issued in error;
b) the permit was issued as the result of false, mistaken, incorrect, or misleading statements, information, or undertakings on the application;
c) the display of the sign has not commenced within six months after the issuance of the permit;
d) the permit holder requests in writing that the permit be revoked.
3.8.3 The Chief Building Official may cancel an application for permit for any of the following circumstances:
a) an application for a permit remains incomplete, or inactive, for six months after it is made;
b) any conditions, including those as part of a variance associated with permit issuance, have not been adhered to.
3.9 Refunds
3.9.1 The City will not refund fees paid for a sign permit application for any of the following reasons:
a) the Chief Building Official refuses to issue the sign permit because the sign does not comply with this By-law, any other By-law, the Ontario Building Code, the Ontario Heritage Act or any federal or provincial statute or regulation;
b) the sign or the work described for the sign for which the permit application is made, has been displayed prior to the issuance of a permit;
c) the sign permit has been revoked;
d) substantial review has been conducted by municipal staff in processing the sign permit application.
3.9.2 Pursuant to subsection 3.9.1 of this By-law, upon written request from the applicant, the fees that may be refunded shall be a percentage of all permit fees payable under this By-law, calculated by the Chief Building Official as follows:
a) 90 percent, if administrative functions only have commenced;
b) 60 percent, if the permit application has been reviewed and the permit is ready to be issued;
c) 50 percent, if the permit has been issued and no field inspections have been conducted within six months from the date the permit was issued;
d) if the calculated refund is equal to or less than the minimum fee applicable to the work, no refund shall be made of the fees paid;
e) additional fees, charged due to the commencement of installation or display of a sign or sign structure prior to permit issuance, equal to 100% of the amount calculated as the regular permit fee, shall not be refundable in any case.
3.10 Advertising Devices Lawfully Erected On the Day This By-Law Comes Into Force
3.10.1 This By-law does not apply to an advertising device that was lawfully erected or displayed on the day this By-law comes into force if the advertising device has not been substantially altered. The maintenance and repair of the advertising device, or a change in the message or contents displayed, does not in itself constitute a substantial alteration.
3.10.2 This By-law does apply to an advertising device that was lawfully erected or displayed on the day this By-law comes into force if it has been substantially altered.
3.10.3 In the event that the City requires that a sign be relocated or replaced for any municipal purpose:
a) the relocation of the sign shall be subject to the location requirements of this By-law;
b) a sign of the same dimensions and materials as the removed/relocated sign shall not be subject to the regulations of this By-law where the contravention is caused by the relocation/replacement;
c) notwithstanding sentence 3.10.3 (a) and (b), relocated signs require a permit.
3.11 Maintenance, Repair and Replacement
3.11.1 The sign owner shall maintain any and all signs in good order so that they do not become unsightly, unsafe, defective or dangerous. Every sign owner shall ensure that:
a) all exposed sign and sign structure surfaces are covered with a durable, weather resistant, protective finish;
b) repainting or refinishing is undertaken as often as is necessary to prevent peeling or flaking of paint or corrosion;
c) all lights, bulbs, tubes and other forms of illumination are functioning and comply with the regulations of this By-law;
d) all sign faces and sign structures are kept intact and operative and do not contain deteriorating, peeling, broken or cracked parts;
e) sign is maintained in accordance with the approved plan authorizing its erection;
f) there is no visible deterioration of the sign, copy or its structure;
g) the sign is not unsafe and does not create a danger to any person.
3.11.2 Every sign owner shall ensure that where a sign face is required to cover and protect any electrical components, lamps or sign box from the elements, the sign face remains intact at all times. If a sign face is removed for repair or replacement, a sign face shall be reinstalled within twenty eight (28) days of removal.
3.11.3 The replacement of a sign that was lawfully erected or displayed on the day this By-law comes into force, except to repair or maintain the structure as per subsection 3.11.1, is “substantially altered”, and therefore requires full compliance with this By-law;
3.11.4 Notwithstanding subsection 3.11.3, a sign permit is not required when a sign which was lawfully erected under this or a previous By-law is removed for a period of no more than 28 days for the purposes of either maintenance or repair to the building wall, or to the sign, provided the sign structure or the building wall that it is affixed to is not substantially altered.
3.12 Enforcement
3.12.1 Every person who contravenes any provision of this By-law is guilty of an offence.
3.12.2 Fines for Conviction, Individuals
Every person convicted under this By-law is liable:
a) upon a first conviction, to a maximum fine of $5,000.00;
b) upon any subsequent conviction, to a maximum fine of $10,000.00.
3.12.3 Fines for Conviction, Corporations
Notwithstanding subsection 3.12.2, where the person convicted is a corporation, the corporation is liable:
a) upon a first conviction, to a maximum fine of $10,000.00;
b) upon any subsequent conviction, to a maximum fine of $25,000.00.
3.12.4 Order Prohibiting Continuation or Repetition
Where a person has been convicted of an offence, the court in which the conviction has been entered and any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter may, in addition to any other remedy or penalty provided for by this By-law, make an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence by the person convicted.
3.12.5 Removal without Notice, City Property
Where a sign is erected or displayed on or over property owned by, or under the jurisdiction of, the City and not in accordance with the regulations of this By-law, the sign may be removed immediately by the City without notice or compensation.
3.12.6 Removal without Notice
Where a sign is displayed in contravention of this By-law, the Chief Building Official may immediately pull down or remove any sign that he/she determines constitutes a safety hazard or a safety concern without notice or compensation.
3.12.7 Order to Remove
1) The Chief Building Official may order the owner or sign owner to remove a sign or bring a sign into compliance in the manner, and within the time, specified in the order. The Chief Building Official may order the sign owner to comply with subsection 4.1.8 of the By-law and require the owner of the sign to remove the sign. Where the sign owner fails to remove the non- compliant sign after being ordered to do so, the Chief Building Official may issue an order to the owner of the land to comply with subsection 4.1.9 of the By-law and require the owner of the land to remove the sign.
2) The order in sentence (1) shall set out:
a) reasonable particulars of the contravention adequate to identify the contravention and the location of the land on which the contravention occurred;
b) the date by which there must be compliance with the order;
c) requiring the sign be removed and not replaced, or requiring the sign be made to comply with this By-law;
d) that if the sign is not removed or made to comply within the specified period, the City may remove the sign.
3.12.8 Serving of the Order
The order mentioned in subsection 3.12.7 may be served by any of the following means:
a) personal service upon the property owner;
b) regular mail or prepaid registered mail sent to the last address of the property owner, shown on the records of the City;
c) prominently posting a copy of the order either on the sign in respect of which the order is made, or on the property upon which the sign is displayed.
3.12.9 Deemed to Have Been Received
Where the order is served in accordance with subsection 3.12.8 it is deemed to have been received by the party being served upon the mailing or posting of the order.
3.12.10 Removal Following Order
Where a sign is not removed or is not brought into conformity as required by an order under subsection 3.12.7, the Chief Building Official or an Officer may have the sign removed without notice or compensation. For this purpose, the Chief Building Official or an Officer may enter upon the property at any reasonable time, with or without warrant.
3.12.11 Compliance with Order
No person shall fail to comply with an order issued to them under this By-law.
3. 12.12 Administrative Monetary Penalty System
Each person who contravenes any provision of this By-law shall, upon issuance of a penalty notice in accordance with the Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-law A-54, be liable to pay the City an Administrative Monetary Penalty.
3.13 Removal and Storage of Signs – Costs & Charges
Signs removed pursuant to subsections 3.12.5, 3.12.6 and 3.12.10 shall be stored by the City for a period of not less than 60 days, during which time the sign owner or the sign owner's agent may be entitled to redeem the removed item(s), subject to fees as set out in Schedule “A” of this By-law.
3.13.1 Claiming of Removed Items Subject to Charges
Upon the claiming of a removed and stored sign, the City of London shall require of the person claiming the sign to remit the appropriate charges as provided in Schedule “A” of this By-law and submit a signed acknowledgement and release, on a prescribed form.
3.13.2 Destruction After Storage Elapses
Where a sign has been removed by the City and stored for a period of at least 60 days, and the sign has not been claimed, the sign may be forthwith destroyed or otherwise disposed of by the City.
3.13.3 Costs and Charges – Lien upon Property
Where a sign has been removed and stored by the City and the sign has not been claimed, all costs and charges for the removal, care and storage of the sign under this by-law are a lien upon it which may be enforced by the City in the manner provided by the Repair and Storage Liens Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. R.24, as amended.
3.13.4 Costs deemed to be Tax
The cost incurred by the City in removing a sign may be added to the tax roll and collected in the same manner as municipal taxes. Despite the foregoing, the cost incurred by the City in removing a sign under this part of the By-law is a debt payable to the City and may be recovered in any court of competent jurisdiction.
3.14 Safety Requirements
Every sign owner shall ensure that the following Codes, safety regulations and requirements are adhered to and observed at all times for all signs erected or displayed in the City of London:
a) Ontario Building Code
All signs, except for temporary first party signs and temporary third party signs, shall comply with the Ontario Building Code, as amended from time to time, and all applicable and reference standards for structural and life safety matters.
b) Electrical Safety Authority and the Ontario Electrical Safety Code
Every sign which utilizes electricity shall comply with all governing requirements of the Ontario Electrical Safety Authority as amended from time to time.
c) Occupational Health and Safety Act
Construction safety measures conforming to the Occupational Health and Safety Act, as amended from time to time, as provided therein apply to the erection, alteration, relocation, removal or demolition of signs and canopies.
d) Resemblance to Emergency Light
No rotating beam, beacon or flashing illumination resembling an emergency light or lights shall be used in conjunction with any sign so as to create a traffic hazard, or in a manner that would otherwise endanger any person.
e) Building Openings
No sign shall obstruct any window or openings required for light, ventilation, egress, or access.
f) Overhang of Sidewalks
No sign shall overhang or be within a horizontal distance of 0.6 m of a sidewalk or other pedestrian walkway unless the minimum vertical distance between grade and the bottom of the overhanging sign face is at least 2.4 m.
g) Clearance from Vehicle Travel Areas
No sign shall be within 0.6m of the travelled portion of a roadway or private lane, or of a parking area, unless the minimum vertical distance between grade and the bottom of the overhanging sign is at least 4.5m. Where the height of all vehicles using any private road or parking area is permanently restricted, the vertical distance requirements of this section may be reduced to the amount of the actual height restriction, for as long as the said height restriction is in existence on the premises.
h) Underground Electrical Wiring
All electrical wiring required to service any ground sign shall, if so available from the utility provider, be located underground. If power is brought from a building or structure to the sign, that wiring shall be located underground.
3.15 Licencing Agreements
No permit for a sign over or on a public road allowance shall be issued until an agreement has been entered into with the City, in accordance with the Table 3.15.
Table 3.15 - Licensing Agreements
Sidewalk signs not greater than 0.6m 2 on a public road allowance. | Licensing Agreement in the form of Schedule “B” to this By-law. |
New home development signs on a public road allowance. | Licensing Agreement in the form of Schedule “C” to this By-law. |
All signs on or over the public road allowance except as set out in Row 2 and 3 above. | A Licensing Agreement between the City and the abutting property owner registered on title of the abutting property. |
3.16 Measurements
a) All measurements of length or area used in this By-law shall be subject to rounding, within the degree of precision specified by the number of digits following the decimal point (if any), so that:
b) For a whole number, measurements of less than 0.5 shall be rounded downward to the next whole unit;
c) For a whole number, measurements of 0.5 and greater shall be rounded upward to the next whole unit;
d) for a number having one decimal place, measurements of less than 0.05 shall be rounded downward to the next one-tenth unit;
e) For a number having one decimal place, measurements of 0.05 and greater shall be rounded upward to the next one-tenth unit;
f) Ratios and percentage figures shall not be subject to rounding.
4.0 Application of General Provisions
No person shall erect or display any sign within the City of London for lands affected by this By-law except in conformity with the regulations specified in Section 3, and by the applicable general provisions set out in all subsections of Section 4.
4.1 Regulations for All Sign Types
4.1.1 Where this section requires a sign to be erected or displayed a minimum distance from another sign or Special District, the sign owner shall ensure no part of the sign is within the prescribed minimum distance.
4.1.2 Where a property is in more than one Special District as per Section 10, the provisions applicable to the Special District where the sign is to be located shall apply.
4.1.3 The sign owner shall ensure that the sign does not move or appear to move, in whole or in part, unless otherwise expressly permitted by this By-law.
4.1.4 No person shall project a sign or sign copy onto a building or any other surface from or by a source external to the sign or sign copy unless otherwise expressly permitted by this By-law.
4.1.5 The sign owner shall ensure that the sign displays only static copy unless otherwise expressly permitted by this By-law.
4.1.6 Where this By-law requires the sign face area to be calculated as a percentage of the area of the wall of a building, the area of the wall shall include the windows located therein.
4.1.7 Notwithstanding that the permitted changing copy area is based on a percentage of the maximum total sign face area, the maximum sign face area does not have to be erected or displayed in order to display the changing copy.
4.1.8 Where a sign does not comply with this By-law, the sign owner shall remove the sign.
4.1.9 Where the sign owner fails to remove the sign under subsection 4.1.8, the owner of the land on which the sign is situated shall remove the sign.
4.2 Electronic Changing Copy
4.2.1 Where this By-law permits a sign to display electronic changing copy, the sign owner shall ensure following requirements are met:
a) the minimum distance from an exclusively residential zone shall be 50m;
b) during the message transition, the sign shall not include any blinking, intermittent or flashing light or the illusion of such effects;
c) all electronic changing copy shall come equipped with functioning automatic dimming technology which will automatically adjust the sign’s brightness in direct correlation with ambient light conditions;
d) electronic changing copy shall not increase the light levels within 10.0m of all points of the sign face by more than 3 lux above the ambient lighting level;
e) the electronic changing copy or any light emitted from any electronic changing copy shall not exceed 5,000 nits during the period between sunrise and sunset;
f) the electronic changing copy, or any light emitted from any electronic changing copy shall not exceed 300 nits during the period between sunset and sunrise;
g) a sign displaying electronic changing copy shall be designed so as to cease operating in the case of a malfunction;
h) for all first party signs, the rotating or electronic changing static copy duration shall not be less than ten (10) seconds before instantaneously transitioning to the next static copy; and
i) for all third party signs, the rotating or electronic changing static copy duration shall not be less than ten (10) seconds before instantaneously transitioning to the next static copy.
4.3 Illumination (Lighting) Of Signs
4.3.1 Where this By-law permits a sign to be illuminated, the sign owner shall ensure the following requirements are met:
a) illumination which is external shall not be directed toward adjacent lots, public road allowances or into the direction of oncoming traffic;
b) illumination which is external shall be downcast, or shielded, to minimize reflective impact on the night sky by being ground oriented;
c) the illumination shall not increase the light levels within 10.0m of all points of the sign face by more than 3 lux above the ambient lighting level;
e) the illumination shall not exceed 5,000 nits during the period between sunrise and sunset; and (e) the illumination shall not exceed 300 nits during the period between sunset and sunrise.
4.3.2 Where this By-law permits a sign to be illuminated, the sign owner shall ensure the sign is not illuminated during the following time periods:
a) Between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. where the sign is located in, or within 30m of, a Residential (R) Zone, except where:
i) the sign is a first party sign associated with a lawful business which operates during this period, and only while the business is actually in operation; or
ii) the sign is located in a Special District as per Section 10, if it specifies otherwise.
b) Between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., except where:
i) the sign is a first party sign associated with a lawful business which operates during this period and only while the business is actually in operation;
ii) the sign is located in a Special District as per Section 10, if it specifies otherwise; or
iii) the sign is a lawfully erected third party sign.
4.3.3 Signs associated with the following uses may be illuminated and are not subject to sections 4.3.1 nor 4.3.2:
a) hospitals and emergency treatment facilities;
b) power generating stations and electrical substations;
c) control centres for land transportation;
d) public transit facilities;
e) public water treatment and storage facilities;
f) water and sewage pumping stations;
g) emergency response facilities;
h) fire, rescue, and police stations;
i) storage facilities for vehicles or boats used for fire, rescue and police purposes; and
j) public telephones and emergency call stations.
4.4 Signage Master Plan A signage master plan, as defined in Section 2 of this By-law, together with a Signage Master Plan Letter of Acknowledgment completed by the owner in the form of Schedule "D" to this By-law, shall be submitted at the request of the City, prior to sign permit issuance when:
(a) there is more than one occupancy within a premises or development occurs on lands which are subject to a Site Plan Control By-law, passed pursuant to the Planning Act.
4.5 Sight Triangle
No person shall erect or display a sign within the sight triangle established by Table 4.6 except that ground signs are permitted provided there is no copy area between 1.0m and 3.0m above the grade of the abutting streets, and posts or columns required for the structural support of the sign shall be open to maintain visibility across the sight triangle.
4.6 Sight Triangle for Signs on A Public Road Allowance
No person shall erect or display a sign on a public road allowance within a sight triangle as established in Table 4.6, with the longest side of the triangle projecting to the edge(s) of the vehicular travelled portion of the street(s), except at a height no greater than 1.0m above the grade of the streets that abut the lot.
Table 4.6 - Calculating a Sight Triangle
Interior Angle Formed By Intersection of Streets |
Distance from Point of Intersection to the Two Equal Sides of the Sight Triangle |
20 degrees or less | 26.0m |
over 20 degrees and up to 30 degrees | 18.0m |
over 30 degrees and up to 40 degrees | 13.5m |
over 40 degrees and up to 50 degrees | 10.5m |
over 50 degrees and up to 60 degrees | 9.0m |
over 60 degrees and up to 80 degrees | 7.5m |
over 80 degrees and up to 110 degrees | 6.0m |
4.7 Proximity to Exclusively Residential Use Zones
No person shall erect or display a sign on any non-residential use premises if such sign is located closer than 30m to an exclusively residential use zone unless:
a) the sign is a facial sign facing a street;
b) the exclusively residential use zone is located on the opposite side of a street, or;
c) the area of the sign face, with respect to the maximum sign face area regulations of this By-law does not exceed the area set out in Table 4.7 and as determined per subsection 4.7.1.
Table 4.7
Distance from an Exclusively Residential Use Zone | Maximum Sign Face Area as Percentage of Sign Face Area Otherwise Permitted by the By-law |
less than or equal to 10m | 25% |
29.9m | 99% |
4.7.1 For signs greater than 10m from an exclusively residential use zone, the sign face area permitted may be increased proportionately by a percentage based upon the distance away from the residential use zone as prescribed in Table 4.7.
4.7.1 For signs greater than 10m from an exclusively residential use zone, the sign face area permitted may be increased proportionately by a percentage based upon the distance away from the residential use zone as prescribed in Table 4.7.
4.8 Premises That Include Occupancies from More Than One Group Use
If the occupancies of any multi-occupancy premises or building include occupancies in both Group 2 or Group 3 and Group 4 use classifications, the requirements of the Group 4 use shall apply to the entire premises or building.
4.9 Congratulatory Signs on Group 1 Premises
Notwithstanding any other regulation in this By-law, not more than one congratulatory sign, regardless of sign type, is permitted to be erected or displayed on any Group 1 premises.
5.1 Group Uses
Every premises or part thereof shall, with regard to the erection or display thereon of any sign or sign structure, be classified according to its primary use as belonging to one of the groups as set out in Tables 5.1 and 5.2 below.
Table 5.1 - Group Uses – Groups 1 And 2
Occupancy | Group 1 | Group 2 |
Residential |
Commercial |
Industrial |
Institutional |
Agricultural |
Open Space |
5.1.1 Exceptions - Notwithstanding Table 5.1 the accessory uses at 1805, 1815, 1857 and 1875 Fanshawe Park Road West shall be considered as Group 2 uses.
Table 5.2 - Group Uses – Groups 3 And 4
Occupancy | Group 3 | Group 4 |
Residential |
Commercial |
Industrial |
Institutional |
Agricultural |
Open Space |
6.1 Regulations for Permanent First Party Ground Signs On Private Property
No person shall erect or display any permanent first party ground sign on private property except in conformity with the regulations set out in Table 6.1 and the additional regulations set out below.
Table 6.1 - Permanent First Party Ground Signs On Private Property
Group Use | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 |
Permitted Sign Type | Ground Signs | Ground Signs | Ground Signs |
Permitted Sign Classifications | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs |
Number Of Signs | One per street frontage |
No limit except as regulated by Rows 6 and 12 below |
No limit except as regulated by Rows 6 and 12 below |
Number Of Sign Faces | Single and/or Double | Single, Double and/or Multiple | Single, Double and/or Multiple |
Maximum Sign Face Area Per Street Frontage Per Premises | 3.0m2 | The greater of 5.0m2 or 1m2 per 20m street frontage and in no case greater than 10.0m2 |
The greater of 15.0m2 or 1m2 per 10m street frontage and in no case greater than 30.0m2 |
Maximum Height | 4.0m | 6.0m |
i. 8.0m for signs 14.0m2 or less in sign face area;
Maximum Changing Copy Area | 30% of the maximum sign face area |
40% of the maximum sign face area |
50% of the maximum sign face area |
Changing Copy Type | Manual, Rotating or Electronic which shall be restricted to static copy | Manual, Rotating or Electronic | Manual, Rotating or Electronic |
Illumination | External or Internal, Flashing is prohibited | External or Internal, Flashing is prohibited | External or Internal, notwithstanding the provisions in the Special Districts of this By-law, Flashing is prohibited |
Rotation | Prohibited |
Rotation permitted provided that the radius of rotation does not exceed 1.5m |
Rotation permitted provided that the radius of rotation does not exceed 1.5m |
Sign Location Restrictions | No part of any ground sign shall:
Same As Group 2 | Same As Group 2 |
6.1.1 Group 1 Uses - First party permanent ground signs are prohibited for Group 1 uses except an identification sign that is associated with a home occupation which has street frontage on an arterial road and provided;
(a) the single or double sided sign does not exceed a maximum sign face area of 1.0m 2 and;
(b) the sign does not exceed a height of 1.5m and;
(c) no part of the sign has illumination, changing copy area or rotation; and,
(d) the sign complies with the ground sign location restrictions as stated in Table 6.1, Row 12.
6.1.2 First Party Directional Signs - Notwithstanding Table 6.1, not more than two first party directional signs shall be erected or displayed adjacent to a combination entrance-exit to any premises, and not more than one such sign shall be erected or displayed adjacent to a single entrance or a single exit therefrom. A sign is restricted to a maximum sign face area of 1.5m 2 and a maximum sign height of 1.5 m and no part of the sign shall be within 1.5m of a municipally owned sidewalk or lot line other than a front lot line.
6.1.3 Menu Board Signs – Notwithstanding Table 6.1, one menu board sign may be erected or displayed in association with a drive-thru lane. The sign is restricted to a maximum sign face area of 5.0m 2 , a maximum height of 2.5m and no part of the sign shall be within 1.5m of a municipally owned sidewalk or lot line other than a front lot line. Notwithstanding 3.3(g) a menu board sign may emit sounds directly related to the transaction taking place.
6.1.4 Pre-Menu Board Signs – Notwithstanding Table 6.1, one pre-menu board sign may be erected or displayed in association with a drive-thru lane. The sign is restricted to a maximum sign face area of 2.0m 2 , a maximum height of 2.5m, and no part of the sign shall be within 1.5m of a municipally owned sidewalk or lot line other than a front lot line.
6.1.5 Sign Face Area Based on Lot Area; Alternative – As an alternative to the maximum sign face area regulations set out in Row 6 of Table 6.1, the maximum sign face area for all ground signs located on a premises may be calculated at 1.0m 2 of sign face area per 1500m 2 of lot area, but in no case can the sign face area exceed 30.0m 2 .
6.1.6 Vehicular Fuelling Pump Island Signs - Vehicular fuelling pump island signs are exempt from the regulations of Table 6.1 provided they are not higher than 3.0m above grade.
6.1.7 Street Numbers – For every ground sign erected in relation to a premises, the appropriate street number, in numerals or letters not less the 12.7cm in dimension, shall be included on at least one sign as an aid in public identification and orientation and in a manner so that the street number can be viewed from any direction of vehicular travel. The sign face area devoted to the street name or number shall not be subject to the maximum sign area or maximum sign height regulations of Table 6.1 provided that such additional sign face area devoted to the street name or number does not exceed 10% of the total sign face area, or 5% of the total sign height.
6.2 Regulations for Permanent First Party Ground Signs Over or On Public Road Allowance
No person shall erect or display any permanent first party ground sign over or on public road allowance except in conformity with the regulations set out in Table 6.2 and the additional regulations set out below.
Table 6.2 - Permanent First Party Ground Signs Over or On Public Road Allowance
Group Use | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 |
Permitted Sign Type | Ground Signs | Ground Signs | Ground Signs |
Permitted Sign Classifications | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs |
Number Of Signs | One per street frontage |
One per street frontage |
One per street frontage |
Number Of Sign Faces | Single, Double and/or Multiple | Single, Double and/or Multiple | Single, Double and/or Multiple |
Maximum Sign Face Area Per Street Frontage Per Premises | 2.0m2 | 2.0m2 |
2.0m2 |
Maximum Height | 1.5m | 1.5m |
1.5m |
Maximum Changing Copy Area | 30% of the maximum sign face area |
30% of the maximum sign face area |
30% of the maximum sign face area |
Changing Copy Type | Manual, Rotating or Electronic which shall be restricted to static copy | Manual, Rotating or Electronic which shall be restricted to static copy | Manual, Rotating or Electronic which shall be restricted to static copy |
Illumination | External or Internal, Flashing is prohibited | External or Internal, Flashing is prohibited | External or Internal, Flashing is prohibited |
Rotation | Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Sign Location Restrictions |
No part of any ground sign over or on public road allowance shall:
iv) be less than 30.0m from any third party billboard ground sign or 50.0m from any permanent ground sign on the same lot;
Same As Group 2 | Same As Group 2 |
6.2.1 Licencing Agreement - No permit for a ground sign on public road allowance shall be issued until the owner of the property has entered into a licencing agreement with the City and has satisfied the City's requirements for liability insurance. The Licencing Agreement shall be in accordance with Table 3.15.
6.2.2 Signs on Public Road Allowance - Signs on a public road allowance shall be positioned so as to prevent damage to underground services, and shall not be positioned to restrict pedestrian or vehicular visibility.
6.2.3 Group 1 Uses - First party permanent ground signs are prohibited for Group 1 uses except an identification sign that is associated with a home occupation which has street frontage on an arterial road and provided:
a) the single or double sided sign does not exceed a maximum sign face area of 1.0m 2 and;
b) the sign does not exceed a height of 1.5m and;
c) no part of the sign has illumination, changing copy area or rotation and;
d) the sign complies with the ground sign location restrictions as stated in Table 6.2 Row 12.
6.2.4 Street Numbers – For every ground sign erected in relation to a premises, the appropriate street number, in numerals or letters not less the 12.7cm in dimension, shall be included on at least one sign as an aid in public identification and orientation and in a manner so that the street number can be viewed from any direction of vehicular travel. The sign face area devoted to the street name or number shall not be subject to the maximum sign area or maximum sign height regulations of Table 6.2 provided that such additional sign face area devoted to the street name or number does not exceed 10% of the total sign face area, or 5% of the total sign height.
6.3 Regulations for Permanent First Party Wall Signs On Private Property
No person shall erect or display any permanent first party wall sign on private property except in conformity with the regulations set out in Table 6.3 and the additional regulations set out below.
Table 6.3 - Permanent First Party Wall Signs On Private Property
Group Use | Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 |
Permitted Sign Type | Awning Signs, Canopy Signs and Facial Signs | Awning Signs, Canopy Signs and Facial Signs | Awning Signs, Canopy Signs and Facial Signs | Awning Signs, Canopy Signs and Facial Signs |
Permitted Sign Classifications | Identification Signs, Information Signs | Identification Signs, Information Signs | Identification Signs, Information Signs | Identification Signs, Information Signs |
Number Of Signs | One per occupancy | No limit | No limit | No limit |
Number Of Sign Faces | Single | Single, Double and/or Multiple | Single, Double and/or Multiple | Single, Double and/or Multiple |
Maximum Sign Face Area | 0.3m2 | 0.1m2 per metre of building | 0.5m2 per metre of building |
1.1m2 per metre of building |
Maximum Changing Copy Area | Prohibited | 30% of the maximum sign face area |
30% of the maximum sign face area |
30% of the maximum sign face area |
Changing Copy Type | Prohibited | Manual, Rotating or Electronic which shall be restricted to static copy | Manual, Rotating or Electronic | Manual, Rotating or Electronic |
Illumination | External | External or Internal, Flashing is prohibited | External or Internal, Flashing is prohibited | External or Internal; notwithstanding the provisions in the Special Districts of this By-law, Flashing is prohibited |
Rotation | Prohibited | Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Sign Location Restrictions |
No part of any wall sign shall:
Same Group 1 |
Same As Group 1 | Same As Group 1 |
6.3.1 Awning Signs
a) Notwithstanding Table 6.3, awning signs may project to a maximum distance of 1.2m from the face of the building wall to which they are attached;
b) Notwithstanding Table 6.3, awning signs are prohibited to display changing copy.
6.3.2 Canopy Signs
a) Notwithstanding Table 6.3, canopy signs may project to a maximum vertical distance of 0.6m beyond the limits of the structure to which they are attached;
b) Notwithstanding Table 6.3, canopy signs are prohibited to display changing copy.
6.3.3 Signs Located on Walls That Do Not Face a Street – Awning, canopy and facial signs are permitted to be attached to walls of a building that do not face a street provided that the maximum sign face area of all signs attached to the building does not exceed the maximum sign face area limitations of Table 6.3
6.3.4 Building Identification Signs - Notwithstanding the regulations set out in Table 6.3, facial signs that relate to an entire building and display information limited to a unique building name, which may include a corporate logo, are permitted above the first storey provided:
a) the unique building name is limited to a single building in the City;
b) the signs be located on or above the highest storey that is normally occupied;
c) the signs be limited on buildings two to five storeys in height to a maximum sign face area of 0.5m 2 for each metre of one wall elevation to which the sign is attached measured in length along the highest storey that is normally occupied, or;
d) the signs be limited on buildings six storeys and greater in height to a maximum sign face area of 1m 2 for each metre of wall to which the sign is attached measured in length along the highest storey that is normally occupied.
6.3.5 Group 4 Roof Signs - Notwithstanding Table 6.3, a facial sign is permitted to be attached to the side of a sloped roof of a single storey building occupied by a Group 4 premises provided:
a) the highest part of the facial sign shall not exceed the lesser of 6.0m from grade or the highest part of the roof, and;
b) the sign face area of the facial signs located on the roof when added to the area of all other wall signs located on the building shall not exceed the maximum sign face area limitations of Table 6.3.
6.3.6 Menu Board Signs – Notwithstanding Table 6.3, one menu board sign may be erected or displayed in association with a drive-thru lane. The sign is restricted to a maximum sign face area of 5.0m 2 , a maximum height of 2.5m and no part of the sign shall be within 1.5m of a municipally owned sidewalk or lot line other than a front lot line. Notwithstanding 3.3(g) a menu board sign may emit sounds directly related to the transaction taking place.
6.3.7 Pre-Menu Board Signs – Notwithstanding Table 6.3, one pre-menu board sign may be erected or displayed in association with a drive-thru lane. The sign is restricted to a maximum sign face area of 2.0m 2 , a maximum height of 2.5m, and no part of the sign shall be within 1.5m of a municipally owned sidewalk or lot line other than a front lot line.
6.3.8 Window Signs - Permanent first party signs in windows are permitted provided:
a) the total sign face area of all signs does not exceed the allowable sign face area as regulated in Table 6.3 Row 5;
b) not more than 50% of the window’s individual glazed surface is covered regardless of product perforation, and;
c) the signs are restricted to the windows on the first and second storey.
6.4 Regulations for Permanent First Party Wall Signs Over or On Public Road Allowance
No person shall erect or dislay any permanent first party wall sign over or on public road allowance except in conformity with the regulations set out in Table 6.4 and the additional regulations set out below.
Table 6.4 - Permanent First Party Wall Signs Over or On Public Road Allowance
Group Use | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 |
Permitted Sign Type | Awning Signs, Canopy Signs and Facial Signs | Awning Signs, Canopy Signs and Facial Signs | Awning Signs, Canopy Signs and Facial Signs |
Permitted Sign Classifications | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs |
Number Of Signs | One per street frontage per occupancy |
One per street frontage per occupancy |
One per street frontage per occupancy |
Number Of Sign Faces | Single | Single | Single |
Maximum Sign Face Area Per Street Frontage Per Premises | 0.1m2 per metre of building frontage | 0.5m2 per metre of building frontage |
1.1m2 per metre of building frontage |
Maximum Changing Copy Area | 30% of the maximum sign face area |
30% of the maximum sign face area |
30% of the maximum sign face area |
Changing Copy Type | Manual, Rotating or Electronic which shall be restricted to static copy | Manual, Rotating or Electronic which shall be restricted to static copy | Manual, Rotating or Electronic unless otherwise specifically provided in the provisions in the Special Districts of this By-law. |
Illumination | External or Internal, Flashing is prohibited | External or Internal, Flashing is prohibited | External or Internal, notwithstanding the provisions in the Special Districts of this By-law Flashing is prohibited |
Rotation | Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Sign Location Restrictions |
No part of any wall sign over or on public road allowance shall:
Same As Group 2 | Same As Group 2 |
6.4.1 Licencing Agreement - No permit for a wall sign over the public road allowance shall be issued until the owner of the property has entered into a licencing agreement with the City and has satisfied the City's requirements for liability insurance. The licencing agreement shall be in accordance with Table 3.15.
6.4.2 Awning Signs
a) Notwithstanding Table 6.4, awning signs may project to a maximum distance of 1.2m from the face of the building wall to which they are attached;
b) Notwithstanding Table 6.4, awning signs are prohibited to display changing copy.
6.4.3 Canopy Signs
a) Notwithstanding Table 6.4, canopy signs may project to a maximum vertical distance of 0.6m beyond the limits of the structure to which they are attached;
b) Notwithstanding Table 6.4, canopy signs are prohibited to display changing copy.
6.4.4 Building Identification Signs - Notwithstanding the regulations set out in Table 6.4, facial signs that relate to an entire building and display information limited to a unique building name, which may include a corporate logo, are permitted above the first storey provided:
a) the unique building name is limited to a single building;
b) the signs be located on or above the highest storey that is normally occupied;
c) the signs be limited on buildings two to five storeys in height to a maximum sign face area of 0.5m 2 for each metre of one wall elevation to which the sign is attached measured in length along the highest storey that is normally occupied;
d) the signs be limited on buildings six storeys and greater in height to a maximum sign face area of 1m 2 for each metre of wall to which the sign is attached measured in length along the highest storey that is normally occupied.
6.5 Regulations for Permanent First Party Projecting Wall Signs On Private Property
No person shall erect or display any permanent first party projecting wall sign on private property except in conformity with the regulations set out in Table 6.5 and the additional regulations set out below.
Table 6.5 - Permanent First Party Projecting Wall Signs On Private Property
Group Use | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 |
Permitted Sign Type | Projecting Wall Sign | Projecting Wall Sign | Projecting Wall Sign |
Permitted Sign Classifications | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs |
Number Of Signs | One per street frontage |
One per street frontage |
One per street frontage |
Number Of Sign Faces | Single or Double | Single or Double | Single or Double |
Maximum Sign Face Area | 2.0m2 | 2.0m2 |
2.0m2 |
Maximum Projection | 2.5m | 2.5m | 2.5m |
Maximum Changing Copy Area | 30% of the maximum sign face area |
30% of the maximum sign face area |
30% of the maximum sign face area |
Changing Copy Type | Manual | Manual, Rotating or Electronic which shall be restricted to static copy | Manual, Rotating or Electronic unless otherwise specifically provided in the provisions in the Special Districts of this By-law. |
Illumination | External or Internal, Flashing is prohibited | External or Internal, Flashing is prohibited | External or Internal, notwithstanding the provisions in the Special Districts of this By-law Flashing is prohibited |
Rotation | Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Sign Location Restrictions |
No part of any projecting wall sign shall:
Same As Group 2 | Same As Group 2 |
6.6.1 Licencing Agreements - No permit for a projecting wall sign over the public road allowance shall be issued until the owner of the property has entered into a Licencing Agreement with the City and has satisfied the City's requirements for liability insurance; the Licencing Agreement shall be in accordance with Table 3.15.
6.6.2 Group 1 Uses - Projecting wall signs are prohibited for Group 1 uses.
6.6.3 Additional Projecting Signs - Notwithstanding the regulations of Table 6.5, each occupancy within a multi-occupancy building is permitted one projecting wall sign per street frontage, provided the area of the sign does not exceed 0.5m² and the sign complies with the regulations of Rows 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of Table 6.6.
7.1 Regulations for Temporary First Party Banner Signs, Poster Board Signs and Mobile Signs
No person shall erect or display any temporary first party banner sign, poster board sign or mobile sign except in conformity with the regulations set out in Table 7.1 and the additional regulations set out below.
Table 7.1 - Temporary First Party Banner Signs, Poster Board Signs and Mobile Signs
Group Use | Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 |
Permitted Sign Type | Banner Signs, Poster Board Signs, and Mobile Signs (including Feather Flag Signs and A-Frame Signs greater than 0.6m2 ) | Banner Signs, Poster Board Signs, and Mobile Signs (including Feather Flag Signs and A-Frame Signs greater than 0.6m2 ) | Banner Signs, Poster Board Signs, and Mobile Signs (including Feather Flag Signs and A-Frame Signs greater than 0.6m2 ) | Banner Signs, Poster Board Signs, and Mobile Signs (including Feather Flag Signs and A-Frame Signs greater than 0.6m2 ) |
Permitted Sign Classifications | Congratulatory Sign | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs |
Number Of Signs | One per premises | One per occupancy | One per occupancy | One per occupancy |
Number Of Sign Faces | Single, Double and/or Multiple | Single, Double and/or Multiple | Single, Double and/or Multiple | Single, Double and/or Multiple |
Maximum Sign Face Area | 2.0m2 | 2.0m2 | 3.5m2 |
3.5m2 |
Maximum Sign Height | 3.0m | 4.0m | 4.0m | 4.0m |
Illumination | Prohibited | Prohibited | Prohibited | Prohibited |
Rotation | Prohibited | Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Time | A maximum of 72 consecutive hours, and not more than three times in the same calendar year | A maximum of 56 consecutive days per sign permit and not more than three sign permits for the same occupancy in the same calendar year. | A maximum of 56 consecutive days per sign permit and not more than three sign permits for the same occupancy in the same calendar year. | A maximum of 56 consecutive days per sign permit and not more than three sign permits for the same occupancy in the same calendar year. |
Sign Location Restrictions |
No part of any banner sign, poster board sign or mobile sign shall:
Same as Group 1 |
Same As Group 1 | Same As Group 1 |
7.1.1 Prohibited on Public Road Allowance - Banner signs, poster board signs, and mobile signs (including feather flag signs and A-Frame Signs greater than 0.6m2 ) are prohibited over or on a public road allowance.
7.1.2 Sign Identification – Every first party temporary banner sign, poster board sign and mobile sign (including feather flag signs and A-Frame Signs greater than 0.6 m2 ) shall identify the name and telephone number of the sign owner and operator and have it securely affixed and clearly displayed on the sign using letters and numerals not less than 2.5cm in dimension.
7.2 Regulations for Temporary First Party Inflatable Signs
No person shall erect or display any temporary first party inflatable sign except in conformity with the regulations set out in Table 7.2 and the additional regulations set out below.
Group Use | Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 |
Permitted Sign Type | Inflatable Signs | Inflatable Signs | Inflatable Signs | Inflatable Signs |
Permitted Sign Classifications | Congratulatory Sign | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs |
Number Of Signs | One per premises | One per premises | One per premises | One per premises |
Number Of Sign Faces | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Maximum Sign Face Area | 15m2 | 15m2 | 25m2 |
25m2 |
Maximum Sign Height | 5.0m | 5.0m | 12.0m | 12.0m |
Illumination | Prohibited | Prohibited | Prohibited | Prohibited |
Rotation | Prohibited | Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Time | A maximum of 72 consecutive hours, and not more than three times in the same calendar year | A maximum of 28 consecutive days per sign permit and not more than three sign permits for the same occupancy in the same calendar year. | A maximum of 28 consecutive days per sign permit and not more than three sign permits for the same occupancy in the same calendar year. | A maximum of 28 consecutive days per sign permit and not more than three sign permits for the same occupancy in the same calendar year. |
Sign Location Restrictions |
No part of any banner sign, poster board sign or mobile sign shall:
Same as Group 1 |
Same As Group 1 | Same As Group 1 |
7.2.1 Prohibited on Public Road Allowance – Inflatable signs are prohibited over or on a public road allowance.
7.2.2 Sign Identification – Every first party temporary inflatable signs shall identify the name and telephone number of the sign owner and operator and have it securely affixed and clearly displayed on the sign.
7.3 Regulations for Temporary First Party Read-O-Graph Mobile Signs
No person shall erect or display any temporary first party read-o-graph mobile sign except in conformity with the regulations set out in Table 7.3 and the additional regulations set out below.
Table 7.3 - Temporary First Party Read-O-Graph Mobile Signs
Group Use | Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 |
Permitted Sign Type | Read-O-Graph Mobile Signs and T-Frame Signs greater than 0.6m2 | Read-O-Graph Mobile Signs and T-Frame Signs greater than 0.6m2 | Read-O-Graph Mobile Signs and T-Frame Signs greater than 0.6m2 | Read-O-Graph Mobile Signs and T-Frame Signs greater than 0.6m2 |
Permitted Sign Classifications | Congratulatory Sign | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs |
Number Of Signs | One per premises | One sign per premises per street frontage |
One mobile sign per 45.0m of total street frontage per premises Maximum 2 signs per premises |
One mobile sign per 45.0m of total street frontage per premises Maximum 5 signs per premises |
Number Of Sign Faces | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Maximum Sign Face Area | 4.5m2 | 6m2 per sign | 6m2 per sign |
6m2 per sign |
Maximum Sign Height | 4.0m | 4.0m | 4.0m | 4.0m |
Maximum Changing Copying Type | 100% required | 100% required | 100% required | 100% required |
Changing Copy Type | Manual | Manual | Manual | Manual |
Illumination | Prohibited | External or Internal, Flashing is prohibited | External or Internal, Flashing is prohibited | External or Internal, Flashing is prohibited |
Rotation | Prohibited | Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Time | A maximum of 72 consecutive hours, and not more than three times in the same calendar year | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Sign Location Restrictions |
No part of any banner sign, poster board sign or mobile sign shall:
vi) be on any parking space required under the zoning By-laws of the City. |
Same as Group 1 |
Same As Group 1 | Same As Group 1 |
7.3.1 Prohibited on Public Road Allowance - Read-o-graph mobile signs are prohibited over or on a public road allowance.
7.3.2 Sign Identification – Every temporary first party read-o-graph mobile sign shall identify the name and telephone number of the sign owner and operator and have it securely affixed and clearly displayed on the sign.
7.3.3 Read-O-Graph Mobile Sign Permit Sticker - Read-O-Graph Mobile Sign Permit
Stickers are issued, and valid for the time period from June 23 rd of any calendar year to June 30 th of the following year. The current annual permit sticker shall be displayed at all times in a prominent location affixed directly to the structural frame of the read-o-graph mobile sign in the manner shown on Schedule “E” to this By-law. An expired sticker is to be removed or covered.
7.4 Regulations for Temporary First Party Sidewalk Signs On Private Property
No person shall erect or display any temporary first party sidewalk sign on private property except in conformity with the regulations set out in Table 7.4 and the additional regulations set out below.
Table 7.4 - Temporary First Party Sidewalk Signs On Private Property
Group Use | Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 |
Permitted Sign Type | Sidewalk Signs, A-Frame Signs and T-Frame Signs | Sidewalk Signs, A-Frame Signs and T-Frame Signs | Sidewalk Signs, A-Frame Signs and T-Frame Signs | Sidewalk Signs, A-Frame Signs and T-Frame Signs |
Permitted Sign Classifications | Congratulatory Sign | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs |
Number Of Signs | One per premises | One sign per occupancy |
One sign per occupancy |
One sign per occupancy |
Maximum Sign Face Area | 0.6m2 | 0.6m2 | 0.6m2 |
0.6m2 |
Maximum Sign Height | 1.2m | 1.2m | 1.2m | 1.2m |
Illumination | Prohibited | Prohibited | Prohibited | Prohibited |
Rotation | Prohibited | Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Time | A maximum of 72 consecutive hours, and not more than three times in the same calendar year | No restriction | No restriction | No restriction |
Sign Location Restrictions |
No part of any banner sign, poster board sign or mobile sign shall:
iv) be less than 5.0m from any other sidewalk sign on the same premises;
vi) be on any parking space required under the zoning By-laws of the City. |
Same as Group 1 |
Same As Group 1 | Same As Group 1 |
7.4.1 Sign Identification – Every temporary first party sidewalk sign shall identify the name and telephone number of the sign owner and operator and have it securely affixed and clearly displayed on the sign.
7.5 Regulations for Temporary First Party Sidewalk Signs On Public Road Allowance
No person shall erect or display any temporary first party sidewalk sign on public road allowance except in conformity with the regulations set out in Table 7.5 and the additional regulations set out below.
Table 7.5 - Temporary First Party Sidewalk Signs On Public Road Allowance
Group Use | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 |
Permitted Sign Type | Sidewalk Signs, A-Frame Signs and T-Frame Signs | Sidewalk Signs, A-Frame Signs and T-Frame Signs | Sidewalk Signs, A-Frame Signs and T-Frame Signs |
Permitted Sign Classifications | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs |
Number Of Signs | One sign per occupancy |
One sign per occupancy |
One sign per occupancy |
Maximum Sign Face Area | 0.6m2 | 0.6m2 |
0.6m2 |
Maximum Sign Height | 1.1m | 1.1m | 1.1m |
Illumination | Prohibited | Prohibited | Prohibited |
Rotation | Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Prohibited |
Time | Permitted during business operation hours | Permitted during business operation hours | Permitted during business operation hours |
Sign Location Restrictions |
No part of any sidewalk sign shall:
Same As Group 2 | Same As Group 2 |
7.5.1 Licencing Agreements - No sidewalk sign shall be permitted on public road allowance until the sign owner has entered into a licencing agreement with the City and has satisfied the City's requirements for liability insurance; the licencing agreement shall be in accordance with Table 3.15.
7.5.2 Sign Identification – Every temporary first party sidewalk sign shall identify the name and telephone number of the sign owner and operator and have it securely affixed and clearly displayed on the sign.
7.5.3 Group 1 Uses – Temporary first party sidewalk signs on public property are prohibited for Group 1 Uses.
7.6 Regulations for Temporary First Party Construction Signs On Private Property
No person shall erect or display any temporary first party construction sign on private property except in conformity with the regulations set out in Table 7.6 and the additional regulations set out below.
Table 7.6 - Temporary First Party Construction Signs On Private Property
Group Use | Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 |
Permitted Sign Type | Construction Signs in the form of Ground Signs, Facial Signs or Banner Signs | Construction Signs in the form of Ground Signs, Facial Signs or Banner Signs | Construction Signs in the form of Ground Signs, Facial Signs or Banner Signs | Construction Signs in the form of Ground Signs, Facial Signs or Banner Signs |
Permitted Sign Classifications | Identification Signs and Information Signs | Identification Signs and Information Signs | Identification Signs and Information Signs | Identification Signs and Information Signs |
Number of Sign Faces | Single and/or Double | Single and/or Double | Single and/or Double | Single and/or Double |
Number Of Signs |
One ground sign per premises when located on the premises directly related to the home
One ground sign
No limitation of ground signs provided signs are a minimum of 50m apart from another ground sign
No limitation of ground signs provided signs are a minimum of 50m apart from another ground sign
Maximum Sign Face Area | 3.0m2 | 10.0m2 per sign | 10.0m2 per sign |
10.0m2 per sign |
Maximum Sign Height | 4.0m | 7.5m | 7.5m | 7.5m |
Illumination | Prohibited | Permitted except that flashing is prohibited. | Permitted except that flashing is prohibited. | Permitted except that flashing is prohibited. |
Time | Shall not be displayed until after any applicable approval for the development under the Planning Act has been given, to a maximum display period ending 28 days after construction or development has been completed, or in the case of subdivision developments, prior to assumption. | Same as Group 1 | Same as Group 1 | Same as Group 1 |
Sign Location Restrictions |
No part of any construction sign shall:
Same as Group 1
Same as Group 1 | Same as Group 1 |
7.6.1 Prohibited on Public Road Allowance – Temporary first party construction signs are prohibited over or on public road allowance.
7.6.2 Ground Sign Proximity - Notwithstanding Table 7.6, Columns C and D Row 5, where construction ground signs are related to a plan of subdivision, a maximum of two such signs may be located within 0.3m of each other, provided they are restricted to subdivision entrances.
7.6.3 Builder Identification Signs - Notwithstanding Table 7.6, additional signs may be attached below the temporary first party construction sign for the purpose of advertising individual builders within the development provided;
a) the builder identification signs are arranged and displayed in an orderly
manner, and;
b) the total sign face area dedicated to the individual builder identification signs is no greater than 10% of the sign face area of the construction ground sign they are attached to.
7.6.4 Temporary Construction Signs On Sales Trailer - Where a construction sign is attached to a temporary sales trailer located on the site of the new construction, signs are permitted on the entirety of one face of a single trailer. The signs shall not project above the wall of the trailer more than 1.2m, and the total area of the sign shall not exceed 10.0m 2 .
7.6.5 Contractor Signs - Contractor signs may be placed on private property during the time construction, repairs or services are being undertaken, provided;
a) the single or double sided contactor sign is restricted to a maximum sign face area of 1.0m 2 ;
b) the sign does not exceed the maximum height of 1.5m;
c) no part of the sign shall have illumination, changing copy area or rotation;
d) no part of the sign shall be within 1.5m of a municipally owned sidewalk or lot line other than a front lot line, and;
e) the sign shall be removed within 72 hours of completion of the construction, repairs or service.
7.6.6 Subdivision Signs - Subdivision information signs required by subdivision agreements are exempt from the area requirements of Table 7.6.
7.7 Regulations for Temporary First Party Real Estate Signs On Private Property
No person shall erect or display any temporary first party real estate sign on private property except in conformity with the regulations set out in Table 7.7 and the additional regulations set out below.
Table 7.7 - Temporary First Party Real Estate Signs On Private Property
Group Use | Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 |
Permitted Sign Type | Real Estate Signs | Real Estate Signs | Real Estate Signs | Real Estate Signs |
Permitted Sign Classifications | Advertising Signs devoted exclusively to the sale, lease or rental of a premises, occupancy, building or property | Advertising Signs devoted exclusively to the sale, lease or rental of a premises, occupancy, building or property | Advertising Signs devoted exclusively to the sale, lease or rental of a premises, occupancy, building or property | Advertising Signs devoted exclusively to the sale, lease or rental of a premises, occupancy, building or property |
Number of Sign Faces | Single and/or Double | Single and/or Double | Single and/or Double | Single and/or Double |
Number Of Signs |
One ground sign per street frontage except as provided in 7.7.1 |
One ground sign per street frontage except as provided in 7.7.1 and; One facial sign per occupancy per street frontage |
One ground sign per street frontage except as provided in 7.7.1 and; One facial sign per occupancy per street frontage |
One ground sign per street frontage except as provided in 7.7.1 and; One facial sign per occupancy per street frontage |
Maximum Sign Face Area | 0.7m2 | 3.0m2 | 5.0m2 |
5.0m2 |
Maximum Ground Sign Height | 1.5m | 4.5m | 4.5m | 4.5m |
Maximum Facial Wall Sign Height | Prohibited |
Not more than 1.2m above the height of the first storey |
Not more than 1.2m above the height of the first storey |
Not more than 1.2m above the height of the first storey |
Illumination | Prohibited | Internal or External, flashing is prohibited. | Internal or External, flashing is prohibited. | Internal or External, flashing is prohibited. |
Time |
All real estate signs shall be removed not later than 30 days after the sale, lease or rental of the premises or property |
All real estate signs shall be removed not later than 30 days after the sale, lease or rental of the premises or property |
All real estate signs shall be removed not later than 30 days after the sale, lease or rental of the premises or property |
All real estate signs shall be removed not later than 30 days after the sale, lease or rental of the premises or property |
Sign Location Restrictions |
No part of any real estate sign shall:
Same as Group 1
Same as Group 1 | Same as Group 1 |
7.7.1 Additional Signs - Notwithstanding Table 7.7, more than one temporary first party real estate sign per street frontage is permitted provided they are located a minimum 150m from each other.
7.7.2 Real Estate Banner Signs Displayed on Building Walls - Notwithstanding Table 7.7, two temporary non-illuminated real estate banner signs per building, one per wall elevation, are permitted. Each sign may have a sign face area of up to 5% of the building wall on which it is displayed or 40m 2 , whichever is less. No sign shall obstruct any window, or opening required for emergency access or egress, natural light or ventilation. No such sign shall be displayed for more than 180 days in any calendar year.
8.1 Regulations for Permanent Third Party Billboard Signs
No person shall erect or display any permanent third party billboard sign except in conformity with the regulations set out in Table 8.1 and the additional regulations set out below.
Table 8.1 - Permanent Third Party Billboard Signs
Permitted Sign Type | Billboard Signs |
Permitted Sign Classification | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs |
Maximum Sign Face Area | 33.0m2 |
Maximum Sign Height | 8.0m |
Maximum Changing Copy Area | 100% |
Changing Copy Type | Manual, Rotating or Electronic which shall be restricted to static copy |
Illumination | Internal or external except that any external illumination fixture shall be located not more than 1.5m from the sign face. Flashing is prohibited. |
Sign Location Restrictions |
No part of any billboard sign shall:
General Design Criteria | Billboard signs having a sign face capable of being viewed from opposite directions shall be double faced or a metal or other approved covering shall be substituted for the omitted sign face, such covering to be located as prescribed for sign faces in the definition of a double faced sign. Billboard signs shall be designed and constructed to exclude scaffolding, platforms or similar features for the purpose of maintenance or sign replacement, except where the distance from grade to the underside of the face exceeds 3.0m. |
8.1.1 Prohibited on a Public Road Allowance - Permanent third party billboard signs are prohibited from being over or on a Public Road Allowance, except as authorized by City Engineer.
8.1.2 Existing Permanent Third Party Billboard Signs - Notwithstanding the sign location restrictions in Table 8.1, any lawfully erected permanent third party sign may be replaced in the same location provided that the replacement sign otherwise complies with the regulations of this By-law and a permit is obtained.
8.2 Regulations for Permanent Third Party Railway Overpass Signs
No person shall erect or display any permanent third party railway overpass sign except in conformity with the regulations set out in Table 8.2 and the additional regulations set out below.
Table 8.2 - Permanent Third Party Railway Overpass Signs
Permitted Sign Type | Railway Overpass Signs |
Permitted Sign Classification | Identification Signs, Information Signs and Advertising Signs |
Maximum Sign Face Area | Not to exceed the physical limits of the railway overpass structure |
Maximum Sign Height | Not to exceed the physical limits of the railway overpass structure |
Maximum Changing Copy Area | 100% |
Changing Copy Type | Manual, Rotating or Electronic which shall be restricted to static copy |
Illumination | Internal or external except that any external illumination fixture shall be located not more than 1.5m from the sign face. Flashing is prohibited. |
Sign Location Restrictions |
No part of any railway overpass sign shall:
8.2.1 Agreement with City - No railway overpass sign shall be permitted over the public road allowance unless the sign owner has entered into an agreement with the City and has also satisfied the City's requirements for liability insurance.
8.3 Regulations for Permanent Third Party Industrial Park Signs
No person shall erect or display any permanent third party industrial park sign except in conformity with the regulations set out in Table 8.3 and the additional regulations set out below.
Table 8.3 - Permanent Third Party Industrial Park Signs
Permitted Sign Type | Industrial Park Signs |
Permitted Sign Classification | Directional Signs |
Number of Sign Structures | One per lot |
Maximum Sign Face Area | 8.0m2 |
Maximum Sign Height | 6.0m |
Illumination | Internal or external except that any external illumination fixture shall be located not more than 1.5m from the sign face. Flashing is prohibited. |
Sign Location Restrictions |
No part of any industrial park sign shall:
iii) be less than 30.0m to any residential zone, except where the residential zone is on the opposite side of a street;
v) be permitted on any lands except lands zoned industrial as per the City of London’s current zoning By-Law . |
8.3.1 Prohibited on a Public Road Allowance - Permanent third party industrial park signs are prohibited from being over or on a Public Road Allowance, except as authorized by the City.
9.1 Regulations for Temporary Third Party Real Estate Directional Signs Over or On Public Road Allowance
No person shall erect or display any temporary third party real estate directional signs over or on public road allowance except in conformity with the regulations set out in Table 9.1.
Table 9.1 - Temporary Third Party Real Estate Directional Signs Over or On Public Road Allowance
Group 1 | Group 2 | |
Permitted Sign Type | Real Estate Directional Signs | Real Estate Directional Signs |
Permitted Sign Classification | Advertising Signs devoted exclusively to the sale, lease or rental of the specific premises, occupancy, building or property | Advertising Signs devoted exclusively to the sale, lease or rental of the specific premises, occupancy, building or property |
Number of Signs | No Restriction | No Restriction |
Number of Sign Faces | Single and/or Double | Single and/or Double |
Maximum Sign Face Area | 0.4m2 | 0.4m2 |
Maximum Sign Height | 0.6m | 0.6m |
Illumination | Prohibited | Prohibited |
Time Limit |
Between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. provided the model home is open, or the open house is operating. |
Between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. provided the model home is open, or the open house is operating. |
Sign Location Restrictions |
No part of any real estate directional sign shall:
Same as Group 1 |
9.2 Regulations for Temporary Third Party New Home Development Signs Over or On Public Road Allowance
No person shall erect or display any temporary third party new home development signs over or on public road allowance except in conformity with the regulations set out in Table 9.2 and the additional regulations set out below.
Table 9.2 - Temporary Third Party New Home Development Signs Over or On Public Road Allowance
Group 3 | |
Permitted Sign Type | New Home Development Signs |
Permitted Sign Classification | Advertising Signs devoted exclusively to the sale of new home developments |
Number of Signs | Limited to groupings of up to two signs or a maximum of one sign per builder where there are more than two builders for the subdivision |
Number of Sign Faces | Single and/or Double |
Maximum Sign Face Area | 0.6m2 |
Maximum Sign Height | 1.1m |
Illumination | Prohibited |
Time Limit |
Not before 4:00 p.m. on a Friday, and all such signs shall be removed no later than 9:00 a.m. of the immediately following Monday, provided that where a Friday or a Monday is a statutory holiday, the hours shall be extended only to the extent necessary to include the statutory holiday. |
Sign Location Restrictions |
No part of any new home development sign shall:
9.2.1 Licencing Agreement - No permit for a new home development sign on public road allowance shall be issued until the owner of the property has entered into a licencing agreement with the City and has satisfied the City's requirements for liability insurance. The licencing agreement shall be in accordance with Table 3.15.
9.3 Other Temporary Third Party Signs – Special Events etc. No person shall erect or display any temporary third party sign for a special event, directional information sign, vehicle or trailer sign, or directional information construction sign except in conformity with Section 4 of this By-law and the additional regulations set out below. This section does not apply to temporary third party signs regulated by Sections 9.1 through 9.2.
9.3.1 Special Events - Temporary signs that are used in conjunction with a special event held by a charity or not-for-profit organization, including an exhibition or fair, are permitted in all locations except on a public road allowance and except on an exclusively residential premises, provided:
a) not more than one such sign is erected per premises, per street frontage;
b) such signs do not exceed 6.0m² in sign face area;
c) the signs are not erected sooner than six weeks prior to the starting date of the special event to which they refer, and;
d) said signs do not remain displayed for more than 72 hours after the closing date of the event.
9.3.2 Directional Information Signs – Third party directional information signs located on a public road allowance and intended to provide direction to a recreational or institutional premises otherwise not visible from a main thoroughfare are permitted if approved by the City Engineer.
9.3.3 Signs on Vehicles or Trailers – Notwithstanding subsection 3.3(k), third party signs attached to or painted on a vehicle are exempt from the regulations of this subsection provided the vehicle is in weekly operation for transportation and is not parked or located in a manner so as to make the sign visible from a street for the purpose of functioning as an advertising device when not being driven.
9.3.4 Directional Information Construction Signs – Notwithstanding the regulations set out in Table 7.6 and any other regulations of this By-law, a maximum of two third party directional information signs pertaining to a plan of subdivision, or a plan of condominium, or a building or building complex, may be erected or displayed for the period of time set out in Table 7.6, Row 8 provided that the sign does not exceed 3.0m 2 in sign face area, 4.0m in height, is erected with the property owner’s permission in a location except on a private road allowance and the sign message is limited to the name and location of the construction.
10.1 Regulations for Signs in Special Districts
Within the Sign By-law, certain parts of the City are identified as areas where the overall character and appearance should be retained and enhanced. In keeping with and enriching the policies of the City of London, various Special Districts were identified as parts of the City that have characteristics which warrant exemptions, limitations and experimentation with signs in order to improve upon the visual quality of the overall community image. The following are Special Districts for the purposes of this by-law:
a) Heritage Conservation Districts;
b) Downtown Business Improvement Area;
c) Old East Village Community Improvement Area.
10.2 Regulations for Heritage Conservation Districts
No person shall erect or display any of the following signs within a Heritage Conservation District:
a) third party billboard signs;
b) banner signs;
c) inflatable signs;
d) poster board signs;
e) feather flag signs;
f) sidewalk signs greater than 0.6m 2 in sign face area;
g) mobile signs;
h) read-o-graph mobile;
i) Signs with electronic changing copy, except in the Downtown Heritage Conservation District;
j) Signs with illumination that is flashing, except in the Downtown Heritage Conservation District;
k) Signs with illumination that is internal, except in the Downtown Heritage Conservation District.
10.2.1 Banner Signs, Poster Board Signs, Feather Flag Signs and Mobile signs in Heritage Conservation Districts – Notwithstanding subsection 10.2, banner signs, poster board signs, feather flag signs or mobile signs in Heritage Conservation Districts in conjunction with a special event held by a charity or non-profit organization may be erected or displayed for a time period not exceeding 28 days within any calendar year provided it is in compliance with subsection 7.1 and Table 7.1.
10.2.2 Inflatable signs in Heritage Conservation Districts – Notwithstanding subsection 10.2, Inflatable signs in Heritage Conservation Districts in conjunction with a special event held by a charity or non-profit organization may be erected or displayed for a time period not exceeding 28 days within any calendar year provided it is in compliance with subsection 7.2 and Table 7.2.
10.2.3 Read-O-Graph Mobile signs in Heritage Conservation Districts - Notwithstanding subsection 10.2, Read-O-Graph Mobile signs in Heritage Conservation Districts in conjunction with a special event held by a charity or non-profit organization may be erected or displayed for a time period not exceeding 28 days within any calendar year provided it is in compliance with subsection 7.3 and Table 7.3.
10.3 Regulations for the Downtown Business Improvement Area
No person shall erect or display any of the following signs within the Downtown Business Improvement Area:
a) third party billboard signs;
b) sidewalk signs greater than 0.6m 2 in sign face area;
c) mobile signs;
d) inflatable signs;
e) read-o-graph mobile signs.
10.3.1 Mobile signs in the Downtown Business Improvement Area – Notwithstanding subsection 10.3, banner signs, poster board signs, feather flag signs or mobile signs in the Downtown Business Improvement Area in conjunction with a special event held by a charity or non-profit organization may be erected or displayed for a time period not exceeding 28 days within any calendar year provided it is in compliance with subsection 7.1 and Table 7.1.
10.3.2 Inflatable signs in the Downtown Business Improvement Area – Notwithstanding subsection 10.3, Inflatable signs in the Downtown Business Improvement Area in conjunction with a special event held by a charity or non- profit organization may be erected or displayed for a time period not exceeding 28 days within any calendar year provided it is in compliance with subsection 7.2 and Table 7.2.
10.3.3 Read-O-Graph Mobile signs in the Downtown Business Improvement Area - Notwithstanding subsection 10.3, read-o-graph mobile signs in the Downtown Business Improvement Area in conjunction with a special event held by a charity or non-profit organization may be erected or displayed for a time period not exceeding 28 days within any calendar year provided it is in compliance with subsection 7.3 and Table 7.3.
10.4 Regulations for the Old East Village Community Improvement Area
No person shall erect or display any of the following signs within the Old East Village Community Improvement Area:
a) third party billboard signs;
b) sidewalk signs greater than 0.6m 2 in sign face area;
c) mobile signs;
d) inflatable signs;
e) read-o-graph mobile signs.
10.4.1 Mobile signs in the Old East Village Community Improvement Area – Notwithstanding subsection 10.4, banner signs, poster board signs, feather flag signs or mobile signs in the Old East Village Community Improvement Area in conjunction with a special event held by a charity or non-profit organization may be erected or displayed for a time period not exceeding 28 days within any calendar year provided it is in compliance with subsection 7.1 and Table 7.1.
10.4.2 Inflatable signs in the Old East Village Community Improvement Area – Notwithstanding subsection 10.4, Inflatable signs in the Old East Village Community Improvement Area in conjunction with a special event held by a charity or non-profit organization may be erected or displayed for a time period not exceeding 28 days within any calendar year provided it is in compliance with subsection 7.2 and Table 7.2.
10.4.3 Read-O-Graph Mobile signs in the Old East Village Community Improvement Area - Notwithstanding subsection 10.4, read-o-graph mobile signs in the Old East Village Community Improvement Area in conjunction with a special event held by a charity or non-profit organization may be erected or displayed for a time period not exceeding 28 days within any calendar year provided it is in compliance with subsection 7.3 and Table 7.3.
11.1 Variances Possible Except Where Prohibited
Any owner may apply for a minor variance to a provision of this By-law.
11.2 Application Materials
An application for variance shall be made on forms prescribed by the Chief Building Official and shall be accompanied by the applicable fee as set out in Schedule “A”, and materials as set out on the prescribed forms.
11. Authority of the Chief Building Official
Subject to subsection 11.4 the Chief Building Official may authorize a variance if in their opinion the general intent and purpose of the By-law are maintained and the variance is minor in nature. The Chief Building Official shall not authorize a variance if such variance pertains to a prohibited provision in this By- law.
11.4 Basis for Variance Decisions
In considering an application for a variance, the Chief Building Official shall have regard for:
a) any special circumstances or conditions relating to the land, building or use identified in the application;
b) whether strict application of the provisions of this By-law, in the context of the special circumstances applying to the land, building or use, would result in practical difficulties or unnecessary and unusual hardship for the applicant, inconsistent with the general intent and purpose of this By-law;
c) whether such special circumstances or conditions are pre-existing and not created by the sign owner or applicant;
d) whether the sign that is the subject of the variance will alter the essential character of the area in which the sign will be located;
e) design guidelines for signs or neighbourhood character set out in secondary plans and area-specific policies of the Official Plan;
f) Ontario Heritage Act objectives, where applicable;
g) council-approved Special Districts and their design guidelines;
h) physical impediments or obstructions;
i) topography;
j) sign visibility;
k) public safety;
l) potential impacts on existing adjacent land use;
m) the application of Ministry of Transportation sign regulations;
n) whether the minor variance is desirable in the circumstances.
11.5 Terms, Conditions, Requirements
The Chief Building Official may impose terms, provisions or restrictions as conditions of granting a minor variance to provisions of this By-law which will be tied to the associated sign permit.
11.6 Complete Application for Variance
11.6.1 Where an application for variance is incomplete, or does not provide enough information, the Chief Building Official may refuse to accept the application or may return the application.
11.6.2 For the purpose of subsection 11.6.1, an application is incomplete where:
a) it is not in the form prescribed by the Chief Building Official or a reasonable facsimile thereof; or
b) it is not accompanied by;
c) the full application fee for a minor variance; and
d) such information required as set out on the prescribed form by the Chief Building Official.
11.7 Appeal to the Hearings Officer
11.7.1 An applicant may appeal the variance decision within 21 days of the date of the decision of the Chief Building Official to the Hearings Officer.
11.7.2 The City Clerk shall notify the applicant once a hearing date has been fixed. If the applicant does not attend at the appointed time and place, the hearing may proceed in the absence of the applicant and the applicant shall not be entitled to further notice of the proceedings.
11.7.3 The decision of the Hearings Officer shall be considered final and not subject to further appeal.
11.7.4 A variance from provisions of this By-law shall expire six months from the date of issuance of a permit associated with a variance unless the sign is erected or displayed as granted, within that time period. Furthermore upon removal or substantial alteration of the subject sign, the variance shall also expire.
This By-law shall come into force and effect on the day it is passed.
PASSED in Open Council on May 30, 2017.
Anna Hopkins
Acting Mayor
Catharine Saunders
City Clerk
First Reading - May 30, 2017
Second Reading - May 30, 2017
Third Reading - May 30, 2017
Schedule A
Sign Fees
Sign permit fees may include additional administration fees, or other fees, where applicable and noted in this Schedule.

Schedule B
Licensing Agreement By Owner Of A Sidewalk Sign

Schedule C
Licensing Agreement by Owner Of A New Home Development Sign

Schedule D
Signage Master Plan Letter of Acknowledgement

Schedule E
Read-O-Graph Mobile Signs

Figure 1
Illustration of Sight Triangles

By-Law No. | Date Passed at Council |
S.-5868(a)-55 | February 23, 2021 |
S.-5868(b)-145 | May 4, 2021 |
S.-5868(c)-304 | September 14, 2021 |
S.-5868(d)-170 | July 25, 2023 |