The Veteran Tree Incentive Program has been renamed the Tree Canopy Conservation Program. The name was changed to better align with our goal of retaining canopy cover in the Forest City.
The City of London's Urban Forest Strategy sets out a target of 34% tree canopy cover by 2065. To achieve this goal, trees within city limits must be planted, and existing trees must be managed in a way that extends their life. As a large proportion of London’s trees are on private property, homeowners play a crucial role in achieving this target. The Tree Canopy Conservation Program provides funding to residents to assist with managing mature trees on private property. Eligible trees must be 40cm or greater in diameter, and all work must be completed by a qualified arborist.
Applications for 2024 have now closed. Thank you to all who submitted a form. Please note this program has been paused for 2025.
Frequently asked questions
Who is eligible for the program?
If you are a resident or property owner in London with a tree 40cm or greater in diameter, you may be eligible for the Tree Canopy Conservation Program. Furthermore, all proposed work must be completed by a qualified arborist as per the City of London’s Tree Protection By-law.
How is ‘qualified arborist' defined for this program?
Applicants must hire a qualified arborist as per the City of London’s Tree Protection By-law to complete all eligible work. The Tree Protection By-law defines an “Arborist” as:
- Arborist qualified by the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
- Certified Arborist with the International Society of Arboriculture
- Consulting Arborist registered with the American Society of Consulting Arborists
- Registered Professional Forester
Please note that a utility arborist may not be considered a qualified arborist for this program. The City will not award funding if the proposed work is not completed by a qualified arborist.

What is Diameter at Breast Height (DBH)?
The measurement of the diameter of the tree taken at 1.4 meters above natural ground level. To calculate diameter, divide the circumference (measure all the way around the tree using a flexible measuring tape) by Pi (3.14).
What type of work is eligible?
The goal of this program is “to defer the removal of the largest trees to the latest possible date while allowing for successional planting to catch up”. This can include types of pruning, fertilization, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) & cabling/bracing practices. When in doubt, please ask City staff to confirm whether the proposed work for your tree(s) might be supported by the Tree Canopy Conservation Program.
There is an eligible tree on my property. How do I apply?
Applications can be submitted from the online application form located at the bottom of this page. If you require a paper copy of this application, please contact us at 519 661-2489, extension 3164 or email
Applications for the Tree Canopy Conservation Program will be considered strictly on a first-come first-served basis until all available funds have been spent.
You will be required to submit a quote or contract to support your request, which will be used to determine how much funding you may receive through the program.
City staff may visit your property to verify your application. City staff may request photographs of the tree to avoid a site visit or in-person meeting.
I can’t afford to pay for the entire job upfront. Can you pay direct to my contractor?
No, the Tree Canopy Conservation Program is strictly for property owners and will not be paid to contractors. Your contract is between you and your contractor. The City will ensure any award is processed as quickly as possible.
Can I apply for money to pay for work already done?
No. Retrospective applications are not eligible and will not be considered for the program. You should not commence any work before assistance has been approved by City staff.
Can I use the Tree Canopy Conservation Program to pay for work required by an Order of the City?
No. If you have received an Order from the City to abate a safety concern under the Property Standards By-law, or an Order made for any other reason, it is not eligible.
Will everyone getting assistance from the program receive the same amount?
No. The City will determine how much assistance to offer subject to availability and on a case-by-case basis. The maximum amount available is $1,000 per eligible tree. Most awards will be less than $1000 to ensure that the City assists as many property owners as possible.
Eligible work
Due to the concern of Oak Wilt, any work on oak trees will be deferred to the months of November to March. These applications may be eligible for higher funding amounts to encourage good practice.
- Different approaches used to provide physical support to trees to allow reaction wood to develop and prevent failure.
- Pruning of dead, cracked, or broken limbs.
- Pruning of branches to improve tree structure to ensure adequate growth in future years.
- Pruning completed in a way that mimics natural decline in veteran trees. In some instances, this type of pruning may be considered an injury to a tree but is a useful method to retain veteran trees for longer when they are in a late stage of life.
Integrated pest management
- Integrated pest management is a method that combines both preventative and control measures for managing pests to a tolerable threshold.
Arborist quote requirements
- the arborist's information
- what services or materials are being supplied
- to whom (i.e., you), the cost, and the date the work was quoted.
The arborist's assessment, quote and other supporting documentation should not be more than six months old.
What happens next?
- We will review your application. If you have not heard from us within one week, please email
- We will arrange a site visit.
- If your application is approved, you may schedule the work.
- Once work is completed, please submit the paid invoice.
- You will receive a cheque in the mail within four weeks of us receiving a copy of the paid invoice
That’s it! If City staff need anything else, they will contact you. Thank you for helping grow and preserve our Urban Forest!