East London sanitary servicing study
The official website for the City of London, Ontario
The City of London is planning for future growth and development expected on the east end of the City, within the Vauxhall and Pottersburg wastewater treatment plant sewersheds. The City undertook a Master Plan entitled the East London Sanitary Servicing Study, completed August 2018, which made recommendations for future wastewater servicing in east London under a short term (20 year) and long term (50 year) planning window. This study recommended that the long term solution for wastewater treatment was the construction of a single new plant, to be located at the existing Pottersburg wastewater treatment plant site, which would provide treatment for both sewersheds. The study also recommended a major upgrade at the Vauxhall wastewater treatment plant as the short term treatment solution, based on the assumption that the construction of the new Pottersburg plant (long term solution) would first require the demolition of the existing Pottersburg plant, and during this time the existing Vauxhall plant would need to treat all flows generated in East London.
The City was preparing to undertake a study to increase the treatment capacity at the Vauxhall wastewater treatment plant and issued a Notice of Commencement in November 2018. However, as a result of ongoing consultation and planning efforts, it is now anticipated that the construction of the new future Pottersburg wastewater treatment plant can proceed without any disruption of the existing Pottersburg treatment processes, allowing this capacity to be maintained until the new plant is completed. The contemplated major upgrade at the Vauxhall wastewater treatment plant is therefore no longer required.
An Addendum report outlines this updated approach, potential treatment requirements, other process upgrades and flow equalization requirements at the Vauxhall plant to realize the treatment capacity required until the future Pottersburg plant can be constructed and placed into operation.
A Notice of Addendum was placed on the public record for review. This study’s 30-day review period completed on April 13, 2020. The study follows guidance outlined in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment document (as amended in 2007, 2011, and 2015). Subject to any comments received, the City of London intends to officially adopt the recommendations documented in the Addendum report.
This study examines east London’s sanitary servicing, and impacts to Vauxhall and Pottersburg wastewater treatment plants.
If you require documents in an alternate format or have questions about this project, please contact Kyle Murray, MASc, P. Eng., at kjmurray@london.ca or by phone at 519-661-2489 x 2661.
The study was conducted according to the requirements of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, which is a planning process approved under Ontario’s Environmental Assessment Act.
Please note the period for public comments related to both the East London Sanitary Servicing Study Class Environmental Assessment and the Addendum have closed. Those wishing to obtain documents or inquire about the study findings are encouraged to do so, but these comments will not form part of the Class EA.