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Copyright © 2001

Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) By-law - A-54

By-Law Number


A by-law to implement an Administrative Monetary Penalty System in London.

WHEREAS Section 102.1 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, (the “Municipal Act”) and Ontario Regulation 333/07 (the “Regulation”) authorize The Corporation of the City of London (the “City”) to require a person to pay an administrative penalty for a contravention of any by-law respecting the parking, standing  or stopping of vehicles;

AND WHEREAS Section 434.1 of the Municipal Act authorizes the City to require a person, subject to such conditions as the municipality considers appropriate, to pay an administrative penalty if the municipality is satisfied that the person has failed to comply with a by-law of the municipality;

AND WHEREAS paragraph 151(1)(g) of the Municipal Act authorizes the City to require a person, subject to such conditions as the municipality considers appropriate, to pay an administrative penalty if the municipality is satisfied that the person has failed to comply with any part of a system of licences established by the municipality;

AND WHEREAS Sections 23.2, 23.3 and 23.5 of the Municipal Act authorize the City to delegate its administrative and hearing powers;

AND WHEREAS the Municipal Council for the City is of the opinion that the delegations of legislative power under this By-law to the Director, Municipal Compliance, the Clerk, to Hearings Officers and to Screenings Officers are of a minor nature having regard to the number of people, the size of the geographic area, and the time period affected by the exercise of such delegated power;

AND WHEREAS Section 391 of the Municipal Act authorizes the City to pass by-laws imposing fees or charges for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of it;

AND WHEREAS the Council for the City considers it desirable and necessary to provide for a system of administrative penalties and administrative fees for the designated City by-laws, or portions of the designated City by-laws;

NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the City of London enacts as follows:


1.1 In this By-law:

“Administrative Fee” means any fee specified in this By-law or set out in Schedule “B”;

“Administrative Penalty” means an administrative penalty established by this By-law or set out in the attached Schedules “A-2”, “A-3”, “A-4”, “A-5”, “A-6”, “A-7”, “A-8”, “A-9”, “A-10”, “A-11”, “A-12”, “A-13”, “A-14”, “A-15”, “A-16”, “A-17”, “A-18”, “A-19”, “A-20”, “A-21”, “A-22”, “A-23”, “A-24”, "A-25”, “A-26” ,"A-27”, and "A-28" for a contravention of a Designated by-law listed in Schedule “A-1”;

“AMPS” means Administrative Monetary Penalty System;

“Authorized Representative” means someone appearing on behalf of a Person in accordance with a written authorization provided upon request to the Director, Municipal Compliance, and who is not required to be licensed by any professional body;

“City” means The Corporation of the City of London;

“Clerk” means the City Clerk, or any person delegated by them;

“Council” means the Council of the City;

“Day” means any calendar day;

“Designated By-law” means a by-law, or a part or provision of a by-law, that is designated under this or any other by-law, and is listed in the attached Schedule “A-1” to which the AMPS applies;

“Director, Municipal Compliance” means the City’s Director, Municipal Compliance or any person delegated by them;

“Hearing Non-appearance Fee” means an Administrative Fee established by Council from time to time in respect of a Person’s failure to appear at the time and place scheduled for a review before a Hearing Officer and listed in Schedule “B”;

“Hearing Decision” means a notice that contains a decision made by a Hearing Officer;

“Hearing Officer” means a person who performs the functions of a Hearing Officer in accordance with Section 6 of this By-law, and pursuant to the City’s Hearing Officer By-law, A.-6653-121, as amended from time to time;

“Holiday” means a Saturday, Sunday, any statutory holiday in the Province of Ontario or any Day the offices of the City are officially closed for business;

“Late Payment Fee” means an Administrative Fee established by Council from time to time in respect of a Person’s failure to pay an Administrative Penalty within the time prescribed in this By-law and listed in Schedule “B”;

“MTO Fee” means an Administrative Fee established by Council from time to time for any search of the records of, or any inquiry to, the Ontario Ministry of
Transportation, or related authority, and listed in Schedule “B”;

“NSF Fee” means an Administrative Fee established by Council from time to time in respect of payment by negotiable instrument or credit card received by the City from a Person for payment of any Administrative Penalty or Administrative Fee, for which there are insufficient funds available in the account on which the instrument was drawn, as listed in Schedule “B”;

“Officer” means:

(i) a Provincial Offences Officer of the City or other person appointed by or under the authority of a City by-law to enforce City by-laws;

“Penalty Notice” means a notice given to a Person pursuant to section 3.0 of this By-law;

“Penalty Notice Date” means the date of the contravention specified on the Penalty Notice, in accordance with section 3.2 of this By-law;

“Penalty Notice Number” means the reference number specified on the Penalty Notice that is unique to that Penalty Notice, in accordance with section 3.3 of this By-law;

“Person” includes an individual or a business name, sole proprietorship, corporation, partnership, or limited partnership, or an authorized representative thereof, and, in relation to vehicle, parking or traffic-related contraventions, whose name appears on the vehicle permit as provided by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation. If the vehicle permit consists of a vehicle portion and licence plate portion, and different Persons are named on each portion, the Person whose name appears on the licence plate portion, as provided by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, is the Person for the purposes of this By-law;

“Plate Denial Fee” means an Administrative Fee established by Council from time to time in respect of a Person’s failure to pay within the time prescribed prior to a request for plate denial and listed in Schedule “B”;

“Regulation” means Ontario Regulation 333/07 under the Municipal Act;

“Request for Review by Hearing Officer” means the request which may be made in accordance with section 6 of this By-law for the review of a Screening Decision;

“Request for Review by Screening Officer” means the request made in accordance with section 5 of this By-law for the review of a Penalty Notice;

“Review by Hearing Officer” and “Hearing” mean the process set out in section 6 of this By-law;

“Review by Screening Officer” and “Screening Review” mean the process set out in section 5 of this By-law;

“Screening Decision” means a notice which contains the decision of a Screening Officer, delivered in accordance with Section 5.13 of this By-law;

“Screening Non-appearance Fee” means an Administrative Fee established by Council from time to time in respect of a Person’s failure to appear at the time and place scheduled for a review before a Screening Officer and listed in Schedule “B”; and,

“Screening Officer” means a person who performs the functions of a Screening Officer in accordance with section 5 of this By-law, appointed by the City as per Schedule “C”.


2.1 The City by-laws, or portions of City by-laws, listed in the attached Schedule “A-1” of this By-law shall be Designated By-laws for the purposes of sections 102.1 and 151 of the Municipal Act and paragraph 3(1)(b) of the Regulation. The attached Schedules “A-2”; “A-3”; “A-4”; “A-5”; “A-6”; "A-7";  “A-8”, “A-9”, “A-10”, “A-11”, “A-12”, “A-13”, “A-14”, “A-15”, “A-16”, “A-17”, “A-18”, “A-19”, “A-20”, “A-21”, “A-22”, “A-23”, “A-24”, "A-25”, “A-26”, "A-27” and "A-28” set out the Administrative Penalties, and may include short form language to be used on Penalty Notices, for the contraventions of Designated Bylaws.

2.2 Schedule “B” of this By-law shall set out Administrative Fees imposed for the purposes of this By-law.

2.3 The Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.33, as amended, will continue to apply to contraventions of a Designated By-law, except that no person that is required to pay an administrative penalty under this By-law in respect of a contravention of a Designated By-law shall be charged with an offence in respect of the same contravention under the Provincial Offences Act.


3.1 Every Person who contravenes a provision of a Designated By-law shall, upon issuance of a Penalty Notice, be liable to pay the City an Administrative Penalty in the amount specified in the attached” Schedules “A-2”; “A-3”; “A-4”; “A-5”; “A-6”; "A-7"; “A-8”, “A-9”, “A-10”, “A-11”, “A-12”, “A-13”, “A-14”, “A-15”, “A-16”, “A-17”, “A-18”, “A-19”, “A-20”, “A-21”, “A-22”, “A-23”, “A-24”, "A-25”, “A-26”, "A-27” and "A-28” to this By-law.

a) An Officer has the discretion to apply an escalated penalty as prescribed in Schedules A-2”; “A-3”; “A-4”; “A-5”; “A-6”; "A-7"; “A-8”, “A-9”, “A-10”, “A-11”, “A-12”, “A-13”, “A-14”, “A-15”, “A-16”, “A-17”, “A-18”, “A-19”, “A-20”, “A-21”, “A-22”, “A-23”, “A-24”, "A-25”, “A-26”, "A-27” and "A-28”  if the same violation is repeated by the same person.  If the violation is related to a property, the Officer must ensure the property ownership has not changed before applying the escalated penalty.  Escalating penalties for the same violation apply to a property in perpetuity as long as the owner of the property has not changed.

3.2 An Officer who has reason to believe that a Person has contravened any Designated By-law may issue a Penalty Notice as soon as reasonably practicable.

3.3 A Penalty Notice shall include the following information, as applicable:

a) The Penalty Notice Date;

b) A Penalty Notice Number;

c) The date on which the Administrative Penalty is due and payable, fifteen (15) days from service of the Penalty Notice;

d) The identification number and signature of the Officer;

e) The contravention wording as listed in the attached Schedules, or other particulars reasonably sufficient to indicate the contravention;

f) The amount of the Administrative Penalty;

g) Such additional information as the Director, Municipal Compliance determines is appropriate, respecting the process by which a Person may exercise the right to request a Screening Review of the Administrative Penalty;

h) A statement advising that an unpaid Administrative Penalty, including any applicable Administrative Fee(s), will constitute a debt of the Person to the City unless cancelled pursuant to Screening Review or Hearing process;

i) At the discretion of the Officer, fines may be doubled for any and all subsequent repeat offences.

3.4 In addition to the service methods provided in section 7 “Service of Documents” of this By-law, an Officer may serve the Penalty Notice on a Person by:

a) affixing it to the vehicle in a conspicuous place at the time of a parking or traffic-related contravention; or

b) delivering it personally to the Person,

i) when relating to a parking or traffic-related contravention, the Person having care and control of the vehicle at the time of the contravention, within seven (7) days of the contravention; or

ii) for all other contraventions, penalty notices issued within forty-five (45) days of the contravention.

3.5 No Officer may accept payment of an Administrative Penalty or Administrative Fee.

3.6 A Person who is served with a Penalty Notice and who does not pay the amount of the Administrative Penalty on or before the date on which the Administrative Notice is due and payable, shall also pay the City any applicable Administrative Fee(s).


4.1 Where a Penalty Notice has been paid, the Penalty Notice shall not be subject to any further review.

4.2 A Penalty Notice shall be deemed to have been paid when the amount and all fees prescribed in Schedule “B” have been paid.


5.1 A Person who is served with a Penalty Notice may request that the Administrative Penalty be reviewed by a Screening Officer and shall do so on or before the date on which the Administrative Penalty is due and payable, and in accordance with the process set out in Section 5.4.

5.2 If a Person has not requested a Screening Review on or before the date on which the Administrative Penalty is due and payable, the Person may request that the Director, Municipal Compliance extend the time to request a Screening Review to a date that is no later than forty-five (45) days after the Penalty Notice Date, in accordance with the process set out in Section 5.4.

5.3 A Person’s right to request an extension of time for a Screening Review expires, if it has not been exercised, on or before forty-five (45) days after the Penalty Notice Date, at which time:

a) The Person shall be deemed to have waived the right to request a Screening Review or request an extension of time for a Screening Review;

b) The Administrative Penalty shall be deemed to be confirmed; and

c) The Administrative Penalty shall not be subject to any further review, including a review by any Court.

5.4 A Person’s Request for Review by Screening Officer or request for an extension of time to request a Screening Review are exercised by a submission in writing, in the prescribed form and in accordance with the directions on the prescribed form.

5.5 A Request for Review by Screening Officer or request for an extension of time to request a Screening Review shall be served in accordance with the provisions of Section 7 of this By-law.

5.6 A Request for Review by Screening Officer or a request for an extension of time to request a Screening Review shall only be scheduled by the Director, Municipal Compliance if the Person makes the request on or before the dates established by Sections 5(1) or 5(2) of this By-law.

5.7 The Director, Municipal Compliance may grant a request to extend the time to request a Screening Review where the Person demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the Director, Municipal Compliance in his/her sole discretion, that the existence of extenuating circumstances prevented the filing of the request within the prescribed timeline.

5.8 Where an extension of time to request a Screening Review is not granted by the Director, Municipal Compliance, the Administrative Penalty and any applicable Administrative Fee(s) are deemed to be confirmed. Notice of this decision will be provided by the Director, Municipal Compliance to the Person in accordance with Section 7. 

5.9 Where an extension of time to request a Screening Review is granted by the Director, Municipal Compliance, or when a Screening Review has been requested in accordance with this Section, Notice of an Appointment for Screening Review will be provided in accordance with Section 7.

5.10 On a Screening Review of an Administrative Penalty, the City will direct that the Screening Review proceed by way of written screening unless, in the City’s discretion, an in-person or telephone appointment is required.

5.11 Where a Person fails to attend at the time and place scheduled for a Screening Review of an Administrative Penalty, or fails to provide requested documentation in accordance with a request by a Screening Officer:

a) The Person shall be deemed to have abandoned the request for a Screening Review of the Administrative Penalty;

b) The Administrative Penalty as set out in the Penalty Notice shall be deemed to be confirmed;

c) The Administrative Penalty shall not be subject to any further review, including a review by any Court; and

d) The Person shall pay to the City a Screening Non-appearance Fee, MTO fee, if applicable, and any other applicable Administrative Fee(s).

5.12 On a review of an Administrative Penalty, the Screening Officer may:

a) affirm the Administrative Penalty if the Person has not established on a balance of probabilities that Designated Bylaw(s) was not contravened as described in the Penalty Notice; or

b) cancel, reduce the penalty and/or extend the time for payment of the Administrative Penalty, including any Administrative Fee(s), where, in the sole discretion of the Screening Officer that doing so would maintain the general intent and purpose of the Designated By-law, and/or any of the following circumstances exist:

i. defective form or substance on the Penalty Notice;

ii. service of the Penalty Notice did not occur in accordance with Section 7;

iii. undue financial hardship;

5.13 After a Review by Screening Officer, the Screening Officer shall issue a Screening Decision to the Person, delivered in accordance with Section 7 of this By-law.

5.14 A Screening Officer has no authority to consider questions relating to the validity of a statute, regulation or by-law or the constitutional applicability or operability of any statute, regulation or by-law.


6.1 A Person may Request a Review by Hearing Officer within thirty (30) days of issuance of a Screening Decision in accordance with the Hearings Officer By-law A.-6653-121, as amended from time to time (the “Hearings Officer By-law”).

6.2 If a Person has not requested a Review by Hearing Officer on or before the date on which the Administrative Penalty is due and payable, the Person may request that the Director, Municipal Compliance extend the time to request a Review by Hearing Officer to a date that is no later than forty-five (45) days after the Screening Decision date, in accordance with the process set out in Section 6(4).

6.3 A Person’s right to request an extension of time for a Hearing Review expires, if it has not been exercised, on or before forty-five (45) days after the Screening Decision date, at which time:

a) the Person shall be deemed to have waived the right to request a Review by Hearing Officer or request an extension of time for a Review by Hearing Officer;

b) the Screening Decision is confirmed; and

c) the Administrative Penalty shall not be subject to any further review, including  a review by any Court.

6.4 A Person’s Request for Review by Hearing Officer or request for an extension of time to request a Review by Hearing Officer are exercised by a submission in
writing, in the prescribed form and in accordance with the directions on the
prescribed form.

6.5 A Request for Review by Screening Officer or request for an extension of time to request a Screening Review shall be served in accordance with the provisions of Section 7 of this By-law.

6.6 A Request for Review by Hearing Officer or a request for an extension of time to request a Review by Hearing Officer shall only be scheduled by the Director, Municipal Compliance if the Person makes the request on or before the dates established by Sections 6(1) or 6(2) of this By-law.

6.7 The Director, Municipal Compliance may grant a request to extend the time to request a Review by Hearing Officer only where the Person demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the Director, Municipal Compliance in his/her sole discretion that they were not served in accordance with Section 7.

6.8 Where an extension of time to request a Review by Hearing Officer is granted by the Director, Municipal Compliance, or when a Review by Hearing Officer has been requested in accordance with this Section, Notice of a Hearing will be provided in accordance with Section 7.

6.9 Where a Person fails to appear at the time and place scheduled for a Hearing:

a) the Person shall be deemed to have abandoned the Request for review of a Hearing;

b) the Screening Decision and the Administrative Penalty and any Administrative Fee(s) shall be deemed to be confirmed;

c) the Screening Decision and the Administrative Penalty and any Administrative Fee(s) shall not be subject to any further review, including a review by any Court; and

d) the Person shall pay to the City a Hearing Non-appearance Fee, Late Payment Fee, MTO Fee if applicable and any other applicable Administrative Fee(s).

6.10 A Hearing Officer shall conduct a de novo Hearing in accordance with the Statutory Powers and Procedures Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. S.22, as amended and the Hearings Officer By-law, as amended from time to time.

6.11 The Parties to a Hearing shall be the Person seeking review and the City, who may attend through the Director, Municipal Compliance, a Screening Officer, an Officer, the City Solicitor, or a delegate of any of the above persons.

6.12 Any information contained in the Penalty Notice is admissible in evidence as proof of the facts certified in it, in the absence of evidence to the contrary. If a Person wishes to challenge the facts contained in the Penalty Notice, they will be required to mark the prescribed form accordingly.

6.13 Upon the conclusion of a Hearing, the Hearing Officer may:

a) confirm the Screening Decision; or

b) cancel, reduce the penalty and/or extend the time for payment of the Administrative Penalty, including any Administrative Fee(s), on the following grounds:

i. where the Person establishes on a balance of probabilities that the Designated By-law(s) as described in the Penalty Notice was not contravened; or

ii. where the Person establishes on a balance of probabilities that the cancellation, reduction or extension of time for payment of the Administrative Penalty, including any Administrative Fee(s), is necessary to relieve any undue financial hardship.

6.14 A Hearing Officer has no authority to consider questions relating to the validity of a statute, regulation or by-law or the constitutional applicability or operability of any statute, regulation or by-law.

6.15 After a Hearing is complete, the Hearing Officer shall issue a Hearing Decision to the Person, and deliver in accordance with the Hearings Officer By-law.

6.16 The decision of a Hearing Officer is final.


7.1 The service of any document, notice or decision, including a Penalty Notice, pursuant to this By-law, when served in any of the following ways, is deemed effective:

a) immediately, when a copy is delivered by personal service to the Person to whom it is addressed or, in the case of a Penalty Notice relating to a parking or traffic-related contravention, by affixing it to the vehicle in a conspicuous place at the time of the contravention;

b) on the seventh (7th) Day following the date a copy is sent by registered mail or by regular mail to the Person’s last known address;

c) immediately upon the conclusion of a copy by facsimile transmission to the Person’s last known facsimile transmission number; or

d) immediately upon sending a copy by electronic mail (i.e. email) to the Person’s last known electronic mail address.

7.2 For the purposes of subsections 7(1) (b), (c) and (d) of this By-law, a Person’s last known address, facsimile number, and electronic mail address includes an address, facsimile number and electronic mail address provided by the Person to the City as may be required by a form, practice or policy under this By-law.

7.3 If a notice document that is be given or delivered to a Person under this By-law is mailed to the Person at the Person’s last known address appearing on the records of the City as part of a proceeding under this By-law, or sent electronically to an email address that was provided by the Person, there is a irrebuttable presumption that the notice or document is given or delivered to the person.

7.4 A Person shall keep their contact information for service current by providing any change in address, facsimile, or electronic mail address to the Director, Municipal Compliance, immediately. Failure to comply with this section will
negate consideration for an extension of time to Request a Review by Hearing Officer pursuant to Section 6(4).

7.5 Where this By-law requires service by a Person on the City, service shall be addressed to the Director, Municipal Compliance, and shall be deemed effective:

a) immediately, when a copy is delivered by personal service to the Director, Municipal Compliance at the location prescribed on the
applicable form or notice;

b) on the seventh (7th) Day following the date a copy is sent by registered mail or by regular mail to the location prescribed on the applicable form or notice;

c) immediately with respect to electronic mail or upon the conclusion of a copy by facsimile transmission to the facsimile number listed on the applicable form or notice.


8.1 The Director, Municipal Compliance shall administer this By-law and establish any additional practices, policies, penalties and procedures necessary to implement this By-law and may amend such practices, policies, penalties and procedures from time to time as the Director, Municipal Compliance deems necessary, without amendment to this By-law.

8.2 The Director, Municipal Compliance shall prescribe all forms and notices, including the Penalty Notice, necessary to implement this By-law and may amend such forms and notices from time to time as the Director, Municipal Compliance deems necessary, without amendment to this By-law.

8.3 Any Administrative Fee(s) prescribed within Schedule “B” of this By-law shall be added to and be deemed part of the penalty amount unless otherwise rescinded by the Hearings Officer.

8.4 Where an Administrative Penalty is not paid by the date on which the Administrative Penalty is due and payable, the Person shall pay to the City a Late Payment Fee, in addition to the Administrative Penalty and any applicable Administrative Fee(s).

8.5 Where a Person makes payments to the City of any Administrative Penalty, Administrative Fee(s) or Late Payment Fee(s), by negotiable instrument or credit card, for which there are insufficient funds available in the account on which the instrument was drawn, the Person shall pay to the City the NSF Fee set out in the City’s Fee By-law.

8.6 An Administrative Penalty, including any Administrative Fee(s), that is confirmed or reduced, or in respect of which the time for payment has been extended, remaining unpaid after the date when it is due and payable, constitutes a debt to the City owed by the Person.

8.7 Where an Administrative Penalty, and any applicable Administrative Fee(s) or Late Payment Fee(s), are not paid by the date on which they are due and payable, the City shall enforce the payment of such fees in accordance with the applicable legislation and regulations, including but not limited to the ability to notify the Registrar of Motor Vehicles, resulting in plate denial. At the time that plate denial is requested a plate denial fee will be added in accordance with Schedule “B” of this by-law and shall be added to the total debt owed to the City.

8.8 Where an Administrative Penalty is cancelled by a Screening Officer or Hearing Officer, any Administrative Fee(s) are also cancelled.

8.9 An Authorized Representative is permitted to appear on behalf of a Person at a Screening Review or Review by Hearing Officer, or to communicate with the City on behalf of a Person in accordance with a written authorization satisfactory to the Director, Municipal Compliance.

8.10 Any time limit that would otherwise expire on a Holiday is extended to the next day that is not a Holiday.

8.11 A Person claiming financial hardship under this By-law shall provide documented proof of the financial hardship to the Director, Municipal Compliance, the Screening Officer or the Hearing Officer, as applicable.

8.12 Any schedule attached to this By-law forms part of this By-law.


9.1 Should any provision, or any part of a provision, of this By-law be declared invalid, or to be of no force and effect by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is the intent of Council that such a provision, or part of a provision, shall be severed from this By-law, and every other provision of this By-law shall be applied and enforced in accordance with its terms to the extent possible according to law.


10.1 The provisions in Part VI of the Legislation Act, 2006, S.O. 2006, c.21, Sched. F, shall apply to this By-law.

10.2 Where words and phrases used in this By-law are defined in the Highway Traffic Act, but not defined in this By-law, the definitions in the Highway Traffic Act shall apply to such words and phrases.


11.1 This By-law may be referred to as the AMPS By-law.


12.1 This By-law shall come into force and effect on November 1, 2019.

PASSED in Open Council on December 18, 2018.

Ed Holder, Mayor

Catharine Saunders, City Clerk


Schedule A-1 - Designated By-laws

Schedule “A-1”

Designated By-laws under the Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-Law

The following by-laws are listed as Designated By-laws as defined in the AMPs By-law:

Traffic and Parking By-law    By-law PS-114
Unauthorized Area Parking  By-law S-3
Idling Control By-lawBy-law PH-15
Business Licensing By-law By-law L.-131-16
Residential Rental Units Licensing By-lawBy-law CP-19
Yard and Lot Maintenance By-lawBy-law PW-15
Property Standards By-lawBy-law CP-24
Vacant Building By-LawBy-law A-35
Pit Bull Dog Licensing By-LawBy-law PH-12
Animal Control By-lawBy-law PH-3
Dog Licensing and Control By-lawBy-law PH-4
Dogs Off-Leash Areas By-lawBy-law PH-7
Fence By-lawBy-law PS-6
Swimming Pool Fence By-lawBy-law PS-5
Naming of Highways and Numbering of Buildings & Lots By-lawBy-law B-1
Public Nuisance By-lawBy-law PH-18
Sound By-lawBy-law PW-12
Parks & Recreation By-lawBy-law PR-2
Sign By-lawBy-law S.-5868-183
Vehicle for Hire By-lawBy-law L.-130-71
Abandoned Refrigerator, Freezer & Containers By-lawBy-law PW-2
Municipal Waste & Resource Materials Collection By-lawBy-law WM-12
Streets By-lawBy-law S-1
Off-Street Residential Parking By-lawBy-law PS-112
Tree Protection By-lawBy-law C.P.-1555-252
Boulevard Tree Protection By-lawBy-law CP-22
Graphic Image Delivery By-lawBy-law PW-14
Electric Kick-Scooter and Cargo Power-assisted Bicycle By-lawBy-law A.-8344-62
Fireworks By-lawPW-11




Schedule A-2 - Penalty Schedule for Traffic and Parking By-law, Idling Control By-law and Unauthorized Area Parking By-law

Schedule “A-2”

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-Law

Penalty Schedule for Traffic and Parking By-law, Idling Control By-law, and Unauthorized Area Parking By-law

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended.

2. Column 2 in the following table sets out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

3. Column 4 in the following table sets out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3

Column 1 

Item #

Column 2

Short Form Wording

Column 3

Designated Provisions

Column 4

Administrative Penalty Amount

1.Park - facing wrong way6(1)$50
2.Stop in traffic lane9(1)(a)$70
3.Stop in prohibited area - signed9(2)$70
4.Stop on sidewalk9(1)(b)$70
5.Park between sidewalk and roadway10(1)(a)$45
6.Park on boulevard10(1)(b)$65
7.Park in front of driveway access10(1)(c)$65
8.Park in front of lane10(1)(c)$65
9.Stop within an intersection10(1)(c)$65
10.Park within 2 metres of fire hydrant10(1)(d)$110
11.Stop on crosswalk10(1)(d)$65
12.Park more than .3 metres from right hand edge of roadway6(1)$50
13.Park within 6 metres of crosswalk at intersection10(1)(e)$50
14.Park - obstructing traffic10(1)(f)$70
15.Park - prevent removal of previously parked vehicle10(1)(g)$45
16.Park prohibited - 3:00 am to 5:00 am10(1)(h)$50
17.Park - obstruct ramp or maneuvering area10(1)(i)$45
18.Park within 15 metres of signal-controlled intersection10(1)(j)$65
19.Park - on roadway longer than 18 hours10(1)(k)$50
20.Park - on shoulder longer than 18 hours10(1)(k)$50
21.Angle park - not within pavement markings7(1)(a)$45
22.Park - signed prohibited area11(1)$50
23.Angle park - exceeds 60 degrees7(1)(b)$45
24.Stop - in bus stop12(1)$70 
25.Stop - in paratransit stop12(3)$110
26.Park - in taxi stand13(1)$50
27. Stop – in taxi stand13(1)$70
28.Park - in a loading zone14$50
29.Park - where restricted15(1)$50
30.Park - over time limit16(1)$40
31. Park vehicle without valid Residential Parking Pass displayed17(1)$45
32. Angle Park where not permitted18$45
33.Angle Park with load extending7(2)(a)$45
34.Stop in rush hour route19(a)$70
35.Park motorcycle more than 45-degree angle20(1)$45
36.Park heavy truck on prohibited street30(2)$110
37. Park school bus not in designated School Bus Zone32(2)$45
38.Park school vehicle not in designated School Bus Zone32(2)$45
39.Park outside designated parking space in meter zone on street43(1)$45 
40. Park more than one vehicle in parking space44(1)$45
41.Park in parking meter zone without payment46(1)$35
42.Park in parking meter zone exceeding maximum period allowable on street46(2)$40
43.Park exceeding maximum period allowable49 (1)$50
44.Angle Park vehicle attached to trailer7(2)(b)$45
45.Park outside designated space - Metered Lot58(1)$50 
46.Park vehicle in reserved parking space – Metered Lot60(4)$50 
47.Park vehicle exceeding 6.1 metres in length61$45 
48.Park outside designated space - unmetered lot64$50
49.Park motor vehicle over time limit - unmetered lot65$45
50.Park during prohibited hours - unmetered lot66(2)$45 
51.Park vehicle exceeding 6.1 metres in length - unmetered lot67$45
52.Angle Park obstructing traffic7(2)(c)$65
53.Stop in fire route75(1)$110
54.Park in fire route75(2)$110
55.Park in designated accessible space on street76$385
56.Park in designated accessible space off street80(1)$385 
57.Use a defaced or altered identifying marker78(b)$205
58.Use an identifying marker in the absence of the person to whom it was issued78(c)$205
59.Park unlicensed vehicle on highway81$65
60.Park unlicensed vehicle on parking space81$65
61.Park vehicle in privately-owned parking lot exceeding maximum period allowable82$65
62.Park vehicle in privately-owned parking facility exceeding maximum period allowable82$65
63.Park vehicle in privately-owned parking lot without authorization82(1)$65
64.Park vehicle in privately-owned parking facility without authorization82(1)$65
65.Park vehicle on privately-owned land not used as parking lot or parking facility without authorization82(2)$65
66.Park facing wrong way on one way street8(1)$50
67.Park vehicle on Corporation-owned or occupied land without authorization84(1)$50
68.Idle Motor Vehicle for more than 2 consecutive minutesBy-law PH-15, 3.1$65
69.Idle Transit Vehicle for more than 5 consecutive minutesBy-law PH-15, 3.3$65
70.Park in Unauthorized AreaBy-law S-3, 2.1$65
71.Permit parking in Unauthorized AreaBy-law S-3, 2.2$65
72.Park in parking space beyond time paid for51(1)$40
73.Stop in access aisle abutting accessible parking space80(2)$385
74.Park vehicle in electric vehicle parking space - not connected to charging station11(3)$50
75.Park a vehicle on a municipal parking lot without displaying the parking permit issued for that lot60(3)$45


Schedule A-3 - Penalty Schedule for Residential Rental Units Licensing By-law

Schedule “A-3”

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-Law

Penalty Schedule Residential Rental Units Licensing By-law

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended.

2. Column 2 in the following table set out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

3. Column 4 in the following table set out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

Column 1

Item #

Column 2

Short Form Wording

Column 3

Provision Creating or Defining Offence

Column 4

Administrative Penalty Amount

1Operate Rental Unit without current valid licence2.1450.00
2Hold out to be licensed if not licensed2.2450.00
3Contravene (term / condition) of licence2.3300.00
4Fail to comply with (term / condition) of licence2.3300.00
5Operate Rental Unit while licence under suspension2.4450.00


Schedule A-4  - Penalty Schedule for Yard and Lot Maintenance By-law

Schedule “A-4”

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-Law

Penalty Schedule for Yard and Lot Maintenance By-law

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended.

2. Column 2 in the following table set out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

3. Column 4 in the following table set out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

Column 1

Item #

Column 2

Short Form Wording

Column 3

Provision Creating or Defining Offence

Column 4

Administrative Penalty Amounts

1Deposit Refuse on any property without authorityPart 3, Section 3.1$300.00
2Fail to clear land of refusePart 3, Section 3.2$300.00
3Fail to maintain vegetative growth or lawn in accordance with by-lawPart 3, Section 3.3$300.00
4Fail to remove prohibited plant(s)Part 3, Section 3.4$300.00
5Fail to contain or store refuse in accordance with the by-lawPart 3, Section 3.5$300.00
6Fail to enclose excavation with temporary barrier (122cm / 48 inches) deepPart 3, Section 3.6$300.00
7Fail to drain accumulation of water over (30cm / 12 inches)Part 3, Section 3.7$300.00
8Fail to maintain outdoor furniture in accordance with by-lawPart 3, Section 3.8$300.00
9Fail to maintain water in swimming pool in accordance with by-lawPart 3, Section 3.9$300.00
10Fail to remove graffiti in accordance with by-lawPart 3, Section 3.10$300.00
11Hinder or obstruct officer in accordance with by-lawPart 3, Section 3.11$300.00
12Attempt to hinder of obstruct officer in accordance with by-lawPart 3, Section 3.12$300.00
13Contravene or fail to comply with a Work Order or an Order to Discontinue Activity in accordance with by-lawPart 3, Section 3.13$300.00
14No person shall fail to comply with any administrative regulations in accordance with the by-lawPart 3, Section 3.14$300.00


Schedule A-5 - Penalty Schedule for Business Licensing By-law

Schedule “A-5”

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-Law

Penalty Schedule for Business Licensing By-law

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended.

2. Column 2 in the following table set out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

3. Column 4 in the following table set out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

Column 1

Item #

Column 2

Short Form Wording

Column 3

Provision Creating or Defining Offence

Column 4

Administrative Penalty Amount

1Hold out to be licensed if not licensed3.1$350.00
2Operate business while licence under suspension3.2$350.00
3Operate business at location other than for which licence issued3.3$350.00
4Operate business under name other than name endorsed on licence3.4$350.00
5Licence holder – fail to display licence in conspicuous place on premise3.5(a)$150.00
6Licence holder – fail to display licence in conspicuous place on vehicle3.5(b)$150.00
7Licence holder – fail to maintain licence on their person3.5(c)$250.00
8Fail to keep required records3.6$250.00
9Hinder any person exercising power or duty under by-law3.7$250.00
10Attempt to hinder any person exercising power or duty under by-law3.7$250.00
11Obstruct any person exercising power or duty under by-law3.7$250.00
12Attempt to obstruct any person exercising power or duty under by-law3.7$250.00
13Own Body-Rub Parlour without current valid licenceSchedule 2, 7.1$750.00
14Operate Body-Rub Parlour without current valid licenceSchedule 2, 7.1$750.00
15Owner – permit person other than licensed Operator to operate Body-Rub ParlourSchedule 2, 7.2$750.00
16Operate Body-Rub Parlour without Owner holding Body-Rub Parlour licenceSchedule 2, 7.3$750.00
17Owner – permit person under 18 to enter Body-Rub ParlourSchedule 2, 7.4$750.00
18Owner – permit person under 18 to remain in Body-Rub ParlourSchedule 2, 7.4$750.00
19Operator – permit person under 18 to enter Body-Rub ParlourSchedule 2, 7.4$750.00
20Operator – permit person under 18 to remain in Body-Rub ParlourSchedule 2, 7.4$750.00
21Owner – permit person under 18 to Provide Body-Rub in Body-Rub ParlourSchedule 2, 7.5$750.00
22Owner – permit person under 18 to offer to Provide Body-Rub in Body-Rub ParlourSchedule 2, 7.5$750.00
23Operator – permit person under 18 to Provide Body-Rub in Body-Rub ParlourSchedule 2, 7.5$750.00
24Operator – permit person under 18 to offer to Provide Body-Rub in Body-Rub ParlourSchedule 2, 7.5$750.00
25Owner – Body Rub Parlour – fail to ensure Operator attends at request of Enforcement OfficerSchedule 2, 8.1 (a)$750.00
26Owner – fail to post sign at Body-Rub Parlour entrance – no entry to under 18Schedule 2, 8.1 (b)$750.00
27Owner – Body-Rub Parlour – fail to comply with prescribed operational standardsSchedule 2, 8.1 (c)$750.00
28Owner – Body-Rub Parlour – fail to comply with prescribed hours of operationSchedule 2, 8.1 (d)$750.00
29Owner – Body-Rub Parlour – fail to comply with prescribed signage and advertising standardsSchedule 2, 8.1 (e)$750.00
30Owner – Body-Rub Parlour – fail to maintain prescribed record of AttendantsSchedule 2, 8.1 (f)$750.00
31Owner – Body-Rub Parlour – fail to ensure no services visible from outsideSchedule 2, 8.2 (a)$750.00
32Operator – Body-Rub Parlour – fail to ensure no services visible from outside2, 8.2 (a)$750.00
33Owner – fail to ensure Body-Rub Parlour not more than 225m2 in sizeSchedule 2, 8.2 (b)$750.00
34Operator – fail to ensure Body-Rub Parlour not more than 225m2 in sizeSchedule 2, 8.2 (b)$750.00
35Owner – Body-Rub Parlour – fail to ensure no changes to premises as shown in floor planSchedule 2, 8.2 (c)$750.00
36Operator – Body-Rub Parlour – fail to ensure no changes to premises as shown in floor planSchedule 2, 8.2 (c)$750.00
37Own Adult Live Entertainment Parlour without current valid licenceSchedule 3, 7.1$750.00
38Operate Adult Live Entertainment Parlour without current valid licenceSchedule 3, 7.1$750.00
39Owner – permit person other than licensed Operator to operate Adult Live Entertainment ParlourSchedule 3, 7.2$750.00
40Operate Adult Live Entertainment Parlour without Owner holding Adult Live Entertainment Parlour Owner licenceSchedule 3, 7.3$750.00
41Owner – permit person under 18 to enter Adult Live Entertainment ParlourSchedule 3, 7.4$750.00
42Owner – permit person under 18 to remain in Adult Live Entertainment ParlourSchedule 3, 7.4$750.00
43Operator – permit person under 18 to enter Adult Live Entertainment ParlourSchedule 3, 7.4$750.00
44Operator – permit person under 18 to remain in Adult Live Entertainment ParlourSchedule 3, 7.4$750.00
45Owner – permit person under 18 to provide services in Adult Live Entertainment ParlourSchedule 3, 7.5$750.00
46Owner – permit person under 18 to act as Attendant in Adult Live Entertainment ParlourSchedule 3, 7.5$750.00
47Operator – permit person under 18 to provide services in Adult Live Entertainment ParlourSchedule 3, 7.5$750.00
48Operator – permit person under 18 to act as Attendant in Adult Live Entertainment ParlourSchedule 3, 7.5$750.00
49Owner – Adult Live Entertainment Parlour – permit Attendant to have physical contact with personSchedule 3, 7.6$750.00
50Operator – Adult Live Entertainment Parlour – permit Attendant to have physical contact with personSchedule 3, 7.7$750.00
51Attendant – Adult Live Entertainment Parlour – have physical contact with personSchedule 3, 7.7$750.00
52Owner – Adult Live Entertainment Parlour – fail to ensure Operator attends on premises at request of Enforcement OfficerSchedule 3, 8.1 (a)$750.00
53Owner – fail to post sign at Adult Live Entertainment Parlour entrance – no entry to under 18Schedule 3, 8.1 (b)$750.00
54Owner – Adult Live Entertainment Parlour – fail to comply with prescribed signage and advertising standardsSchedule 3, 8.1 (c)$750.00
55Owner – Adult Live Entertainment Parlour – fail to maintain prescribed record of AttendantsSchedule 3, 8.1 (d)$750.00
56Owner – Adult Live Entertainment Parlour – fail to ensure no services visible from outsideSchedule 3, 8.2 (a)$750.00
57Operator – Adult Live Entertainment Parlour – fail to ensure no service visible from outsideSchedule 3, 8.2 (b)$750.00
58Owner – fail to ensure Attendant services are within view of Entertainment AreaSchedule 3, 8.2 (b)$750.00
59Operator – fail to ensure Attendant services are within view of Entertainment AreaSchedule 3, 8.2 (b)$750.00
60Owner – fail to ensure Adult Live Entertainment Parlour operated in accordance with floor planSchedule 3, 8.2 (c)$750.00
61Operator – fail to ensure Adult Live Entertainment Parlour operated in accordance with floor planSchedule 3, 8.2 (c)$750.00
62Owner -  Adult Live Entertainment Parlour – fail to ensure no changes to floor planSchedule 3, 8.2 (d)$750.00
63Operator – Adult Live Entertainment Parlour – fail to ensure no changes to floor planSchedule 3, 8.2 (d)$750.00
64Operate Automotive Service Business without current valid licenceSchedule 4, 2.1$275.00
65Operate Commercial Parking Facility without current valid licenceSchedule 5, 3.1$275.00
66Commercial Parking Facility licence holder – fail to post prescribed signageSchedule 5, 4.1$275.00
67Commercial Parking Facility licence holder – fail to maintain Facility in accordance with prescribed standardsSchedule 5, 4.2$275.00
68Operate Contractor Business without current valid licenceSchedule 6, 4.1$225.00
69Operate Donation Bin Business without current valid licenceSchedule 7, 4.1$225.00
70Donation Bin Business licence holder – place Bin in low density residential or industrial zoneSchedule 7, 5.1 (a)$225.00
71Donation Bin Business licence holder – place Bin without authorization from property ownerSchedule 7, 5.1 (b)$225.00
72Donation Bin Business licence holder – place Bin other than as shown in planSchedule 7, 5.1 (c)$225.00
73Donation Bin Business licence holder – fail to comply with prescribed operational standardsSchedule 7, 5.2 (a)$225.00
74Donation Bin Business licence holder – fail to comply with prescribed advertising and signage requirementsSchedule 7, 5.2 (b)$225.00
75Carry on business through Door to Door Sales without current valid licenceSchedule 8, 5.1$225.00
76Door to Door Sales Licence holder – fail to maintain prescribed registry of persons conducting salesSchedule 8, 6.1 (a)$225.00
77Door to Door Sales Licence holder – fail to produce registry upon requestSchedule 8, 6.1 (b)$225.00
78Door to Door Sales Licence holder – fail to produce Police Record Check for person conducting salesSchedule 8, 6.1 (d)$225.00
79Operate Electronic Cigarette Retail Business without current valid licenceSchedule 9, 3.1$300.00
80Operate Tobacco Retail Business without current valid licenceSchedule 9, 3.2$300.00
81Operate Food Premise without current valid licenceSchedule 10, 2.1$300.00
82Operate Lodging House without current valid licenceSchedule 11, 3.1$550.00
83Lodging House licence holder – fail to prominently display contact information signSchedule 11, 4.1$225.00
84Lodging House licence holder – fail to display contact information sign as prescribedSchedule 11, 4.1$225.00
85Operate Payday Loan Business without current valid licenceSchedule 12, 3.1$500.00
86Payday Loan Business licence holder – fail to prominently display interest rates signSchedule 12, 4.1 (a)$500.00
87Payday Loan Business licence holder – fail to display interest rates sign as prescribedSchedule 12, 4.1 (a)$500.00
88Payday Loan Business licence holder – fail to display interest rates sign in required locationsSchedule 12, 4.1 (a)$500.00
89Payday Loan Business licence holder – fail to ensure person given prescribed money management support informationSchedule 12, 4.1 (b)$500.00
90Operate Personal Services Business without current valid licenceSchedule 13, 3.1$225.00
91Operate Pet Shop without current valid licenceSchedule 14, 3.1$225.00
92Pet Shop licence holder – dog or cat obtained from unauthorized sourceSchedule 14, 4.1$225.00
93Pet Shop licence holder – fail to post prescribed list of animals in conspicuous placeSchedule 14, 4.2$225.00
94Pet Shop licence holder – keep animal not prescribed by Licence ManagerSchedule 14, 4.3$225.00
95Pet Shop licence holder – fail to maintain record of animalsSchedule 14, 4.4$225.00
96Pet Shop licence holder – fail to maintain prescribed record of animalsSchedule 14, 4.4$225.00
97Pet Shop licence holder – give animal to person under 18Schedule 14, 4.5$225.00
98Pet Shop licence holder – fail to provide prescribed information about animal to purchaserSchedule 14, 4.6$225.00
99Operate Public Hall without current valid licenceSchedule 15, 3.1$225.00
100Operate Refreshment Vehicle without current valid licenceSchedule 16, 6.1$225.00
101Operate Class 2 Refreshment Vehicle at location not prescribedSchedule 16, 6.2 (a)$225.00
102Operate Class 3 Refreshment Vehicle at location not prescribedSchedule 16, 6.2 (b)$575.00
103Operate Class 3 Refreshment Vehicle within 100m of Special EventSchedule 16, 6.2 (c )$575.00
104Operate Class 3 Refreshment Vehicle between 7am and 5pm within 100m of schoolSchedule 16, 6.2(d)$575.00
105Operate Class 3 Refreshment Vehicle between 3am and 7amSchedule 16, 6.2 (e)$575.00
106Class 2 Refreshment Vehicle licence holder – operate at location not allocated by Licence ManagerSchedule 16, 6.3$225.00
107Refreshment Vehicle licence holder – fail to comply with all prescribed operational standardsSchedule 16, 7.1$225.00
108Refreshment Vehicle licence holder – fail to operate Refreshment Vehicle in compliance with Traffic and Parking By-lawSchedule 16, 7.2$225.00
109Refreshment Vehicle licence holder – fail to ensure Refreshment Vehicle Plate affixed as requiredSchedule 16, 7.3 (a)$225.00
110Refreshment Vehicle licence holder – fail to ensure Refreshment Vehicle Plate plainly visibleSchedule 16, 7.3 (b)$225.00
111Operate Seasonal Sales Business without current valid licenceSchedule 17, 5.1$575.00
112Operate Salvage Yard without current valid licenceSchedule 18, 6.1$350.00
113Operate Second-hand Goods Business without current valid licenceSchedule 18, 6.2$350.00
114Salvage Yard licence holder – Acquire goods – serial number alteredSchedule 18, 6.3 (a)$350.00
115Second-hand Goods Business licence holder – Acquire goods – serial number alteredSchedule 18, 6.3 (a)$350.00
116Salvage Yard licence holder – Acquire goods – from person who appears to be under 18Schedule 18, 6.3 (b)$350.00
117Second-hand Goods Business licence holder – Acquire goods – from person who appears to be under 18Schedule 18, 6.3 (b)$350.00
118Salvage Yard licence holder – Acquire goods – from person who appears to be under influence of drugs or alcoholSchedule 18, 6.3 (c)$350.00
119Second-hand Goods Business licence holder – Acquire goods – from person who appears to be under influence of drugs or alcoholSchedule 18, 6.3 (c)$350.00
120Salvage Yard licence holder – Acquire goods – from person without first verifying identitySchedule 18, 6.3 (d)$350.00
121Second-hand Goods Business licence holder – Acquire goods – from person without first verifying identitySchedule 18, 6.3 (d)$350.00
122Salvage Yard licence holder – fail to keep goods within Holding Area for at least 5 daysSchedule 18, 6.4$350.00
123Second-hand Goods Business licence holder – fail to keep goods within Holding Area for at least 5 daysSchedule 18, 6.4$350.00
124Salvage Yard licence holder – place goods in place other than licensed premisesSchedule 18, 6.5$350.00
125Second-hand Goods Business licence holder – place goods in place other than licensed premisesSchedule 18, 6.5$350.00
126Salvage Yard licence holder – fail to maintain register as prescribedSchedule 18, 7.1 (a)$350.00
127Second-hand Goods Business – fail to maintain register as prescribedSchedule 18, 7.1 (a)$350.00
128Salvage Yard licence holder – fail to open register to inspectionSchedule 18, 7.1 (b)$350.00
129Second-hand Goods Business – fail to open register to inspectionSchedule 18, 7.1 (b)$350.00
130Salvage Yard licence holder – fail to make prescribed report to Police of prescribed goodSchedule 18, 7.1 (c)$350.00
131Second-hand Goods Business licence holder – fail to make prescribed report to Police of prescribed goodSchedule 18, 7.1 (c)  $350.00
132Salvage Yard licence holder – fail to erect fence on all boundaries of premisesSchedule 18, 7.3$350.00
133Salvage Yard licence holder – fail to maintain fence on all boundaries of premisesSchedule 18, 7.3$350.00
134Operate without a current valid Short-term Accommodation Provider Licence $500.00
135Contravene or fail to comply with By-law regulation - to wit $300.00
136Contravene or fail to comply with administrative regulation - to wit $300.00
137Operate without a current valid Short-term Accommodation Broker licence $500.00
138Operate Consumer Fireworks Sales Business without a current valid licenceSchedule 22, Section 3.1$500.00
139Possess for the purpose of sale, offer for sale, cause or permit to be sold, or sell Consumer Fireworks except on permitted daysSchedule 22, Section 3.2$500.00
140Possess for the purpose of sale, offer for sale, cause or permit to be sold, or sell Consumer Fireworks to any person who is or appears to be under the age of eighteen years without first verifying their ageSchedule 22, Section 3.3$200.00
141Possess for the purpose of sale, offer for sale, cause or permit to be sold, or sell Consumer Fireworks to any person without providing consumer informationSchedule 22, Section 3.4$100.00
142Rental Unit Repair Licence - Fail to give Tenant Information PackageSchedule 23, SS. 6.1$1000
143Rental Unit Repair Licence - Fail to apply for LicenceSchedule 23, SS. 6.2


$4000 if licence still not applied for after 3 months of issuance of N13

144Rental Unit Repair Licence - Renovations without a Licence - LandlordSchedule 23, SS. 6.3$2500
145Rental Unit Repair Licence - Renovations without a Licence - Person other than a landlordSchedule 23, SS. 6.4$2500
146Rental Unit Repair Licence - Fail to Comply with Licence ConditionsSchedule 23, SS. 6.5$1000
147Rental Unit Repair Licence - Advertise or Occupy Unit to be Re-OccupiedSchedule 23, SS. 6.8$5000
148Fail to comply - Federal or Provincial Laws or Municipal By-laws  Part 7, 2(i)$1000



Schedule A-6 - Penalty Schedule for Property Standards

Schedule “A-6”

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-Law

Penalty Schedule for Property Standards By-law

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended.

2. Column 2 in the following table set out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

3. Column 4 in the following table set out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

Column  1

Item #

Column 2

Short Form Wording

Column 3

Provision Creating or Defining Offence

Column 4

Administrative Penalty Amounts

1Fail to repair in an acceptable manner2.2$400.00
2Fail to maintain heritage attributes2.7 (b)$400.00
3Fail to properly secure openings2.8.2 (a)$400.00
4Fail to use proper boarding2.8.2 (b)$400.00
5Fail to properly treat boarding2.8.2 (c)$400.00
6Fail to prevent moisture penetration2.8.3$400.00
7Fail to implement maintenance plan2.8.4$400.00
8Fail to maintain exterior property - debris3.1.1 (a)$400.00
9Fail to maintain exterior property - pests3.1.2 (b)$400.00
10Fail to maintain exterior property - weeds3.1.2 (c )$400.00
11Fail to maintain exterior property – unreasonable overgrowth3.1.2 (d)$400.00
12Fail to maintain exterior property – growth causing unsafe conditions3.1.2 (e)$400.00
13Fail to maintain exterior property – unused vehicles3.1.2 (f)$400.00
14Fail to maintain exterior property – accumulation of materials3.1.2 (g)$400.00
15Fail to maintain exterior property – dilapidated structures/uncovered cavities3.1.2 (h)$400.00
16Fail to provide for uniform exterior surface3.1.3 (a)$400.00
17Fail to provide markings on exterior surface3.1.3 (b)$400.00
18Fail to prevent unstable soil conditions3.1.4$400.00
19Fail to maintain lighting3.1.5$400.00
20Fail to maintain conditions of development and redevelopment3.1.6$400.00
21Fail to maintain exterior furniture3.1.7$400.00
22Fail to maintain accessory buildings3.2.1$400.00
23Fail to maintain fences3.3.1$400.00
24Fail to maintain retaining walls3.4.1$400.00
25Fail to comply with municipal refuse collection3.5.1$400.00
26Fail to comply with refuse collection3.5.2 (a)$400.00
27Fail to make readily accessible refuge storage3.5.2 (b)$400.00
28Fail to maintain refuge storage facilities3.5.2 ( c)$400.00
29Cause obstruction by refuse3.5.2 (d)$400.00
30Fail to properly operate refuse compactor3.5.2 (e)$400.00
31Fail to maintain outside storage of refuse in litter free condition3.5.3 (a)$400.00
32Fail to maintain outside storage of refuse facility3.5.3 (b)$400.00
33Fail to screen outside refuge storage facility3.5.3 ( c)$400.00
34Fail to properly screen outside refuge storage facility from grade3.5.3 (d)$400.00
35Fail to properly screen outside refuge storage facility with visual barrier3.5.3 (e)$400.00
36Fail to maintain outside refuge storage facility an odour controlled condition3.5.3 (f)$400.00
37Fail to provide for adequate inside refuge storage3.5.4$400.00
38Fail to maintain refuse chute system3.5.5$400.00
39Fail to frequently remove temporary refuge storage3.5.6 (a)$400.00
40Fail to store refuge temporarily in unsafe manner3.5.6 (b)$400.00
41Fail to cover temporary refuge storage3.5.6 9 (c)$400.00
42Fail to provide for capable structural system4.1.1$400.00
43Fail to provide for structural condition engineers report4.1.2$400.00
44Fail to maintain wall foundations4.2.2 (a)$400.00
45Fail to install sub soil drains4.2.2 (b)$400.00
46Fail to maintain sills or other supports4.2.2  (c)$400.00
47Fail to maintain grouting or waterproofing4.2.2 (d)$400.00
48Fail to restore wall to original appearance4.2.2 (e)$400.00
49Fail to preserve materials resistant to weathering or wear4.2.2 (f)$400.00
50Fail to restore or replace foundations walls floors and roof slabs4.2.2 (g)$400.00
51Fail to restore or replace cladding finishes and trims4.2.2 (h)$400.00
52Fail to repair settlement detrimental to the building4.2.2 (i)$400.00
53Fail to remove or replace unsecured materials4.2.2 (j)$400.00
54Fail to provide apertures to perform their intended function4.3.1$400.00
55Fail to maintain all doors, windows, skylights and shutters4.3.2$400.00
56Fail to maintain a required opening with a screen or other durable material4.3.4$400.00
57Fail to secure doors and windows from within unit4.3.5$400.00
58Fail to provide for screens on windows4.3.6$400.00
59Fail to provide for screens on windows in an acceptable manner4.3.7$400.00
60Fail to maintain roof and related roof structures4.4.1$400.00
61Fail to maintain chimneys and associated roof structures4.4.2$400.00
62Fail to maintain floors, stairs, porches, verandas, decks and balconies4.5.1$400.00
63Fail to provide and maintain guard4.5.3$400.00
64Fail to provide for required guard on stairs4.5.4$400.00
65Fail to provide for guard serving unfinished space4.5.5$400.00
66Fail to provide for guard with proper openings4.5.6$400.00
67Fail to provide for guard which does not facilitate climbing4.5.7$400.00
68Fail to provide and maintain handrail4.5.8.2$400.00
69Fail to provide for central handrail4.5.8.3$400.00
70Fail to provide for proper stairs within the interior of a residential dwelling unit4.5.9.1$400.00
71Fail to provide for proper residential stairs not within dwelling unit4.5.9.2$400.00
72Fail to provide for proper non-residential stairs4.5.9.3$400.00
73Fail to provide for proper service room stairs4.5.9.4$400.00
74Fail to maintain exterior surfaces4.6.1$400.00
75Fail to remove stains or defacement from exterior surfaces4.6.2$400.00
76Fail to provide for temporary barricading with compatible finishes4.6.3$400.00
77Fail to maintain interior cladding and finishes of walls, ceilings and elevator cages4.7.1$400.00
78Fail to maintain interior cladding and finishes from stains and other defacement4.7.2$400.00
79Fail to only use habitable space for human habitation4.8.1$400.00
80Fail to provide for proper interior cladding and finishes of walls, ceilings and floors for human habitation4.8.2 (a)$400.00
81Fail to provide for proper doors and windows for human habitation4.8.2 (b)$400.00
82Fail to provide for proper heating system for human habitation4.8.2 (c )$400.00
83Fail to provide for proper plumbing and drainage systems for human habitation4.8.2 (d)$400.00
84Fail to provide for proper electrical systems for human habitation4.8.2 (e)$400.00
85Fail to provide for a minimum floor area for human habitation4.8.2 (f)$400.00
86Fail to provide for a minimum headroom for human habitation4.8.2 (g)$400.00
87Fail to disconnect service providing light, heat, refrigeration, water or cooking facilities4.8.3$400.00
88Fail to provide toilet or urinal in room intended for sleeping or preparing, consuming or storing food4.8.4$400.00
89Fail to provide for minimum headroom in areas normally to be used as a means of egress4.8.5 (a)$400.00
90Fail to provide for a minimum headroom in areas normally to be used as a means of egress where entire area is not considered in computing the floor area4.8.5 (b)$400.00
91Fail to provide for minimum headroom for service rooms and service spaces4.8.5 ( c)$400.00
92Fail to provide for minimum headroom over stairs and landings4.8.5 (d)$400.00
93Fail to provide for a minimum headroom where door frame is located under structural beam4.8.5 (e)$400.00
94Fail to provide for and maintain ventilation in habitable room4.8.6 (a)$400.00
95Fail to provide for natural ventilation with minimum free flow4.8.6 ( c)$400.00
96Fail to provide for natural ventilation and exterior walls or through skylights4.8.6 (d)$400.00
97Fail to provide for mechanical ventilation with proper air exchange4.8.6 ( e)$400.00
98Fail to provide for natural ventilation in every washroom4.8.6 (f)$400.00
99Fail to provide for mechanical ventilation in every washroom as an alternative to natural ventilation4.8.6 (g)$400.00
100Fail to provide for a natural ventilation in every enclosed attic or roof space4.8.6 (h)$400.00
101Fail to provide for required roof, eave or gable end ventilation4.8.6 (i)$400.00
102Fail to provide ventilation in crawlspace or non-habitable basement space4.8.6 (j)$400.00
103Fail to adequately ventilate accessory rooms and residential buildings with multiple dwelling units4.8.6 (k)$400.00
104Fail to exceed maximum occupancy of habitable floor space4.8.7$400.00
105Fail to provide for proper windows in living room, dining rooms and bedrooms to provide for natural light4.8.8$400.00
106Fail to equip and maintain dwelling unit with sink provided with portable hot and cold water4.8.9 (a)$400.00
107Fail to provide utility outlets suitable for refrigerator and cooking stove4.8.9 (b)$400.00
108Fail to provide for splash back and countertop around kitchen sink4.8.9 (c)$400.00
109Fail to maintain kitchen appliances and fixtures when equipped4.8.9 (d)$400.00
110Fail to provide for a least one enclosed sanitary facility4.8.10$400.00
111Fail to provide for minimum floor area within dwelling unit4.8.11 (a)$400.00
112Fail to provide for minimum floor area for sleeping accommodation4.8.11 (b)$400.00
113Fail to provide for minimum floor area for dining space4.8.11 ( c)$400.00
114Fail to provide for minimum floor area for combined dining space4.8.11 (d)$400.00
115Fail to provide for minimum floor area of kitchen area4.8.11 (e)$400.00
116Fail to provide for a minimum floor area of kitchen area for multiple occupants4.8.11 (f)$400.00
117Fail to provide for minimum floor area of bedrooms4.8.11 (g)$400.00
118Fail to provide for minimum floor area of bedrooms4.8.11 (h)$400.00
119Fail to provide for minimum floor area of bedrooms4.8.11 (i)$400.00
120Fail to provide for an enclosed space to accommodate for water closet bathtub or shower stall4.8.11 (j)$400.00
121Fail to maintain multiunit security devices where equipped4.8.12$400.00
122Fail to provide for sanitary and kitchen facilities based on tenant occupancy4.9.1$400.00
123Fail to provide for a required floor area4.9.2$400.00
124Fail to equip with cooking facilities4.9.3$400.00
125Fail to be equipped with sanitary facilities4.9.4$400.00
126Fail to keep all  buildings free of pests4.10.1$400.00
127Fail to maintain elevating devices5.1.1$400.00
128Fail to maintain heating ventilating and mechanical systems5.2.1$400.00
129Fail to maintain minimum temperatures5.2.2$400.00
130Used portable heating as primary source of heat5.2.3$400.00
131Fail to provide for multi-unit duct type smoke detector5.2.4$400.00
132Fail to maintain plumbing and drainage free from leaks and freezing5.3.1 (a)$400.00
133Fail to supply portable hot and cold water based on occupancy served5.3.1 (b)$400.00
134Fail to provide for hot water at appropriate temperature5.3.1 ( c)$400.00
135Fail to maintain provided washing machines and plumbing fixtures5.3.2$400.00
136Fail to maintain air conditioners as to prevent condensation drainage5.3.3$400.00
137Fail to maintain septic systems5.3.4$400.00
138Fail to properly decommission septic systems5.3.5$400.00
139Fail to provide for electrical outlets5.4.1$400.00
140Fail to provide for electrical wall switches in required rooms5.4.2$400.00
141Fail to conform to Ontario Electrical Code5.4.4$400.00
142Fail to provide for and maintain lighting outlet in required rooms5.4.5$400.00
143Fail to provide for and maintain access lighting5.4.6$400.00
144Fail to maintain central station electrical connections as required5.4.7$400.00
145Fail to maintain recreational amenity spaces and equipment5.5.1$400.00



Schedule A-7 - Penalty Schedule for Vacant Buildings By-law

Schedule “A-7”

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-law

Penalty Schedule for Vacant Buildings By-law

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended.

2. Column 2 in the following table set out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

3. Column 4 in the following table set out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

Column 1 Item #

Column 2

Short Form Wording

Column 3

Designated Provision

Column 4

Administrative Penalty Amount

1Fail to ensure vacant building is secured3.1.1 (a)$400.00
2Fail to maintain liability insurance3.1.1 (b)$400.00
3Fail to protect vacant building against fire, accident or other danger3.1.1 ( c)$400.00
4Fail to notify authorities of vacant building3.1.2 (i)$400.00
5Fail to provide floor plans3.1.2 (ii)$400.00
6Fail to provide copy of certificate of insurance3.1.2 (iii)$400.00
7Fail to remove combustible materials3.1.2 (iv)$400.00
8Fail to install security measures3.1.2 (v)$400.00
9Fail to secure a vacant building3.1.2 (vi)$400.00
10Fail to provide contact information3.1.2 (vii)$400.00
11Fail to comply with additional measures3.8$400.00
12Fail to notify Fire Department of intended compliance4.1$400.00
13Fail to secure fire damaged building4.2$400.00
14Fail to immediately secure fire damage building4.3$400.00
15Fail to install boarding materials and maintain in good repair6.3 (a)$400.00
16Fail to install boarding materials which are resistant to deterioration6.3 (b)$400.00
17Fail to disconnect utilities6.4$400.00



Schedule A-8 - Penalty Schedule for Pit Bull Dog Licensing By-law

Schedule “A-8”

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-Law

Penalty Schedule for Pit Bull Dog Licensing By-law

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended.

2.  Column 2 in the following table set out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

3. Column 4 in the following table set out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

Column 1

Item #

Column 2

Short Form Wording

Column 3

Designated Provision

Column 4

Administrative Penalty Amount

1Own Pit Bull Dog that is not Grandfathered3.1(a)$500.00
2Transfer Grandfathered Pit Bull Dog not by gift or bequest3.2$500.00
3Allow Pit Bull Dog to run at large3.3(1)$500.00
4Allow Pit Bull Dog to run at large in dogs off-leash area3.3(2)$500.00
5Fail to (obtain / renew) Pit Bull Dog Licence3.4$200.00
6Fail to securely attach tag to Pit Bull Dog3.5$200.00
7Fail to muzzle Pit Bull Dog3.6(1)$500.00
8Fail to leash Pit Bull Dog3.6(1)$500.00
9Fail to notify Licence Agent of death of Pit Bull Dog4.5$500.00
10Fail to notify Licence Agent of change of ownership of Pit Bull Dog4.5$500.00
11Fail to microchip Pit Bull Dog5.1(a)$300.00
12Fail to sterilize Pit Bull Dog5.1(b)$500.00
13Fail to provide Licence Agent with new (address / telephone number)5.2(a)$200.00
14Fail to provide Licence Agent with (name / address/ telephone number) of Person to whom owner giving up possession5.2(b)$200.00
15Fail to immediately notify Licence Agent if Pit Bull Dog running at large5.2(c)$500.00
16Fail to immediately notify Licence Agent if Pit Bull Dog has (bitten / attacked)5.2(d)$500.00



Schedule A-9 Penalty Schedule for Animal Control By-law

Schedule “A-9”

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-Law

Penalty Schedule for Animal Control By-law

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended.

2.  Column 2 in the following table set out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

3. Column 4 in the following table set out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

Column 1

Item #

Column 2

Short Form Wording

Column 3

Designated Provision

Column 4

Administrative Penalty Amount

1Keep more than two animals in dwelling4.1$100.00
2Keep class 1 animal (            )4.2$100.00
3Keep class 2 animal (            )4.3$100.00
4Keep more than 40 banded class 3 animals (between October of one year and March of the following year)4.4$100.00
5Keep more than 60 banded class 3 animals (between April and October)4.5$100.00
6Keep more than 2 unbanded class 3 animals4.6$100.00
7Fail to supervise flight of class 3 animals4.7$100.00
8Fail to prohibit class 3 animals from flight between 9am and 5pm (April 1 to Sept. 30)4.8$100.00
9Fail to prohibit class 3 animals from flight between 10am and 3pm ( Oct. 1 to March 31)4.9$100.00
10Keep class 7 animals (       )4.10$100.00
11Permit animal to run at large4.11$100.00
12Permit animal to trespass4.12$100.00
13Fail to keep (feed/animal food) in rodent-proof container_4.13$100.00
14Pet shop keeper – fail to dispose of prohibited animal as required by s. 3.94.15$100.00
15Pet shop keeper – keep prohibited animal in pet shop4.16$100.00
16Pet shop keeper – permit to be kept prohibited animal in pet shop4.16$100.00
17Keep more than maximum number of domestic cats – not spayed or neutered10.2(1)$100.00
18Keep more than maximum number of domestic cats – all spayed or neutered10.2(2)$100.00
19Keep more than maximum number of domestic cats – all spayed or neutered – more than one unit10.2(3)$100.00
20Domestic cat owner – fail to make application for registration of cats to Pound keeper11.3(a)$100.00
21Own cat – not registered11.6.2$100.00
22Own cat without renewing the registration prior to expiry11.6.3$100.00
23Fail to fix tag on cat at all times11.9(a)$100.00



Schedule A-10 - Penalty Schedule for Dog Licensing and Control By-law

Schedule “A-10”

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-Law

Penalty Schedule for Dog Licensing and Control

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended.

2.  Column 2 in the following table set out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

3. Column 4 in the following table set out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

Column 1

Item #

Column 2

Short Form Wording

Column 3

Designated Provision

Column 4

Administrative Penalty Amount

1Keep dog kennel without licence3.2$120
2Fail to register dog for licence3.4$100
3Owner – fail to have current valid licence for dog3.5$100
4Remove dog tag - unlawfully3.6$100
5Fail to apply for replacement dog tag3.7$100
6Fail to affix dog tag securely on dog3.8$100
7Permit dog to enter onto private property – no consent3.9$100
8Fail to remove dog excrement3.10$100
9Fail to dispose of dog excrement3.10$100
10Forcibly retrieve dog – from Animal Control Officer3.11$170
11Forcibly retrieve dog – from Animal Control vehicle3.11$170
12Fail to notify licence agent – change of dog ownership3.13(a)$100
13Fail to notify licence agent – change of dog residence3.13(b)$100
14Forcibly retrieve dog – from Poundkeeper3.14$170
15Forcibly retrieve dog – from premises of Poundkeeper3.14$170
16Retrieve dog from premises of Poundkeeper without paying fee3.15$170
17Kennel Owner – fail to inform new dog owner of requirements to license dog3.16$100
18Pet Shop Keeper – fail to inform new dog owner of requirements to license dog3.17$100
19Fail to inform new dog owner of requirements to license dog3.18$100
20Fail to muzzle dog3.19(b)$400
21Fail to leash muzzled dog3.19 (c)$200
22Fail to microchip muzzled dog3.19 (d)$170
23Keep more than 3 dogs (within / about) dwelling unit4.1$100
24Permit to be kept more than 3 dogs (within /about) dwelling unit4.1$100
25Dog Owner – fail to ensure dog does not run at large4.10(1)$120



Schedule A-11 - Penalty Schedule for Dog Off-leash Areas By-law

Schedule “A-11”

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-Law

Penalty Schedule for Dog Off-leash Areas By-law

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended.

2.  Column 2 in the following table set out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

3. Column 4 in the following table set out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

Column 1

Item #

Column 2

Short Form Wording

Column 3

Designated Provision

Column 4

Administrative Penalty Amount

1Permit dog to run at large not in signed area2(3)$100.00
2Remain in Dogs Off-Leash Area between the hours of 10pm and 6am3$100.00
3Play or practice sporting activity except walking within Dogs Off-Leash Area4$100.00
4In Dogs Off-Leash Area in possession of articles made of breakable substance capable of causing injury to dog5$100.00
5Permit animal other than dog to be at large in a Dogs Off-Leash Area6$100.00



Schedule A-12 - Penalty Schedule for Fence By-law

Schedule “A-12”

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-Law

Penalty Schedule for Fence By-law

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended.

2.  Column 2 in the following table set out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

3. Column 4 in the following table set out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

Column 1

Item #

Column 2

Short Form Wording

Column 3

Designated Provision

Column 4

Administrative Penalty Amount

1Have fence that does not comply with by-law provisions2.1$125
2Erect fence that does not comply with by-law provisions2.1$125
3Construct fence that does not comply wit by-law provisions2.1$125
4Maintain fence that does not comply with by-law provisions2.1$125
5Permit to be erected fence that does not comply with by-law provisions2.1$125
6Permit to be constructed fence that does not comply with by-law provisions2.1$125
7Permit to be maintained fence that does not comply with by-law provisions2.1$125
8Have fence exceeding height of 2.13 metres (7 feet)2.2$125
9Erect fence exceeding height of 2.13 metres (7 feet) 2.2$125
10Construct fence exceeding height of 2.13 metres (7 feet)2.2$125
11Maintain fence exceeding height of 2.13 metres (7 feet)2.2$125
12Permit to be erected fence exceeding height of 2.13 metres (7 feet)2.2$125
13Permit to be constructed fence exceeding height of 2.13 metres (7 feet)2.2$125
14Permit to be maintained fence exceeding height of 2.13 metres (7 feet)2.2$125
15Have fence comprised of (sheet metal / corrugated metal) panel members on a residential lot2.3$125
16Erect fence comprised of (sheet metal / corrugated metal) panel members on residential lot2.3$125
17Construct fence comprised of (sheet metal / corrugated metal) panel members on residential lot2.3$125
18Maintain fence comprised of (sheet metal/ corrugated metal) panel members on residential lot2.3$125
19Permit to be erected fence comprised of (sheet metal/corrugated metal) panel members on residential lot2.3$125
20Permit to be constructed fence comprised of (sheet metal / corrugated metal) panel members on residential lot2.3$125
21Permit to be maintained fence comprised of (sheet metal / corrugated metal) panel members on residential lot2.3$125
22Contravene (Work Order / Order to Discontinue Activity)2.4$125



Schedule A-13 - Penalty Schedule for Swimming Pool Fence By-law

Schedule “A-13”

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-Law

Penalty Schedule for Swimming Pool Fence By-law

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended.

2.  Column 2 in the following table set out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

3. Column 4 in the following table set out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

Column 1

Item #

Column 2

Short Form Wording

Column 3

Designated Provision

Column 4

Administrative Penalty Amount

1Construct swimming pool without a swimming pool fence permit3.1$350
2Cause to be constructed swimming pool without a swimming pool fence permit3.1$350
3Construct swimming pool not enclosed by a swimming pool fence3.2$350
4Cause to be constructed swimming pool not enclosed by a swimming pool fence3.2$350
5Have swimming pool without permit3.2.1$350
6Keep swimming pool without permit3.2.1$350
7Have swimming pool not completely enclosed by swimming pool fence3.2.2$350
8Keep swimming pool not completely enclosed by swimming pool fence3.2.2$350
9Fail to enclose a swimming pool with temporary fencing during construction3.3$350
10Construct swimming pool with fence that does not conform to by-law requirements3.4$350
11Cause to be constructed swimming pool with fence that does not conform to by-law requirements3.4$350
12Fail to equip swimming pool fence gate with self-closing device3.5$350
13Fail to equip swimming pool fence gate with self-latching device3.5$350
14Construct swimming pool fence gate with self-latching device less than 48 inches above ground level3.6$350
15Have swimming pool fence gate with self-latching device less than 48 inches above ground level3.6$350
16Keep swimming pool fence gate with self-latching devices less than 48 inches above ground level3.6$350
17Maintain swimming pool fence gate with self-latching device less than 48 inches above ground level3.6$350
18Place materials against outside of swimming pool fence3.7$350
19Store materials against outside of swimming pool fence3.7$350
20Replace swimming pool fence without obtaining a permit3.8$350
21Fail to maintain swimming pool fence in accordance with by-law3.9$350
22Fail to keep swimming pool fence in accordance with by-law3.9$350
23Fail to have swimming pool fence in accordance with by-law3.9$350
24Construct double swimming pool fence gate access without (self-closing device/self-latching device)3.10$350
25Maintain double swimming pool fence gate access without (self-closing device/self-latching device)3.10$350
26Construct pool fence not conforming to s.2.16 of Fence By-law3.11$350
27Cause to be constructed pool fence not conforming to s.2.16 of Fence By-law3.11$350
28Maintain pool fence not conforming to s.2.16 of Fence By-law3.11$350
29Place water in swimming pool without construction of swimming pool fence3.12$350
30Cause water to remain in swimming pool without construction of swimming pool fence3.12$350
31Permit water to remain in swimming pool without construction of swimming pool fence3.12$350



Schedule A-14 - Penalty Schedule for Naming of Highways and Numbering of Buildings & Lots By-law

Schedule “A-14”

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-Law

Penalty Schedule for Naming of Highways and Numbering of Buildings & Lots By-law

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended.

2.  Column 2 in the following table set out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

3. Column 4 in the following table set out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

Column 1

Item #

Column 2

Short Form Wording

Column 3

Designated Provision

Column 4

Administrative Penalty Amount

1Refuse to post building number as required6.1$175
2Remove installed (building number / plate)6.2$175
3Deface installed (building number / plate)6.2$175
4Obliterate installed (building number / plate)6.2$175
5Destroy installed (building number / plate)6.2$175



Schedule A-15 - Penalty Schedule for Public Nuisance By-law

Schedule “A-15”

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-Law

Penalty Schedule for Public Nuisance By-law

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended.

2.  Column 2 in the following table set out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

3. Column 4 in the following table set out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

Column 1 Item #

Column 2

Short Form Wording

Column 3

Designated Provision

Column 4

Administrative Penalty Amount

1(urinate / defecate) in a public place2(2)$250
2Knock over (Canada Post mailbox / Canada Post relay box / newspaper box / blue box / garbage container)3$250
3Attempt to knock over (Canada post mailbox / Canada Post relay box / newspaper box / blue box / garbage container)3$250
4Sponsor Nuisance Party4(1)$1,000
5Conduct Nuisance Party4(1)$1,000
6Continue Nuisance Party4(1)$1,000
7Host Nuisance Party4(1)$1,000
8Create Nuisance Party4(1)$1,000
9Attend Nuisance Party4(1)$800
10Allow Nuisance Party4(1)$1,000
11Cause Nuisance Party4(1)$1,000
12Permit Nuisance Party4(1)$1,000
13(as owner / as occupant / as tenant / having rightful possession / having possessory control) of Premises, allow Nuisance Party on Premises4(2)$1,000
14(as owner / as occupant / as tenant / having rightful possession / having possessory control) of Premises, cause Nuisance Party on Premises4(2)$1,000
15(as owner / as occupant / as tenant / having rightful possession / having possessory control) of Premises, permit Nuisance Party on Premises4(2)$1,000
16Engage in Nuisance Feeding of Wildlif4.2(1)$125
17Permit Nuisance Feeding of Wildlife4.2(1)$125
18Fail to leave Premises as directed by order to discontinue activity – Nuisance Party5(4)$750
19Use closed Highway – Nuisance Party6(3)$500
20Remove (barricade / device / detour sign / notice) placed on Highway – Nuisance Party6(4)$500
21Deface (barricade / device / detour sign / notice) placed on Highway – Nuisance Party6(4)$500



Schedule A-16 - Penalty Schedule for Sound By-law

Schedule “A-16”

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-Law

Penalty Schedule for Sound By-law

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended.

2. Column 2 in the following table sets out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

3. Column 4 in the following table sets out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

Column 1

Item #

Column 2

Short Form Wording

Column 3

Designated Provision

Column 4

Administrative Penalty Amount

1.Make (unreasonable noise / noise likely to disturb inhabitants)2.1$250
2.Cause (unreasonable noise / noise likely to disturb inhabitants)2.1$250
3.Permit (unreasonable noise / noise likely to disturb inhabitants)2.1$250
4.Fail to comply with temporary noise permit terms and conditions.4.4$250
5.Contravene order to discontinue activity.5.4$250
6.Obstruct any person exercising power or duty under by-law5.6$250
7.Attempt or obstruct any person exercising power or duty under by-law5.6$250



Schedule A-17 - Penalty Schedule for Parks and Recreation Area By-law

Schedule “A-17”

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-Law

Penalty Schedule for Parks and Recreation Area By-law

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended.

2.  Column 2 in the following table set out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

3. Column 4 in the following table set out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

Column 1 Item #

Column 2

Short Form Wording

Column 3

Designated Provision

Column 4

Administrative Penalty Amount

1Drive vehicle upon roadway in direction other than indicated on signs3.1(1)$100
2Ride vehicle upon roadway in direction other than indicated on signs3.1(1)$100
3Operate vehicle upon roadway in direction other than indicated on signs3.1(1)$100
4Carry on in-line skating upon roadway in direction other than indicated on signs3.1(1)$100
5Allow, cause, or permit the operation of a vehicle upon roadway in direction other than indicated on signs3.1(1)$200
6Drive vehicle in violation of posted signs3.1(2)$100
7Ride vehicle in violation of posted signs3.1(2)$100
8Operate vehicle in violation of posted signs3.1(2)$100
9Skateboard in violation of posted signs3.1(2)$100
10Carry on in-line skating in violation of posted signs3.1(2)$100
11Allow, cause, or permit the operation of a vehicle in violation of posted signs3.1(2)$200
12Operate vehicle (in excess of posted speed limit / in excess of 20km/hr)3.1(3)$100
13Operate skateboard (in excess of posted speed limit / in excess of 20km/hr)3.1(3)$100
13Carry on in-line skating (in excess of posted speed limit / in excess of 20km/hr)3.1(3)$100
14Allow, cause, or permit the operation of a vehicle (in excess of posted speed limit / in excess of 20km/hr)3.1(3)$200
15Drive (motor vehicle / e-scooter / horse-drawn conveyance) on multi-use pathway3.1(4)$120
16Ride (motor vehicle / e-scooter / horse-drawn conveyance) on multi-use pathway3.1(4)$120
17Operate (motor vehicle / e-scooter / horse-drawn conveyance) on multi-use pathway3.1(4)$120
18Allow, cause, or permit the operation of a motor vehicle / e-scooter / horse-drawn conveyance on multi-use pathway3.1(4)$200
19Drive (bicycle / e-bike / motor vehicle / skateboard) on hiking trail3.1(5)$120
20Ride (bicycle / e-bike / motor vehicle / skateboard) on hiking trail3.1(5)$120
21Operate (bicycle / e-bike / motor vehicle / skateboard) on hiking trail3.1(5)$120
22Carry on in-line skating on hiking trail3.1(5)$120
23Operate motor vehicle in (park / recreation area) between 10pm and 6am3.1(6)$100
24Drive motor vehicle in (park / recreation area) between 10pm and 6am3.1(8)$100
25Operate motor vehicle in (park / recreation area) between 10pm and 6am3.1(8)$100
26Leave unattended motor vehicle in (park / recreation area) between 10pm and 6am3.1(8)$100
27Engage in (riotous / boisterous / violent / threatening / illegal) conduct3.1(9)$100
28Use (profane / abusive) language3.1(9)$100
29Engage in conduct that endangers health and safety of (himself / herself / others)3.1(10)$100
30Engage in sexual activity3.1(12)$100
31Remain in (recreation area / park) for (purpose of / appearance of) loitering3.1(13)$100
32Hold unauthorized public meeting or gathering3.1(15)$100
33Take part in unauthorized public meeting or gathering3.1(15)$100
34Play golf3.1(16)$100
35Practice golf3.1(16)$100
36Strike golf ball3.1(16)$100
37Enter (recreation area / park) between 10pm and 6am3.1(17)$120
38Remain in (recreation area / park) between 10pm and 6am3.1(17)$120
39Operate motorized snow vehicle3.1(18)$100
40Climb (tree / shrub / bush)3.1(19)$180
41Break (tree / shrub / bush)3.1(19)$180
42Peel bark from (tree / shrub / bush)3.1(19)$180
43Cut (tree / shrub / bush)3.1(19)$180
44Remove (tree / shrub / bush)3.1(19)$180
45Burn (tree / shrub / bush)3.1(19)$180
46Deface (tree / shrub / bush)3.1(19)$180
47Damage (tree / shrub / bush)3.1(19)$180
48Pick (flower / plant / roots / grass / rock)3.1(19)$100
49Destroy (flower / plant / roots / grass / rock)3.1(19)$180
50Remove (flower / plant / roots / grass / rock)3.1(19)$180
51Cause animal to damage (tree / shrub / bush / flower / plant / roots)3.1(20)$180
52Permit animal to damage (tree / shrub / bush / flower / plant / roots)3.1(20)$180
53Post (sign / poster) on (tree / bush / shrub)3.1(21)$100
54Remove (display / cage / pen / gate / seat / bench / picnic table / fence / posted sign / lock / barrier / equipment)3.1(22)$180
55Break (display / cage / pen / gate / seat / bench / picnic table / fence / posted sign / lock / barrier / equipment)3.1(22)$180
56Deface (display / cage / pen / gate / seat / bench / picnic table / fence / posted sign / lock / barrier / equipment)3.1(22)$180
57Damage (display / cage / pen / gate / seat / bench / picnic table / fence / posted sign / lock / barrier / equipment)3.1(22)$180
58Fail to (deposit refuse in container / remove refuse)3.1(23)$100
59Fail to remove (utensils / equipment / articles) from area designated for picnics3.1(24)$100
60Cause animal to (swim in / enter into / foul) (swimming pool / wading pool / spray pad)3.1(25)$120
61Permit animal to (swim in / enter into / foul) (swimming pool / wading pool / spray pad)3.1(25)$120
62Walk on grass where sign prohibits activity3.1(26)$100
63Remove (nest / egg) of bird3.1(28)$180
64Injure (nest / egg) of bird3.1(28)$180
65Discharge water so that it runs waste from reservoir, pond, river, or lake in (park / recreation area)3.1(30)$120
66Lay (pipe / conduit) to communicate with waterworks3.1(31)$120
67Discharge water from private property3.1(32)$120
68Permit discharge of water from private property3.1(32)$120
69Enter gender segregated facilities that do not correspond to gender identity3.1(33)$100
70Use gender segregated facilities that do not correspond to gender identity3.1(33)$100
71Loiter in (washroom / changeroom)3.1(34)$100
72Engage in conduct that could reasonably be considered offensive3.1(34)$100
73Encroach on municipally owned lands3.1(35)$180
74Erect fence on municipally owned lands3.1(35)$180
75Permit dog to run at large3.1(36)$75
76Fail to (remove / dispose of) dog excrement3.1(37)$180
77Interfere with (picnic / organized gathering / special event) authorized by permit or rental agreement3.1(38)$50
78Move park furniture to accommodate (picnic / organized gathering / special event)3.1(39)$50
79Drive motorized boat3.1(40)$50
80Ride motorized boat3.1(40)$50
81Operate motorized boat3.1(40)$50
82Drive e-bike under motor power3.1(41)$100
81Ride e-bike under motor power3.1(41)$100
82Operate e-bike under motor power3.1(41)$100
83Drive e-bike under age of 163.1(42)$50
84Ride e-bike under age of 163.1(42)$50
85Operate e-bike under age of 163.1(42)$50
86Drive e-bike without helmet3.1(43)$50
87Ride e-bike without helmet3.1(43)$50
88Operate e-bike without helmet3.1(43)$50
89Bulk feeding of wildlife3.1(44)$180
90Start fire4.1(1)$180
91Maintain fire4.1(1)$180
92Use of sports field without authority4.1(2)$100
93Erect (tent / shelter) for overnight accommodation4.1(3)$100
94Take part in commercial worm picking4.1(4)$100
95Conduct commercial worm picking4.1(4)$180
96Hold (picnic / organized gathering / event) of more than 25 persons4.1(5)$100
97Take part in (picnic / organized gathering / event) of more than 25 persons4.1(6)$100
98Hold (meeting / gathering) that obstructs free passage of vehicular traffic4.1(6)$100
99Take part in (meeting / gathering) that obstructs free passage of vehicular traffic4.1(6)$100
100Have exclusive use of (park / recreation area)4.1(7)$100
101Ride (horse / pony / donkey / mule) in area not designated for activity4.1(8)$100
102Lead (horse / pony / donkey / mule) in area not designated for activity4.1(8)$100
103Drive horse drawn (wagon / sleigh)4.1(9)$100
104Lead horse drawn (wagon / sleigh)4.1(9)$100
105Use horse drawn (wagon / sleigh)4.1(9)$100
106Post (sign / poster) on (pole / planter / building / fence / bench / picnic table / electrical transmission unit / lamp standard / City equipment / London Hydro equipment)4.1(10)$100
107Sell (refreshments / merchandise) to public4.1(11)$100
108Operate (business / game / show / amusement) for admission by public4.1(12)$100
109Operate metal detector4.1(13)$100
110Use metal detector4.1(13)$100
111Solicit funds for (charities / organizations / individuals)4.1(14)$100
112Use trained dog to control waterfowl4.1(15)$100
113Allow (dog / domesticated vertebrate animal / wild vertebrate animal) to enter (recreation area building / facility / change room)4.1(16)$100
114Disturb animal4.1(17)$180
115Wound animal4.1(17)$180
116Kill animal4.1(17)$180
117Injure animal4.1(17)$180
118Use (cellular phone / camera / device capable of recording images) in (change room / washroom)4.1(18)$180
119Operate vehicle on roadway in Springbank Park if entrances closed5.2(1)$120
120Drive vehicle on roadway in Springbank Park if entrances closed5.2(1)$120
121Ride vehicle on roadway in Springbank Park if entrances closed5.2(1)$120
122Enter Storybook Gardens between 9pm and 8am5.3(1)$100
123Cut (plant / aquatic vegetation / wood / turf / soil / rock / sand / gravel) in (ESA / natural park area)5.4(1)$180
124Remove (plant / aquatic vegetation / wood / turf / soil / rock / sand / gravel) in (ESA / natural park area)5.4(1)$180
125Cause animal to (enter into / foul) waters of (pond / stream / river) in (ESA / natural park area)5.4(3)$180
126Permit animal to (enter into / foul) waters of (pond / stream / river) in (ESA / natural park area)5.4(3)$180
127Swim in waters of (pond / stream / river) in (ESA / natural park area)5.4(4)$180
128Bathe in waters of (pond / stream / river) in (ESA / natural park area)5.4(4)$180
129Pollute waters of (pond / stream / river) in (ESA / natural park area)5.4(4)$180
130Camp in (ESA / natural park area)5.4(5)$180
131Set up tent in (ESA / natural park area)5.4(5)$180
132Hold picnic in (ESA / natural park area)5.4(5)$180
133Deposit (waste / refuse) in (ESA / natural park area)5.4(6)$180
134Dump (waste / refuse) in (ESA / natural park area)5.4(6)$180
135Leave (waste / refuse) in (ESA / natural park area)5.4(6)$180
136Operate (vehicle / bicycle / power-assisted bicycle / motorized snow vehicle) in (ESA / natural park area) where no signs posted5.4(7)$180
137Ride animal within (ESA / natural park area)5.4(8)$180
138Lead animal within (ESA / natural park area)5.4(8)$180
139Drive animal within (ESA / natural park area)5.4(8)$180
140Start fire in (ESA / natural park area)5.4(9)$180
141Maintain fire in (ESA / natural park area)5.4(9)$180
142Hike other than on hiking trail5.4(10)$50
143Run other than on hiking trail5.4(10)$50
144Jog other than on hiking trail5.4(10)$50
145Cross country ski other than on hiking trail5.4(10)$50
146Person playing golf – fail to conform to rules5.5(1)$100
147Use (park / recreation area) without having paid fee6.1$100
148Park motor vehicle in park in place other than authorized parking area3.1(7)$60
149Park motor vehicle in recreation area in place other than authorized parking area3.1(8)$60
150Park more than .3 meters from the edge of roadway3.1(8)$40
151Park motor vehicle in park between 10 pm and 6 am3.1(8)$60
152Park motor vehicle in recreation area between 10 pm and 6 am3.1(8)$60
153Park trailer for overnight accommodation4.1(3)$60
154Park motor vehicle in parking area between 10 pm and 6 am3.1(8)$60
155Park trailer in natural park area5.4(5)$70
156Park trailer in ESA area5.4(5)$70



Schedule A-18 - Penalty Schedule for Sign By-law

Schedule “A-18”

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-Law

Penalty Schedule for Sign By-law

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended.

2.  Column 2 in the following table set out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

3. Column 4 in the following table set out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

Column 1 Item #

Column 2

Short Form Wording

Column 3

Designated Provision

Column 4

Administrative Penalty Amount

1Display sign that does not comply with applicable law3.3(a)$185
2Display sign that is not specifically permitted in by-law3.3(b)$185
3Display sign that interferes with electrical or telephone wires or supports3.3(c)$185
4Display sign attached to traffic signal or traffic control device or supporting structure3.3(d)$185
5Display sign that obstructs view of vehicle driver3.3(e)$185
6Display sign that obstructs visibility of traffic signal or traffic control device3.3(e)$185
7Display sign that interferes with vehicular traffic3.3(e)$185
8Display sign that bears City logo, crest or seal3.3(f)$185
9Display sign that emits sound3.3(g)$185
10Display sign that emits odour3.3(g)$185
11Display sign that discharges gas, liquid or solid3.3(g)$185
12Display sign that features interactive copy3.3(h)$185
13Display sign on roof3.3(i)$185
14Display sign within sight triangle3.3(j)$185
15Display sign on vehicle or trailer3.3(k)$185
16Display sign within required parking space3.3(l)$185
17Display sign attached to tree, fence, gate or railing3.3(m)$185
18Display sequential sign3.3(n)$185
19Display sign on accessory structure3.3(o)$185
20Display sign primarily supported by cables or guy wires external to sign3.3(p)$185
21Display sign on public road allowance attached to utility pole or official sign structure3.3(q)$185
22Display sign without required permit3.6.1(1)$185
23Substantially alter or repair sign without required permit3.6.2(1)$185
24Sign permit holder – fail to notify Chief Building Official 72 hours prior to each stage of construction of sign3.7.1$185
25Sign permit holder – fail to notify Chief Building Official 72 hours prior to erection of sign3.7.1$185
26Sign owner – fail to maintain sign in good order3.11.1$185
27Sign owner – fail to cover sign with durable, weather resistant, protective finish3.11.1(a)$185
28Sign owner – fail to repaint or refinish sign as necessary3.11.1(b)$185
29Sign owner – fail to ensure illumination functioning3.11.1(c)$185
30Sign owner – fail to ensure illumination complies with by-law3.11.1(c)$185
31Sign owner – fail to ensure sign intact and operative3.11.1(d)$185
32Sign owner – fail to ensure sign maintained in accordance with approved plan3.11.1(e)$185
33Sign owner – fail to ensure no visible deterioration of sign, copy or structure3.11.1(f)$185
34Sign owner – fail to ensure sign is not unsafe3.11.1(g)$185
35Sign owner – fail to ensure sign does not create danger to any person3.11.1(g)$185
36Sign owner – fail to maintain sign face intact to cover and protect electrical components3.11.2$185
37Sign owner – fail to maintain sign face intact to cover and protect lamps3.11.2$185
38Sign owner – fail to maintain sign face intact to cover and protect sign box3.11.2$185
39Fail to comply with order3.12.11$185
40Display sign not in conformity with general provisions, to wit:4.0$185
41Sign owner – fail to ensure sign not located within prescribed minimum distance4.1.1$185
42Sign owner – fail to ensure sign does not move or appear to move4.1.3$185
43Project sign or sign copy onto building or surface from external source4.1.4$185
44Sign owner – fail to ensure sign displays only static copy4.1.5$185
45Sign owner – fail to remove sign that does not comply with by-law4.1.8$185
46Sign owner – fail to ensure electronic changing copy requirements met4.2.1$185
47Sign owner – fail to ensure illumination requirements met4.3.1$185
48Sign owner – fail to ensure sign not illuminated during certain time periods4.3.2$185
49Display sign within sight triangle4.5$185
50Display sign on public road allowance within sight triangle4.6$185
51Display sign closer than 30m to residential use zone4.7$185
52Display permanent first party ground sign on private property that is not in conformity with regulations6.1$185
53Display permanent first party ground sign over or on public road allowance that is not in conformity with regulations6.2$185
54Display permanent first party wall sign on private property that is not in conformity with regulations6.3$185
55Display permanent first party wall sign over or on public road allowance that is not in conformity with regulations6.4$185
56Display permanent first party projecting wall sign on private property that is not in conformity with regulations6.5$185
57Display permanent first party projecting wall sign over or on public road allowance that is not in conformity with regulations6.6$185
58Display temporary first party banner sign that is not in conformity with regulations7.1$185
59Display temporary first party poster board sign that is not in conformity with regulations7.1$185
60Display temporary first party mobile sign that is not in conformity with regulations7.1$185
61Display temporary first party inflatable sign that is not in conformity with regulations7.2$185
62Display temporary first party read-o-graph mobile sign that is not in conformity with regulations7.3$185
63Display temporary first party sidewalk sign on private property that is not in conformity with regulations7.4$185
64Display temporary first party sidewalk sign on public road allowance that is not in conformity with regulations7.5$185
65Display temporary first party construction sign on private property that is not in conformity with regulations7.6$185
66Display temporary first party real estate sign on private property that is not in conformity with regulations7.7$185
67Display permanent third party billboard sign that is not in conformity with regulations8.1$185
68Display permanent third party railway overpass sign that is not in conformity with regulations8.2$185
69Display permanent third party industrial park sign that is not in conformity with regulations8.3$185
70Display temporary third party real estate directional sign over or on public road allowance that is not in conformity with regulations9.1$185
71Display temporary third party new home development sign over or on public road allowance that is not in conformity with regulations9.2$185
72Display temporary third party sign that is not in conformity with regulations9.3$185
73Display third party billboard sign in Heritage Conservation District10.2(a)$185
74Display banner sign in Heritage Conservation District10.2(b)$185
75Display inflatable sign in Heritage Conservation District10.2(c)$185
76Display poster board sign in Heritage Conservation District10.2(d)$185
77Display feather flag sign in Heritage Conservation District10.2 (e)$185
78Display sidewalk sign greater than 0.6m2 in Heritage Conservation District10.2(f)$185
79Display mobile sign in Heritage Conservation District10.2(g)$185
80Display read-o-graph mobile sign in Heritage Conservation District10.2(h)$185
81Display sign with electronic changing copy in Heritage Conservation District10.2(i)$185
82Display sign with flashing illumination in Heritage Conservation District10.2(j)$185
83Display sign with internal illumination in Heritage Conservation District10.2(k)$185
84Display third party billboard sign in Downtown Business Improvement Area10.3(a)$185
85Display sidewalk sign greater than 0.6m2 in Downtown Business Improvement Area10.3(b)$185
86Display mobile sign in Downtown Business Improvement Area10.3(c)$185
87Display inflatable sign in Downtown Business Improvement Area10.3(d)$185
88Display read-o-graph mobile sign in Downtown Business Improvement Area10.3(e)$185
89Display third party billboard sign in Old East Village Community Improvement Area10.4(f)$185
90Display sidewalk sign greater than 0.6m2 in Old East Village Community Improvement Area10.4(g)$185
91Display mobile sign in Old East Village Community Improvement Area10.4(h)$185
92Display inflatable sign in Old East Village Community Improvement Area10.4(i)$185
93Display read-o-graph mobile sign in Old East Village Community Improvement Area10.4(j)$185



Schedule A-19 - Penalty Schedule for Vehicle for Hire By-law

Schedule “A-19”

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-Law

Penalty Schedule for Vehicle for Hire By-law

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended.

2.  Column 2 in the following table set out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

3. Column 4 in the following table set out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

Column 1 Item #

Column 2

Short Form Wording

Column 3

Designated Provision

Column 4

Administrative Penalty Amount

1Own Vehicle for Hire – not licensed2.1(a)$1000
2Operate Vehicle for Hire – not licensed2.1(a)$1000
3Dispatch Vehicle for Hire – not licensed2.1(b)$1000
4Own Vehicle for Hire – owner plate not affixed2.1(c)$500
5Operate Vehicle for Hire – owner plate not affixed2.1(c)$500
6Operate Vehicle for Hire – licence suspended2.1(d)$1000
7Act as Broker – licence suspended2.1(e)$800
8Advertise use of Vehicle for Hire – no Owner or Broker licence2.1(f)$800
9Represent as licensed – not licensed2.1(g)$1000
10Sell Licence not in accordance with By-law6.9$400
11Purchase Licence not in accordance with By-law6.9$400
12Licensee – fail to notify Licence Manager – change of information7.1$85
13Corporate Licensee – fail to notify Licence Manager – change of information7.2$400
14Convey rights over Cab Licence, Accessible Cab Licence or Owner Plate10.1$400
15Sub-lease Cab that is subject of Lease10.4$400
16Owner – permit lease or sub-lease of Cab that is subject of Lease10.5$400
17To party to Lease of Cab – Owner not lessor10.6$400
18Cab Owner – fail to notify Licence Manager – expiry of Lease10.7$400
19Cab Owner – enter into more than one Lease10.8$400
20Owner – fail to submit Vehicle for inspections15.1$500
21Driver – fail to submit Vehicle for inspections15.1$500
22Owner – fail to produce document15.2$400
23Driver – fail to produce document15.2$400
24Owner – when vehicle in accident – fail to remove vehicle from service15.8(a)$400
25Owner – when vehicle in accident – fail to notify Licence Manager15.8(b)$400
26Owner – when vehicle in accident – fail to notify Licence Manager of repairs15.8(c)$400
27Owner – fail to provide safety standards certificate15.9$400
28Driver – fail to provide safety standards certificate15.9$400
29Charge amount for Trip other than Fare in Schedule 416.1$200
30Vehicle for Hire Driver – fail to carry driver’s licence and LicenceSchedule 1, 2.1 (a)$125
31Vehicle for Hire Driver – fail to comply with operational standardsSchedule 1, 2.1(b)$400
32Vehicle for Hire Driver – fail to report charge or conviction to Licence ManagerSchedule 1, 2.1(c)$200
33Vehicle for Hire Driver – fail to report cancellation, suspension, expiry or revocation of driver’s licence to Licence ManagerSchedule 1, 2.1(d)$400
34Vehicle for Hire Driver – fail to provide Conveyance ServiceSchedule 1, 2.1(e)$200
35Vehicle for Hire Driver – fail to make available Owner Plate number and name of Fleet – accessible formatSchedule 1, 2.1(f)$85
36Accessible Vehicle for Hire Driver – fail to ensure wheelchairs securely fastenedSchedule 1, 2.2(a)$400
37Accessible Vehicle for Hire Driver – fail to ensure – extra tire, wheel, and jackSchedule 1, 2.2(b)(i)$125
38Accessible Vehicle for Hire Driver – fail to ensure – wheelchair tie downsSchedule 1, 2.2(b)(ii)$400
39Accessible Vehicle for Hire Driver – fail to ensure - first aid kitSchedule 1, 2.2(b)(iv)$125
40Accessible Vehicle for Hire Driver – fail to ensure – fire extinguisherSchedule 1, 2.2(b)(v)$400
41Accessible Vehicle for Hire Driver – fail to ensure – operable air conditioning and heatingSchedule 1, 2.2(b)(vi)$125
42Accessible Vehicle for Hire Driver – fail to give priority – Conveyance Services - DisabilitiesSchedule 1, 2.2(c)$200
43Cab Driver – fail to engage Cab MeterSchedule 1, 2.3$85
44Accessible Cab Driver – fail to engage Cab MeterSchedule 1, 2.3$85
45Vehicle for Hire Driver – smoke inside Vehicle for HireSchedule 1, 3.1(a)$300
46Vehicle for Hire Driver – Operate Vehicle for Hire – owner not licensedSchedule 1, 3.1(b)$800
47Vehicle for Hire Driver – Operate Vehicle for Hire – Owner Plate number and name of Fleet not displayedSchedule 1, 3.1(c)$125
48Vehicle for Hire Driver – on duty – more than 14 hoursSchedule 1, 3.1(d)$200
49Vehicle for Hire Driver – Operate Vehicle for Hire not meeting operational standardsSchedule 1, 3.1(e)$400
50Vehicle for Hire Driver – Operate Vehicle for Hire without insuranceSchedule 1, 3.1(f)$1000
51Vehicle for Hire Driver – Operate Cab – Meter not adjusted – Schedule 4Schedule 1, 3.1(g)$200
52Vehicle for Hire Drive – Operate Accessible Cab – Meter not adjusted – Schedule 4Schedule 1, 3.1(g)$200
53Vehicle for Hire Driver – Operate Cab – no operating camera systemSchedule 1, 3.1(h)$85
54Vehicle for Hire Driver – Operate Accessible Cab – no operating camera systemSchedule 1, 3.1(i)$85
55Vehicle for Hire Driver – Operate Limousine – no operating camera systemSchedule 1, 3.1(j)$85
56Private Vehicle for Hire Driver – provide Conveyance Service not through mobile appSchedule 1, 3.2$1000
57Accessible Private Vehicle for Hire Driver – provide Conveyance Service not through mobile appSchedule 1, 3.2$1000
58Private Vehicle for Hire Driver – accept payment of Fare not through mobile appSchedule 1, 3.3$500
59Accessible Private Vehicle for Hire Driver – accept payment of Fare not through mobile appSchedule 1, 3.3$500
60Private Vehicle for Hire Driver – provide Conveyance Service not Dispatched by Licensed Transportation Network Company BrokerSchedule 1, 3.4$1000
61Accessible Private Vehicle for Hire Driver – provide Conveyance Service not Dispatched by Licensed Transportation Network Company BrokerSchedule 1, 3.4$1000
62Vehicle for Hire owner – fail to take out separate Licence and Owner Plate for each vehicleSchedule 2, 1.1$800
63Owner – fail to ensure seating capacity of not more than 10 individualsSchedule 2, 2.1(a)$200
64Owner – fail to meet standards prescribed by Licence ManagerSchedule 2, 2.1(b)$400
65Cab Owner – fail to ensure – Owner plate affixed – right rear trunkSchedule 2, 2.6(a)$200
66Cab Owner – fail to ensure – Cab Meter in accordance with By-lawSchedule 2, 2.6(b)$200
67Cab Owner – fail to ensure – Owner Plate number and name of Fleet displayedSchedule 2, 2.6(c)$200
68Cab Owner – fail to ensure – security camera system in accordance with By-lawSchedule 2, 2.6(d)$200
69Accessible Cab Owner – fail to ensure – Owner Plate affixed – right rear trunkSchedule 2, 2.7(a)$200
70Accessible Cab Owner – fail to ensure – Cab Meter in accordance with By-lawSchedule 2, 2.7(b)$200
71Accessible Cab Owner – fail to ensure – extra tire, wheel, and jackSchedule 2, 2.7(c)$200
72Accessible Cab Owner – fail to ensure – wheelchair tie downsSchedule 2, 2.7(d)$400
73Accessible Cab Owner – fail to ensure – first aid kitSchedule 2, 2.7(e)$400
74Accessible Cab Owner – fail to ensure – fire extinguisherSchedule 2, 2.7(f)$400
75Accessible Cab Owner – fail to ensure – operable air conditioning and heatingSchedule 2, 2.7(g)$200
76Accessible Cab Owner – fail to ensure – Owner Plate number and name of Fleet displayedSchedule 2, 2.7(i)$200
77Accessible Cab Owner – fail to ensure – security camera system in accordance with By-lawSchedule 2, 2.7(j)$200
78Limousine Owner – fail to ensure – security camera system in accordance with By-lawSchedule 2, 2.8(a)$200
79Limousine Owner – fail to ensure – Owner Plate affixed – right rear trunkSchedule 2, 2.8(b)$200
80Owner – fail to keep documents in Vehicle for HireSchedule 2, 3.1(a)$200
81Owner – fail to repair mechanical defectsSchedule 2, 3.1(b)$200
82Owner – fail to submit Vehicle for Hire for safety inspectionSchedule 2, 3.1(c)$400
83Owner – fail to maintain insurance on Vehicle for HireSchedule 2, 3.1(d)$800
84Owner – fail to file insurance renewal policy or certificate of insuranceSchedule 2, 3.1(e)$200
85Owner – fail to ensure Vehicle for Hire complies with regulationsSchedule 2, 3.1(f)$200
86Owner – fail to ensure person involved in operation of Vehicle for Hire complies with By-lawSchedule 2, 3.1(g)$200
87Cab Owner – fail to submit Meter for testing, inspection and sealingSchedule 2, 3.2(a)$200
88Accessible Cab Owner – fail to submit Meter for testing, inspection and sealingSchedule 2, 3.2(a)$200
89Cab Owner – fail to submit Meter certificate of accuracySchedule 2, 3.2(b)$125
90Accessible Cab Owner – fail to submit Meter certificate of accuracySchedule 2, 3.2(b)$125
91Class B Cab Owner – fail to Operate Cab full-timeSchedule 2, 3.3(a)$200
92Owner – Operate Vehicle for Hire without Owner PlateSchedule 2, 4.1(a)$200
93Owner – permit person not Licensed as Vehicle for Hire Driver to Operate Vehicle for HireSchedule 2, 4.1(b)$400
94Owner – permit Owner Plate to be used on other vehicleSchedule 2, 4.1(c)$400
95Owner – permit Driver – Operate Vehicle for Hire – more than 14 hoursSchedule 2, 4.1(d)$200
96Owner – Operate Vehicle for Hire with mechanical defectsSchedule 2, 4.1(e)$400
97Owner – Operate Vehicle for Hire in affiliation with Broker not licensedSchedule 2, 4.1(f)$400
98Owner – Operate Vehicle for Hire without insuranceSchedule 2, 4.1(g)$1000
99Owner – Operate Vehicle for Hire – not in compliance with regulationsSchedule 2, 4.1(h)$400
100Owner – Operate Vehicle for Hire – not in compliance with operational standardsSchedule 2, 4.1(i)$400
101Cab Owner – fail to maintain Cab in operation – 120 daysSchedule 2, 4.2(a)$400
102Accessible Cab Owner – fail to maintain Accessible Cab in operation – 120 daysSchedule 2, 4.2(a)$400
103Cab Owner – permit Cab to be Operated – Cab Meter defectiveSchedule 2, 4.2(b)$200
104Accessible Cab Owner – permit Accessible Cab to be Operated – Cab Meter defectiveSchedule 2, 4.2(b)$200
105Broker – fail to keep record of Vehicle for HireSchedule 3, 2.1(a)$200
106Broker – fail to ensure Driver or Owner complies with By-law, to wit:Schedule 3, 2.1(b)$200
107Broker – fail to maintain record of OrdersSchedule 3, 2.1(c)$200
108Broker – fail to comply with records regulationsSchedule 3, 2.1(d)$500
109Broker – fail to carry on Brokerage 24/7Schedule 3, 2.1(e)$400
110Broker – fail to inform passenger – anticipated arrival at pick-upSchedule 3, 2.1(f)$200
111Broker – fail to notify Licence Manager – addition or deletion of Vehicle for Hire from FleetSchedule 3, 2.1(g)$200
112Broker Dispatching Accessible Cabs – fail to give priority for Persons with DisabilitiesSchedule 3, 2.1(h)(i)$400
113Broker Dispatching Accessible Private Vehicles for Hire – fail to give priority for Persons with DisabilitiesSchedule 3, 2.1(h)(i)$400
114Broker Dispatching Accessible Cabs – fail to record number of TripsSchedule 3, 2.1(h)(ii)$200
115Broker Dispatching Accessible Private Vehicles for Hire – fail to record number of TripsSchedule 3, 2.1(h)(ii)$200
116Broker – fail to ensure each Vehicle for Hire equipped to accept credit and debit card paymentsSchedule 3, 2.1(i)$200
117Broker – fail to ensure each Vehicle for Hire equipped with GPSSchedule 3, 2.1(j)$200
118Licensed Broker – dispatch Driver – not LicensedSchedule 3, 3.1(a)$1000
119Licensed Broker – dispatch Vehicle for Hire – owner not LicensedSchedule 3, 3.1(b)$1000
120Licensed Broker – mobile payment app – fail to communicate to Passenger full Trip amount prior to startSchedule 3, 3.1(c)(i)$200
121Licensed Broker – mobile payment app – fail to receive acceptance of full Trip amount from Passenger prior to startSchedule 3, 3.1(c)(ii)$200
122Licensed Broker – mobile payment app – charge payment for Trip for amount other than as communicated and accepted by Passenger prior to startSchedule 3, 3.1(d)$200
123Licensed Broker – dispatch Vehicle for Hire – not in compliance with regulationsSchedule 3, 3.1(e)$200
124Licensed Transportation Network Company Broker – Dispatch Cab, Accessible Cab or LimousineSchedule 3, 3.2$500



Schedule A-20 - Penalty Schedule for Abandoned Refrigerator, Freezer & Containers By-law

Schedule “A-20”

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-Law

Penalty Schedule for Abandoned Refrigerator, Freezer & Containers By-law

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended.

2.  Column 2 in the following table set out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

3. Column 4 in the following table set out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

Column 1 Item #

Column 2

Short Form Wording

Column 3

Designated Provision

Column 4

Administrative Penalty Amount

1Leave (ice-box / refrigerator / freezer) upon land in accessible place without (removing locks and doors / taking measures to prevent persons from being trapped) to wit:1.1$200
2Keep (ice-box / refrigerator / freezer) upon land in accessible place without (removing locks and doors / taking measures to prevent persons from being trapped) to wit:1.1$200
3Permit (ice-box / refrigerator / freezer) upon land in accessible place without (removing locks and doors / taking measures to prevent persons from being trapped) to wit:1.1$200
4Leave container upon land in accessible place without (removing locks and doors / taking measures to prevent persons from being trapped) to wit:1.1$200
5Keep container upon land in accessible place without (removing locks and doors / taking measures to prevent persons from being trapped) to wit:1.1$200
6Permit container upon land in accessible place without (removing locks and doors / taking measures to prevent persons from being trapped) to wit:1.1$200
7Dispose of (ice-box / refrigerator / freezer / container) upon land without removing locks and doors, to wit:1.2$200
8Abandon (ice-box / refrigerator / freezer / container) upon land without removing locks and doors, to wit:1.2$200



Schedule A-21 - Penalty Schedule for Municipal Waste & Resource Materials Collection By-law

Schedule “A-21”

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-Law

Penalty Schedule for Municipal Waste & Resource Materials Collection By-law

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended.

2.  Column 2 in the following table set out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

3. Column 4 in the following table set out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

Column 1

Item #

Column 2

Short Form Wording

Column 3

Designated Provision

Column 4

Administrative Penalty Amount

1Place municipal waste upon roadway10.1$75
2Place municipal waste at collection point prior to 6:00 PM on the day prior to collection10.2$75
3Place non-collectable waste at collection point10.5$75
4Fail to maintain collection point free of municipal waste10.9$75
5Failed to maintain boulevard free of municipal waste10.9.1$75
6Fail to maintain a waste collection receptacle enclosure10.10$75
7Package waste in a matter that presents a hazard10.11$75
8Remove recyclable material placed at collection point10.12$75



Schedule A-22 - Penalty Schedule for Streets By-law

Schedule “A-22”

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-Law

Penalty Schedule for Streets By-law

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended.

2.  Column 2 in the following table set out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

3. Column 4 in the following table set out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

Column 1

Item #

Column 2

Short Form Wording

Column 3

Designated Provision

Column 4

Administrative Penalty Amount

1Cause (obstruction / encumbering / injuring / fouling) of any street2.1$150
2Permit (obstruction / encumbering / injuring / fouling) of any street2.1$150
3Make excavation upon street2.2$420
4Place (object / structure) (upon / under / over) street2.3$420
5Construct (object / structure) (upon / under / over) street2.3$420
6Maintain (object / structure) (upon / under / over) street2.3$420
7Throw any (dirt / rubbish / snow / refuse) upon street2.4$300
8Place any (dirt / rubbish / snow / refuse) upon street2.4$300
9Deposit any (dirt / rubbish / snow / refuse) upon street2.4$300
10Remove (plant / earth / material) from street2.5$150
11Cause nuisance in street by (fire / water / vapour / noise / any means whatsoever)2.6$150
12Construct (gate / door) which (opens / swings) over street2.7$150
13Maintain (gate / door) which (opens / swings) over street2.7$150
14Conduct activity which interferes with (public travel / use of street)2.8$450
15Post (notice / sticker / placard / advertisement) (in / upon) street2.9$150
16Sell any goods on (street / public highway)2.10.1$150
17Display any goods on (street / public highway)2.10.1$150
18Offer to sell any goods on (street / public highway)2.10.1$150
19Operate motor vehicle along bicycle path2.11$150
20Operate (motor vehicle / bicycle) along sidewalk2.12$150
21While operating bicycle on sidewalk, impede passage of (pedestrian / mobility device)2.13(1)$150
22While operating bicycle on sidewalk, fail to yield right-of-way to (pedestrian / mobility device)2.13(2)$150
23Operate (crane / boom / other equipment) above street2.14$150
24Carry on retail sales in vicinity of cenotaph3.1$150
25Remove (barricade / device / detour sign / notice)7.4$300
26Deface (barricade / device / detour sign / notice)7.4$150
27Unlawfully use street closed to traffic7.4$450
28Deposit (snow / ice) upon (sidewalk / roadway)8.2(a)$150
29Cause to be deposited (snow / ice) upon (sidewalk / roadway)8.2(a)$150
30Move (snow / ice) to (boulevard / sidewalk / roadway)8.3(a)$150
31Cause to be moved (snow / ice) to (boulevard / sidewalk / roadway)8.3(b)$150
32Fail to remove (icicles / snow / ice) from (building / structure / sign)8.6(a)$150



Schedule A-23 - Penalty Schedule for Off-Street Parking By-law

Schedule “A-23”

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-law

Penalty Schedule for Off-Street Parking By-law

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended.

2. Column 2 in the following table sets out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

3. Column 4 in the following table sets out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

Column 1

Item #

Column 2

Short Form Wording

Column 3

Designated Provision

Column 4

Administrative Penalty Amount


1.Park Motor Vehicle on Parking Space that does not comply with Parking Space requirements.2.1$65
2.Stand Motor Vehicle on Parking Space that does not comply with Parking Space requirements.2.1$65
3.Stop Motor Vehicle on Parking Space that does not comply with Parking Space requirements.2.1$70



Schedule A-24 - Penalty Schedule for Tree Protection By-law

Schedule "A-24

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-law

Penalty Schedule for Tree Protection By-law

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended.

2. Column 2 in the following table set out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

3. Column 4 in the following table set out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

Column 1

Item #

Column 2

Short Form Wording

Column 3



Column 4

Administrative Penalty


1Injure Tree within Tree Protection Area without Permit6.1$750
2Destroy Tree within Tree Protection Area without Permit6.1$1000
3Injure Distinctive Tree without Permit6.2$750
4Destroy Distinctive Tree without Permit6.2$1000
5Injure Tree not in accordance with Permit conditions6.3$750
6Destroy Tree not in accordance with Permit conditions6.3$750
7Fail to protect Tree in accordance with Permit conditions6.4$750
8Fail to comply with Permit conditions6.5$1000
9Fail to comply with Order to Discontinue Activity6.6$1000
10Fail to comply with Work Order6.6$1000


Schedule A-25 - Penalty Schedule for Boulevard Tree Protection By-law

Schedule "A-25

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-law

Penalty Schedule for Boulevard Tree Protection By-law

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended.

2. Column 2 in the following table set out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

3. Column 4 in the following table set out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

Column 1

Item #

Column 2

Short Form Wording

Column 3



Column 4

Administrative Penalty


1Plant Tree on Boulevard without written permission5.1$500
2Cause Tree to be planted on Boulevard without permission5.1$500
3Injure Tree on Boulevard without written permission5.2$1000
4Destroy Tree on Boulevard without written permission5.2$1000
5Attach object to Tree on Boulevard that injures Tree without written permission5.3$750
6Undertake work on Boulevard that injures tree without written permission5.4$1000
7Obstruct Managing Director in discharge of duties5.5$1000
8Attempt to obstruct Managing Director in discharge of duties5.5$1000
9Fail to comply with order to discontinue activity5.6$1000


Schedule A-26 - Penalty Schedule for the Delivery of Graphic Images By-law

Schedule “A-26”

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-law

Penalty Schedule for the Delivery of Graphic Images By-law

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended.

2.  Column 2 in the following table set out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

3. Column 4 in the following table set out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

Column 1

Item #

Column 2

Short Form Wording

Column 3



Column 4

Administrative Penalty


1No Person shall deliver a Graphic Image to any Residence unless concealed within a sealed envelope or package.4.1$350
2No Person shall deliver a Graphic Image to any Residence without contact information of person responsible for the Delivery4.1$350
3No Person shall deliver a Graphic Image to any Residence without a warning4.1$350



Schedule A-27 - Penalty Schedule for the Electric Kick-Scooter and Cargo Power-assisted Bicycle By-law

Schedule “A-27”

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-law

Penalty Schedule for the Electric Kick-Scooter and Cargo Power-assisted Bicycle By-law

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended.

2.  Column 2 in the following table set out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

3. Column 4 in the following table set out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3.

Column 1

Item #

Column 2

Short Form Wording

Column 3



Column 4

Administrative Penalty


1operate Electric Kick-Scooter on sidewalk2.1(a)$50
2operate Electric Kick-Scooter on Hiking trail2.1(b)$50
3operate Electric Kick-Scooter in Environmentally Significant area or natural park area2.1(c)$50
4operate Cargo Power-assisted Bicycle on sidewalk2.1(a)$50
5operate Cargo Power-assisted Bicycle on Hiking Trail2.1(b)$50
6operate Cargo Power-assisted Bicycle in Environmentally Significant area or natural park area2.1(c)$50
7provide Commercial Electric Kick-Scooters2.2$50



Schedule A-28 - Penalty Schedule for Fireworks By-law – PW-11

1. For the purposes of Section 2 of this By-law, Column 3 in the following table lists the provisions in the Designated By-law identified in the Schedule, as amended. 

2 in the following table sets out the short form wording to be used in a Penalty Notice for the contravention of the designated provisions listed in Column 3. 

3. Column 4 in the following table sets out the Administrative Penalty amount that is payable for contraventions of the designated provisions listed in Column 3. 

Column 1 

Item #

Column 2 

Short Form Wording

Column 3 

Designated Provision

Column 4 

Administrative Penalty Amount


Causing or allowing the discharge of Fireworks (display or consumer Firecrackers when prohibited)4.(1), 5.(4)$500.00

Discharging any prohibited firecrackers or fireworks



Discharging display Fireworks or consumer Fireworks in a dangerous manner

5.(5), 5.(6), and 5.(7) 



Discharging display Fireworks or consumer Fireworks on days not permitted in the by the by-law or without a permit

4.(1), 5.(1), 6.(2), 8 (a)-(i), 9 (a)-(c), 10, 11, and 12



Failure to provide direct supervision of and control of a person eighteen (18) years of age or over




Discharging special effect pyrotechnics without a permit


Hold display of display Fireworks or consumer Fireworks in a public place or on private property when prohibited or without a permit.

6.(1), 6.(2)



Failure of the permit holder holding the display of special effect pyrotechnics to ensure that all unused fireworks and all debris are removed.



Failure of the holder of a display firework or display of special effect pyrotechnics to produce his or her permit upon being so directed by the Fire Chief.



*Note: At the discretion of the Officer, fines may be doubled for any and all subsequent repeat offences.


Schedule B - Designated Provisions for Parking By-Law No. PS-114

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-Law

Designated Provisions for laying out the Administrative Fee structure for infractions pertaining to MTO fee, Plate Denial, Hearing and Screening reviews.

Administrative Fee DescriptionFee Amount
MTO Fee (Parking penalties only)$10
Plate Denial Request Fee (Parking penalties only)$20
Late Payment Fee$25
Screening Non-appearance Fee$50
Hearing Non-appearance Fee$100

Note:  Fee listed in Schedule “B” to this By-law will be subject to Harmonized Sales Tax (H.S.T.) where applicable.


Schedule C - Designated Screening Officers

Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-Law

Designated Screening Officers

  1. The Director, Municipal Compliance, or delegate(s) as assigned.
  2. Manager of Municipal Law Enforcement Services or delegate(s) as assigned.
  3. Parking Coordinator or delegate(s) as assigned.
  4. Screening Officers or delegate(s) as assigned.


As Amended by
By-Law No.Date Passed at Council
A-54-19001June 25, 2019
A-54-20002October 13, 2020
A-54-21003March 23, 2021
A-54-21004March 23, 2021
A-54-21005May 4, 2021
A-54-21006May 25, 2021
A-54-21007September 14, 2021
A-54-22008December 7, 2021
A-54-22009December 21, 2021
A-54-22010May 3, 2022
A-54-22011June 14, 2022 
A-54-23012March 7, 2023
A-54-23013June 27, 2023
A-54-23014November 7, 2023
A-54-24015March 5, 2024
A-54-24016April 2, 2024
A-54-24017July 23, 2024
A-54-25018September 24, 2024
in force March 1, 2025


Last modified:Friday, February 21, 2025