Highbury and Hamilton Road Intersection Environmental Assessment


Highbury Avenue and Hamilton Road is a busy intersection, and due to London’s anticipated growth, significant traffic delays are expected if no improvements are made.

The Transportation Master Plan recommended several enhancements to the intersection, including additional through and turning lanes on Highbury Avenue, improvements to the median on Hamilton Road and additional pedestrian and cyclist facilities. 

The Environmental Assessment explored a variety of planning solutions to address the challenges in the area. Through the Environmental Study Report, intersection improvements were recommended that aligned with the Transportation Master Plan's recommendations, including:

  • additional northbound and southbound through lanes along Highbury Avenue North
  • median islands east and west of the intersection
  • eastbound right-turn lane
  • westbound dual left-turn lanes
  • northbound right-turn lane
  • eastbound and westbound bike lanes on Hamilton Road
  • landscaping and urban design elements
  • bus bays

The recommendations are designed to: 

  • help ease traffic congestion
  • increase safety and accessibility for cyclists through new bike lanes
  • help residents and business owners access their properties
  • reduce traffic cutting through local neighbourhoods

Construction to start the intersection improvements is currently planned for 2029.

Current status

The Environmental Assessment is complete, and Council approved the plan in June 2018. 

 Study area 

The study area was the intersection of Highbury Avenue and Hamilton Road. The team also had a larger consultation area that included all major streets in the region, such as Trafalgar Street. For more information, please contact: Garfield Dales by emailing gdales@london.ca or by calling 519-661-2489 extension 4637.


Project Timeline

2015: Start of the Environmental Assessment

The City sent out a notice of commencement to residents, business owners and interested stakeholders to notify them of the Environmental Assessment's start.

May 2015: First Public Information Session

A Public Information Centre was scheduled for May 2015 at Fairmont United Church - interested parties were encouraged to attend. They provided comments specific to the potential Highbury and Hamilton Road intersection improvements to the project team, which were critical to the development of this environmental assessment.

March 2016: Second Public Information Session

A Public Information Centre was scheduled for March 2016 at BMO Centre London. The team provided all interested parties with an update on the project and listened to feedback that was critical to shaping the recommendations provided by the Environmental Study Report.

June 2018: Environmental Study Report completed

The Environmental Assessment is now complete, and Council approved the plan in 2018.

Last modified:Friday, April 12, 2024