June marks an exciting lineup of fun activities and events on Dundas Place to kick off the summer.
After hundreds of Londoners were able to watch the London Knights’ Memorial Cup run outdoors on Dundas Place, the City of London is excited to announce many more opportunities to visit downtown to experience a festival, enjoy a patio, and support local businesses. With concerts, pop-up markets, cultural events, food festivals and art festivals, there's something for everyone on Dundas Place this summer.
Weekly events in Market Lane (137 Dundas Street)
Thursdays - London City of Music Concerts - 7 to 10 p.m.
Fridays - Street Salsa - 7:30 to 10 p.m.

Saturdays - Summer Saturdays Street Market - 3 to 8 p.m.
Sundays - Sunday Jazz in Market Lane - 2 to 4 p.m.
June is also full of several large special events, including movie nights, food festivals, live music, street parties, and a night market. To see the full list of special events this month, please visit london.ca/dundasplace.
New traffic changes on Dundas Place this summer
Earlier this spring, City Council lowered the speed limit on Dundas Place, between Ridout to Wellington streets, to 20 kilometres per hour. The lower speed limit of these four blocks helps to support the patio experience in the area, creates a safer environment for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as the events and activities that will continue to happen regularly along Dundas Place and in Market Lane.
The City is also adding new, temporary centerline signage at the Ridout, Richmond, and Wellington Street entrances to Dundas Place. This signage will not restrict vehicle access, but will help slow traffic down to reinforce Dundas Place as a special destination shared by pedestrians, cyclists and motorists.
City staff will be evaluating traffic management options for Dundas Place and will be collecting feedback from businesses, residents, and visitors later this summer. Options for the future traffic management of Dundas Place will be presented to City Council in the fall.

Traveling to Dundas Place
There are many ways to travel to visit Dundas Place this summer.
There are cycling connections from the Thames Valley Parkway and Dundas Cycle Track. Cycling maps and bike parking information are available at london.ca/cycling.
London Transit’s routes and schedules are also available online.
Parking on Dundas Place is always free for one hour in designated parking spots. There is also free one-hour, on-street parking for the Core Area, as well as Municipal Lots #1 and #2 in Old East Village. This promotion will be in place until the end of 2024.
Residents and visitors wishing to take advantage of this opportunity will need to use the HonkMobile app from their phone, tablet or computer. Check to make sure the HONK promo code sticker is shown on the on-street or master meter and then enter the code CORE under "Add Promo" at time of checkout. As an alternative to using the HonkMobile app, motorists can access this promo by contacting Parking Services at 519-661-4537, providing their licence plate number and the zone ID for the location in which they would like to park.
For more information visit: https://london.ca/parking-lot-information.