Beginning Thursday, May 23, Clarence Street will be closed at York Street with no access to/from York Street. Lane reductions on York Street between Clarence Street and Wellington Street will remain in place until the road is fully closed in late July 2024.
All traffic will be moved onto the south side of York Street to accommodate construction activities on the north side of the street.
Please note, there will also be turn restrictions in place at the Wellington and York intersection impacting both east and westbound traffic.
The sidewalk on the south side of York Street will remain open during construction, with the north side of York Street closed for construction. Signage will be used to help guide pedestrians in the area.

Map: The map above shows the Clarence Street closure and reduced lanes ON York Street effective May 23, 2024.
Local access will be maintained to residences and businesses, which remain open during all stages of construction. The access to Citi Plaza parking garage along York Street will be closed. Vehicles looking to access the Citi Plaza parking structure can reach their destination from Clarence Street only, traveling south from King Street.
Future Impacts
Motorists and cyclists travelling on York Street should expect delays in the area later this summer. A full closure of York Street is anticipated from west of Clarence Street to Wellington Street from late July to December 2024.
About the Downtown Sewer Separation
As part of the Downtown Sewer Separation program, this project involves major improvements to underground municipal and private utility infrastructure. This important work is necessary to support a growing population, increase sewer capacity for new development and separate combined storm and sanitary sewers to help improve the health of the Thames River.
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