Construction is moving forward on the Adelaide Street North – CPR Grade Separation Project (“Adelaide Underpass”), with work scheduled to begin next week on Central Avenue west of Adelaide Street North.
A temporary road closure will be in place on Central Avenue from William Street to Adelaide Street North for approximately three months as crews begin road reconstruction that includes watermain, sanitary and storm sewer replacement.
Pedestrian access will be maintained through the area; however, motorists and cyclists will need to use alternative routes.
Renew London:

Above: Map graphic showing road closure on Central Avenue between William Street and Adelaide Street North.

Above: A design rendering of the Adelaide Street North Underpass from Central Avenue and Adelaide Street North, facing north
About the Adelaide Underpass
The City plans to reconstruct Adelaide Street North from Elias Street to 80m north of McMahen Street, as well as Central Avenue from William Street to Elizabeth Street. Construction is scheduled to begin the week of April 18, 2022, and finish in fall of 2024, with some planned carry-over work in summer 2025.
The project will add an underpass beneath the CP Rail tracks, as well as nearby intersection improvements and active transportation connections, with wide multi-use paths on both sides of the roadway on Adelaide Street North.
The new street design will enhance the pedestrian and biking environment, improve safety, reduce traffic back-ups, and improve access to transit. It is being designed to improve route reliability, efficiency and safety for everyone crossing the railway. To learn more, visit