London Cares Curb Hunger Campaign collects equivalent of 86,880 pounds of food

Thanks to generous support from residents, businesses and community partners, the London Cares Curb Hunger Campaign collected the equivalent of 86,880 pounds of food between June 7-June 17. This is about a 10,000 pound increase from last year, and more fresh produce will be collected throughout the summer and fall from the campaign’s Grow-a-row, Adopt-a-plot, and Green Wall initiatives.

“Londoners continue to show their compassion and support towards their fellow residents facing hardship,” says Mayor Josh Morgan. “Through online donations, contributions made at grocery stores, and the cultivation of food in local gardens for donation purposes, Londoners have showcased a remarkable sense of community. These recurring acts of generosity, supported by individuals, corporations, and community partners, play a crucial role in ensuring numerous families have access to locally sourced and nourishing meals.”

The breakdown of the 86,880 pounds is as follows:

  • Drop-offs to grocery stores, fire halls and the London Food Bank = 13,750 pounds
  • Corporate donations = 38,570 pounds
  • Community Refresh program = 21,570 pounds
  • Financial donations ($41,688 at $3.21 per pound as reported by Food Banks Canada) = 12,990 pounds (equivalent)

The Curb Hunger Campaign is now in its 27th year and is the longest running partnership of its kind in Canada. The annual campaign raises awareness of the London Food Bank and the need for support during the summer months, which is traditionally a slower period for food donations. The Curb Hunger Campaign supports more than 29,000 individuals in need of food.

“We would like to extend our sincere appreciation to all those who were able to participate in this year’s Curb Hunger Campaign,” says Glen Pearson, Co-Director of the London Food Bank. “The Campaign has transformed in recent years with a stronger focus on the distribution of fresh food. The Campaign has been a success year-after-year thanks to the invaluable support of Londoners who cultivate crops in local greenhouses, community gardens, and even their own backyards. To those who are able, we encourage you to continue donating food to the London Food Bank throughout the year, and especially during the summer months.”

Last modified:Friday, October 27, 2023