With London-Middlesex in the Red/Control category of the Provincial Keeping Ontario Safe and Open framework, the City of London is gradually resuming recreation programs and reopening certain recreation facilities including outdoor rinks, community centres, pools and arenas.
All local health guidelines and Provincial regulations, including greater restrictions, capacity limits and modifications to programs will be in place to ensure the safety of participants and staff.
Outdoor skating rinks
Outdoor skating at Victoria Park and Covent Garden Market reopened today, with a capacity of 25 people on each rink, at any given time.
To accommodate the capacity, the City is introducing a new wristband system in an effort to reduce congregations and long lines near the Victoria Park skating rink. Each morning beginning at 10 a.m., City staff will hand out wristbands at the Victoria Park bandshell for Londoners to skate for a 45-minute time slot at the rink the following day. These will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Victoria Park skaters will enter the enclosed area at the start of the hour and will be allowed to skate for 45 minutes.
To check wristband availability, please call 519-661-5768. Visit london.ca/skating to learn more.
Neighbourhood-managed skating rinks in Westmount Lions Park and Vista Woods Park will reopen this week with a reduced capacity of 25 people on each rink at any time. For more information on this program, please visit our neighbourhood-managed ice rinks page, email neighbourgood@london.ca or call 519-661-5365.
Storybook Gardens skating trail
The Storybook Gardens skating trail will reopen on Saturday, February 20. Registration for skating timeslots is now open. To ensure capacity limits, pre-registration is required through Play Your Way online or by calling 519-661-5575. Visit Storybook Gardens’ website to learn more.
Indoor skating rinks
City arenas will reopen on Monday, February 22 for indoor public skating programs, with pre-registration required through Play Your Way online or by calling 519-661-5575. Registration is now open. Visit our skating page to learn more.
Indoor and outdoor recreation programs
Indoor and outdoor recreation program opportunities at our community centres will be available beginning Monday, February 22. Select programs will be offered beginning next week with more programs resuming beginning the first week of March.
Registration for programs is available as of today through Play Your Way online or by calling 519-661-5575. Visit our programs, courses and registration page to learn more.
Aquatics programs
Aquatic Services programs, including recreational swims, aquafit and fit swims, will be available beginning Saturday, February 20. Learn-to-swim and leadership courses will also begin, with registration available online through Play Your Way online or by calling 519-661-5575. Visit london.ca/aquatics to learn more.
While the Province has lifted the stay-at-home order for London, the City is reminding Londoners of the importance of following health precautions to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in the community, including limiting close contact to your household, staying at least two metres apart from people you do not live with and wearing a mask or face covering in indoor public spaces and outdoor public spaces when social distancing is not possible.
ConnectLDN virtual programs will continue to run, with a new children’s video and seniors’ virtual Ageless Grace and Cardio Strength programs offered online weekly.
For further information and a list of current City of London services that have been impacted by COVID-19, please continue to visit our COVID-19 information page.