1. Bagged Garbage Fee Waived at EnviroDepots
London City Council has passed a motion to waive the $1.50 per bag fee for residents that need to dispose of bagged garbage at three EnviroDepots until May 4, 2020. Homes that have to dispose of bagged garbage above the three container limit can do so at one of these three EnviroDepot without paying the fee.
West EnviroDepot - Oxford Street, 1450 Oxford Street West
East EnviroDepot - Clarke Road South, 28 Clarke Road
North EnviroDepot - Clarke Road North (at Try Recycling Inc.), 21462 Clarke Road
In response to COVID-19 and to mitigate impacts on Londoners, this update will take effect immediately. Physical distancing will continue to be practiced at EnviroDepots.
How to use the EnviroDepots at this time
To help slow the spread of COVID-19, please observe the following measures:
- Maintain physical distancing of 2 metres.
- Cash is not accepted until further notice. Credit and Debit continue to be accepted.
- Complete your visit safely and quickly, and then leave the depot.
- Do not mingle and socialize.
Bag Tags for curbside pickup are available at three EnviroDepots. We recommend that you purchase tags for extra garbage and place out for curbside collection to avoid use of the Depot if possible, or store materials such as extra bagged garbage and yard waste as long as possible. The EnviroDepots do not accept furniture, mattresses, or other bulky items.
2. Closure of the Household Special Waste Depot and Public Drop-off Area Located at the W12A Landfill Site
Public access to the waste disposal drop-off area and Household Special Waste Depot located inside the W12A Landfill is closed until further notice.
An increase in large trucks and a reduction in staff resources due to COVID-19 requires additional on-site health and safety measures be implemented. The only way to safely protect the public is to not permit them access inside the site.
Residents are asked to continue to store household special waste items safely at home. Do not place these items in the garbage.
3. Garbage and Recycling Collection
Garbage and recycling collection continues as scheduled in London and there are a number of actions you can take to help collectors.
- Bag all used tissues and napkins, and please place in the garbage. Do not place waste loosely in garbage containers.
- If you or someone in your household is feeling unwell, please place items that have been in contact with your mouth, nose or eyes into a bag and then into the garbage. This includes items that you normally place into your Blue Box such as plastic bottles, pop cans and milk or juice containers.
- Reduce the amount of waste placed at the curb – we ask that Londoners place the least amount of garbage at the curb as possible.
- Hold on to bulky waste like furniture, mattresses, couches. Please store these items at your property as long as possible during this time.
- Please respect physical distancing with Sanitation and Recycling Operators and do not approach the vehicle.
And please remember to wash your hands after handling waste or recycling. Simple actions will help protect collectors from the risk of spreading COVID-19. Thank you for being accommodating during this time.
4. Yard Waste Collection
Yard waste collection continues as scheduled and begins in Zone A (Westmount, Byron, Oakridge) on March 30, 2020. View the collection calendar online, or use the Recycle Coach app for reminders and notifications about garbage, recycling, and yard waste collection.
5. Stay connected
We continue to monitor the updates and recommendations from the Middlesex London Health Unit along with the Federal and Provincial Governments.
For further information and a list of City of London services that remain available, please continue to visit www.london.ca/covid-19
To report any issues regarding garbage, please visit our Service London portal.