Highly Supportive Housing

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Highly supportive housing is a critical part of the Whole of Community System Response. It includes access to health and social services, such as mental health care, addiction treatment, educational resources, employment counselling and emergency food services. The goal is to provide support that will help residents achieve long-term housing stability.

On April 2, 2024, London City Council endorsed a plan that will help bring 600 new highly supportive housing units to London over the next three years. London’s Health and Homelessness Response: Highly Supportive Housing Plan will set specific standards and expectations while serving as a guide for future highly supportive housing projects within the community.

Since March of 2023 when Council endorsed the Whole of Community System Response, 93 new highly supportive housing units have been established, including new units announced in March 2024 at House of Hope. Upwards of 40 additional units are being planned through a partnership between Indwell and four major developers.

The Highly Supportive Housing Plan was built upon feedback from individuals with lived and living experience of homelessness, to better reflect the needs of the people it aims to support. It defines what highly supportive housing is in London and what its functions are. It also identifies who needs it, outlines different ways individuals can end up in highly supportive housing; and provides recommendations for physical space design, as well as budget and costing.

Read the Highly Supportive Housing Plan

Last modified:Thursday, July 04, 2024