Councillor Jerry Pribil


Councillor Jerry Pribil
519-661-2489, extension 4005

Councillor Jerry Pribil


Jerry Pribil was elected as the Ward 5 Councillor for the 2022-2026 term of Council.

Jerry attributes his strong business acumen to his vast international experience in the hospitality and tourism industry in five countries where he held top executive positions. He also has experience as a university professor in the United States and Europe. Jerry owns and operates the Marienbad Restaurant and Chaucer’s Pub in downtown London and currently serves as a board member of Destination Ontario.

Jerry obtained his MBA at the Universidad Europea in Madrid and his bachelor’s degree at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Jerry strongly believes in giving back to the community by volunteering at the London Food Bank, 519Pursuit, Antler River Rally and by being a long-time member of the London Rotary Club.

Jerry is married to Mary, and they have two sons Jerry Jr. and Sylvester.

If you have a question, comment, or issue you would like to discuss, please email or call Jerry directly at your convenience: 226-559-3604 or email

For additional information and regular Ward Five/citywide updates, please visit his website where you can also sign-up for his newsletter.

Appointments to Council committees

  • Community and Protective Services Committee
  • Audit Committee
  • Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee
  • Civic Works Committee

Local agencies, boards, commissions and other organizations

  • Strategic Opportunities Review Working Group (Vice Chair)
  • County/City Liaison Committee
  • London Transit Commission
  • Kettle Creek Conservation Authority

Accessing City Services

To request service or information related to any of the matters listed below, please use the Service London Portal or email For all other matters please contact the City of London at 519-661-CITY (2489) to be redirected to the correct department. Phones are answered Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

Service London Portal

  • Garbage, recycling and yard waste collection
  • Parks maintenance and forestry concerns
  • Potholes, sidewalk repairs and road hazards
  • Road maintenance and construction
  • Sewers, drainage or basement flooding issues
  • Snow plowing and slippery conditions
Last modified:Wednesday, February 05, 2025