Reduced Rental Rates for Non-Profit Groups

By-Law Number
As Amended by

Legislative History: Enacted June 13, 2017 (By-law No. CPOL.-30-226); Amended June 26, 2018 (By-law No. CPOL.-342-333); Amended August 10, 2021 (By-law No. CPOL.-30(a)-233); Amended July 25, 2023 (By-law No. CPOL.-30(b)-219)

Last Review Date: July 25, 2023

Service Area Lead: Director, Financial Planning & Business Support

1. Policy Statement

The purpose of this policy is to formalize and clarify practices on the rental of Centennial Hall to non-profit groups.

2. Definitions

Not Applicable.

3. Applicability

This policy applies to all non-profit organizations that are booking events at Centennial Hall.

4. The Policy

A policy establishing that the rental of the auditorium to non-profit organizations which book a series of events, in advance, (at least six events per calendar year) and which require a very limited amount of set-up and maintenance is at a reduced rate. Such reduced rates will be included in the Fees & Charges By-law as approved annually by City Council.

Last modified:Tuesday, April 09, 2024