Added Staff Recommendations and Committee Reports Policy

By-Law Number
As Amended by

Legislative History: Adopted September 19, 2017 (By-law No. CPOL.-190-442); Amended July 24, 2018 (By-law No. CPOL.-190(a)-413)

Last Review Date: July 25, 2023

Service Area Lead: City Clerk

1. Policy Statement

1.1 This policy sets out the requirements for those situations where urgent circumstances require consideration by a Standing Committee, or the Municipal Council, of an added staff recommendation or an Added Report from a Committee

2. Definitions

2.1 Not applicable.

3. Applicability

3.1 This policy shall apply to all added submissions to a Standing Committee, or the Municipal Council.

4. The Policy

4.1 Where urgent circumstances require consideration by a Standing Committee, or the Municipal Council, of an added staff recommendation or an Added Report from a Standing Committee, the added staff recommendation or Standing Committee Report shall be submitted, in writing, in accordance with the provisions of the Council Procedure By-law. The submission shall include, wherever possible, a written executive summary. When a written executive summary is not possible, a verbal summary shall be provided by the appropriate party. In addition, the Council Members shall be permitted a brief recess, if required, to review the submission, recognizing that they may also choose to defer consideration of the matter to a future date in accordance with the Council Procedure By-law.


Last modified:Tuesday, April 09, 2024