WHEREAS subsection 5(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, c.25, provides that a municipal power shall be exercised by by-law;
WHEREAS subsection 8(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that the powers of a municipality under this Act shall be interpreted broadly so as to confer broad authority on the municipality to enable the municipality to govern its affairs as it considers appropriate and to enhance the municipality’s ability to respond to municipal issues;
WHEREAS subsection 8(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a by-law may regulate or prohibit respecting the matter, require persons to do things respecting the matter, and provide for a system of licences respecting the matter;
AND WHEREAS subsection 10(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality may provide any service or thing that the municipality considers necessary or desirable for the public;
AND WHEREAS subsection 10(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality may pass by-laws respecting: 5. Economic, social and environmental well-being of the municipality; 6. Health, safety and well-being of persons; 7. Services and things that the municipality is authorized to provide under subsection (1); 8. Protection of persons and property, including consumer protection; 10. Structures, including fences and signs;
AND WHEREAS sections 98, 99 and 99.1 refer to specific municipal powers under Part III of the Municipal Act, 2001 for structures, including fences and signs;
AND WHEREAS sections 9, 10 and 23.1 through 23.5 of the Municipal Act, 2001 authorize a municipality to delegate its powers and duties subject to restrictions;
AND WHEREAS section 63 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a by-law may prohibit or regulate the placing or standing of an object on or near a highway, and may provide for the removal and impounding or restraining and immobilizing of any object placed or standing on or near a highway;
AND WHEREAS section 445 provides that a municipality may make an order requiring a person who has contravened a by-law or who caused or permitted the contravention, or the owner or occupier of land on which the contravention occurred to do work to correct the contravention;
AND WHEREAS section 446 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that where a municipality has the authority to direct or require a person to do a matter or thing, the municipality may also provide that, in default of it being done by the person directed or required to do it, the matter or thing shall be done at the person’s expense, and that the municipality may recover the costs of doing a matter or thing by action or by adding the costs to the tax roll and collecting them in the same manner as property taxes;
AND WHEREAS sections 9, 10, 23.1 to 23.5 and 284.1 authorize a municipality to delegate its powers and duties, subject to certain restrictions, and authorize a municipality to provide for a review or appeal of a decision made by a person or body in the exercise of a power or duty delegated to him, her or it;
AND WHEREAS in the opinion of Council, the power being delegated to authorize minor variances is of a minor nature, having regard to the number of people, the size of the geographic area and the time period affected by an exercise of the power.
Therefore the MUNICIPAL COUNCIL of The Corporation of the City of London enacts as follows:
1.1 Compliance of Signs Required
Except as set out in sections 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 below, a sign or canopy erected, substantially altered or displayed after the 7th day of October, 1991, shall comply with the regulations of this by-law, the relevant provisions of the Ontario Building Code, and any other applicable law, failing which the sign or canopy shall be removed by the owner thereof or by the owner of the land on which the sign or canopy is situated.
1.2 Deemed Compliance of Existing Signs
a) Except as set out in section 1.3 below, a sign or canopy lawfully erected or displayed on the 7th day of October, 1991, which does not comply with the regulations of this by-law shall be deemed to be in compliance with this by-law.
b) Notwithstanding (a) above, the safety and maintenance requirements of Part 11 Safety and Maintenance Requirements of this by-law shall be complied with and any sign or canopy which is unsafe shall be modified or removed immediately to eliminate the condition which renders the sign or canopy unsafe.
1.3 Signs and Canopies on a Road Allowance
Except for ground signs, projecting wall signs and facial wall signs, every sign or canopy lawfully erected or displayed on the 7th day of October, 1991, which is located on a road allowance and which does not comply with the regulations of this by-law shall be removed by the owner of the sign within 60 days after the date that the business to which the sign pertains ceases to operate.
1.4 Non-Compliance of Unlawful Existing Signs
A sign or canopy not lawfully erected or displayed on the 7th day of October, 1991, and which does not comply with the regulations of this by-law shall be made to comply with this by-law or such sign or canopy shall be removed by the owner thereof or by the owner of the land on which the sign or canopy is situated.
1.5 Conflict of By-laws Governing Signs
In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this by-law and the provisions of any zoning by-law prescribing sign or canopy requirements, the provisions of this by-law prevail.
1.6 Schedules Form Part of By-law
The following schedules form part of this by-law:
a) Schedule "A" - Fees for Minor Variances and for the Inspection and Approval of Plans;
b) Schedule "B" - Uniformity Plan Submission by Owner;
c) Schedule "C" - Licensing Agreement by Owner of a Property;
d) Schedule "D" - Licensing Agreement by Owner of an A-board sign;
e) Schedule "E" - Certificate of Insurance;
f) Schedule "F" - Map of Downtown Area;
g) Schedule "G" - External Non-Accessory Sign Locations.".
h) Schedule “H” - Read-o-graph Mobile Sign Validation Sticker Location and Sign Orientation;
i) Schedule “I” - Authorization by Property Owner to Display a Mobile Sign
1.7 This By-law applies to existing advertising devices lawfully erected or not substantially altered on or before May 30, 2017.
2.1 Sign or Canopy Permit Required
A permit is required to erect, display, alter or structurally repair a sign or canopy located within the City except as set out in sections 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4.
2.2 Signs or Canopies Not Requiring Permits
A permit is not required for the following signs or canopies, but all such signs or canopies shall comply with all other requirements of this by-law:
a) incidental signs;
b) official signs located on a road allowance and erected by the City;
c) official signs, real estate advertising signs and construction signs, except that a permit is required if any of the following apply:
i) the sign is located on a road allowance;
ii) the sign has a sign face area greater than 10 square metres;
iii) the real estate advertising sign is displayed on a building wall more than 1.2 m above the first storey;
iv) the construction sign on a temporary sales trailer for new construction where the portion of the sign projecting up to 1.2 m above the wall of the trailer is greater than 10 square metres;
d) signs pertaining exclusively to public safety;
e) except for projecting wall signs located on a road allowance, identification, information, business or promotional advertising wall signs having no sign face greater than 0.6 square metres in area;
f) information signs required to be erected by subdivision agreements having no sign face greater than 10 square metres;
g) temporary signs within a building or not visible beyond the boundaries of the
premises on which the sign is located;
h) non-combustible signs within a building or not visible beyond the boundaries of
the premises on which the sign is located;
i) except for read-o-graph mobile signs, temporary signs which are used in
conjunction with a special event sponsored by a charitable or non-profit
organization and including an exhibition or fair, provided the sign does not
exceed 6 square metres;
j) temporary signs accessory to a Group 1 Use premise providing the information
with respect to a special event, such as an anniversary, birthday or retirement,
which are erected for a period of time not exceeding 48 hours;
k) signs on transit shelters and benches pursuant to a contract with The London
Transit Commission;
l) flags or emblems of patriotic, civic, educational or religious organizations,
including corporation flags or emblems, provided there are not more than five
corporation flags or emblems per premises and each corporation flag or emblem
does not exceed 5.0 square metres where an emblem exceeds 5.0 square
metres, a permit is required and the emblem shall conform to the regulations for
a facial wall sign;
m) canopies having no part on a road allowance except as required by the Ontario
Building Code;
n) A-board signs (less than 0.6 square metres);
o) signs on sports field fencing, backstops and accessory structures pursuant to a
contract with The Corporation of the City of London;
p) signs on public phone booths located on a road allowance and pursuant to a
contract with The Corporation of the City of London;
q) a sign painted directly onto the exterior wall of a building;
r) signs on benches, refuse receptacles and recycling receptacles located on the
road allowance by the City of London.
2.3 Permit Not Required - Maintenance and Repair
A permit is not required for the maintenance or repairs of signs or canopies which use
materials identical to the materials of the component being maintained or repaired,
except where the foundation is being replaced, a permit is required.
2.4 Permit Not Required - Change of Message
A change in the message displayed by a sign or a change of the sign face does not
constitute an alteration so as to require a permit provided the sign does not contravene
the provisions of section 10.5 and except that a permit is required to change a read-o-
graph sign face to another type of sign face.
2.5 Notice of Intention to Change Sign Message
The owner of the sign shall give notice in writing to the Chief Building Official of the
owner's intention to change the message displayed by a sign, respecting the use of the
premises, except a read-o-graph sign, or of the owner's intention to change or replace a
sign face.
2.6 Annual Permit For Signs on a Road Allowance
Where a sign or canopy is erected on a road allowance; except for temporary signs as
set out in Section 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 and 8.1(e) the privilege of continuing the sign or canopy
shall expire as of December 31 in each year and shall be renewed annually, by
payment of the prescribed fee, unless the continuation of the privilege is prohibited or
discontinued by the City. Where the payment of the prescribed fee is not made within
60 days of notification by the City to the property owner, such fee may be recovered as
municipal taxes in the manner prescribed in the Municipal Act.
2.7 Conditions Precedent to Permit
No permit for a sign or canopy on a road allowance shall be issued until an agreement
has been entered into with the City, in accordance with the following table;
Types of Agreements
Description of Sign | Agreement Type |
1. Any sign or canopy less than 0.3
| Licensing Agreement in the form of Schedule “C” to this by-law. |
1. All signs or canopies on or over the road allowance except as set out in line 1 above. | A Licensing Agreement between the City and the abutting property owner registered on title of the abutting property. |
2.8 Application For Permit
The owner of a property desirous of erecting a sign on her or his property or on a road
allowance abutting her or his property, shall:
(a) make application for the permit on the prescribed form;
(b) submit plans and specifications of each sign or canopy with sufficient detail to
determine compliance with all applicable laws;
(c) pay the fee for the approval of the plans and inspection of works as prescribed in
Schedule “A” to this by-law, including any applicable renewal fees for signs or
canopies on a road allowance; and
(d) in the case of a permanent non-accessory sign, written authority of the property
owner is to be attached to each permit application.
2.9 Address for Giving Notice
The application for a sign or canopy permit shall include the postal address of the owner
of the property and any communication or notice sent by regular post to the postal
address shall be deemed good and sufficient notice unless the owner has notified the
Chief Building Official in writing of a change of address.
2.10 Refusal of Permit
A permit shall be refused if a sign or canopy would not comply with this by-law or any
other law if the sign or canopy were to be erected or displayed.
2.11 Mobile Sign Permit - Time Limitation
A permit for a non read-o-graph mobile sign shall be limited as to time in accordance
with Section 6.1(e).
2.12 Revocation of Permits
The Chief Building Official my revoke the permit for a sign or canopy at any time after
the issuance thereof, where
(a) the sign or canopy does not conform to this by-law, the Building Code or any
other application regulations,
(b) the permit was issued as a result of false or misleading information,
(c) the permit was issued in error,
(d) the permit holder requests in writing that the permit be revoked,
(e) the permit holder fails to make any payment when due under this by-law, or
(f) the permit holder does not commence construction or display the sign or canopy
within 6 months from the date of permit issuance,
by delivering written notice of the revocation to the assessed owner or occupant of the
property on which the sign or canopy is erected or is proposed to be erected.
2.13 Cancellation of Permits
Where an application for a permit remains incomplete or inactive for six months after it
is made, the application may be deemed by the Chief Building Official to have been
cancelled and notice thereof shall be given to the applicant. If an application is deemed
to be cancelled, a new application and applicable fee must be filed for the proposed
3.1 Definitions
In this by-law,
"ACCESSORY STRUCTURE" means a building or structure the use or occupancy of
which is incidental to the main use or occupancy of any other building on the
premises or which, if there is no other building on the premises, is incidental to the
use of the premises;
"ALTERATION" means any change to a sign structure or to a sign face but does not
(a) the rearrangement of numerals, letters or copy applied directly to the face of
the sign and specifically designed and intended to be periodically rearranged;
(b) maintenance, including replacement by identical components, as required by
this by-law;
"ANIMATION" means any physical movement or motion of a sign face or any part
"BUILDING FRONTAGE" means the distance measured at grade along a building wall
that faces a street, excluding Highways 401 and 402 and may include the portion of
the building facing a parking area that includes the main entrance to the building or
individual uses.
“CANOPY" means a space frame system, moveable, retractable or fixed, covered with
rigid or non-rigid material, attached and projecting from a building or structure but
not forming an integral part thereof;
"CANOPY on a road allowance" means a canopy wholly or party on or over a road
allowance owned by the City;
"CONSTRUCTOR" means a person who contracts with an owner or other person for
work with respect to any sign, and includes an owner who
(a) contracts with more than one person for the work on the project, or
(b) undertakes the work on the project or any part thereof;
"DOWNTOWN AREA" means the area depicted in Schedule "F" to this by-law;
"ERECT", "ERECTED" and "ERECTION" includes the alteration, placing or relocation of
any sign or any portion thereof, and the posting of notices;
“FIRST STOREY” means the storey that has its floor closest to grade and its ceiling
more than 1.8 m above grade”;
"GRADE" means the average surface elevation of the ground where the ground is in
contact with any building, sign or other structure;
"GROUP USES" means the classification of premises into groups under Part 4 of this
“HEARINGS OFFICER” shall mean a Hearings Officer appointed under the City’s
Hearings Officer By-law A.-6653-121, as amended;
“HEIGHT” means the vertical measurement from the average finished grade at the base
of the sign to the highest point of the sign structure.
"ILLUMINATION" means lighting of the sign, in whole or in part, by artificial means and,
when used in reference to
(a) internal illumination, means lighting the sign face with a light source located
within the sign;
(b) external illumination, means having a light source exterior to the sign and
on, or directed at, the sign; and
(c) flashing illumination, means illumination that varies and is perceived to vary
in intensity or design at periodic intervals;
"M" when following a numeral means metre;
"MURAL" means a painting, illustration or decoration applied to the exterior wall of a
building that is otherwise not a sign as defined in this by-law;
"OCCUPANCY" means the use or intended use operating from a building on a
continuous basis or part thereof for the shelter or support of persons, animals or
"OWNER" means a person or his or her authorized agent in lawful control of the
premises, building, occupancy, sign or other structure or portion thereof under
"PREMISES" means a specific property, private or public, under registered ownership,
and includes all buildings and accessory structures thereon; except that multi-tenant
buildings or groups of buildings containing two or more business establishments
developed and managed as a unit providing common open spaces, off-street
parking facilities, driveways and other shared facilities shall constitute a single
premises regardless of registered ownership;
"REQUIRED STREET LINE" means the limit of the required road or street allowance as
set out in the City of London Zoning By-law;
"SIGN" includes an advertising device or notice; and any visual medium, including its structure and
other component parts, which is used or capable of being used to attract attention to
a specific subject matter, other than itself for identification, information or advertising
purposes. A sign shall be considered a structure for the purpose of this by-law.
Without limiting the generality of the above, the definition of sign includes, but is not
limited to, the following types of signs:
(a) "A-BOARD SIGN" means a temporary sign, free standing, with no more
than two faces, each with a sign face area less than 0.6 sq. metres and a
maximum height of 1.1 metres, joined at their top along one straight line
edge intended for temporary use during business hours and constructed in
a manner and of materials such that it can be placed or repositioned by an
individual without mechanical aid;
(b) "ACCESSORY SIGN" means a sign that relates to the occupancy of the
premises on which the sign is situated and in the case of a sign located on a
road allowance means a sign that relates exclusively to the occupancy of
the abutting premises;
(c) "ADVERTISING SIGN", when used in reference to
(i) a business advertising sign, means an advertisement, other than a real
estate advertising sign, related to a business enterprise or other
activity conducted on or in conjunction with the premises; and
(ii) a promotional advertising sign, means an advertisement related to a
business enterprise or other activity not conducted on the premises,
but in which the premises is involved in marketing or promoting the
product or activity;
(d) "CANOPY SIGN" means a canopy used as a sign and is regulated in the
same manner as a facial wall sign;
(e) "COMBINATION SIGN" means a sign supported by any combination of a
wall of a building or structure or the ground;
(f) "CONSTRUCTION SIGN" means a temporary sign that
(i) includes, in whole or in part, information promoting a development;
(ii) relates to or advertises the location, construction or sale of a building
or structure in the process of being erected on a premises; or
(iii) promotes a plan of subdivision, a plan of condominium or the
construction of a building or building complex on premises properly
zoned therefor or on lands designated in the Official Plan of the City as
permitting the kind of development advertised; and that may identify
component parts of such building or structure and the persons involved
in its design and construction;
(g) "DOUBLE FACED SIGN" means a sign having two sign faces, each face
being of equal area and identical proportions to the other, and each located
on the sign structure so as to be exactly opposite the other; and the
maximum interior angle between two faces of a double faced sign may not
exceed 90 degrees;
(h) "ELECTION SIGN" means a sign advertising or promoting the election of a
political party or of any candidate standing for public office;
(i) "ELECTRIC SIGN" means a sign containing electric wiring and capable of
being illuminated, but does not include a sign solely illuminated by a light
source external and separate from the sign;
(j) "ELECTRONIC MESSAGE CENTRE SIGN" means that part of a sign which
is electronically controlled and which displays information in a pre-arranged
sequence and in which the intensity of illumination is maintained at a
constant level;
(k) "EXTERNAL SIGN" means a sign visible to persons located other than on
the premises on which the sign is situated;
(l) "FACIAL SOFFIT SIGN" means a soffit sign, the face of which is parallel
with the surface of the building or structure to which the soffit is directly
attached and a facial soffit sign is regulated in the same manner as a facial
wall sign.
(m) "FACIAL WALL SIGN" means a wall sign, the face of which is parallel with
the surface of the building or structure to which the sign is directly attached;
(n) “GROUND SIGN” means a sign directly supported by the ground without the
aid of any other building or structure other than the sign structure and does
not include a mobile sign or an A-board sign.
(o) “IDENTIFICATION SIGN” when used in reference to
(i) a premises, business or building identification sign, means a sign that
displays nothing more than one or more of the name and address of
the premises, any insignia related thereto, the name, address and
insignia of any business conducted from or available to others on the
(ii) a product or activity identification sign, means a sign that displays
nothing more than one or more of the content of a premises or
business identification sign, the name of a product or thing
manufactured on or available to others from the premises, and the
name of an activity related to any business conducted on the premises;
(p) "INCIDENTAL SIGN" means a sign of minor consequence and size, the use
of which is incidental to another use, and includes a sign bearing street
names and numbers, any sign which is not an advertising sign but which is
an integral part of equipment or of the packaging of a product or of a
display, any sign which is customarily located on a park bench, mail box, or
newspaper box, a cornerstone, a grave marker, and any sign which is
located on a public transit shelter or station;
(q) "INFORMATION SIGN", when used in reference to,
(i) a directional information sign, means a sign which gives directions with
regard to pedestrian, marine or vehicular movement and which may
include the name of the premises, business or activity to which the sign
lawfully relates, as long as the size of the letters or numerals
comprising the name of the premise, or business or activity is not
larger than the letters or numerals comprising the sign copy; and
(ii) a general information sign, means a message, other than as provided
for by identification and advertising signs, which is not related or only
incidentally related to business or commerce, and the content of which
provides for public order or public safety, or which is provided for the
purpose of educating or enlightening the public with regard to an
activity or the nature of their surroundings;
(r) "INTERNAL SIGN" means a sign visible to persons only when they are
located on the premises on which the sign is situated;
(s) "MOBILE SIGN" means a temporary sign which is specifically designated or
intended to be readily moved from one location to another and which does
not rely on a building or fixed foundation for its structural support, and
includes a read-o-graph mobile sign, a portable and relocatable sign,
including such signs as poster board signs, a banner sign and an inflatable
sign, but does not include a sign attached to a vehicle where the principal
use of the vehicle is the transportation of people, goods and other material,
and does not include an A-board sign (less than 0.6 m²).
(t) “READ-O-GRAPH MOBILE SIGN” means a mobile sign or portion thereof
so constructed that the letters or numerals conveying the message thereon
may be easily rearranged or changed but does not include an electronic
message centre sign or a poster board sign.
(u) "MULTI-FACED SIGN" means a double faced sign or a sign having a
cylindrical- or spherical-shaped sign face or a sign face joined with another
sign face for the full length of their edges such that all sign faces on the sign
face are similarly joined together;
(v) “NEW HOME DEVELOPMENT PORTABLE SIGN” means a non-illuminated
sign that is not permanently installed or affixed to the ground and the
purpose of the sign is to direct attention to the sale of new home
(w) "NON-ACCESSORY SIGN" means a sign which does not relate to the use
of the premises on which the sign is situated or which is not by definition an
accessory sign, and includes signs commonly known as poster panels,
billboards, painted bulletins and pillar signs;
(x) "OFFICIAL SIGN" means a sign required by law or, in respect of publicly-
owned property, permitted by or erected as the result of a direction, decision
or law of the elected representatives of the federal, provincial or municipal
governments (other than minor variances to this by-law as authorized by
statute), including library boards, boards of health or education, hospitals,
universities, colleges and public utilities;
(y) "PERMANENT" when used to describe a type of sign means a sign not
limited as to the time it can be erected or displayed;
(z) "PROJECTING SOFFIT SIGN" means a soffit sign, the face of which is not
parallel with the surface of the building or structure to which the soffit is
directly attached and a projecting soffit sign is regulated in the same manner
as a projecting wall sign;
(aa) "PROJECTING WALL SIGN" means a wall sign, the face of which is not
parallel with the surface of the building or structure to which the sign is
directly attached.
(ab) "READ-O-GRAPH SIGN" means a sign face or portion thereof so
constructed that the individual letters or numerals conveying a message
thereon may be easily rearranged or changed but does not include an
electronic message centre sign;
(ac) "REAL ESTATE ADVERTISING SIGN" means a temporary sign advising
that a premises or a portion thereof is for sale, rent or lease, or that such
premises is sold, rented or leased, and which may also indicate ancillary
information such as to whom a person should inquire with regard thereto;
(ad) "ROOF SIGN" means a sign supported entirely by the roof of a building or
structure or a sign, other than a facial or projecting wall sign, supported by a
portion of the building or structure projecting above the roof, except that a
roof sign does not mean a sign supported by or through the roof of a single
storey building occupied by a Group 4 premises;
(ae) "SEQUENTIAL SIGN" means two or more signs used in series to convey a
cohesive message related to the subject matter, each such sign message
being dependent upon the other;
(af) "SIGNS ON A ROAD ALLOWANCE" means signs and/or canopy signs
wholly or partly on or wholly or partly over a road allowance owned by the
(ag) "SOFFIT SIGN" means a sign entirely supported by or through the soffit of a
building or structure;
(ah) "TEMPORARY" when used to describe a type of sign means a sign that is
limited as to a specific and defined time that it can be erected or displayed
and does not utilize a permanent foundation;
(ai) “WALL SIGN” means a sign entirely supported by or through the face of a
building or
structure, or by component members comprising all or part of said face, and
includes a sign painted directly onto the exterior of a building and signs
supported by or through the roof of a single storey building, occupied by a
Group 4 premises;
"SIGN CLASSIFICATION" means the classification of signs by reference to their copy
or purpose as either identification, information or advertising signs;
"SIGN FACE" means that portion of the sign, excluding the sign structure, upon which
as part of, against or through which the message of the sign is displayed;
"SIGN FACE AREA", in reference to
(a) a sign face which is an integral part of a building or other structure in that it
is a part of the cladding thereof or is composed of individually installed
letters, numerals or other shapes, means the sum of the areas of each
grouping of letters, numerals or other shapes that expresses a separate
thought when the minimum number of horizontal and vertical lines are
drawn tangent thereto;
(b) a double faced sign, means the area of one sign face;
(c) a ground sign located on a road allowance, means the sign face area as set
out in this part and includes the surface area of any sign structure;
(d) any other sign face, means the area of all sign faces with respect to any
sign; and
(e) a sign box means the area of the sign cabinet including the frame of the
"SIGN STRUCTURE" means a structure which supports or did support or which is
constructed to support a sign face or faces, and which in turn is supported by the
ground or by a building or structure not an integral part of the sign;
"SIGN TYPE" means the designation of signs by reference to their means of support
and includes those types designated ground signs, wall signs, soffit signs, and roof
"sq m" when following a numeral means square metre(s);
"STREET LINE" means the limit of the road or street allowance;
"STOREY" means that portion of any building which is situated between the top of the
floor next above it or, if there is no such floor, the roof next above it;
“TEMPORARY SALES TRAILER” means a temporary, portable building, structure or
trailer that is located on a vacant lot, where there will be new construction and that is
to be used as a temporary sales office by the developer or the builder or their
agents, for the marketing and sales of the new construction;
"UNIFORMITY PLAN” means a submission in writing, with drawings and specifications,
defining the arrangement of signs erected and to be erected on a premises, detailing
the sign type, height, location and area of signage in relation to the architectural
features of the building, and of the premises in relation to the streetscape;
"UNSAFE SIGN OR CANOPY" means a sign or canopy, or a sign or canopy structure,
which is structurally unsafe, which constitutes a fire, traffic or pedestrian hazard, or
which impedes a means of egress from any building or otherwise constitutes a risk
to the safety of persons in, about or adjacent to the premises;
4.1 Group Uses
Every premises or part thereof shall, in respect of the display thereon of any sign, be
classified according to its major occupancy as belonging to one of the groups as set out
in Table 4.1.
Table 4.1 (a): Group Uses 1 and 2
Occupancy | Group 1 | Group 2 |
Residential | Detached or semi-detached family dwellings, duplexes, triplexes, and manses. | Multiple family dwellings not governed by Group 1 Uses, apartment buildings, old age homes, maisonettes, convents, monasteries, and seminaries, all residential occupancies not set out elsewhere in this Table. |
Commercial | Commercial uses conducted lawfully within a dwelling or rooming unit. | Medical, dental, clinic and other professional and general office operating from a converted dwelling. |
Industrial | None | Warehouses, storage buildings, grain elevators, laboratories, power generating plants and electrical transformer stations. |
Institutional | Electrical transformer neighbourhood substations | Children's shelters, infirmaries, nursing, convalescent or rest homes, sanatoria, orphanages, churches, museums, schools, municipal buildings, public utility buildings, post offices, airports, and rail terminals and transportation centres, cemetery, all institutional occupancies not set out elsewhere in this Table. |
Agricultural | Farm land, and vacant land not capable of development without a zoning change. | Barns and stables, all agricultural occupancies not set out elsewhere in this Table. |
Open Space | Pedestrian walkways, and parquets in residential areas, all open space occupancies not set out elsewhere in this Table. | Private tennis courts, bowling greens and golf courses, land capable of immediate development or redevelopment, parks, and conservation areas. |
4.2 Exceptions to Table 4.1(a) – the accessory uses at 1805, 1815, 1857 and 1875
Fanshawe Park Rd. W. are to be considered as Group 2 uses.
Table 4.1 (b): Group Uses 3 and 4
Occupancy | Group 3 | Group 4 |
Residential | None | None |
Commercial | Office except in converted residential buildings undertaking premises, tourist information centres, public parking lots, wholesale stores, airports, marinas, and bus terminals, all commercial occupancies not set out elsewhere in this Table. | Hotels, motels, travel agency, insurance agency, real estate agency, retail stores, banks, trust and finance companies, beauty parlours, barber shops, hairdressing establishments, dry cleaning and laundry self service and retail outlets, bowling alleys, billiard halls, restaurants, amusements centres, beverage rooms, taverns, stadiums, arenas, live and motion picture theatres, exhibition halls, private clubs, recreation and amusement areas, service stations, public garages, auto body shops, new and used motor vehicle dealers, lumber yards retailing to the public, display courts, garden nurseries, self-storage establishments and auction establishments. |
Industrial | Factories (with no retail outlets), dry cleaning plants, printing shops, work shops and aircraft hangers, all industrial occupancies not set out elsewhere in this Table. | That portion of any Group 3 use containing a retail outlet.. |
Institutional | None | None |
Agricultural | Racing or riding stables | None |
Open Space | None | None |
5.1 Permanent Accessory Ground Signs - Regulations
No person shall erect or use any permanent accessory ground sign, or cause or permit
any permanent accessory ground sign to be erected or used except in conformity with
the regulations set out below in Table 5.1 and the additional regulations set out below.
Table 5.1(a): Maximum Sign Face Area for Read-o-graph Signs Located on Permanent Ground Signs
Group Use | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 | Group Uses 2 -4 |
Permitted Sign Classification | Identification, information and advertising signs | Identification, information and advertising signs | Identification, information and advertising signs | Identification and information signs |
Number of Signs | no limitation except as regulated by lines 4 and 6 below | no limitation except as regulated by lines 4 and 6 below | no limitation except as regulated by lines 4 and 6 below | 1 per frontage |
Maximum Sign Face Area per Street Frontage per premise | 3 sq. m | the greater of 4 sq. m or 1 sq. m per 25 m street frontage and in no case greater than 10 sq. m | the greater of 11.5 sq. m or 1 sq. m per 10 metres street frontage and in no case greater than 25 sq. m | 2 sq. m |
Maximum Sign Height | 4 m | 4 m | - 8 m for signs 14 sq. m or less in area - 12 m for signs greater than 14 sq. m in area | 1.5 m |
Sign Location Restrictions | - not less than 1.5 m from a municipally owned sidewalk - not less than 1.5 m from any property line, other than a street line, - prohibited within a sight triangle as set out in Section 9.7 - not more than 1 sign within 30 metres of the intersection of 2 street lines. - not less than 50 metres between signs located on the same premise and adjacent to the same street frontage. | - not less than 1.5 m from a municipally owned sidewalk - not less than 1.5 m from any property line, other than a street line, - prohibited within a sight triangle as set out in Section 9.7 - not more than 1 sign within 30 metres of the intersection of 2 street lines. - not less than 50 metres between signs located on the same premise and adjacent to the same street frontage. | - not less than 1.5 m from a municipally owned sidewalk - not less than 1.5 m from any property line, other than a street line, - prohibited within a sight triangle as set out in Section 9.7 - not more than 1 sign within 30 metres of the intersection of 2 street lines. - not less than 50 metres between signs located on the same premise and adjacent to the same street frontage. | - not less than 5.75 m from the travelled portion of the highway and not less than 1.5 m from an existing or proposed sidewalk - prohibited within a sight triangle as set out in Section 9.8 -not more than 1 sign within 30 m of the intersection of two streets |
Animation | Prohibited | Rotation permitted provided that the radius of rotation does not exceed 1.5 metres. | Rotation permitted provided that the radius of rotation does not exceed 1.5 metres. | Prohibited |
Illumination | Flashing illumination prohibited except electronic message centres are permitted in accordance with the regulations of Section 9.1 | Flashing illumination prohibited except electronic message centres are permitted in accordance with the regulations of Section 9.1 | Flashing illumination prohibited except electronic message centres are permitted in accordance with the regulations of Section 9.1 | Flashing illumination prohibited. |
(a) Directional Information Signs - Not more than 2 directional information signs
shall be erected adjacent to a combination entrance-exit to any premises, and
not more than one such sign shall be erected adjacent to a single entrance or a
single exit therefrom. The maximum sign height of a directional information sign
shall be 1.5 metres and the maximum sign face area shall not exceed 1.5 square
(b) Street Numbers - If an identification or business or promotional advertising
ground sign is erected in relation to a premises, the appropriate street number, in
numerals or letters not less the 127 mm in dimension, shall be included on at
least one sign as an aid in public identification and orientation and in a manner
so that the street number can be viewed from any direction of vehicular travel.
The sign face area devoted to the street name and number shall not be subject
to the maximum sign area or maximum sign height regulations of Table 5.1
provided that such additional sign face area devoted to the street name and
number does not exceed 10% of the total sign face area, or 2% of the total sign
(c) Group 1 Uses - Ground signs are prohibited for Group 1 use premises.
(d) Signs on a Road Allowance - Signs on a road allowance shall be positioned so
as to prevent damage to underground services, and shall not be positioned to
restrict pedestrian or vehicular visibility.
(e) Additional Sign Face Area for Read-o-graph Signs - In addition to the
maximum sign face area per street frontage set out in Line 4, Columns B, C, and
D of Table 5.1(a), an additional sign face area per premises devoted to a read-o-
graph sign may be located on a permanent sign in conformity with Table 5.1(b)
and the following regulations;
1. the sign face area devoted to read-o-graph sign face located on a
permanent ground sign shall be in conformity with the regulations of this
2. an approved Uniformity Plan Submission in the form of Schedule “B” to
this by-law shall be in effect for the premises which shall have the effect of
reducing the number of permitted mobile signs by one sign for each 4.5
square metres or portion thereof of permanent read-o-graph sign face
area approved pursuant to this section.
(f) Separation Distance for Read-o-graph Ground Signs
Notwithstanding the Sign Location Restrictions set out in Line 6, Columns B, C
and D of Table 5.1(a), the minimum separation distance between a permanent
accessory ground sign and a permanent accessory ground sign devoted
exclusively to a read-o-graph sign and on the same premises shall not be less
than 15 metres.
(g) Alternative Sign Face Area Based on Lot Area – As an alternative to the
maximum sign face area regulations set out in Line 4, Column D of Table 5.1 (a)
the maximum sign face area for all ground signs located on a premises may be
calculated at 1.0 square metre of sign face area per 1500 square metres of lot
area, but in no case greater than 25.0 square metres maximum sign face area.
(h) Transfer Ground Sign Area – Where a property faces more than one street, a
property may apply to transfer sign face area from one street to another street
provided the property owner enters into a uniformity agreement to transfer the
sign face area permitted on one street to another. In no case, shall the sign be
increased by more than 50% of its total sign face area, but in no case shall it
exceed 25.0 square metres.
(i) Automated Vehicle Location and Communication (AVLC) signs for the London
Transit Commission (LTC).
AVLC signs are permitted on the road allowance for the LTC where the sign post
is no closer than 0.7m. from the back of the curb; the sign may not exceed 4.0m
height and not more than 1.6 sq. m. sign face area with not less than 2.4m.
clearance below the sign face.
In cases where there is no curb, the AVLC signs shall be at least 5.75m. from the
travelled portion of the highway.
(j) AVLC signs are exempt from the regulations set out in Section 9.1 and 9.2 of this
Table 5.1(b): Maximum Sign Face Area for Read-o-graph Signs Located on Permanent Ground Signs
Group Use | Group 2 and 3 | Group 4 |
Street Frontage | Maximum Sign Face Area | Maximum Sign Face Area per street frontage |
Less than 90 metres | 4.5 m2 | 4.5 m2 |
90 metres and greater but less than 135 metres | 4.5 m2 | 9.0 m2 |
135 metres and greater | 4.5 m2 | 13.5 m2 |
5.2 Permanent Accessory Facial Wall Signs - Regulations
No person shall erect or use any permanent accessory facial wall sign, or cause or
permit any permanent accessory facial wall sign to be erected or used, except in
conformity with the regulations set out in Table 5.2 and the additional regulations set out
Table 5.2: Regulations for Permanent Accessory Facial Wall Signs
Group Use | Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 | Group Uses 2,3 & 4 |
Permitted Sign Classifications | Identification and Information Signs | Identification, Information and Advertising Signs | Identification, Information and Advertising Signs | Identification, Information and Advertising Signs | Identification, Information and Advertising Signs |
Number of Signs | 1 per occupancy | No restriction | No restriction | No restriction | 1 per street frontage per occupancy |
Maximum Sign Face Area | 0.2 m2 | 0.1 m2 per metre of building frontage | 0.5 m2 per metre of building frontage | 1.1 m2 per metre of building frontage | In accordance with the applicable group use regulation for facial wall signs as listed in Line 4 of this table |
Sign Location Restrictions | - not more than 1.2 metres above the height of the first storey. - shall not project more than 0.6 metres from the face of the wall to which it is attached - shall not project beyond the limits of the wall to which it is attached | - not more than 1.2 metres above the height of the first storey. - shall not project more than 0.6 metres from the face of the wall to which it is attached - shall not project beyond the limits of the wall to which it is attached | - not more than 1.2 metres above the height of the first storey. - shall not project more than 0.6 metres from the face of the wall to which it is attached - shall not project beyond the limits of the wall to which it is attached | - not more than 1.2 metres above the height of the first storey. - shall not project more than 0.6 metres from the face of the wall to which it is attached - shall not project beyond the limits of the wall to which it is attached | - not more than 1.2 metres above the height of the first storey - not less than 2.4 metres above grade and - the maximum projection over a road allowance shall not exceed 0.6 m |
Animation | Prohibited | Prohibited | Prohibited | Prohibited | Prohibited |
Illumination | Illumination prohibited | Flashing illumination prohibited | Flashing illumination is prohibited except for stadiums and live and motion picture theatres located not less than 30 m from a residential use zone and except for electronic message centres as set out in Section 9.1. | Flashing illumination prohibited, except for stadiums and live and motion picture theatres not less than 30 m from a residential use zone. | Flashing illumination prohibited, except for stadiums and live and motion picture theatres not less than 30 m from a residential use zone. |
(a) Building Identification Signs - Facial wall signs that relate to entire building and
display information such as the building name, address or corporate logo shall;
(i) be located on or above the highest storey that is normally occupied and
located in a manner to compliment the building facade;
(ii) be limited on buildings 2 to 5 storeys in height to a maximum sign face area
of 0.5 square metres for each metre of one wall elevation measured in
length along the highest storey that is normally occupied; and
(iii) be limited on buildings 6 storeys and greater in height to a maximum sign
face area of 1 square metre for each metre of wall to which the sign is
attached measured in length along the highest storey that is normally
(b) Group 4 Roof Signs - Notwithstanding Table 5.2, a facial wall sign is permitted
to be attached to the side of a sloped roof of a single storey building occupied by
a Group 4 premise provided;
i) the highest part of the facial wall sign shall not exceed the lesser of 6
metres or the highest part of the roof, and
ii) the maximum sign face area of the facial wall sign when added to the area
of all other facial wall signs located on the same wall of a building shall not
exceed the maximum sign face limitations of Table 5.2.
(c) Signs Located on Walls That Do Not Face a Street - Facial wall signs are
permitted to be attached to walls of a building that do not face a street provided
that the maximum sign face area of all facial wall signs attached to the building
does not exceed the maximum sign face area limitations of Table 5.2 and of part
(a) of section 5.2.
(d) Signs Located Above the First Storey - Notwithstanding the regulations set out
in Table 5.2, signs are permitted in locations above the first story of a multiple
occupancy building provided the sign face area of the signs located above the
first storey when added to the area of all other facial wall signs located on the
building shall not exceed the maximum sign face area limitations of Table 5.2
and provided the signs comply with the latest submitted uniformity plan, as set
out in Section 9.4.
(e) Canopy Signs - Notwithstanding Table 5.2, a canopy sign may project over a
road allowance to a maximum distance not to exceed 2.5 metres.
(f) Where emblems or crests exceed 5.0 sq. metres, a permit is required. The total
of all facial wall signs includes all emblems mounted on walls.
5.3 Permanent Accessory Projecting Wall Signs - Regulations
No person shall erect or use any permanent accessory projecting wall sign, or cause or
permit any permanent accessory projecting wall sign to be erected or used, except in
conformity with the regulations set out in Table 5.3 and the additional regulations set out
Table 5.3: Regulations for Permanent Accessory Projecting Wall Signs
Group Use | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 | Group Uses 2, 3 and 4 |
Permitted Sign Classifications | Identification, information and advertising signs | Identification, information and advertising signs | Identification, information and advertising signs | Identification, information and advertising signs |
Number of Signs | 1 building identification sign per street frontage | 1 building identification sign per street frontage | 1 building identification sign per street frontage | In accordance with the applicable group use regulations listed in line 3 of this table. |
Maximum Sign Face Area | 5 m2 | 5 m2 | 5 m2 | 2 m2 |
Sign Location Restrictions | Not less than 2.4 m above grade and not more than 1.2 m above the height of the first storey. | Not less than 2.4 m above grade and not more than 1.2 m above the height of the first storey. | Not less than 2.4 m above grade and not more than 1.2 m above the height of the first storey. | Not less than 2.4 m above grade and not more than 1.2 m above the height of the first storey. |
Maximum Projection | 2.5 m | 2.5 m | 2.5 m | 2.5 m |
Animation | Prohibited | Rotation permitted provided that the radius of rotation does not exceed 1.5 m. | Rotation permitted provided that the radius of rotation does not exceed 1.5 m. | Prohibited |
Illumination | Flashing illumination prohibited except for stadiums and live and motion picture theatres not less than 30 metres from a residential use zone and except for electronic message centres in accordance with Section 9.1 | Flashing illumination prohibited except for stadiums and live and motion picture theatres not less than 30 metres from a residential use zone and except for electronic message centres in accordance with Section 9.1 | Flashing illumination prohibited except for stadiums and live and motion picture theatres not less than 30 metres from a residential use zone and except for electronic message centres in accordance with Section 9.1 | Flashing illumination prohibited except for stadiums and live and motion picture theatres not less than 30 metres from a residential use zone. |
(a) Group 1 Uses - Projecting wall signs are prohibited for Group 1 Use premises.
(b) Prohibition Where Ground Sign is Used - Notwithstanding the regulations of
Table 5.3 where a permit has been issued or a ground sign has been erected on
a premises, no projecting wall signs shall be permitted on a building wall that
faces a street to which the ground sign pertains.
(c) Additional Projecting Signs - Notwithstanding the regulations of paragraph 5.3
(b) and in addition to the regulations of Table 5.3, each occupancy within a multi-
occupancy building is permitted one projecting wall sign or one projecting soffit
sign per street frontage provided the area of the sign does not exceed 0.5m² and
the sign complies with the regulations of lines 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Table 5.3.
5.4 Canopies - Regulations
No person shall erect or use any canopy on a road allowance, or cause or permit any
canopy on a road allowance to be erected or used, except in conformity with the
regulations set out below:
(a) Height and Projection - The minimum height of a canopy above grade shall be
2.4 metres and the maximum projection of a canopy over a road allowance shall
not exceed 2.5 metres.
6.1 Mobile Signs - Regulations
No person shall place, erect or use any mobile sign, or cause or permit any mobile sign
to be placed, erected or used, except in conformity with the regulations set out in Table
6.1, Schedule “H” of this by-law and any additional regulations set out below.
Table 6.1: Regulations for Mobile Signs
Group Use | Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 |
Permitted Sign Classifications | Information signs respecting a special event such as an anniversary, birthday or retirement. | Identification, information and advertising signs | Identification, information and advertising signs | Identification, information and advertising signs |
Number of Signs | One sign per premises per street frontage | One sign per premises per street frontage | One sign per premises per street frontage | one mobile sign per 45 m of total street frontage per premises maximum 3 signs per premises |
Maximum Sign Face Area | 6 m2 | 6 m2 | 6 m2 | 6 m2 |
Maximum Sign Height | 4 m | 4 m | 4 m | 4 m |
Sign Location Restrictions | not less than 1.5 m minimum from a municipally owned sidewalk, not less than 1.5 m from a property line (except a street line) not less than 3.0 m minimum from a driveway and not within a sight triangle as set out in Section 9.7. | not less than 1.5 m minimum from a municipally owned sidewalk, not less than 1.5 m from a property line (except a street line) not less than 3.0 m minimum from a driveway and not within a sight triangle as set out in Section 9.7. | not less than 1.5 m minimum from a municipally owned sidewalk, not less than 1.5 m from a property line (except a street line) not less than 3.0 m minimum from a driveway and not within a sight triangle as set out in Section 9.7. | not less than 1.5 m minimum from a municipally owned sidewalk, not less than 1.5 m from a property line (except a street line) not less than 3.0 m minimum from a driveway and not within a sight triangle as set out in Section 9.7. |
Animation | Prohibited | Prohibited | Prohibited | Prohibited |
Illumination | Flashing illumination is prohibited. | Flashing illumination is prohibited. | Flashing illumination is prohibited. | Flashing illumination is prohibited. |
(a) Identification - Every mobile sign shall have the name and telephone number of
the licensed mobile sign operator or sign owner clearly affixed to it at a visible
location, using letters and numerals not less than 25 mm in any dimension.
(b) Electrical Connection - All electrical cables, extensions, wires and outlets of
every nature or kind attached to or relating in any way to a mobile sign shall
comply with the regulations of Ontario Hydro.
(c) Proximity to Residential Uses – Mobile Signs located within 30 metres of an
exclusively residential use zone shall comply with the regulations of Part 9.2 of
this by-law.
(d) Mobile Sign Permits - Read-o-graph Mobile Signs - A permit for a read-o-
graph mobile sign, together with an effective date valid from the date specified in
the permit and shall be effective July 1 of the year issued to June 30 of the
subsequent year. No more than one mobile sign shall be authorized by a permit.
The current annual validation sticker shall be displayed at all times in a prominent
location on the structural frame of the read-o-graph mobile sign in the manner
shown on Schedule “H” to this by-law. The expired sticker is to be removed or
(e) Mobile Sign Permits - All Other Mobile Signs - Except for read-o-graph mobile
signs, a permit for a mobile sign shall be issued for such multiple of 30
consecutive days as is specified in the permit and shall be valid from the date of
issuance of the permit or from the date specified in the permit. No more than one
mobile sign shall be authorized by a permit. Prior to issuing a permit under this
section, the Chief Building Official shall have received an authorization in the
form of Schedule “I” to this by-law signed by the property owner or the property
owner’s authorized agent.
Time Limitation Within Calendar Year - Except for read-o-graph mobile signs,
a permit for a mobile sign in association with a Group 2, 3, or 4 Use Premises is
limited as to time in any calendar year as follows:
(i) in respect of any occupancy, 210 days, all of which may be consecutive;
(ii) where one or more mobile sign permits have been issued in any calendar
year in respect of any occupancy for the periods mentioned in (i) above, no
further mobile sign permits shall be issued in respect of such occupancy in
that year.
(f) Time Limitations for Group 1 Use Premises - A mobile sign placed, erected or
used in association with a Group 1 Use Premises shall be permitted for a time
period not exceeding 48 hours respecting each special event.
(g) Prohibited on a Road Allowance - Mobile signs are prohibited on a road
(h) Reductions to the Number of Mobile Signs - Notwithstanding the regulations
of Table 6.1 above, the number of mobile signs permitted per premises may be
reduced by one mobile sign for each 4.5 square metres or portion thereof of sign
area of permanent read-o-graph sign face area erected in accordance with
Section 5.1(e) of this by-law.
(i) Prohibited Within the Downtown Area - Mobile signs are prohibited within the
Downtown Area except banner signs and except that mobile signs located on
private property used in conjunction with a special event sponsored by a
charitable or non-profit organization may be erected for a time period not
exceeding 30 days within any calendar year.
(j) Size Limitations for Inflatable Mobile Signs – Notwithstanding the regulations
set out in Lines 4 and 5 of Table 6.1, inflatable mobile signs shall not exceed a
maximum sign face area of 25 square metres and a maximum sign height of 12
(k) The site triangle prohibitions do not apply to mobile signs at the intersection of
two road allowances that both have a 40 m width.
(l) Mobile signs shall be at least 3 m from the point where a private drive intersects
with a street line.
6.2 A-board Signs - Regulations
No person shall place, erect or use any A-board sign, or cause or permit any A-board
sign to be erected or used, except in conformity with the regulations set out in Table 6.2.
Table 6.2: Regulations for A-board Signs
Group Use | Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 | Group Uses 2, 3 & 4 |
Permitted Sign Classifications | Information signs respecting a special event such as an anniversary, birthday or retirement. | Identification, information and advertising signs. | Identification, information and advertising signs. | Identification, information and advertising signs. | Identification, information and advertising signs |
Number of Signs | 1 per premise | 1 per occupancy | 1 per occupancy | 1 per occupancy | 1 per occupancy |
Maximum Sign Face Area | 0.6 m2 | 0.6 m2 | 0.6 m2 | 0.6 m2 | 0.6 m2 |
Maximum Sign Height | 1.1 m | 1.1 m | 1.1 m | 1.1 m | 1.1 m |
Sign Location Restrictions | not less than 1.5 m minimum from a sidewalk not less than 1.5 m minimum from a property line (except a street line) not less than 3.0 m minimum from a driveway and not within a sight triangle as set out in Section 9.7 | not less than 1.5 m minimum from a sidewalk not less than 1.5 m minimum from a property line (except a street line) not less than 3.0 m minimum from a driveway and not within a sight triangle as set out in Section 9.7 | not less than 1.5 m minimum from a sidewalk not less than 1.5 m minimum from a property line (except a street line) not less than 3.0 m minimum from a driveway and not within a sight triangle as set out in Section 9.7 | not less than 1.5 m minimum from a sidewalk not less than 1.5 m minimum from a property line (except a street line) not less than 3.0 m minimum from a driveway and not within a sight triangle as set out in Section 9.7 | not less than 0.6 m and not more than 1.2 m from the vehicular travelled portion of the street in no case less than 1.5 m to a building streetline prohibited in locations between a bus stop and adjacent buildings prohibited within a sight triangle as set out in Section 9.8 |
Animation | Prohibited | Prohibited | Prohibited | Prohibited | Prohibited |
Illumination | Prohibited | Prohibited | Prohibited | Prohibited | Prohibited |
Time Limitation | Prohibited | No restriction | No restriction | No restriction | Permitted only during the normal business hours of the business to which the A-board sign pertains. |
(a) Identification - Every A-board sign shall have the name and telephone number
of the owner clearly affixed to it in a visible location, using letters and numerals
not less than 25mm in any dimension.
(b) On a Road Allowance: Only Where Not Feasible on Private Property -
Notwithstanding Table 6.2, A-board signs are prohibited on a road allowance
abutting a property whereon the entire building is located at a distance greater
than 1.0 metre from the streetline.
(c) Licensing Agreement and Insurance for Signs on Road Allowance - No A-
board sign shall be erected or placed on a road allowance until the owner;
(i) submits to, and has accepted by, the Chief Building Official, a completed
copy of a licensing agreement attached as Schedule "D" to this by-law, and
(ii) provides the City with satisfactory evidence of insurance coverages
described on Schedule "E" to this by-law covering all periods that an A-
board sign is placed on a road allowance.
(d) Time Limitations for Group 1 Use Premises - An A-board sign placed, erected
or used in association with a Group 1 Use Premises shall be permitted for a time
period not exceeding 24 hours respecting each special event.
6.3 Construction Signs - Regulations
No person shall erect or use any construction sign, or cause or permit any construction
sign to be erected or used, except in conformity with the regulations set out in Table 6.3
and the additional regulations set out below.
Table 6.3: Regulations for Construction Signs
Group Use | Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 | All Group Uses |
Permitted Sign Types | Identification and Information Signs | Identification and Information Signs | Identification and Information Signs | Identification and Information Signs | Prohibited except identification and information signs are permitted when located on hoardings or temporary covered ways |
Number of Signs | One sign per premise | One ground sign and one facial wall sign per premises per street frontage. This limitation shall not apply to signs that are spaced 60m or more apart or to signs related to bona fide model homes, when located on the premises directly related to the model home. The signs may include several signs attached below for advertising of individual builders if the signs are in an orderly arrangement and the total sign face area is no greater than 10% of the sign face area of the sign above. For construction ground signs, up to three signs per street | One ground sign and one facial wall sign per premises per street frontage. This limitation shall not apply to signs that are spaced 60m or more apart or to signs related to bona fide model homes, when located on the premises directly related to the model home. The signs may include several signs attached below for advertising of individual builders if the signs are in an orderly arrangement and the total sign face area is no greater than 10% of the sign face area of the sign above. For construction ground signs, up to three signs per street | One ground sign and one facial wall sign per premises per street frontage. This limitation shall not apply to signs that are spaced 60m or more apart or to signs related to bona fide model homes, when located on the premises directly related to the model home. The signs may include several signs attached below for advertising of individual builders if the signs are in an orderly arrangement and the total sign face area is no greater than 10% of the sign face area of the sign above. For construction ground signs, up to three signs per street | Prohibited except identification and information signs are permitted when located on hoardings or temporary covered ways |
Maximum Sign Face Area | 1 m2 | The greater of 11.5 sq. m. or 1 sq. m per 10 metres street frontage to a maximum of 25 sq. m per sign and a maximum of 100 sq. m. per premise where the signs are at least 60 meters from another construction ground sign. | The greater of 11.5 sq. m. or 1 sq. m per 10 metres street frontage to a maximum of 25 sq. m per sign and a maximum of 100 sq. m. per premise where the signs are at least 60 meters from another construction ground sign. | The greater of 11.5 sq. m. or 1 sq. m per 10 metres street frontage to a maximum of 25 sq. m per sign and a maximum of 100 sq. m. per premise where the signs are at least 60 meters from another construction ground sign. | Prohibited except identification and information signs are permitted when located on hoardings or temporary covered ways |
Maximum Sign Height | 1.5 m | 8m for signs 14 sq. m or less of area and 12m for | 8m for signs 14 sq. m or less of area and 12m for | 8m for signs 14 sq. m or less of area and 12m for | |
Sign Location Restrictions | Prohibited within a sight triangle as set out in Section 9.7. -not less than 60 m from another construction ground sign on the same premise | Prohibited within a sight triangle as set out in Section 9.7. -not less than 60 m from another construction ground sign on the same premise | Prohibited within a sight triangle as set out in Section 9.7. -not less than 60 m from another construction ground sign on the same premise | Prohibited within a sight triangle as set out in Section 9.7. -not less than 60 m from another construction ground sign on the same premise | |
Animation | Prohibited | Prohibited | Prohibited | Prohibited | |
Illumination | Prohibited | Permitted except that flashing illumination is prohibited. | Permitted except that flashing illumination is prohibited. | Permitted except that flashing illumination is prohibited. |
a) Plan of Subdivision – Construction signs advertising units for lease or sale in a
building or promoting a plan of subdivision or condominium shall not remain
erected for a period longer than 30 days after the last unit is leased or sold in the
case of a building or after 90% of the plan of subdivision or condominium is built
and occupied.
b) Subdivision Signs – Subdivision information signs required by subdivision
agreements are exempt from the area requirements of Table 6.3.
c) Notwithstanding table 6.3 and part 4 of this by-law, signs related to an entire plan
of subdivision shall be regulated by the group 2 regulations of table 6.3.
d) Signs for Model Homes - Notwithstanding Line 3 of Table 6.3, signs related to
bona fide model homes, for the purpose of marketing new residential
construction, when such signs are located on the premises directly related to the
model home, are not regulated as to number of signs. Notwithstanding Line 4 of
Table 6.3, a sign for a model home shall have a maximum sign face area of 3 m 2
and a maximum sign height of 4.5 m.
e) Temporary Sales Trailer - Notwithstanding Line 4 of Table 6.3, signs located on
temporary sales trailers located on the site of new construction are permitted on
the entire face of the trailer but shall not project above the wall of the trailer more
than 1.2 m. If the total area of the sign above the wall of the temporary sales
trailer exceeds 10 m 2 , a permit shall be required.
f) Directional Information Construction Signs – Notwithstanding the regulations
set out in Table 6.3 and any other regulations of this by-law, a maximum of 2
non-accessory directional information signs outside a plan of subdivision, or a
plan of condominium, or a building or building complex, may be erected or
displayed for the period of time set out in Part 6.3 (a) above provided that a sign
does not exceed 6 square metres in sign face area, 5 metres in height, is erected
with the property owner’s permission in a location except on a road allowance
and the sign message is limited to the name and location of the construction.
g) Contractor Signs – may be placed on private property during the time of
construction, repairs or service is being provided and the sign shall be removed
within 48 hours of completion of the construction, repairs or service.
h) Alternative Sign Face Area Calculation –as an alternative to the maximum
sign face area regulations set out in Line 4, Column C, D & E of Table 6.3, the
maximum sign face area for construction ground signs located on a premises
may be calculated at 1.25 square meters of sign face area per hectare of lot
area, but in no case greater than 25.0 square meters maximum sign face area.
i) Transfer Ground Signs Area – When a property faces more than one arterial
street, a property owner may apply to transfer sign face area from one street to
another street provided the owner enters into a uniformity agreement to transfer
the sign face area permitted on one street up to 50% of the sign face area for the
signage permitted on the other arterial road. In no case shall it exceed 25.0
square meters
6.4 Real Estate Advertising Signs - Regulations
No person shall erect or use a real estate advertising sign, or cause or permit a real
estate advertising sign to be erected or used, except in conformity with the regulations
set out in Table 6.4 and the additional regulations set out below.
Table 6.4: Regulations for Real Estate Advertising Signs
Group Use | Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 | All Group Uses |
Permitted Sign Types | Ground signs and facial wall signs only. | Ground signs and facial wall signs only. | Ground signs and facial wall signs only. | Ground signs and facial wall signs only. | Prohibited except for real estate open house directional signs only if between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. while an open house is operating |
Number of signs | 1 ground sign per premise per street frontage except in the case of a co-listing, 2 signs permitted. 1 facial wall sign per street frontage related to the initial sale or rental of a multiple occupancy building or portion thereof. | 1 ground sign per premise per street frontage except in the case of a co-listing, 2 signs permitted. 1 facial wall sign per street frontage related to the initial sale or rental of a multiple occupancy building or portion thereof. | 1 ground sign per premise per street frontage except in the case of a co-listing, 2 signs permitted. 1 facial wall sign per street frontage related to the initial sale or rental of a multiple occupancy building or portion thereof. | 1 ground sign per premise per street frontage except in the case of a co-listing, 2 signs permitted. 1 facial wall sign per street frontage related to the initial sale or rental of a multiple occupancy building or portion thereof. | No restriction |
Maximum Sign Face Area | 0.7 m2 | 3 m2 | 3 m2 | 5 m2 | 0.5 m2 for an open house sign and |
Maximum Sign Height | Ground signs –1.5 m | Ground signs – 4.5 m | Ground signs – 4.5 m | Ground signs – 4.5 m | 0.6 m for an open house sign |
Sign Location Restriction s | - except for signs in windows, facial wall signs shall be located at a height no greater than 1.2 m above the first storey, subject to section 6.4(b). - prohibited within a sight triangle as set out in Section 9.7 | - except for signs in windows, facial wall signs shall be located at a height no greater than 1.2 m above the first storey, subject to section 6.4(b). - prohibited within a sight triangle as set out in Section 9.7 | - except for signs in windows, facial wall signs shall be located at a height no greater than 1.2 m above the first storey, subject to section 6.4(b). - prohibited within a sight triangle as set out in Section 9.7 | - except for signs in windows, facial wall signs shall be located at a height no greater than 1.2 m above the first storey, subject to section 6.4(b). - prohibited within a sight triangle as set out in Section 9.7 | - 0.6 m minimum from a pedestrian sidewalk and from the vehicular travelled portion of the road. -prohibited on medians or islands. |
Animation | Prohibited | Prohibited | Prohibited | Prohibited | Prohibited |
Illuminatio n | Prohibited | Illumination permitted except that flashing illumination prohibited. | Illumination permitted except that flashing illumination prohibited. | Illumination permitted except that flashing illumination prohibited. | Prohibited |
Time Limitations | Real estate advertising signs shall not remain erected for a period longer than 30 days after the subject premises, building or floor area has been sold, rented or leased, but in any event shall not remain erected for more than 210 days in any calendar year. | Real estate advertising signs shall not remain erected for a period longer than 30 days after the subject premises, building or floor area has been sold, rented or leased, but in any event shall not remain erected for more than 210 days in any calendar year. | Real estate advertising signs shall not remain erected for a period longer than 30 days after the subject premises, building or floor area has been sold, rented or leased, but in any event shall not remain erected for more than 210 days in any calendar year. | Real estate advertising signs shall not remain erected for a period longer than 30 days after the subject premises, building or floor area has been sold, rented or leased, but in any event shall not remain erected for more than 210 days in any calendar year. |
(a) Additional Signs - Notwithstanding Table 6.4, more than 1 sign per premise per
street frontage is permitted where there is a minimum separation distance of
150m between signs adjacent to the same street frontage.
(b) Real Estate Advertising Signs displayed on building walls may be located
more than 1.2 m above the first storey of a building and may have a sign face
area of up to 5% of the calculated area of the building’s largest face, if a permit is
obtained. The sign may be located on any of the building faces provided the sign
does not obstruct any window or obstruct openings required to provide natural
light and/or ventilation to an occupied space directly connected to the window
area. The sign shall be non-illuminated and shall have no additional exterior
lighting directed toward it. More than one sign may be permitted to be displayed
on the building provided there is not more than one sign per building face, and
the combined area of all signs on the building cannot exceed the 5% area
calculation based on that largest building face. No such sign shall be erected for
more than 210 days in any calendar year. A permit for a Real Estate Advertising
Sign displayed on a building wall shall be issued for such multiple of 30
consecutive days as is specified in the permit and shall be valid from the date of
issuance of the permit or from the date specified in the permit.
(c) Notwithstanding section 6.4 (b) above, the two existing signs at 131-137 Dundas
Street and 208-210 Dundas Street which exceed the 5% permitted sign coverage
area may remain for a period of time up to December 1, 2012.”
6.5 Other Temporary Accessory Signs - Regulations
No person shall erect or use any temporary accessory sign, or cause or permit any
temporary accessory sign to be erected or used; other than those temporary accessory
signs regulated by sections 6.1 through 6.4 inclusive of this by-law, except in
accordance with the regulations set out below.
(a) Special Events - Notwithstanding the regulations of Section 5.1, ground signs
used in conjunction with a special event sponsored by a charitable or non-profit
organization, including signs for exhibitions and fairs are permitted provided such
signs shall not have a sign face area exceeding 6 m 2 and shall not be placed on
residential Group Use premises. Such signs shall not be erected sooner than 6
weeks prior to the starting date of the event nor remain erected 72 hours after the
closing date of the event.
(b) Window Signs - Temporary accessory signs in windows are permitted provided
that the total area of such signs, including painted signs on windows, do not
cover more than 50% of the total window area.
7.1 Permanent Non-accessory Signs - Regulations
No person shall erect or use any permanent non-accessory sign, or cause or permit any
permanent non-accessory sign to be erected or used, except in conformity with the
regulations set out in Table 7.1 and the additional regulations set out below.
Table 7.1: Regulations for Permanent Non-accessory Signs
Permitted Sign Types | Single and double faced ground signs and facial wall signs |
Number of Signs | The maximum number of all non-accessory sign structures shall not exceed the population of the City as established by the City’s Assessment Population Projection divided by 1300. |
Maximum Sign Face Area | 25 m2 and the ratio of the height to width or of the width to the height of the sign face shall not exceed 2.5:1. |
Maximum Sign Height | 8 m |
Sign Location Restrictions | - 3 m from any property line; - 100 m minimum separation distance from another non-accessory |
Animation | Prohibited except for signs commonly known as trivision signs. |
Illumination | Internal and external illumination permitted except that any external illumination fixture shall be located not more than |
General Design Criteria | External non-accessory signs having a sign face capable of being viewed from opposite directions shall be double faced or a metal or other approved covering shall be substituted for the omitted sign face, such covering to be located as prescribed for sign faces in the definition of a double faced sign. All electrical wiring to service any ground sign shall, if so available from the public utility within the road allowance, be underground from such utility or, alternatively, be underground from the building or structure to the sign. External non-accessory signs shall be designed and constructed to exclude scaffolding, platforms or similar features for the purpose of maintenance or sign replacement, except where the distance from grade to the underside of the face exceeds 3.0 m. |
(a) City Population - For the purpose of determining the maximum number of all
non-accessory sign structures permitted within the City, the population figure
shall be as determined by the enumeration conducted by the Regional
Assessment Office and as returned to the City Clerk.
For those years in which the Regional Assessment Office does not conduct an
enumeration, the population to be used to determine the maximum number of all
non-accessory sign structures shall be a projection based upon the average
population growth of the past three enumerations returned to the City Clerk by
the Regional Assessment Office and such calculation shall be effective during
the same month that the Regional Assessment Office would have returned the
population figure had an enumeration been carried out.
(b) Pillar Signs - Non-accessory signs commonly known as pillar signs are exempt
from the regulations in this subsection provided
(i) they have a minimum sign face area of 25% used for exclusively accessory
signage, do not exceed 4.5 m in height, do not have a total sign face area
exceeding 16 m², and do not have flashing illumination or animation; and
(ii) only one per street frontage is permitted on each vacant lot used solely for
commercial parking.
(c) Prohibited on a Road Allowance - Permanent non-accessory signs are
prohibited on a road allowance.
(d) Sports Field Exemption - Non-accessory signs not visible beyond the
boundaries of the premises on sports field fencing, backstops and accessory
structures are exempt from the regulations of Part 7.
(e) Deemed to Comply Signs - Notwithstanding the sign location restrictions in
Table 7.1, any lawfully erected permanent non-accessory sign may be replaced
in the same location provided that the replacement sign otherwise complies with
the regulations of this by-law.
(f) Public Phone Booth Exemption - Non-accessory signs attached to public
phone booths located either on a road allowance or in a location except on a
road allowance are exempt from the regulations of this Part provided that not
more than one sign is attached to the exterior of a public phone booth, the sign
face area does not to exceed 1.0 sq. metres, the maximum sign height does not
exceed 1.8 metres; and animation and flashing illumination are prohibited.
7.2 Permits for Permanent Non-accessory Signs
In addition to the requirements of Part 2 of this by-law, the issuance of sign permits for
permanent non-accessory signs shall be in conformity with the regulations set out
(a) Upon receipt of a completed application together with all plans, specifications
and a sign permit fee deposit of $300.00 for a permanent non-accessory sign
which confirms to the requirements of this by-law, the application will be assigned
a number and will be maintained in a Register of Completed Applications for
permanent non-accessory signs.
(b) In the event that the number of permanent non-accessory signs falls below the
maximum number permitted in Column 2 of Table 7.1 owing to an increase in the
population of the City, the Chief Building Official in January of each year will
randomly select applications
from the Register of Completed Applications until the number of applications selected
equals the difference between the number of permanent non-accessory signs
permitted in Column 2 of Table 7.1 by virtue of the increase in population and the
number of existing permanent non-accessory signs for which permits have been
previously issued.
(c) In the event that the number of permanent non-accessory signs falls below the
maximum number permitted in Column 2 of Table 7.1 at any time owing to a
reduction in the number of existing permanent non-accessory signs by reason of
the removal of a sign which is not replaced pursuant to section 7.1(e) or by
reason of the revocation of a permit pursuant to section 2.12, the Chief Building
Official shall within one month of the removal of the sign or the revocation of a
permit, as the case may be, randomly select from the Register of Completed
Applications one application for each sign that is removed or permit that is
(d) An applicant whose application is accepted pursuant to paragraphs (b) or (c) will
be issued a permit if the application conforms to the by-law and must complete
construction of the permanent non-accessory sign within six months of the
issuance of the permit or the permit will be revoked in accordance with section
2.12 of this By-law.
(e) An applicant may request to have an application withdrawn from the Register of
Completed Applications for permanent non-accessory signs.
(f) In the event that a permit is revoked pursuant to paragraph (d) or an application
is withdrawn pursuant to paragraph (f), the fee deposit for inspection for
inspections and review of plans will not be refunded.
(g) Not more than one application may be received with respect to any lot or parcel
of land unless the sign location restrictions in Line 5, Column B of Table 7.1 of
this by-law will permit more than one sign to be located on the property in which
case the number of applications will not exceed the number of signs permitted. If
by reason of the issuance of a permit pursuant to this section, an application for a
different location is contrary to the sign location restrictions, the application will
be cancelled and the fees refunded.
(h) Notwithstanding anything contained in this section, all applications for a
permanent non-accessory sign which were received and accepted prior to the
date of enactment of this by-law shall be considered in the order in which they
were submitted prior to any application received under this by-law.
8.1 Temporary Non-accessory Signs - Regulations
No person shall erect or use any temporary non-accessory sign, or cause or permit any
temporary non-accessory sign to be erected or used, except in conformity with the
regulations set out below.
(a) Special Events - Temporary signs that are used in conjunction with a special
event sponsored by a charitable or non-profit organization including an exhibition
or fair are permitted in all locations except on a road allowance and except on an
exclusively residential use premises, provided not more than 1 such sign is
erected per premises per street frontage; provided such signs do not have any
sign face exceeding 6 m² in area; and provided such signs are not erected
sooner than six weeks prior to the starting date of the special event to which they
refer and do not remain erected more than 72 hours after the closing date of the
(b) Window Signs - Temporary non-accessory signs in windows are permitted
provided that the total area of such signs, including painted signs on windows, do
not cover more than 50% of the total window area.
(c) Directional Information Signs - Directional information non-accessory signs
located on a road allowance and intended to provide direction to a recreational or
institutional use premises otherwise not visible from a main thoroughfare are
permitted with the City's approval.
(d) Signs on Vehicles - Non-accessory signs painted, located on, or attached to a
vehicle are exempt from the regulations in this subsection provided the vehicle is
in weekly operation for transportation and is not parked or located in a manner so
as to make the sign visible from a street for the purpose of functioning as an
identification or advertising sign.
(e) New Home Development Portable Signs
1. New Home Development Portable Signs shall be limited to groupings of up to
2 signs or a maximum of 1 sign per builder where there are more than 2
builders for the subdivision, provided the groupings are:
- restricted to two corners of a street intersection;
- placed no closer than 100 metres from any other grouping of New Home Development Portable Signs; and
- not placed adjacent to residential property except for the rear property line of the lot or a lot that is undeveloped;
2. A New Home Development Portable Sign shall:
- contain no more than two sign faces, each sign face having maximum area of 0.6 m²; and
- be a maximum height of 1.1 metres.
3. No person shall place or cause the erection or display of or locate a New
Home Development Portable Sign:
- on a median or any other location on a street that obstructs a sight line, interferes with street maintenance, impedes the movement of pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or otherwise creates a hazard;
- closer than 10 metres to a transit stop;
- closer than 3.0 metres to a driveway intersection with a street line; or
- within 1.0 metres of a municipal sidewalk.
4. No person shall place or locate a New Home Development Portable Sign on a
street before 4:00 p.m. on a Friday and all such signs shall be removed no
later than 9:00 a.m. of the immediately following Monday, provided that where
a Friday or a Monday is a statutory holiday, the hours shall be extended only
to the extent necessary to include the statutory holiday.
5. An annual permit for a New Home Development Portable Sign may be issued
with an effective date valid from the date specified in the permit and shall be
effective April 1 of the year issued to April 1 st of the subsequent year. No
more than one New Home Development Portable Sign shall be authorized by
a permit. The current annual validation sticker shall be displayed at all times
in a prominent location on the top left-hand corner of one face of the sign. The
expired sticker is to be removed or covered.
6. Licensing Agreement and Insurance for Signs on Road Allowance - No
New Home Development Portable Sign shall be erected or placed on a road
allowance until the owner of the sign;
(i) submits to, and has accepted by, the Chief Building Official, a completed
copy of a licensing agreement attached as Schedule "D" to this by-law,
which has been modified as follows:
(a) in section 3 replace the term “property” with the phrase “sign”;
(b) delete section 4(a);
(c) delete the phrase in section 4(f)(i) and replace it with the new phrase
“address of premises to which the sign relates”;
(d) delete section 4(f)(ii); and
(e) replace the phrase “Owner/Occupant” wherever it appears and
replace it with the phrase “Sign Owner”; and
(ii) provides the City with satisfactory evidence of insurance coverages
described on Schedule "E" to this by-law, or satisfactory to the City’s
Manager of Risk Management, covering all periods that a New Home
Development Portable Sign is placed on a road allowance.”
9.1 Electronic Message Centres
Signs which utilize flashing lights or automated display techniques solely to display
identification, business or promotional advertising messages in letters or numerals only
are permitted in Groups 2, 3 and 4 Use premises, subject to the following conditions:
(i) pulsating or variable intensity illumination of a message is prohibited;
(ii) the flashing sign face area shall be included within the maximum sign face area
of the applicable sign type as set out in this by-law and shall not exceed 50
percent of the maximum permitted sign face area;
(iii) the duration of time that no light is illuminated, that is, the off cycle, of any
stationary message, or component thereof, is not less than 5 seconds, and
(iii) the minimum distance from an exclusively residential use zone shall be 100
9.2 Proximity to Exclusively Residential Use Zones
No sign shall be located on any non-residential use premises if such sign is located
closer than 30 metres to an exclusively residential use zone unless:
(i) the sign is a facial wall sign facing a street;
(ii) the exclusively residential use zone is located on the opposite side of a street; or
(iii) the area of the sign face, with respect to the maximum sign face area regulations
of this by-law does not exceed the area set out in Table 9.1, and the sign is non-
Table 9.1
Distance from an Exclusively Residential Use Zone | Maximum Sign Face Area as Percentage of Maximum Sign Face Area Otherwise Permitted by the By-law |
less than 10 metres
| 25%
For signs greater than 10 metres from an exclusively residential use zone, the sign will
be increased proportionately to the distance from the residential use zone at a rate
proportionately by a percentage based upon the distance away from the residential use
zoned more than 10 metres from a residential use zone.
9.3 Multi-faced Signs
A multi-faced sign may have the total area of all sign faces that is double the area
permitted for any one sign face.
9.4 Uniformity Plan Requirements
A Uniformity Plan as defined in Part 3 of this by-law together with a Uniformity Plan
Submission by the owner in the form of Schedule "B" to this by-law shall be filed with
the City in compliance with this by-law prior to sign permit issuance when;
(i) there is more than one occupancy within a premise and development occurs on
lands which are subject to a Site Plan Control By-law, passed pursuant to the
Planning Act;
(ii) facial wall signs regulated as per occupancy are proposed to be located in other
than the first storey;
(iii) facial wall or projecting wall signs greater than 0.6 square metres in sign face
area are proposed on a building wall that does not face a street; and,
(iv) ground sign face area is transferred from one street to another.
Once a uniformity plan is approved as in compliance with this by-law, all permits issued
thereafter and signs erected or displayed pursuant to such permits shall comply in all
aspects with the accepted uniformity plan, or if later amended on the request of the
owner, the accepted uniformity plan as amended.
9.5 Murals: Associated Information and Identification Signs
Information and identification signs are permitted adjacent to murals provided that the
maximum area of such sign does not exceed the lesser of 5 per cent of the area of the
mural or 2 square metres and is used only to identify or acknowledge the owner and/or
sponsor of the mural. Information and identification signs associated with murals may
be painted on building walls.
9.6 Premises That Include Occupancies From More Than One Group Use
If the occupancies of any multi-occupancy premises or building include occupancies in
Group 2 or Group 3 and Group 4 Use classifications, the requirements of the Group 4
Use shall apply to the entire premises or building.
9.7 Sight Triangle
No sign shall be erected on any corner lot within the triangular area bounded by the
required street lines and a line joining points on the required street lines at a distance as
established by Table 9.2 except as set out in paragraph (a) below.
(a) ground signs are permitted in locations on corner lots within the sight triangle
area provided they are constructed such that the portion of the sign situated
between 1.0 metre and 3.0 metres above the grade of the streets abutting the lot
shall contain no signage and; except for posts or columns as required for the
structural support of the sign, shall be open to provide vision across the sight
9.8 Sight Triangle Projection for Signs on a Road Allowance
No ground sign shall be erected located on a road allowance in proximity of the
intersection of two or more streets within the area bounded by the sight triangle line as
established in Section 9.7 and Table 9.2 and projected as a straight line to the edge of
the vehicular travelled portion of the street, except as set out in paragraphs (a) and (b)
(a) signs may be erected to a height no greater than 1.0 metres (3.3 ft.) above the
grade of the streets that abut the lot, and
(b) the street line abutting streets where the municipal sidewalk is positioned in its
ultimate planned location, shall, for the purpose of determining the sight triangle,
be considered as a line parallel to and at a distance of 1.5 metres to the
streetline side of the existing sidewalk.
Table 9.2
Interior Angle Formed By Intersection of Street Lines | Distance from Point of Intersection of Street Lines |
20 degrees or less | 26.0 metres |
over 20 degrees and up to 30 degrees | 18.0 metres |
over 30 degrees and up to 40 degrees | 13.5 metres |
over 40 degrees and up to 50 degrees | 10.5 metres |
over 50 degrees and up to 60 degrees | 9.0 metres |
over 60 degrees and up to 80 degrees | 7.5 metres |
over 80 degrees and up to 110 degrees | 6.0 metres |
9.9 Signs Exempt From Regulations
The following signs are exempt from having to comply with the regulations set out in
Parts 5, 6, 7 and 8 of this by-law; official signs, signs pertaining exclusively to public
safety, signs erected pursuant to the Naming of Highways and Numbering of Buildings
and Lots By-law, incidental signs, internal accessory and non-accessory signs, flags,
emblems/crests, external electric accessory signs less than 0.5 m 2 area and external
non-electric accessory signs located within a building, signs erected on transit shelters,
benches, and refuse and recycling receptacles, and vehicular fuelling pump island signs
not higher than 3 m above grade.
10.1 Prohibited Signs
Notwithstanding any other regulations in this by-law, the following signs are prohibited:
(a) a sign attached to a tree, or a fence or a gate;
(b) a sequential sign;
(c) a sign erected or painted on a vehicle (except a temporary sales trailer for new
construction located on the site of the construction) where the vehicle is not used
in weekly operation for transportation and is parked or located in a manner so as
to make the sign visible from a street for the purpose of functioning as an
identification, information or advertising sign;
(d) a corporation flag or emblem exceeding 5.0 square metres in area and every
corporation flag or emblem exceeding 3 per premises;
(e) a sign that falls into more than one sign type unless such sign complies with the
provisions applicable to each sign type, and where a sign is prohibited anywhere
in this by-law, the prohibition shall apply notwithstanding that the sign may be
permitted by other provisions of this by-law;
(f) an electronic message centre sign, except in accordance with Section 9.1;
(g) a temporary sign in a window of a Group 1 Use premise and a Group 2
Residential Use premise, except for real estate signs;
(h) signs erected on any accessory structure except facial wall or projecting wall
signs that relate solely to an occupancy or use carried on in conjunction with the
accessory structure;
(i) a roof sign, except for an inflatable sign located on the roof of a one or two-storey
building and a roof sign permitted in accordance with the regulations of Part
(j) a projecting wall sign that is primarily supported by braces, cables, rods, guy
wires or other structural supporting components that are external to the sign face
or sign box;
(k) a sign, other than an official sign, that is located on a road allowance and
attached to any utility pole or to any other official sign structure, unless such
attachment is authorized by Council or any other authority having jurisdiction in
the matter.
(l) a sign located in a window, except signs of any type or classification that
cumulatively cover 50% or less of the total window area for non-residential in
Group 2 uses, Group 3 uses and Group 4 uses.
10.2 Where Permit Required
Where a permit is required:
1. no person shall erect, display, alter or repair or allow the erection, display,
alteration or repair of any sign or canopy without first having obtained a permit to
do so, and
2. no person shall erect or display or allow the erection or display of any read-o-
graph mobile sign or New Home Development Portable Sign without having the
current annual validation sticker displayed thereon in accordance with this by-
10.3 Where Sign on a Road Allowance
No person shall erect, display, alter or repair a sign or canopy on a road allowance and
any such sign or canopy may be pulled down and removed without notice, except signs
on a road allowance are permitted as set out in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) below:
(a) signs permitted on vehicles;
(b) signs permitted by sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4 and canopies permitted
by section 5.4, and section 8.1(e) of this by-law;
(c) an official sign, an incidental sign, signs on transit shelters, benches, refuse and
recycling receptacles, or a sign pertaining to public safety.
10.4 Erection of Non-Complying Signs
No person shall erect, display, alter or repair or allow the erection, display, alteration or
repair of any sign or canopy which does not comply with this by-law except as set out in
paragraph (a) below.
(a) Section 10.4 does not apply to the manufacture or storage of signs on premises
of a sign manufacturer or erector.
10.5 Signs Containing Zoning Information Etc.
No person shall erect or display or allow the erection or display of any sign, the content
of which contravenes any zoning or other by-law, statute or regulation in force in the
City, or which identifies, advertises or provides information in relation to a use or
occupancy not permitted by the zoning by-law applicable to the premises on which the
sign is situated.
10.6 Signs to Have Sign Face
No person shall erect or display or allow the erection or display of a sign structure on
any premises or building unless such sign structure has attached thereto a sign face,
except as set out in paragraph (a) below.
(a) Section 10.6 does not apply to any sign having a sign face specifically designed
and intended to be periodically rearranged or any sign face that is temporarily
removed so that it may be maintained as required by this by-law.
10.7 Interference With Lawful Signs
No person, except the owner of a sign or the owner of the land on which a sign is
situated or their agents, shall mark, deface or otherwise interfere with, pull down or
remove a lawful sign or canopy.
10.8 Alteration According to Uniformity Plan
When a uniformity plan is required, no person shall erect, alter, display or repair a sign
or canopy except in conformity with the latest submitted uniformity plan.
10.9 No Notice of Intention to Change Message
No owner of a sign shall fail to give notice in writing to the Chief Building Official of the
owner's intention to change the message displayed by a sign, except that notice to
change a message is not required for a read-o-graph or electronic message centre
signs, or of the owner's intention to change or replace a sign face.
11.1 Ontario Building Code
All signs and canopies erected within the City, except for Temporary Accessory Signs
and Temporary Non-Accessory Signs, shall comply with the Ontario Building Code, as
amended from time to time, and all applicable and reference standards for structural
and life safety matters.
11.2 Ontario Electrical Code
Every electrical sign shall comply with all governing requirements of the Ontario
Electrical Code as amended from time to time.
11.3 Occupational Health and Safety Act
Construction safety measures conforming to the Occupational Health and Safety Act, as
amended from time to time, as provided therein apply to the erection, alteration,
relocation, removal or demolition of signs and canopies.
11.4 Obstruction of Views
No sign or canopy shall be erected or maintained if such sign could obstruct the view of
any pedestrian or driver of a motor vehicle or could interfere with vehicular movement to
such a degree as could endanger any person or risk damage to any vehicle.
11.5 Confusion With Traffic Device
No sign or canopy shall be erected or maintained at any location where it may interfere
with, obstruct the view, or be confused with an authorized traffic sign, signal or warning
device, nor shall any sign be illuminated in such a manner as to resemble a traffic
regulating device.
11.6 Resemblance to Emergency Light
No rotating beam, beacon or flashing illumination resembling an emergency light or
lights shall be used in conjunction with any sign or canopy so as to create a traffic
hazard or in a manner to otherwise endanger any person.
11.7 Building Openings Required For Light or Ventilation
No sign or canopy shall be located so as to obstruct any window or as to obstruct
openings required for light and ventilation or any required means of egress or required
access for fire fighting.
11.8 Overhang of Sidewalks
No sign or canopy shall overhang or be located within a horizontal distance of 0.6 m of
a sidewalk or other pedestrian walkway unless the minimum vertical distance between
grade and the bottom of the overhanging sign face or canopy is at least 2.4 m.
11.9 Clearance From Vehicle Travel Areas
No sign or canopy face shall be erected within 0.6 m of the vehicular travelled portion of
a private lane or roadway or of a motor vehicle parking area unless the minimum
vertical distance between grade and the bottom of the overhanging sign face or canopy
is at least 4.25 metres, except as set out in paragraph (a) below;
(a) where the height of all vehicles using any private road or parking area is
permanently restricted, the vertical distance requirements of this section may be
reduced to the amount of the actual height restriction, for as long as the said
height restriction is in existence on the premises.
11.10 Animation
No sign or canopy shall be animated in such a manner so as to create a traffic hazard
or otherwise endanger any person.
11.11 Underground Electrical Wiring
All electrical wiring required to service any ground sign shall, if so available from the
public utilities, be underground from such utility or alternatively be underground from the
building or structure to the sign.
11.12 Maintenance - All Signs
Every sign or canopy shall be maintained:
(a) in accordance with the approved plans authorizing its erection;
(b) in a vertical plane unless otherwise erected and approved, in which case such
sign shall be maintained as erected and approved;
(c) without any visible deterioration of the sign or canopy or its structure when
viewed from any premises other than the premises on which the sign is situated;
(d) so as not to become an unsafe sign or canopy and not to otherwise create a
danger to any person.
12.1 Procedure For Removal
Where a sign or canopy that does not comply with this by-law is erected or displayed
on, over, partly on, or partly over property owned by or under the jurisdiction of the City,
the sign or canopy may be removed immediately by the City without notice or
12.2 Notice to Comply
Where a sign or canopy which does not comply with this by-law is erected or displayed,
the Chief Building Official or his or her delegate may issue an order to do work to
correct the contravention, by personal service or regular mail, to the owner of the sign,
or the owner or occupier of the land upon which the sign is located:
(a) setting out reasonable particulars of the contravention adequate to identify the
contravention and the location of the land on which the contravention occurred;
(b) the date by which there must be compliance with the order; and
(c) requiring that the illegal sign or canopy be permanently removed and not
replaced, or requiring that the illegal sign or canopy be made to comply with this
by-law; and
(d) stating that if the sign or canopy is not removed or made to comply within the
specified period, the City may remove the illegal sign or canopy.
12.3 Notice to Comply - To Agent
If there is no lessee of the sign or the lessee or owner of the sign or their agents cannot
be determined with certainty, the Chief Building Official or his or her delegate may
forward the notice to the person or agent thereof having the use or major benefit of the
sign or canopy.
12.4 Removal for Non-Compliance With Notice
Where a sign or canopy is not removed or is not brought into conformity as required by
an order under section 12.2, the City may have the sign removed without notice to and
at the expense of the person ordered to remove the sign. For this purpose, the City and
its agents may enter upon land at any reasonable time.
12.5 Removal of A-board Signs
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Part, where an A-board sign or other sign is
located on a road allowance and is erected or displayed in contravention of this by-law
so as to constitute an obstruction to a highway or sidewalk, the Chief Building Official, or
persons acting under the direction of the Chief Building Official, may remove the sign at
the expense of the owner without first giving notice in accordance with section 12.2 and
shall give notice to the owner of the removal of the sign as soon as practical after the
sign has been removed. Section 12.6 and Section 12.8 shall apply to signs removed
under this section.
12.6 Storage of Signs and Canopies - Fees
Signs or canopies removed pursuant to this Part shall be stored by the City for a period
of not less than 30 days, during which time the owner or the owner's agent may be
entitled to redeem, upon payment satisfactory to the City Treasurer, of the following
(a) the sum of $100.00 for the cost of removing the sign or canopy;
(i) Where a sign or canopy is so large or so erected or displayed that the cost
of pulling down and removal of the sign exceeds $100.00, the sum provided
in (a) above shall not apply but the sum shall be the City's actual cost of
pulling down and removing the sign or canopy and a $75.00 administrative
(b) a storage charge of $4.00 per day or part thereof or $0.75 per square metre of
sign face or canopy per day or part thereof, whichever is the greater, and for the
purpose of calculating such charge the sign face area shall be taken as equal to
the total area of all sign faces on the sign; and
(c) a signed acknowledgement and release on a prescribed form.
12.7 Destruction After Storage Elapses
Where a sign or canopy has been removed by the City and stored for a period of 30
days and the sign or canopy has not been redeemed, the sign or canopy may be
forthwith destroyed or otherwise disposed of by the City.
12.8 Cost Recovery
Where a sign or canopy has been removed and stored by the City and the sign or
canopy has not been redeemed, the Chief Building Official, or persons designated by
the Chief Building Official, may charge a fee for the cost of the removal and storage of
the sign in accordance with Subsections 12.6 (a) and 12.6 (b) of this by-law. These
charges may be added to the property owner’s tax roll if the fee is not paid within 30
days of the notification of the charges.
12.9 Interest on Cost Incurred
The City may recover the costs of removing a sign or canopy under this part of the by-
law from the person ordered to remove the sign or canopy by action or by adding the
costs to the tax roll and collecting them in the same manner as property taxes. The
costs include interest calculated at a rate of 15 per cent or such lesser rate as may be
determined by the City, calculated for the period commencing on the day the City incurs
the costs and ending on the day the costs, including the interest, are paid in full.
12.10 Lien on Lands
The amount of the costs, including interest, constitutes a lien on the land upon
registration in the land registry office of a notice of lien.
13.1 Election Signs
This by-law does not apply to election signs.
13.2 Minor Variances
The provisions of this by-law are not intended to limit the appropriate use of materials or
methods of construction or, in all circumstances, signs not specifically authorized or
permitted herein. The Municipality may, upon the application of any person, authorize
minor variances from this by-law if in the opinion of the Municipality the general intent
and purpose of the by-law are maintained. Any decision of the Municipality respecting a
minor variance to the regulations of this by-law shall be final.
13.3 Minor Variances - Application Requirements and Process
Any owner of a property or an owner's agent that is desirous of obtaining approval of a
minor variance from one or more regulations of this by-law shall;
(a) make application for the minor variance on the prescribed form;
(b) submit plans and specifications of each sign or canopy with sufficient evidence to
satisfy the Municipality that each proposed sign or canopy will provide the level of
performance indicated by the regulations of this by-law, and
(c) pay a non-refundable fee for a minor variance application as prescribed in
Schedule "A"
(d) variances may be authorized by the Chief Building Official.
(e) the City of London may authorize a variance if in its opinion the general intent
and purpose of the By-law are maintained.
(f) in considering an application for a variance, the City of London shall have regard
(i) special circumstances or conditions applying to the land, building or use
referred to in the application;
(ii) whether strict application of the provisions of this By-law in the context of
the special circumstances applying to the land, building or use, would
result in practical difficulties or unnecessary and unusual hardship for the
applicant, inconsistent with the general intent and purpose of this By-law;
(iii) whether such special circumstances or conditions are pre-existing and not
created by the Sign Owner or applicant; and
(iv) whether the Sign that is the subject of the variance will alter the essential
character of the area in which the Sign will be located.
13.3.1 Appeals
(a) The power and authority to conduct hearings of appeals under this By-law are
hereby delegated to the Hearings Officer.
(b) The provisions of the City’s Hearings Officer By-law A.-6653-121, as amended,
apply to all hearings conducted by a Hearings Officer under this By-law.
(c) An applicant may appeal the variance application decision of the Chief Building
Official to the Hearings Officer.
(d) A request by the owner for a hearing under this Section shall be made in writing
and filed with the City Clerk within fifteen days of the applicant receiving the
decision of the Chief Building Official. The request shall consist of a notice of
appeal and must comply with the requirements set out in Schedule 1 of the City’s
Hearings Officer By-law A.-6653-121, as amended.
(e) The Hearings Officer may authorize the variance or uphold the decision of the
Chief Building Official.
(f) The decision of the Hearings Officer shall be final.
13.4 Measurements
All measurements of length or area used in the By-law shall be subject to the
normal rules of rounding numbers, within the degree of precision specified by the
number of digits following the decimal point (if any), so that:
1) For a WHOLE NUMBER, measurements of LESS THAN 0.5 shall be
rounded DOWNWARD to the next whole unit;
2) For a WHOLE NUMBER, measurements of 0.5 AND GREATER shall be
rounded UPWARD to the next whole unit;
3) For a number having ONE DECIMAL PLACE, measurements of LESS
THAN 0.05 shall be rounded DOWNWARD to the next one-tenth unit;
4) For a number having ONE DECIMAL PLACE, measurements of 0.05 AND
GREATER shall be rounded UPWARD to the next one-tenth unit.
5) Ratios and percentage figures shall not be subject to rounding.
13.5 Enforcement - Provincial Offences Act
Every person who contravenes any of the provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence
and is liable upon conviction to a penalty as authorized by the Provincial Offences Act.
13.6 Enforcement - Municipal Act
Where any person is directed or required by this by-law to do any matter or thing, such
matter or thing may be done in default of its being done by the person directed or
required to do it, at that person's expense, and such expense may be recovered by
action or as municipal taxes in the manner prescribed by the Municipal Act.
13.7 Repeal
The following by-laws as they existed on April 2, 1995 are repealed insofar as they
apply to the City of London:
(a) City of London By-law No. S.-3494-316 and all amendments thereto;
(b) Town of Westminster By-law No. 91-35 and all amendments thereto;
(c) Township of London By-law No. 5132 and all amendments thereto; and
(d) Township of Dorchester By-law No. 48-90 and all amendments thereto.
13.8 Commencement
This by-law comes into force and takes effect on the day of its final passing.
PASSED In Open Council on April 3, 1995.
Dianne Haskett
K.W. Sadler
City Clerk
First Reading - April 3, 1995
Second Reading - April 3, 1995
Third Reading - April 3, 1995

Schedule B

Schedule C

Schedule D

Schedule G



Schedule I

By-Law No. | Date Passed at Council |
S.-3775(a)-95 | February 5, 1996 |
S.-3775(b)-442 | September 3, 1996 |
S.-3775(c)-485 | September 19, 1996 |
S.-3775(d)-532 | November 4, 1996 |
S.-3775(e)-22 | January 20, 1997 |
S.-3775(f)-165 | June 23, 1997 |
S.-3775(g)-184 | August 5, 1997 |
S.-3775(h)-203 | August 3, 1999 |
S.-3775(i)-16 | December 17, 2001 |
S.-3775(j)-55 | March 4, 2002 |
S.-3775(k)-14 | December 5, 2005 |
S.-3775(l)-377 | November 17, 2008 |
S.-3775(m)-57 | February 2, 2009 |
S.-3775(n)-89 | March 9, 2009 |
S.-3775(o)-182 | June 20, 2011 |
S.-3775(p)-245 | August 30, 2011 |
S.-3775(q)-323 | November 7, 2011 |
S.-3775(r)-182 | May 30, 2017 |